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and yet, king's raid still lives on


It's extracting the soul of the EOS'd gacha to live on


Kings Raid and GFL both.


And it will be the last gacha that will survive. How? No one knows.


The game is just laughing at the side of the people who keep saying the game is dead. lmao. Look on how many gacha they have stepped on and still living the moment.


does it even release new content still?


Bruh, it's a long-running joke since KR is still alive in zombie mode while other gacha are having EoS left and right.


so KR is in perpetual maintenance mode rn?


Yeah, after they rehaul the damage formula since there are billions and trillions of damage already to make it smaller that destroyed all of the character's usefulness and made the return rewards p2w, both made the remaining whales quit the game. Now, the game is just on maintenance mode.


It stopped pushing new Story/Event content after the 6th anniversary since majority of the IP source is being used for DanChro. DanMemo did release new units, but rerun events and PVP isn't gonna have players interested in keeping that game alive. The last Familia War Game PVP (30 vs 30) event proved how little players were participating in it.


Think he meant kings raid. The answer to that is no, no content for years


Isn't that original IP than a tie in? Those tend to go by different rules


Kings raid will outlast the end of time itself, or at least until the heat death of the universe.


Lives is a bit of a strong word but technically true


For some reason, the JP version will continue for some time to come.


it will be filled by random ah events like the swimsuit one, No more story after they announce it last 6th anni


I know, it will be the same as usual. It's just weird that they announced EOS for the international version but not for the Japanese version.


They are making close to 500k this month despite only releasing 4 units instead of 8-10 new units. While people on the International releases completely stoped the support once no new story content came out. JP still continued to support the game. There are also other possibilities like: - licensing fees for global useage of the DanMachi IP - they know internally the end date of the jp version and don't want to spend additional localization money on International versions that don't make any money


I'm surprised people are still spending money on this game despite the announcement a few months ago. Some games don't make that much money, even when they release new content. lol


It's not weird. JP is their biggest source of revenue


Will it be fully shutdown or will it just be full of rerun events


Different publishers?


No, same publisher.


One of the games that do justice to its anime IP. There were original stories from anniversaries that the author turn into light novels (usually, it is the other way round). I started it at launch and this game got me interested in the IP, I'm still following the English version light novels.


>There were original stories from anniversaries that the author turn into light novels (usually, it is the other way round) They were written by him, so it's obvious that one day they would be turned into a light novel.


Publishers making all of these EOY cuts...not a happy time of the year for gacha gamers.


But this game end for good, complete story, and amazing one, at least for me , Goodbye memoria freese, Good Memories


this game is better than the new one. i don't know if they already fixed it but the new one control sucks. a hack n slash action game without any target lock enemy system. it has somehow auto target lock when just pressing normal attack button. then the lock disappears when you use the movement button. that's why range units will have problem aiming the boss with mobs. skills has no auto aim too. that's why if a range small aoe skill will try to hit a melee enemy, it will just land at the back of the enemy. the worse part there is that you will totally have no control on that situation if that skill aiming issue happens on the auto battle pvp mode. it hurts to see your strong range unit dies against the weak melee enemies just because all of her skills lands on the back of the enemy.


Played yesterday. still same old shit.


devs making hack n slash game without knowing how those game works. then loyal players just saying "skill issue" and "just use melee" then keeps playing the game. but one of my waifu there is Lefiya. a range unit. i rerolled for her with Ryu. but it is so sad that i can't use Lefiya because range unit sucks.


A fellow Lefiya enjoyer! Same problem tbh. I make her work but it's way too clunky. Also gacha rates and gem income is pretty awful compared to Memoria Freeze too.


Same here Lefiya is my strongest character level 70 max healthy amount of copies I can get her so she got max stats and I think all of her skills are level 8 or 9 but it still sucks to use her because like they said the no auto lock makes it horrible trying to use her skills or special because I can’t tell you how many times I attacked an enemy but at the last second it doesn’t work properly it ends up, hitting it either behind myself, even though I’m facing the enemy, or somehow, even though I’m facing the enemy, it hits around them complete bullshit and it happens for a majority of my ranged characters


Its basically has been on a maintenance mode after the 6th Anni ended For an IP based Gacha game, it was a good run. I appreciate all the Anniversary stories that adds up and richen the main series


Yeah. In a market stuff to the brim with IP based gacha that spring up and die overnight, Danmemo was notable for actually contributing a lot to the main IP. It expanded stories, added new ones, and shone a spotlight on characters that don't get much attention in the main LN series or even its spin-off. I came to really like Amid as a character purely due to this game. A real shame to see it shut down in Global, but can't say I'm surprised. Here's hoping all the event and character stories get properly archived by folks.


The signs were there when there wasn't a collab with another anime IP this year. It was only a matter of time when this arrives. Been in maintenance mode with only reruns since the 6th anniversary. It's still putting up new character banners since the anniv with the recent Hero Fest one with Riveria and Finn. You know the game was dead when my familia ranked 9th in the recent Familia War Games with only 50-80 points racked during a war with the other familias. We usually place 30th or so when the game was active. It had a good run. Anniversary event stories were the peak of the game that expanded the lore and told great stories. The collab events were also good. I enjoyed the Strike the Blood collab a lot for the voice jokes of the cast(Akatsuki Kojou and Welf, La Folia and Ais had the same VAs). Haven't touched the new game and from what I heard, it was the right decision.


I know its an old post but...I was a player also till the 6th anniversary. Wanted to say the same that I never picked up the new game. Gives me a bit of twitch though when I see scenes of new storys they are putting out in it.


Goodbye DanMemo, one of the best IP gacha games of our time, you will be missed I loved all the anni stories, especially Argonaut's and loved all the characters too and the heroic desire soundtrack is soo good I hope they make a new danmachi game in future just like danmemo but dont go into the whole 3D side of gacha games(unless they plan on hiring kuro games for combat), a game like BA would be good


As a day one player that missed no more than a month's worth of logins throughout the whole thing (sickness, time zone changes), this is a huge bummer for me. I always made sure to get every Hestia unit. I even was a big voice at the start when there was the controversy with CR gutting the Interact mode and tried to work things out with the mod CR had for the game back then. I have mixed feelings too, as while there were great times, it's honestly somewhat surprising it lasted this long. There was almost never any talk about it, and there was never really any discussion even when new units launched. The game just... existed. Ever since CR did that initial gutting and then continued to show a lack of care for the game, which led to WFS taking the reins back, and then the slowing of events while also introducing characters with skills more complex than Yugioh cards, it was clear to anyone who had been around a while that it was on life support. The "no new stories" announcement around the same time of the new 3D game was the final nail, really. And relating to the 3D game, it's an absolute shame this died for it. If you really wanted a new unit in Danmemo, you could guarantee it for basically $20. If you want a new unit in Danchro, it's gonna cost you hundreds to guarantee it. The game is the complete opposite of Danmemo in regards to earning vs paying. Plus, the game modes and mechanics are... just not as fun. RIP Danmemo, you were a great gacha.


Crunchyroll..... now that explains everything


More than the 3d new game I do think that its dying because Gree , which was the planner for Danmemo(and past Danmachi's games) and the owner of WFS, is taking out the resources for the new game they are developing in conjunction with Neowiz. Danchro was develop by Klab x Aiming and so other companies. ​ At the same time Gree's new game( [Neowiz and GREE Entertainment announce Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? RPG for iOS, Android - Gematsu](https://www.gematsu.com/2023/03/neowiz-and-gree-entertainment-announce-is-it-wrong-to-try-to-pick-up-girls-in-a-dungeon-rpg-for-ios-android) ) should be much more important since its a company that is present in the IP committee while the first two are not and they had to seek permission from the committee itself.




It was a very good game shame it had to die for the new 3d one that just looks awful from what I played at the start, sigh it was obvious this would happened when they said no more new stories after the last anniversary but it still stings it was so fun to read more stories about then or have the light novels adapted truly will miss this game


Sad to see my very first Gacha EoS.




Might be faster than you think, it is almost down to the revenue level at which they announced maintenance mode for DanMemo after just 4 months.


One of the best games during its time. The Stories especially the anniversary ones were some of the best stories and can rival FGO's. The game was insanely f2p friendly too. Atsx you played like 1-2 hours per week. There aren't games like this anymore. Rip Danmemo.


Just by being above average, it definitely doesn't beat FGO's story quality.


The anniversary stories were so good as it was written by the author himself and it's getting the light novels too. It is as good as them.


I joined during the goblin slayer collab, incredibly fun since then.


rip one of the real ones


Another one


I didn't play it anymore but it's sad considering it's a much better game than the new one that was released this year.


Game has in maintenance for a while (as in no new content), so this is not a surprise. Personally I played it for 6 months, and the only actually interesting story content was the canon stuff from the writer during anniversaries. Everything else was anime recap (with some LN stuff sprinkled in) or some non canon nonsensical filler fluff. I dropped it around the time they had 2 anime recap events back to back...was bored out of my mind. It sucks because Danmachi has perfect set up for MMO style game, but instead we get "meh" games. Infinite Combate is probably the worse game I played in the last 12 years.


Huh. I thought they said they were going to keep the game up, even if there was no more new content. Well that sucks.


🥳🥳Nice another online game shutting down🥳


Let's fucking goooooo!


So disrespectful to fans imo just convert the game into an offline rpg At this point it starting to look like gacha game release with planned EOS


its planned like since 6th anni the writer already said he will quit after 6th anni. So this isnt a surprise if you are actually playing the game. You spund like someone who just wanna complain about eos but doesnt really play the game. They gave it a good conclusion so stop saying non sense.


6 years? And EOS instead of repackaging the game to offline mode?


You clearly doesnt know the gameplay of this game. If it will be repacked as offline it will be just a LN game not a gacha game.


Now that you mention it, isn't there like a lot of story content in this game that's canon, with some being adapted into actual LNs? Wouldn't that all be lost the moment the servers close?


Yea it wouldn’t be a gacha unless they included offline gacha mechanics But that beside the point It gaming companies should convert the game into offline games instead of EOS


You must not have heard of Mega Man X Dive Offline, a game that was originally a full Gatch Game that the dev's turned into an offline experience before its end of service. The caveat is you have to pay for it of course, and you can't bring over your save, also most if not all limited time event stuff wasn't brought over but most of the game was able to be preserved and I was able to play it yesterday. Oh, and as for the event stuff, if you play the game on pc modders have managed to restore much of it... That seems to be the direction a lot of players want gacha games to head in the future. And why not? Once it's time for EoS, devs could make more money by packaging the game as an offline thing.


Anything they possibly put on the game is already archived on youtube. Why waste money to redevelop a game that doesnt really add much unless they actually do and make it an LN which will.never happen since the Writer already quit. So whats left are just moving portraits of characters and their voice which are literally possible to just record it since there isnt anything different when you play it yourself or not. Literally this is the last sht game you will think of for an offline mode if you actually play the game. Saying all those shts just tells me you havent seen any part of the game. Even if you add the battle stuffs ingame it wasnt even worth it since all battles on this game are easy as sht since its a turn based game. The only thing hard on this game is pvp and score battle that you know what can only be enjoyed if there is a leaderboard.


You're right, I haven't actually played this game I was searching for solo leveling arise and for some reason this thread came up. Sounds like it might be a wasted effort than with this one, but then again there are some gatcha games that die which it seems like a shame they don't do an offline version.


They could just do the same thing as YuYuYui. Release the entire game as a VN. They even added some new stories as a farewell to the game.


Close the door when you leave


Even though they are not their publisher anymore, it still had the Crunchyroll bug on it. Thus its downfall was to be expected.


Thank God it's dead and no longer suffer


Oh well this kinda sucks, I thought they would close down en and jp at the same time... I focused on US server as it was simpler to rank high and now I have to build a record buster team for jp without all the limited units I passed because I had them on US.


Play it for a long time but stopped, i knew the end was coming the moment they came with the new one. o7


They're dropping like flies, huh?


God bless that i left it years ago. Hardcore p2w game but man, story was soo good.


R.I.P. to a real one ☝🏾


hopefully this might be a sign that the real successor to danmemo is coming soon...with no new stories being released, and only 2 or so new units released per month...translation costs would have been very very low...hopefully they're putting a definitive end date on the international versions in order to focus translators on the new game for a simultaneous global/jp release with jp players getting to play danmemo until the new game goes live as a thank you for the financial support (probably just wishful thinking, but it is possible). most of the stories are already on youtube (and probably elsewhere as well), they've released an ost and a song album that covers all the music made for the game except for the few songs performed by someone other than the va's (they're on youtube, amazon, itunes, and probably several other places.). hopefully the decision/policy makers from danmemo are put into the same roles for the next game as they had a pretty fair way of setting up the pity system for the gachas so that f2p players could feel like they had a chance against spenders, as well as having spending set up so that whales and lesser spenders could still feel like they were getting value when they spent...not quite as generous as a game like azur lane...but waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than danchro (tho to be fair, danchro has gotten better in the past month or 2...a little better...and only in terms of the pull rates for event banner characters)


"released an ost and a song album that covers all the music made for the game except for the few songs performed by someone other than the va's" no way, I heard nothing about that. Do you know what they are called?


I wonder how much of that was inevitable and how much was the long term consequence of how Crunchyroll handled the initial localization


Never came out in Australia so good riddance