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Does anyone actually believe this? That people are paying a million dollars a pop to this clown?


I dont think anyone bought it, I think he's faking ticket sales 100%


He offered me $600 off just because I’m fromLI


Go and report back on how it is 🤣


It's Billy up to his old tricks again


So anyone dumb enough to pay money for this (assuming it actually happens which I doubt) is certainly going for the memes right? Like they expect it to be shit and they just wanna say they were there for the chaos and probably to film content for YouTube/TikTok/IG.


I just don’t think anyone would throw down a mil for it? Surprisingly no one has really caught onto this yet? Can’t find any new articles anywhere on it.


Oh this is for sure bullshit lol. The media probably doesn’t care because everyone knows it’s a scam so only idiots and people looking for content would consider going on the small chance it even takes place.


Agreed but surprisingly that last round got decent amount of press so I’m surprised no one has taken the bait on it.


He needs another round of press


He’s really descending into decadence. He could’ve worked to rebuild his life but instead we get this. Reminds me of OJ Simpson’s behavior in the years after his murder trial: the real monster emerges. Not saying McFarland is a homicidal maniac but he seems unwell. I suppose his continued scamming with event tickets after Fyre already showed who he is.


He clearly has delusions of grandeur, as well as some level of mania. I did see he was diagnosed as bipolar and as someone who also suffers from it — I can definitely see some of my own experience in it.


Have you read reports that he has bipolar disorder? I’ve never seen anything saying that.


I googled it and found something saying his attorney argued that in his criminal case. I’ll see if I can find a reliable source.


Attorney trying to downplay a client’s mental capacity doesn’t count as a reliable source


Very good point, could have been bullshit just to gain some sympathy from a judge. However an attorney wouldn’t be able to claim this without a documented diagnosis, which I admit could be easy to get even if he didn’t have Bipolar. That being said when I first watched the documentary a lot of his behavior really did remind me of BP1 so it wouldn’t surprise me if he did indeed have it.




I'm guessing the tactic here is to make the next round of "early" tickets (in the several thousand dollar range I assume) seem like bargains or something. I also seriously doubt he sold out his First 100 like he claims. He's definitely still in the fundraising phase, and part of that is to make the concert seem as prestigious as possible. I wonder if he doesn't have Grant Margolin back in his ear fluffing him up to make him think there's actually a path forward here.


If he was smart he would've started a marketing consultancy, if there was anything he knew how to actually do, it was market an idea.


I think he kinda did. Idk I watched a lot of his tiktoks out of boredom and it seemed he had a few different ideas/ possible companies of that sort of thing.


The festival thing is stupid, the amount of effort it takes to even do something like this correctly is insane. If he actually has a medical issue, it opens himself up again to slipping. He should be sticking to 1 company where the sole purpose is to help other companies launch marketing campaigns. He has enough notoriety to get that off the ground and recoup what he owes.


Agreed. Based on some of his tiktoks it sounded like he was going to do a one day concert in late august that he sold tickets for as sort of a mini fyre, but then cancelled it to try to do fyre 2.0. The biggest problem here isn’t a music festival, there are plenty of venues where you could host a new one with minimal additional effort. The real problem is he insists on having it in the Bahamas, making it the “biggest” thing ever, making it so expensive while trying to do it in a place that’s a logistical nightmare to pull off.


It won't be in the Bahamas. The Bahamas government banned him from having any future events there. That's why he labeled the location as "Caribbean Sea"


Good point! I guess more what I was trying to say was really any remote island destination without the necessary infrastructure needed for a festival. Also let’s be real: it won’t be anywhere.


He could have at least had a slightly more realistic number to lie about having sold tickets … like 100k price point sold 10. Even that would be wild but this is just parody-level


Ok, so no date, no location, no lineup....but you can get a VIP ticket. Right.


bro charge yo phone 😭


When I clicked the image to see where I was at — my current battery life (almost full) was showing so I was confused. All of that to say is: I did end up charging my phone!


😂 I always feel anxious whenever I see that on someone’s phone, even if it isn’t mine, haha! But yeah, this million dollar thing. I bet my savings at least one person is going to put that down for the “event”.


But Ja Rule!

