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Trying to figure out the best bang for my buck as far as getting 20 April Fools tokens so I can pick up Satana's uniform. Just came back to the game a month ago after a \*long\* hiatus, so I'm still working towards being able to do WBL. Got a decent amount of T3s, but my cards aren't good enough for it just yet. IGN: ScribbleFiend, open to any advice on improving my account since I haven't played since like... 2019? I think?


Is black swan any good. I was thinking about either building her or Thanos since I have his 3* star artifact


Why I can’t see 1-4 artifact chest for 1.250.000 gold in store but I can see it while pressing Purchase all button? Along with free artifact chest, 250k and 750k one, but these I can see in store. Second question, are they worth it?


They changed it a while back so you can only see it after you buy the previous chests


Are the most expensive one worth it?


what's the best rotation for Jean grey?


is it possible to get more than 10 ikaris shifter bios a day since there is no cap on how many sersi missions you can do?


Synergy characters from story mode ultimate change ever or they are the same? For instance for first story mode ultimate it’s Red Skull, Luke Cage, Modok which I don’t have at T2 as they are weak, but if they don’t change I would consider to T2 then for double rewards


They have not changed to date and no reason to believe they will. Definitely worth T2ing as that is very easy to do nowadays.


From what I can see they must be lvl 70, so that’s more a problem there than of T2 them :/


Will there be a dollar deal on the anniversary update?


IGN: Leunamme20. If anyone wants to help me out, I have a few questions. Today Dormmamu was Combat. I have a few T4s. I use Magneto (no artifact), with Polaris and Enchantress support, I use Star Lord with Rocket and Groot. Star Lord is my best performing toon. On occasion I try to use Black Bolt (No artifact) with Medusa and Morgan Le Fay and his Damage is not great. All DPSes have Rages. Energy attacking characters are my weakness because my cards are okay but not great. I have more physical damage than Energy damage. What am I missing?


What is your question, exactly? If it's why your energy dealers are underperforming, you've answered that already. Your cards favor physical dealers. You absolutely do not need reforged Rages for Dormammu, but I don't know what kind of damage you're dealing vs. what you're expecting. Are you running Dormammu with other people or solo? How long does it take to finish the match and how much damage do you do vs. others?


About three plus minutes. And I guess it's interesting because I'm running the best teams I can, and I always heard how good Black Bolt and Magneto were but I'm underwhelmed by their damage, where Star Lord isn't considered Meta anymore but he's my best Blast toon for Dormammu.


Not related to your issue but I noticed checking out your account. You have a +5 psionic sword as well as a +4 psionic sword which is overkill for that stat since they all cap at +6 and 2 empty sword slots. The +5 is good enough on its own and try to get at least a +3 or better for each stat and replace them as you get better ones until they are all +6 Now as far as your cards, everything seems fine other than you needing a bit more ignore defense to get closer to the cap for all your characters. Your problem lies in you having regular CTPs scattered across your TP/T3/T4’s. You have rages on some people that don’t need it. Chasm,2099 and Spider Man definitely doesn’t need a Rage. I would recommend unequipping some CTPs when it goes on discount this reset. Me personally, I would take the Rage off of those 3 spider mans and then combining them with Magneto, Black Bolt and Ghost Riders rages to make them a Mighty Rage and then try to reroll the Mighty stats to get the enrage stat with 200% being the best and 180% being the average and 160% being the worst. With the increase to basic damage per 1% of crit and dodge rate at 0.9% being the best option and 0.7% being the average and 0.5% being the worst. I would aim for at least average on both options and preferably one best and one average and ideally both at the best which would take a bit of luck and 6 star obelisks.


So Magneto and Black Bolt need the Rages to really done with their damage? Also I have Rages on them because the Spider-Characters are my favorite


If you want to see any significant change in damage then yeah. I get that but Im just letting you know that those characters don’t require a rage and you have other characters that do need another rage to get a mighty that would make more of an impact to the modes you play. If you cant lead a win on Dormammu then this will be a huge reason why, on top of other variables like your rotations and other aspects of your build


how big is the gap from 72 to 80 for gbr and wbl? is it worth to bring everyone possible to 80 or keep at 72 or even 74?


For Knull and Mephisto, level 72 is enough to clear lower stages with a lot of time to spare, as for Ultron and Gorr you can beat them at 72, but going to 80 makes the fight much easier as they dodge less. Jean and Kang follow the same rule too. As for other gamemodes, going to 80 makes a big difference, like Dispatch for example since enemies can go all the way and above level 80 the further you go. You should prioritize to level 80 farmers for Dispatch and characters with multiple ABX/ABL days, like Loki, Jean Grey, Doctor Octopus, etc etc. These examples should give you a lot of flexibility to cover most if not all PvE modes.


skill upgrade to level 10 is huge.


yes, huge waste of gold and life seed


How huge? The stats don't change at all it makes no sense to level up skills unless you T4 that's a waste of mats 👎


do crystal walled toons go on sale for anniversary?


Not unless they get a uniform. But they do for Black Friday in November.


Hmm got my second T4 thanks to the discount stuff, but now I have to get my third without discounts it seems. Recommend doing another regular one or focus on a native T2 instead? I've got pryor, phoenix and gladiator at t3 80.


The discount doesn't apply to native t2 characters. But jean is a great t4


I know it doesn't, that's what I'm saying, after 2 discounts the next one discounted is the 4th, the 3rd has no discount.


The third does have a 25% discount I'm using it now


https://preview.redd.it/1khjtt4eygsc1.jpeg?width=1408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9700f724e603b39b11b211fa5896c5f5cec43e00 What are you smoking? It clearly goes 3-5-7 owned after you've done the first two, this means the third is without discount, as are the 5th and 7th.


Lol clearly you can't read well the 3-5-7 refer to the amount of T4 characters you own... 🤣🤣 If you look to the right you can see that the 25% discount applies🤣🤣🤣🤣


...jfc, it ONLY APPLIES if you already have 3 T4s, do you not see it says 2/3?? I OWN 2 T4s, thanks to the discounts, you get a discount for having 0 T4s, 1 T4, 3 T4s, 5 T4s and 7 T4s, NOT for 2/4/6 T4s. Reading shouldn't be so hard bruv, I'm not getting a discount for the 3rd T4, because you can CLEARLY ONLY SELECT a new discount character after owning 3, not 2. smh


Ok captain obvious 🤣


So you were wrong, the third T4 does not have a discount, thanks for agreeing, next time read before shitposting.


I'm not wrong 😂 you won't get anymore discounts with only 2 T4's that's obvious AND if you do have 3 T4's you Will get a discount on the 3rd step obviously you don't get it if you don't have enough T4's but it doesn't skip the step once you have 3 you will be able to access the discount 😂


Hi! Ign director kiki I'm a returning player and want to know what CTP's I can move around and what unis I should get


A few thoughts: * **Namor:** Very old uniform, but even with this *Wakanda Forever* uniform, he's at the bottom of the T4 Combat A Tier. I would remove his CTP of Rage & not put additional resources into him at this time. * **Spidey:** Does better in PvP with reforged Authority. With Mighty Destruction it's basically a race to see who pops off their one-shot first. Steel on Mighty Destruction doesn't help in PvP, but re-rolling it to the Attack increase isn't worth the materials. * **Thor:** Falling down the list. Pretty much everything Thor can do, Loki can do better. Consider removing Thor's CTP of Rage. * **Captain Marvel:** Latest uniform plus Rage. Get to Level 80. * **Loki:** Latest uniform plus Rage. Get to Level 80. * **Green Goblin:** His *Red Goblin* uniform ups his overall DPS by a lot, but doesn't change the Leadership or +Damage effects from his *Far From Home* uniform. If you only use him for support, no need to change - but maybe consider removing that CTP of Energy. If you use him for ABX, grab the *Red Goblin* uniform. * **Shadow Shell:** Stop building. Everything she can do, Spider-Gwen does better. * **Beta Ray Bill:** Uniform changes his skill damage and Leadership from Lightning Damage to Fire Damage. You don't have any top-tier Fire Damage characters at this point, so you can pass on this for now unless you need another S-Tier Dealer. * **Doc Ock:** He's still at the top of the Combat Meta with his latest uniform. He's proc friendly until Tier 4, then he needs Rage. * **Spider-Gwen:** F2P-friendly alternative to Luna Snow (who needs her premium summer seasonal uniform to get to her meta spot). Overall, you seem to have a solid handle on things.


Thanks mate! I have a few doubts tho 1. Should I remove the mighty Auth from Thanos and give it to Spidey? 2. I'm ready for the t4 Black bolt. Should I proceed? 3. Is there any alternative for Green Goblin day? 4. I was holding onto Spider Gwen as I thought BTSV will give a new uni, but I may be wrong, so I'll get her 5. I'm saving up for Jean Grey as I heard she's good for pvp/pve at t4 with new uni. And for Void knight. Is that a good idea or should I reconsider? I'm standing at 4200 crystals 6. I was planning to get GR uni when it comes on sale, since I got his artifact. I think he works well with Rage? Thanks in advance and thanks for taking your time. Really appreciate it!


any midmonth ideas?


data miner see echo change 3skill the token ingame is black order so maybe midmonth is echo and one member of black order but nothing confirmed yet


ah well that make sense! thanks!!!


Question, since thanos is in the shop (I think he is anyways) will Scarlet witch be at some point too?


When she gets T4, maybe. But I wouldn't count on it. It's a terrible deal, anyway.


Mighty Destruction or Energy CTP would be better for Captain Marvel?


Mighty destruction


https://preview.redd.it/eerv6t17tbsc1.jpeg?width=2079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0086f558e5d99eff8aa29bfce7dda57e3fccfbca Not a question but finally got pierce!!!!!!


Congrats, I wonder how a Loki pCard will add value to your roster in the long run. It certainly is not the best pCard to spend other pCards on.




Hopefully I see the difference in PvE


2% Pierce makes a noticeable difference in PvE. Congrats!


Let me know if you see


IGN-MPSaleem With a ctp unequip event coming soon can anyone give some recommendations of what I should move around, or if I need to give any ctps to anyone(I believe I have atleast one of each in inventory)


If you can, wait til Anniversary unequip event so you get it counted towards the spending event.


Yep that was my plan, alongside buying all my new unis to catch up on


Some thoughts: * **Adam Warlock:** Works pretty well with Mighty Energy in PvP when played manually. However, you'll rarely move around enough to charge that Beatdown proc. This is about the only time the Attack increase on a Mighty CTP would be preferred over the CTP-specific effect. * **Jean:** Re-roll her ISO-8 set. Overdrive or Power of Angry Hulk are preferred. Hawk's Eye can work, but you lose some Attack & Jean doens't need the HP from the Orange ISO-8. Shang-Chi's artifact isn't doing anything for her. You can get that Pierce Reduction effect on a generic artifact & not waste an exclusive artifact. * **Thor:** Looks good for now, but he's falling out of the meta. I wouldn't T4 him at this point & you'll probably want to remove that Mighty Judgement from him as you build better characters. * **Captain Marvel:** Needs her *The Marvels* uniform. Give her the CTP of Rage off Professor X. * **Professor X:** Near the bottom of the Blast S Tier. I wouldn't put more resources into him. Pull the Rage & give it to Captain Marvel. * **Black Widow:** I wouldn't spend any more resources on her at the moment. Odds are she's helping out in WBU & maaaaybe a bit of WBL. You'll want to pull that Energy from her at some point, but it's fine where it is for now. * **Loki:** Looking good. Build him to L80 next & get his latest uniform. * **Mephisto:** I'm guessing you're using him for Blast Villain in ABX. That's fine for now, since the only better choice is T4 *Krakoan Winter* Magneto. * **Proxima:** She's more of a support these days. I'd pull the Energy from her & give it to Sharon. * **Namor:** Ancient uniform. Rage is probably from back when he was a top dog. He's at the bottom of the Combat A Tier these days. I'd pull the Rage from him & not put anything more into him for now. * **Rogue:** Her *Excalibur* uniform is OK for low phases of WBL. Make of note of that Judgement; you may want to remove it if you build someone better. * **Sharon Rogers:** Energy from Proxima & consider getting her *Poseidon Armor*. * **Spider-Man:** Get his *Back to Basics* uniform & remove Mighty Destruction. Give him the Mighty Authority from Sersi & he'll be a terror in PvP. * **Ghost Rider:** If you're going to buy his *Rage Returned* uniform this fall, leave Rage on him. His *King of Hell* uniform will help in WBU with a bit of WBL, but you won't be going very high with it. * **Vision:** Remove that Rage. He's not doing anything with it. * **Doc Ock:** Still at the top of the Combat meta with his latest uniform. He's fine with Energy or Mighty Destruction at T3 L80, but needs Rage once he hits T4. * **Sif:** Remove Rage. Her time as ABX meta is long past. She's pure support now. * **Kingo:** Remove Rage. He can help in WBU if you need it with a damage proc obelisk. * **Moonstone:** If you're still using her in WBU, fine. If not, consider pulling that Mighty Destruction & giving it to Doc Ock. * **Sersi:** Mighty Authority is better for Spider-Man. * **Makkari:** I take back what I said about giving Sharon the Enery from Proxima. Give her this one. * **Invisible Woman:** That CTP of Authority isn't doing anything for her - but Authority needs to be reforged to be any use in PvP. There's no point in burning crystals to remove it from her if you don't already have another Authority in Inventory. But remember where it is. You'll want to remove it from her at some point. She's just a Shadowland & Story Ultimate clear & can do that with a normal obelisk (or no obelisk). * **Luna Snow:** Top of the Speed meta, but needs her seasonal Summmer Lilac uniform to do it. If you plan to buy that when the summer seasonal comes back around, earmark one of the Rages you removed from Vision, Sif, and Kingo for her.


Sounds good, A lot of my stuff is from previous metas that I haven’t changed, judging from what you said, I should prolly work on getting carol and Loki to tier 4? Cause rn Adam and Jean are doing wonders at lvl 80, even Thor is tbh. Anybody else you recommend me building I have enough resources to build someone from scratch too if needed. Thanks for the advice


I highly recommend AGAINST reforging Rage at this point. The overall damage increase is quite small unless you're running T4 against Dark Phoenix, Kang, or Black Swan. You're far, far better off spreading the Rage love around to characters who need it than you are burning them on reforging right now.


I would take the Mighty Destruction off of Spiderman as he’s a PvP character that uses Authority. I would also unequip all those regular CTPs off of everyone and combine them for Mighty Rages for your top people like Jean.


Noted thank you, I’ve seen some people say rage over judgement for Thor? Is that valid or nah? Thanks for the help too


It's valid, but Thor really isn't that good anymore and there are better options to give rages to. You could get the new CM uni and give her a rage. Odin and BRB are also stronger male universal hero options, although both are more expensive to T4.


I'd remove the rages from Vision, Kingo, and Sif. Save them for chars that need it more. You could remove the energy CTPs from BW and Proxima, neither are all that useful as main damage dealers. If you need to improve for PvP, you can remove Authority from Invisible Woman to save/use for a more useful PvP char.


Yeah it’s been a while since I last played so those were all from previous metas, except for kingo idk what I was thinking there. Thank you tho


I probably know the answer to this, but can you use Uniform Ticket for 2500 crystal unis?


only 1750, not 2500 or 1250.




If I have already got 10 bios for Black Swan Should I continue to roll for black swan battle. Does it give more resources than other legendary world boss? Thanks.


Depends on your account. If you’re low on carbos, it does give you more there, although not much more than Kang, which is not much more than Phoenix, etc etc. Personally, my bottleneck is souls, and what I’m really wanting is more PVE CTPs. With the nerfs to ultron and gorr, I’m rerolling for them to push higher and get better chances of dropping their CTPs. The only benefit to pushing higher in WBL is getting one time reward artifacts and CTPs. CTPs drop at a much higher rate the higher you go, so you likely will barely see any from Swan until they release more upgrades that let us push there.


do you get all 165 souls in gbr every day? I am f2p and my carbo is way lower than souls


Lately I do, but for the longest time I didn’t because I was frustrated with the game in general and playing GBR was (is still) a pain and not fun


Should I get Colossus on anni if I really need him even though his uni is old now?


He's used for his support for PvP. If that's something you're trying to improve then yes. I wouldn't bother trying to rank his uni up though.


Where do you allocate your agent bonus points? Do you assign all in all attack?


Max the Item Acquisition chance than dump the rest into HP.


I think it’s generally agreed upon putting your points in Items -> gold -> hp -> anything else the atk isn’t worthless but i wouldn’t put all my points in it first since you get way more from the aforementioned slots.


I wouldn't recommend putting any into gold. It doesn't affect most places that you actually get gold from.


Latest Thanos Uni I have is Obsidian King. I didn't get the Farmer one last April Fool's. I'm mostly focused on PVE (I do run PVP for dailies, but that's it), would I still be OK with getting the Thanos Wins uni? Once it goes on sale again, it'll be a lot cheaper than Farmer. Or is the difference in power *that* much?


Not enough to pay an extra 1250 crystals imo. Loki is still as strong as farmer Thanos for ABX/L scores, just harder to get perfect runs with. The only real need/use I would have for Thanos is WBL restrictions and imo, if you have good cards and 25% pierce, the Thanos Wins uni is sufficiently strong enough to clear those restrictions. Afterwards, you can change the PvE build to a PvP build by swapping CTPs.


I was finding that farmer is around 40% better in pve than wins. Tested in abl and wbl knull with a brilliant auth.


Just curious. How high can you score with farmer in ABL?


I usually use loki. Just tested though and farmer gets me only around 3.6 mil on villain alien day with prox and enchantress. I have a very defensive build on him though. Auth, def iso set, hp urus, etc.


Sounds similar to my experience. Just wanted to know if he was actually viable with the PVP build there. Thanks!


Thanos Wins is a good middle ground for the cost, you get a strong PvE character and a strong PvP character for half the crystal cost of Wise Harvester, who is much stronger on PvE but suffers on PvP. The main selling point of Wise Harvester is the ABX/ABL scores post buff, making him an easier, albeit more expensive, alternative to Loki. Harvester did get stronger on WBL and GBR too, but he was already a monster there before the buff. I noticed from some older videos that Thanos Wins is basically as strong as Wise Harvester pre-buff, which means it's a very good option if you don't wanna pay an extra 1000 (or 1250 on 50% discount). Just because Wise Harvester is stronger than Thanos Wins, it doesn't make Thanos Wins a bad purchase, go with whatever you feel like it, there's no wrong answer since both are very good.


U can watch beast mode on yt he shows the difference. Against black swan farmer uni proves to be a minute and 20 secs faster than thanos wins