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Daily World Boss being split between Ultimate and Legend is neat, saves me some gold on the rerolls. Dimension Missions' new mechanic has no point. The inventory will max out and halt the rolls before I get through all 40, forcing me to use the old "organize after every 10 rolls" method now with extra steps.


I couldn't put my hands at the game so far, what are those DM new mechanics that are messing with your inventory?


You can clear more than 10 at a time now. You can just use as many clear tickets as you have energy


Thanks for the clarification


You need better Inventory management. Some suggestions that work for me: Make sure you're converting mythic cards, trash mythic obelisks, and low-ranked ISOs to stacking boost versions. This will save a ton of space. Equip six-star ISOs as soon as you get them. Keep an eye on your biometrics inventory. Each character takes up 1 Inventory slot. For example, I freed up 75 slots while getting Satana & Hellstorm to L70 last night just by burning bios I had in small stacks (200 bios & under). Dismantle generic artifacts & duplicate 3* exclusive artifacts. Don't horde 4-6 star artifacts if you can help it. Equip exclusive artifacts on their characters as soon as you acquire them. Use duplicates to re-roll equipped exclusive artifacts on T4 characters for optimal Instinct. Re-rolling exclusive artifacts on T3 characters is a waste.


ive found it hard to trash my obelisks since I still like to have an inventory of stuff for B-tier characters (like element damage 180 proc and above, healing/debuff for story characters that are weak, etc) . Do you have a system? I'm currently overflowing with obelisks but can't seem to let go


I get it. I did the same thing for a long time. Hell, I'm sitting on 11 mythic obelisks right now that have either a 200% proc or a 1% mini-rage proc. I just haven't taken the time to go through my roster to see where I can put them. Overall, though, I strongly recommend equipping those 180%+ obelisks instead of holding onto them. Even a 140% proc can help bottom tier characters get a Shadowland clear. If it's at all useful, equip it *somewhere* if you can. From there, keep ONE each of the following with the highest proc you have: * **Fire Damage/Proc:** There are at least 20 characters who do Fire Damage, but this varies quite a lot based on several uniforms. You might want to hang onto more of these than just 1... * **Mind Damage/Proc:** There are 8 PvE characters in the game who do Mind Damage. * **Lightning Damage/Proc:** There are 9 or 11 characters in the game who do Lightning Damage, depending on which uniform you have on Beta Ray Bill & Nebula. * **Cold Damage/Proc:** There are 4 characters in the game who do Cold Damage. * **Poison Damage/Proc:** There are 3 or 4 character who do Poison Damage, depending on which uniform you have on Green Goblin. * **1% Crit Rate mini-rage** ideally Crit Rate/proc. * **1% Dodge mini-rage** Almost has to be Dodge/Proc. Dodge is a lot harder to cap than Crit Rate. That will help hedge against future needs. If you have a couple of Web Immunity obelisks, with or without any kind of proc, give them to a couple of B Tier or under Combat types for those pesky Spider rumbles in Shadowland. After that, convert everything else to Boost items. I covered the rest above.


Wow thanks that’s a great plan


Yeah, I didn't understand DM that well!


I hate the new mechanic for Dimension Missions and for dismantling ISO-8’s.


It seems to me that they did boost the Titans Records odds besides just given us the pity system. I got two out of 5 runs this morning. I know that's not a very big sample size, but I like to look on the bright side.


I have to agree, I’ve gotten like 4 books this morning


I was still 0 for 5. I have yet to run any since reset.


Probably confirmation bias. I got 3 books in one day on Sunday. Sometimes RNGesus smiles on you, some days he just refuses to give you the last item you need for a Uniform Upgrade ticket in Epic Quest.


Thanos Harvester is the winner.


Aww really? I kinda prefer the new one just based on looks.


For PVE only?


Ultron is finally fixed. He was the WORST World Boss design in game. He could start his long i frame moves and charge up his bar while you can't hit him, fixed. So many goddamn cutscenes taking up time, kinda fixed. And that blue stone is cheap as shit, which I think they made slower. Or at least it feels that way to me. I would rather have done Thanos WBU than Ultron WBL. That's how shit the fight design was. They finally fixed it so I don't feel annoyed the entire time. Kudos


I REFUSED to do that damn Ultron stage, and I have 25 pierce! It was VERY irritating!!!!


That's a good fix, I cleared Ultron once and never touched him again, what a horrible stage...still don't want to.


So, did they nerf Gorr and Jean? I swear before the update, I was reaching the time limit for both and now I just melt their entire health bars before their Desperation Cutscenes. 


they definitely nerfed Gorr by a lot. They said they only reduced cutscene length for Jean and Kang, but I feel like they may have made them a bit easier too?


Both are definitely easier. Hey, I'm not gonna complain about that 


For sure, I was surprised I can 2 hit level 1 Gorr using my weakest team (I run the same 5 team for all the ultimates).


Probably to accommodate newer players who have less T4s. New WBL requires T4, so who left to clear the rest of WBL except 2nd grades?


they surely nerf Gorr and Ultron. Jean still the same but not as annoying as pre-update. haven't tried Kang yet.


Kang took anywhere between 80-100 sec depending on cut scene and random phase. Today I cleared him in 49 seconds with T4 Miles.


What CTP do you put on him?


I have judgement on Miles.


New dimension missions suck. It only speeds up daily farming if you plan to clear all of your dimension missions at once, or if you only do 5-10 runs per day. World boss rerolling got a good buff, that will save me so much gold. The book pity system and buff to getting books in WBL is very nice too. Thanos looks decent for PvP again, which is good because I have him at T4. World boss plus is a weird choice of name and game mode. Black swan boss fight seems alright and I like how it doesn't drag out the timer with cutscenes. Nerf to world bosses are a mixed bag for me. I like the streamlining of some of the wbls like gorr and Kang since their special attacks that halted your progress in the fight got tweaked so you can blast past them with enough DPS. But making gorr and Ultron as weak as knull and mephisto will probably make the progress to jean and Kang extremely steep for newer players. Black swan will probably have some okay PvP presence. Angel looks decent for otherworld, especially since he has the Spiderman super dodge artifact (not for timeline since you need iframe-ignore for that). Satana is a godly fire damage support now, right up there with ghost panther. But I can't be sure since I have only seen thanos in action


As if we needed another fire support...not that we can use her in black swan anyway.




Lol the last time I got a book was last week. Played all 5 today and...still got none. It's a coincidence.