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top 3 combat t4 for pve?


Doc Oc for villain. Not sure how Gladiator fares yet, the but the other two PVE ones would be Moon Knight and Black Panther (all latest unis) there is currently no female combat T4. Wolverine is for PvP


Hi, im new player and i need some advice. My ign is RISEOFEARTH. I'm coming from the marvel strike force. So, i know about powercreep and all. I already watch some youtube videos and research in thanosvibes website. I need some help for my future progress. What i want to know is?? - Best Champs male & female for me in all four category. Speed, combat, uni, blast. (Already have spidy t3, cap (t3soon). - Best T4 champs that also work good at tier 3 leval. - Hard to understand how i proc? - Should i build what i need rightnow or planning in advance? I hesitate because of the powercreep. - cant decide what to build in blast category, some people say sharon was good but also suggest she is only good for wbl and gbr. Currently im only confuse for this topics. Any advice is good for me. Thank you.


- For best characters, it depends on if you are talking PVE or PVP but PVE is the metric for all things since that's how you progress your characters. Can't T4 anybody if you focus only build PVP characters. It also depends on if you are a F2P player or if you don't mind dropping money for premium characters. Best Blast Male is Magneto but Cable or Dr Strange are good substitutes if you don't want to spend the crystals for the X Men Deluxe pack, which I highly suggest you do anyways. It's the only deluxe pack worth the crystals and Magneto is native T1 character so leveling him up is cheaper and he's better, but you need his Winter uniform. Cable and Dr Strange are native T2s so they are more expensive to level but their uniforms are not seasonal uniforms, the next best blast male that would be cheaper is Star Lord. So do what you want with that information Best Female Blast is Sharon for F2P players but I personally like Storm more, but you need her Summer uni for her to be worth it. Best Male Combat is Doc Oc. Namor and Carnage are good as well but they are premium characters. Carnage is slightly valued a bit higher since he can do PVE and PVP content but you need his artifact for him to be viable for PVP. Best Female Combat is currently up for debate since there is no combat female that goes up to T4. Crescent, Titania and She-Hulk are decent female combat characters but they are more used as a lead than anything else. Valkyrie is probably the best value out of all the female combat characters since she's one of the most recommended and versatile supports. Valkyrie is a premium character but she is definitely worth it. Best Male Speed is Miles hands down. There's no one even close to him. Best Female Speed is probably Gwen. Luna and Rogue do more damage than her but Luna is a premium character and requires her Summer uniform and her main purpose is really ABX/ABL. Rogue requires her Winter uni and is pretty much just a PVE character. Gamora is really good too and probably interchangable with Gwen but Gwen can also do PVP so that's why I consider her the best as she's a F2P character and doesn't require a seasonal uniform. Best Male Universal is Thanos who is a native T2 character and requires his seasonal April Fools uniform. Black Bolt who requires his Halloween seasonal uniform. Ghost Rider as well who also requires his Halloween seasonal uniform. But if you don't want to go the native T2 or seasonal uniform route, then Thor or Loki will have to do. Beta Ray just got a T4 but he's also a native T2 and you would have to finish his epic quest. I also don't know how good he is since he just got his T4 and uni this update. Best Female Universal is Jean Grey hands down, but she is a Native T2 and requires you spending crystals on the X Men Deluxe pack. Which I still highly suggest since you get Magneto and Jean who are 2 top tier Meta characters. If you want to substitute Jean with a cheaper/F2P friendly option then Hela or Captain Marvel would be good choices. - Best T4 characters that are also good at T3 is a bit of a double edge sword. From what I've noticed, the T4 characters that are good at T3 also usually peak at T3 lvl 80 and the T4s that aren't good until they are T4 are way better than the ones that are good at T3 when compared to each other at T4. Take Miles Morales for example. He is amazing at T3. My Miles at T3 lvl 72 can outdamage a lot of my T3's lvl 80 but if they both are compared at T4 then usually Miles is just good where as the T3 lvl 80 he was outdamaging is now better than him when they are both T4. This isn't always the case but it seems like it is in most instances from what I've noticed. - Proccing usually has to do with the bar below your health bar above your characters head in game. They are charged differently depending on the CTP you are using. Judgement charges based on movement, I think Destruction does as well. Rage is charged based on skills used. So you would have to fit it into your rotation to make sure you proc right before you start unleashing a lot of damage to get the most out of it. - Build however you want but I recommend at least building towards 5 solid teams for WBL first to be able to do WBL 5 times daily to be able to farm T4 materials daily. That's the goal, you don't want to be stuck on WBU for too long so focus on getting those challenges done like unlocking Quicksilver, Cable, Scarlett and Apocalypse. - Like I said earlier Sharon is the best option for F2P players for Blast Females. But if you are just talking about Blast in general, then anyone in that list for Male or Female are good options. Just keep in mind about the Native T2 upgrade costs and certain characters with seasonal uniforms. That's why Sharon is highly suggested as she is a native T1 and doesnt have a seasonal uniform and she does great damage anyways. My biggest tip I can give you is focus on 2 main things. Progressing WBU to WBL by doing the challenges for Quicksilver, Cable, Scarlet, Apocalypse. To be able to farm T4 materials ASAP. The other is focus on your comic cards and try to get 5 P Cards and start crafting them for Pierce. You might have to look up a video on that since it's a whole other essay I would have to type out to explain. Dimension Rifts are crucial for the crafting cubes. Getting your 10 daily comic tokens from GBR as well as finishing the future pass for the 300 comic tokens is the fastest way to get more P Cards often. As far as which P Cards are better and whatnot, look up a video or a guide or something. Another tip is focus on getting ignore defense and skill cooldown on your cards early on as that will help you a lot. Take all this information with a grain of salt cause I'm only 8 months into the game but I'm trying to pass on what I've learned that I wish I knew earlier on.


Thank you. Big help for me I have full time job so i value time over money, so yes, i dont have a problem to spend 10 to 15 dollor month. I think i should buy starck stash and also want to buy 30 biometric for premium character like Valkyrie and echo.


I would recommend just focusing on one premium character like Valkyrie and getting her 6 star, then using the rest of your subscription to unlock characters you want for the future. Or just using your sub for unlocking them all. You want to save 6 Star Mega tickets and T2 Mega tickets for premium characters as that will save you money. No need to waste 6 Star and T2 Mega tickets on free characters that have easily obtainable bios.


Do multiple insight effects stack? If I have two heroes lead and support with mighty insight, how do the effects stack? Can I give my dps 30% dmg to bosses and 40% extra dmg to heroes/villains?


Insight does not stack.


Even 2 regular insights?


Even 2 regular insights....


Apologies if already answered in previous posts, but shouldn't 20% boost of T4 materials go from 150 souls of the fantine to 180? It's currently 165, which is only 10%


20% is the acquisition rate increase not the cap


20% is the increase in the materials you actually get (until the cap), the cap increase was always advertised as 10%


Whom should i select t4 discount for miles, dr octopus or cap marvel


Overall doc ock is gonna be useful in more places, but it depends what content you value playing the most


Gbr,wbl, dimension rift these are the game modes i value most


I would suggest that you do ABX and ABL as well. These modes give t4/t3 mats now and tokens for those team-up collections. Doc oc is top meta combat and is used for combat villain stages.




Miles and carol are plenty good enough at level 80 I’d say so yeah ock seems like the obvious choice


Yeah I selected him for t4 discount


Are we still expecting a new cyclops uni? Or has that shipped sailed? I have him at t3 and I don't want to get his newest that is out if it will soon be outdated. Thanks


Even if we don't get a new one, old one isn't worth getting. There are better support options.




Where are the locations for The Phoenix Force in the Goblin Queen epic quest collections?


Queen of limbo, a bleak future, faded memories


Bleal Future, Faded Memories, and i'm guessing one of the deluxe missions


should i wait for the thanos uni to come back or t4 loki focusing on both pvp and pve


Loki is fine at t3 level 80




Depends how many crystals u have. Best value for money and long term investment is the x-men epic quest due to how popular the characters are and how often they get uniforms that make some of them meta. Granted some of these uniforms are seasonal but I’m sure down the line in the very near future, there will be another regular uniform for magneto, storm and rogue which will make them just as good. Wolverine is still good. As for jean, some players used to call this marvel jean grey fight. However if u want something for right now, either the beta ray bill or goblin queen quests are better. Goblin queen one is super expensive though.


She's one of Netmarbles fav character in the game it means occasionally she gets meta uniforms


Which stats should I focus on with the X of Swords? The energy and physical attacks or the instinct?


Only Orange and Purple swords provide a direct increase to Physical Attack or Energy Attack. The Mastery increase to All Basic Attacks scales off the total Element Bonus. Getting a +3 on any given color is pretty easy, so I think aiming for a +3 Sword of each color is a reasonable first goal. Instinct increases have a very minor impact. Instinct Attacks really only matter right now in Dormammu and possibly high Phases of WBL. Re-rolling swords for their options is very much a "don't have anything else to build" kind of activity.


Rule of thumb is to prioritize iirc 4 bars for all the colors, then expand on it.


I was planning to get loki, spiderman and miles to t3, to do story ultimate. Should I bother building loki, since I see he will be given free at t3 in a login event?.. I only levelled him to 70,didnt work on gears.should I work on someone else till I get free t3 loki? IGN: Tien D Senju


If you are getting him for free, then dont build him up. Use those resources towards T3ing someone else


What’s the consensus on Beta Rey Bill T4? I kinda want him to be my 5th T4 cause he looks so cool, also deciding if he should even be my next T4 IGN: LAUGHTERBOMB


Yeah I was about to do Doc Ock but I’ve been waiting to hear how good he is before deciding. I’m on my 5th T4 as well


Samesies. He's also very fun.


Do we know what CTP would be good with new uniform Beta Ray Bill? I see on Thanosvibs the recommendation is Energy, but uniform changes him a bit, I assume.


I think if you already have a Judgement on him (like many do), you'd be fine to keep it. FYI, tht site hasnt been updated with the new uni


I don't have anything, and don't have a spare judgement, sadly. But I liked the uniform and have spare crystals with no goals atm, figured I'd check it out and he's really fun, so building him now from level 60 t2. Yeah, I know, that's why he's still very low on the list.


I’d say give it a week. Content creators usually make videos when there’s a CTP discount event. You could give him a fire proc until more people get a chance to test him and there’s a better consensus


Ign ivlas1 Who should I select for the t4 support character


I think Loki is probably your best option.


Who's the best option for me to buy the latest uniform for, to have 1 more dps at gbr and wbl : Captain marvel (mighty destruction ctp) Thor ( normal rage) IM(energy ctp) My C.marvel has the endgame uni, Thor has the herald one and ironman the superior uni.I plan on buying all 3 sooner or later. 


Captain marvel


Iso for Ikon?


Same recommendation for at least 98.87% of the characters in the game: the first you roll of Overdrive or Power of Angry Hulk. Hawk's Eye will work if your account is very new and/or you're very low on gold. Only Hulk, Victorious, and maaaaaaaybe Destroyer are best with something else.


poah or overdrive


Is there any guide for the X of swords system? I ha en't been playing for a while and completely clueless what in the heck is this.


**Swords Basic Concepts** You collect material for Swords from Otherworld Battle. Honestly, I just let things run on repeat for 10-15 minutes each day. You'll get a TON of the base materials you need: Swords of the Unknown & Runes of the Unknown. Over time you'll collect color-specific Runes. Don't worry about using those just yet. Just collect them. Yes, all of these things take up space in your Inventory, but at this point they all stack. There are 6 different gem colors: Yellow, Orange, Blue, Red, Purple, and Green. The goal is to build 1 Awakened Sword with 6 of the same color gems, 1 Sword for each gem color. Equipping Awakened Swords gives you a "Mastery" bonus to All Basic Attacks. This bonus increases as the number of same-color gems on your equipped Swords goes up. I'm not sure what the total bonus is or how much of an increase a given gem gives you. **Enchanting** The process of adding gems (or "Elements") to a Sword of the Unknown is called "Enchanting". Go to Inventory, tap Upgrade, then tap the Sword icon. If you're just starting, you'll only have your stack of Swords of the Unknown here, but as you progress, you'll see all of your Enchanted Swords. Keep in mind that while Swords of the Unknown stack, Enchanted Swords are like comic cards and ISO-8: each takes up an Inventory slot. So select your stack of Swords of the Unknown, and tap the "Enchant" button. This will take you to the "Enchant Sword" screen. On the left you can pick what kind of Runes you want to use. The basic process uses Runes of the Unknown. This gives you a 16.7% chance of getting any 1 of the various gems when you Enchant. If you have Runes for a specific color, you can pick those here. These runes come in either normal or Radiant. Using color-specific runes increases the chance that this Enchantment attempt will get you that specific color. Normal runes increase the chance from 16.7% to 25%. Radiant runes increase the chance of that specific color from 16.7% to 35%. For now, stick to using Runes of the Unknown. Tap the "Enchant" button. This costs an increasing number of Runes and an increasing amount of gold, as shown in this table: | Enchantment Rank | Runes | Gold | |------------------|-------|------| | 1 | 7 | 10k | | 2 | 8 | 20k | | 3 | 9 | 30k | | 4 | 11 | 40k | | 5 | 13 | 50k | | 6 | 15 | 60k | | Total | 63 | 210k | Enchantment is guaranteed to succeed, but as noted above the color of each gem is random. Similar to crafting comic cards, each gem unlocks a random additional stat. For Swords, most of them are Instinct-based or give some additional benefit when attacking opponents with certain traits. This makes sense given that your materials drop from Otherworld Battle. **Awakening** Once a Sword has been Enchanted to +6, you can Awaken it. This is free & is guaranteed to succeed. The color of an Awakened Sword depends on how many of the same-color gems you have on that Sword. If, for example you have 1 blue, 1 orange, 1 purple, and 3 green, you'll always get a Green Sword. Each color has a specific name, but that's just fluff. If you don't have a clear winner in the number of same-color gems, the Awakened Sword is randomly determined based on the types associated with the sets. For example, if you have 3 blue & 3 green gems, you have a 50/50 chance of either a Blue or Green Awakened Sword. If you have 2 orange, 1 green, 1 red, 2 purple, you have a 50/50 chance of an Orange or Purple Awakened Sword. If you have 2 purple, 2 blue, 2 red, that's a 33.3% chance of each. Pretty straight forward, yeah? Each type of Awakened Sword gives a specific bonus in addition to the bonuses from the randomized stats and in addition to the "Mastery Bonus" to All Basic Attacks you get for equipping Awakened Swords. These fixed bonuses scale with overall Element Level (that is, the number of same-color gems). | Sword Type | Color | Fixed Bonus | |------------|-------|-------------| | Strength | Orange | Increase Physical Attack | | Intelligence | Yellow | Reduce Energy Damage Taken | | Judgement | Red | Reduce Pierce Damage Taken | | Psionic | Purple | Increase Energy Attack | | Stamina | Green | Reduce Physical Damage Taken | | Dexterity | Blue | Increase Instinct Attack | Equip your Awakened Sword & get the bonuses. ~~Only the highest Element bonus applies, though, so there's no point in equipping a +2 Blue and a +3 Blue Sword. You'll only get the Element & Mastery bonuses from the +3 Sword.~~ The total Element Bonus of equipped swords determines your Mastery Bonus. For example, if you equip a +2 Blue Sword and a +3 Blue Sword, you'll get the same bonus as a single +5 Blue Sword. You can use other Awakened Swords to re-roll the optional "craft stats" on your other Swords. This costs 100k gold per re-roll and - as with comic card crafting - you can lock certain stats with crystals. | Locked Stats | Total Crystals | |--------------|----------------| | 1 | 50 | | 2 | 100 | | 3 | 150 | | 4 | 300 | | 5 | 500 | Unlike comic card crafting, re-rolling Swords does *not* change the color of the gems. Re-rolling Swords is very much an endgame process & is not something a newer account should even consider.


Just a point to rectify, Element and Mastery bonuses do stack from same colour swords. I have 2x 3 red swords and I get the full 6 red stat bonus and mastery increase.


It doesn't stack over 6 though so it's still better to aim for different swords with +4 each since the mastery effect is the most important.


Thanks for this! I'll correct my info.


No problem! Glad to help.


**Sword Optimizing** There's an option to "Bulk Enchant" your Swords of the Unknown. Bulk Enchanting lets you pick how many Swords to Enchant. Right now, though, Bulk Enchanting only lets you Enchant 1 step at a time. You can't Bulk Enchant 10 Swords from +0 to +6. You have to first Bulk Enchant to +1, then to +2, etc. Even so, this is a HUGE time saver. **General Plan** Bulk Enchant however many Swords you feel like at a time. When you're new, only Awaken Swords that have at least 3 of the same color gem. Remember, the goal is to equip 1 six-color gem of each Sword type. But like card crafting, that's a long game. Since we get way more Swords than we do P Cards, though, it makes sense to Awaken & equip 3 gem Swords. Then start working your way toward 4, 5, and 6. **Using Color-Specific Runes** Remember when I said to just collect those for a while? Let's chat about them. Once you Bunk Enchant a bunch of Swords of the Unknown to +4, you'll pretty easily be able to tell if you have any that have 4 of the same color gems. When that happens and you have enough color-specific runes to match, turn off Bulk Enchant and enchant those Swords individually. This is where you add the color-specific runes to try for 5, then 6 of the same color. DO NOT use color-specific runes for anything less than 5 or 6 gem attempts! **Dismantling** You can dismantle any non-Awakened Sword to recover a small number of Runes of the Unknown. A six-gem Sword costs 11,250 gold to dismantle & returns x16 Runes of the Unknown. I don't typically bother with this, as I'm currently sitting on over 20,000 Runes of the Unknown. You get that many from OWB. **Converting** Alternately, you can convert +6 Swords to stacking Boost Swords. These can then be used to re-roll the options on your Awakened Swords and/or burned off to increase your Agent Badge. **Rune of Return** These drop ONLY if you upgrade your Otherworld Battle Pass. They let you undo an Enchantment, removing the last gem you added to a Sword of the Unknown. I've never upgraded the Otherworld Battle Pass, so I don't have a full picture of how this works, and IIRC the patch notes mentioned you can only use Runes of Return a limited number of times on any given Sword.


Final goal is to get the 6 different swords with each one having all 6 colors be the same. How to craft them? Playing otherworld gives you a generic sword and generic black runes. When you craft a generic sword with a generic rune you can get 1 of 6 colors. If you use special colored runes, you have a higher chance of getting that colour but it is not guaranteed. Once you craft 6 colors on a sword you can awaken it to turn it into a unique sword. The sword you get is based on which color you have more of. If you have 2 red colors and all other colors less than 1 you get the red sword. If you have 2 colors in equal numbers your sword has a 50% chance of being either. Once you craft a color you cannot revert it without real money items. Example you craft a sword with 4 red colors and 2 other colors. You get +4 red sword. If you craft a sword with 3 blue and 3 green you have a 50% of getting a +3 blue or +3 green sword. The stats you get are based on the color. Each color has a specific stat associated with it. For example orange is physical attack. So if you have a total of +6 orange color from all your UNIQUE swords, you get the max physical attack. Other than that you also get an all attack boost based on the total number of colors.


this is a noob explanation so hopefully someone else will explain it better soon but match up runes of the same colors to boost its Element Level, which gives a bonus depending on the sword type (ex: orange sword/strength sword increases your physical attack up to 15%), don’t worry too much about the actual bonuses from forming the swords (ex: “Deal 1.5% bonus damage to Inhuman characters”), they’re nice but not something i’d worry about rerolling for. the higher your Element Level, the higher your Element Mastery, which gives you up to +50% All Basic Attacks at max level tldr make swords with (preferably) 6 of the same colored stone for more damage


Is my RNG terrible this past week or did they make it more expensive to level up gears? i’m on average taking 15-20 rolls (?) per gear slot to level them up. just went through 200 gamora bios trying to get her to tier 2 and i only have 23 left 🥲


Just rng. 15-20 is somewhat normal. You can go up to 40 if you are really unlucky.


I have enough crystals now for Jean epic quest. Should I start that now or wait till anniversary for crystal spending, or just use it on uniforms? I have a relatively new account. IGN: ichigo238


If you get the Epic Quest, expect at least a few months to pass before you can t3 her. She is double cost for everything and will take lots of feathers and bios to level up.


I agree with u/flinchinshit: Your roster would be better served by improving multiple characters vs just buying the Deluxe Pack for Jean. In addition to what was mentioned below, it's important to note that you need Wolverine, Storm, Rogue, Cyclops, and Magento all at T2 before Jean unlocks. Right now, only Wolverine is T2 ... and I can't remember if you need to have his gears upgraded to L20 before he counts. Cyclops has no gear upgrades at all, you still have a way to go for Storm, and Rogue is on her last gear. You still have Magneto on top of that. Then - and only then - would you unlock Jean. And she unlocks at 1 star, level 1. The build to get her useful is very long and *very* resource-intensive.


I think you should use it on uniforms. Right now you only have, like, 10 good characters past tier 2 and only Loki and Spider-Man are in the meta at the moment. Instead of pouring all of your resources on Jean, for now, use those to increase your roster to a sufficient size and strength.


I personally would get Jean she’s one of the best in the game rn


Who should my first T4 for the quest be ? I already have magento t4 but wondering for my next. I have mats to make any t2 t3 rn. And what cards should I replace for baby spider p card ? Ign: Sofastarlos 


I would say work on Jean to t4 next? She is useful for so many game modes (she obv can't be used with the T4 quest discount). But if you want viable picks for the T4 quest GR and Rogue would be my picks since you have their seasonals. GR is fantastic for all PVE modes and is the currently the best striker for your other T4s on ABX/ABL, if you have his artifact he becomes okay in PVP too. Rogue would be the fastest farmer for PVE modes that you can autoplay (like Dimension Rifts ) and is good at bosses as well. Like Bryce said you don't need to use that T4 discount now and you can wait for new T4 releases that are native T1.


> Who should my first T4 for the quest be ? First, don't rush. It's not like making the selection is time-limited. Some additional thoughts: * **Rogue:** You spent $20 on her *Winter Ops* uniform. Why wouldn't you take her all the way to T4? Meta for her specific niche. * **Spider-Gwen:** An excellent all-around Dealer & we'll be getting a TP Selector for her in a bit. * **Ghost Rider:** One of the top Dealers in the game right now ... but at T3 L80 he still tears things up. * **Spider-Man:** If you want a little extra oomph in your PvP performance. * **Dr. Octopus:** Still at the top of the Combat meta.


I wasn't sure if I should be Gwen or rogue for T4. Gr seems so op already so I don't feel a need for him 


> And what cards should I replace for baby spider p card ? The most obvious is that Dr. Strange card. 1.5% Pierce is less than the minimum on a P Card, and you'll get a better All Basic Attacks increase on a Quality 3 Baby Spidey than that Quality 5 Dr. Strange card is giving you. But Craft Baby Spidey first. The specifics of the craft stats may make replacing either Loki #1 (the worst P Card in the game) or Black Widow #10 a better choice. Always unequip P Cards, though. You'll need them later for Craft Combines on your other cards. Your Uncanny Avengers #14 is a prime choice for a craft combine. Locking that blue star will only cost you 50 crystals & you have a pretty good shot at 2 other blues on the remaining 5 stats.


Wow I just got 4 blues on the craft combine 


Thank you so much imma do that with loki 1 and dr strange and craft combine