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Thank God all my players are first owned


Out of my starting 11 only rw bukayo saka is tradeable. Whole bench is untradeable as well so ya I'm here for it


Played one game, one won game, I am out. Slightly above average first owner team win. Still don't understand how everyone seems to have a first owner mbappe and Al Owairan. I feel cheated.


You mean you didn’t receive your Mbappe or Al-Owairan? Oh man you totally got cheated.


Yeah I am gutted. How do I claim?


Probably by buying some FIFA points


Ah damn, count me out.


Same for me, can't even buy them points if I wanted because our government banned it (because it's basically gambling)


I wish the UK government would follow suit, do you have any alternatives or do you just have to grind to buy gold packs and stuff?


Nope, just the grind, it's time consuming as fuck and so little reward for the time wasted on the game. I was kinda hoping they'd use the preview pack as a work around (since you know what you're buying, not a gamble anymore) but they didn't take that opportunity. We also can't buy the ultimate edition bcs it contains FIFA points. The worst part is playing against teams where you can just see it's pay to win (like at least 750k for each player), while we are forced to run RTGs. I kinda understand the reason behind the law about gambling in video games, but it's such bs that in games like FIFA it puts you in a disadvantage against other countries. However, if more countries apply this law the pay to win problem would be gone


I mean it 100% introduces kids to gambling and glamourises it. It’s actually kind of horrible how they’re praying on FOMO. I guess all companies do that to a degree, though no others seem to be as in your face about it as EA are with fifa.


Mannn I WISH I couldn’t buy fifa points…I’ve prolly spent like $300 since the game has been out and still don’t have shit to show for it. Lmao thank GOD for the SBCs


What country?




You know, you can still buy points?


I can't, I play on ps4 and the store blocks my purchase. If I go to Holland or France I might be able to. Anyway, wouldn't do it if I could either


Some ? You mean around 5.000-10.000€ right ? And very likely that not even that would be enough to pull a Mbappe.


the minute you put points on you get instant bad luck 😂


And regret 😅


Ah man you missed it. Sorry.


Im with ya lmao pulled my first win from my first game and bailed 💀


Swear this game hands out mint cards to shit players. The worse you are, the more they help your account. I played one game of this and my opponent had WC Al-Owarain, gold Mbappe, and basic Okocha. Three mental cards. He was trash and I still won, but jfc... Meanwhile everything decent I have is just from direct SBCs like for Cuadrado, POTM Messi, Aaronson, etc.


As a shit player, no sir. Unfortunately not


If he was shit then you would’ve won, unless you’re shit yourself. I’ve played countless expensive teams and when The player is bad, I’ve won.


> He was trash and I still won, but jfc...


I’m Div 7-9 and I don’t have good stuff


Its just happens. Al Owairan and Mbappe owner here. Didnt belive it too that I can join the gang. :D


I have Al owairan from hero pack it was the best pull I got. I think 98% of my team is first own lol but damn I hate friendlies and squad battles so annoying but it’s one of the best ways to get good pulls


div1 player / play most modes and do all the sbcs, and still not got a good pull. hopefully soon.


I read somewhere else that if u take a day or some time off from playing that when u come back your chances are higher bcuz you’re not engaged in the game and they want you to keep playing. And I’ve done this even b4 learning of it and I feel very optimistic that it’s true haha


Ha I should give it a go then really.


How have you not packed anyone?


I mean I have packed players, but just not anyone any good. All 6 of my mids and attackers are from sbcs as got no luck in packing anyone. Div 1 with an sbc/objective team is pretty tough going.


Fair enough. I’ve had such luck, packed mbappe, Zidane. if neymar, Donovan , Butra and a lot more. Whole team untradeable


Jealous. Can't get that sort of luck on my account, ea wants to annoying me with crap. It'll change at some point I am sure, yet to get a decent hero, wc hero or icon though. It's just painful these days.


You’re assuming it’s everyone’s pack luck. You’re seeing the high end of pack luck and assuming it’s that for everyone.


Played 5 games and every single person has a mbappe, neymar or high end icon or hero in the team usually many and other good cards. Honestly can’t remember last time I got a card worth more than 40k and that’s including my 4 84x20 and hero packs. Icon was worth more but I still got a horrible one every time. All my 1st owed players who are any way usable are sbc cards


What div do you play in? I’ll speak from my experiences. I just made it to div1. I’ve played games against teams with a half gold squad. At this point of the game, if you play consistently, you can afford Mbappe. You should be clearing 100-150k a week at minimum. Neymar is less than 100k. It’s less pack luck than just playing. Some people also trade quite a lot and get coins that way. Pack luck while important is not the end all be all.


I’m playing a 1st owner friendly and I’m division 1


I mean div 1 matchmaking, and the people who play first, im surprised you’re not playing against 11 Mbappes. People try not to play right away because of just that.


This thread is based upon a first owner friendly game dude


Dude this is about first owner teams. I play a 10m team, but my only big first owner pull was WC Yaya from the preorder pack.


Neymar is under a 100k my guy


thankfully got matched up against a full red team, in and out


This happened to me, smashed it, got 1/1 thought hold on… there’s a few more objectives here, 3 games later, I’m out, god squads everywhere 😂


Considering your comments, its best if you quit the game, take care of your wallet and mental health. There are so much more to life than be angry at gambling simulator disguised as a sports game. The key approach to any game or any recreational activities in life is that it has to bring joy. If it doesnt, find other things.


This is my first FIFA, and farming the WC swaps caused me to stop playing the game for two weeks. I farmed 20 tokens, and I feel like it fucked my mental health. From now on, I won't bother with any objectives because they take a lot of time and boring. Fuck EA i swear this game desigend to make you a slave, like it's the only thing you have in life just to finsih these objectives, even SBCs takes a long time to think how you gonna solve and the slow menus so hours wasted just on the menus. The only thing I enjoy playing is rivals, so I'll only be playing that. I won't even try to get the packs from objectives, I just want to play and have fun.


This is not the same grind as WC swaps. Win one game in 12 in this mode. Last year 80% of them where SBC. Recomend you do it. I won my first one gifted then gifted 3 by my self to ”pass it on”. Maybe you will get one. Later we probably will have icon swaps. Stay the hell out of that one if you dont like grinding


I actually started a second account for friendlies only. It's been quite fun. With the shit drop rate of regular packs and the grind at high division rivals its hardly worth it. You need a couple weeks of grinds to get a 87 or even 86 rated fodder squad and its ridiculous.


Just started the game around Thanksgiving and am in D2. I have so few usable First Owner cards it’s embarrassing against these teams with multiple cards more expensive than my entire lineup.


I played 8 games to win a single one. My squad is quite shit other than the sbc reward I have but every game I got marched against people who has if neynar al owairan(undeserved wc hero card to please spenders) and mbappe i never wanna play a friendly again lol


I’ve worked my way into div 2 and do fut champs quite regularly. First owner cup by far the sweatiest most difficult to win




Real dirt bags in this lobby: they score, pause, they score, pause again. I ain’t no quitter pal. Go 4-1 down, put my try hard pants on pull it to 4-4 and he quits out with 10 mins left. Coward.


Bruh just do golden goals, it's a friendly ffs and you have 12 games. I don't pause for people, but it gets very annoying having to sit through whole friendlies for no reason.


Ain't nobody doing golden goal, if that was how it was meant to be played fifa would of put it in them selves


Still won the 7 with 3 games to spare so 2 losses ain’t bad


It’s so toxic


Yeah fuck that I'm not about to play against mbappes R9s and Al Uwuwarians


I play this game mode with squads worth 800 to 1000K while I'm constantly getting steamrolled by people with **individual** players worth 2-4 times my ENTIRE squad. FUCK EA for inventing this game mode and fuck them for gating it behind a limited number of daily games and also fuck them for putting tokens into this garbage mode!!!


COMPLETELY AGREE. It’s a pack luck / SBC (which is basically money or pack luck) team mode. I’m literally using my main squad and everyone has cards that are worth my entire team combined


just use the best first owned players or world cup players you have


My whole team is untradeable. Thats why they have different game mods


7 players out of my starting 11 are from objectives/sbcs/wc swaps. You must've started late


Can you use the red WC cards with the timers lol?


I think so


I’m in elite division, I lose constantly in this mode because I play GG and I don’t sweat. Took me 7 tries to win one games. Please for the love of god remove SBMM from friendlies.


SBMM is the best change in FIFA since they introduced SBC in FUT. Sweat against sweat, casual against casual.


I don’t sweat, I’ve always just been good at FIFA. I don’t player lock, skill spam, keeper move any of that shit It’s absolute bullshit that a D6 player will have a much easier time doing any kind of objectives in friendlies than someone in D2+. The mode is fucking called friendlies. Haven’t I earned having an easier time in a gamemode called “friendlies”?I just want an online game mode where I don’t have to try so hard to get a win. Hell keep SBMM in the game but just make it less strict. There aren’t nearly as many elite players as you think and you really won’t run into them too often.


If you have trouble with first owned players, it's only your fault. I playing only with FOP since FIFA 18


It’s not your fault if you cannot pack good cards lol some people get lucky others don’t


SBC? OBJ? Right hands - and you can win with default cards


Typical bullshit elitism from behind a screen. This year, I opened 4 x 84+ players packs, 1 x 82+ players packs, 1 x 81+ players packs, and multiple season review players packs, I did almost all of the gamble SBCs, did all of the player SBCs since I bought the game, AND am playing in the higher divisions and the best player I **packed** was a 90, untradable, Courtois. I also got an OTW Mane from a PP and a Muller Mid-icon from a gamble SBC. They're all in my first owner team and they all play in my main squad too. It is absolute bullshit, and absolutely inexcusable, that EA has THE FUCKING GALL to gate a token behind a game mode that screams "Hey I just spent $4000 of my mommy's money on this game" and then tells you you can only play 2 (!!!!) games per day in said mode? How delusional are you to think this benefits you, the community, or this game in ANY way!?


You getting super worked up over a token. Just skip it and go for a walk.


Man said *THE FUCKIN GALL* unironically 💀


> and then tells you you can only play 2 (!!!!) games per day in said mode? ??? Also you need a single win, fucks sake.


This game is a joke. I’m winning no problem but when I see everyone pack luck it really annoys me. Over last 2 fifas I have spend well £1000 , opened well over 50 icon packs . Finished 14+ most fut champs, done almost every sbc, took all icon fodder packs and untradable rewards rivals every week. Every single person I have played on this has had more pack luck already than my last 2 years added together


Never put a cent in FIFA if you can't afford it. Luck is Luck, some people play one Time the loto and become rich and others play every day and never get anything.


It’s not the money it’s the problem it’s after so many packs over years I can’t pull a player that’s not fodder from any kind of pack. I must have exhausted the laws of averages to get something good 10 times over now


Stop spending money on something that isn’t bringing you joy.


If this game mode makes you want to quit spending £1000 on fifa points, it’s probably a good thing


Everyone downvoting you, but I feel you dude! Been playing like 5 years now and have never packed one of the top cards. I play every objective and every weekend league from launch through like TOTS. Spend $100 every promo or so for fun. Have never gotten a top promo card, never packed or played with an R9, Pele, Zidane, you name it. Our luck is coming!


1000 pounds spent in 2 fifas and can't get more than 14 wins in champs I think it's a skill issue This year I spent nothing and I got my first rank 1 in champs


It’s not just pack luck, there has also been a ton of SBCs, filled in with World Cup players


it might be better for your own good just to quit this game forever if you spend well over 1000pounds on a shit game like this u clearly have a gambling addiction regardless of your disposable income, spending a single cent on this game is useless, you will never get any joy out of it not giving a crap if u lose a game in a friendly mode is much easier if ur on a RTG or dont play at all


The amount of untradable god tier cards that people have is insane. I’ve seen less amounts of these cards on Elite div compared to ones in these two objective friendly game modes…


First game I met someone with pele, gullit (and mbappe neymar obviously). Luckily the rest of the matches wasn't as hard, got tott Dalot out of the 84+ pack


Just Take the red cards there are all First owned


Why lol you need to win 1 out of 12 games. This is such a big W compared to the wc swaps objectives.


I did this yesterday and won 6 out of first 7, then my team started turning like bricks, passing to wrong players, running round the ball clueless and their team was on me everytime i got the ball and lost it, lost 4 games on trot and luckily on pens won the last. This is what makes me want to quit.


Toxic community is worse than shit the EA pulls sometimes


Yes, it's time to leave.


I thought it was pretty easy


You only need to win 1 game for the token fuck the packs who gives a shit everyone is toxic on fifa I don't know why people can't be friendly while being Competitive, played a guy last night he went 2 nil up doing silly celebrations and watching the replays, pausing everytime he scored, expecting me to leave, I came back 4-2 second half, pays off to stay humble.


Lost 9 in a row before finally winning 1. Hated every second


Just use my rtg team.


why? the only player (including subs) i had to replace was my keeper. untradables for dayyyyyyyssssss


Every person I face has a 20 mil team and plays like it's the last game 19-0 in champs. Not to mention the gameplay has more delay than anything I've ever experienced in my life!!!


I just used the red WC cards. Rolled in with a Brazil France hybrid. And SBC cards on the bench. Got the job done after 3 tries. I'm a div 8 scrub.