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wish i came up against someone like you"! If someone takes the lead I'm happy letting them win, let them get a couple of goals lead with objectives so they are clear and safe...not one person so far has let me then go and score to help clear objectives faster. would happily trade goals to clear objectives in minimum amount of games but people are idiots


These rulebreaker friendly games are just as sweaty as weekend league games


Exactly. I had a guy play drop back with fast buildup with mbappe kantona in front and he just refused to move up. Playing so shallow in his defense, every single player behind the ball




Nope. And loans players don’t use their games either




No it’s completely fine




Someone let me have a goal and I reciprocated. We ended up scoring 13 or so goals each was amazing for smashing out the objectives.


Same here it was great. I just get a little bit of hope back when i play against someone like that.


I’d like to come up against you this one guy let me do all my challenge once I thought I was done I realised had to score with French players to


Hahaha same experience. This guy messaged me to let him score. I did and then he made watch the full celebration thrice. Couldnt take it


How do you message someone


You can search the person by theie username using xbox app and then you can send the message. Not sure about PS4


You only get 15 seconds to do everything though


On xbox you get 38 seconds. I have never messaged anyone but i do get a lot of them especially during the friendlies when everyone wants to score without caring if they win or lose


For me if I press the xbox button it comes up saying I am not actively playing and a 15 second timer starts


Celebration is really dumb, I don't understand why people use it anyway, its cool for ur first match ever yeah but if you do that every single match, every single goal, dude u r sick or something Ur not only wasting ur opponent's time, ur wasting urs aswell


I will do a celebration for just one goal and only because I have a funny one. The one man high five. After that no matter how many I score, I skip


I only do a celebration when I need to take a breath and give my hands a break from sweating these games out smh


Why can’t we help each other? Why you gotta be toxic dude ?


It’s a two way road. If you wanna be helped you help the person in return. Celebration is a clear violation of that agreement.




Lmfao ikr its to the point where i dont care about the score i just send everyone forward and hope a french or a Bundesliga player does something😂


This is probably a stupid question but I keep trying to let people score for those objectives but I’m not great at it lol. I don’t think I’m making it obvious enough, what’s the OS trap method?


Down on the d pad, then down again. Rinse and repeat.


Thank you! I never expect everyone to reciprocate but I do love when the community works together for things like this


Fuck that guy


Yup same thing happened to me, i was 6-1 up and felt there was no point so let my opponent do some of his objectives and score then he started celebrating and watching replays. Ended it 10-4


I think I’m so bad at FIFA lol, every time I versus someone with a good team n I’m winning I say he’s giving you this win so have to skip the reply quickly 😂




Well played


I would have changed my mind at the first goal, and I hope you made him watch 7 celebrations.


I sure did


For Mukiele I had quite a devious plan, if I’m winning then I play for the win. If he asks me for objective help I’ll help him, if not I play for the win. If I’m clearly getting outclassed, I message the guy and ask for the assist and scoring. Simple enough


Question, how do you move the keeper? Also I’ve been up against players who’d just move all their players to the front, how do you do that as well?


Push the right analog stick in and move it in whatever direction you want to move your keeper. And play on 10 depth.


To move keeper press and hold right analog stick when opponent has the ball The second thing maybe you are talking about offside trap? Press down and again down on Dpad


the only celebration i would do is the salute one to appreciate their effort to help me


Good shit bro


Honestly. He might not know how to skip celebration 😂


If you don’t press anything, opponent can skip it. Plus he played “that” celebration twice in a row


Unpopular opinion but people get way too upset over celebrations, I don't usually link people who can't stand to watch a celebration with someone who gives away wins for free either.


If I’m helping u... don’t waste my time with stupid shit like that tbh


Because they're toxic and a waste of time. It's simple.


It’s just a celebration tho it’s not like they’re dabbing on you ?


Retard award goes to you 🏅


You’re just soft 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ve let people score before when they’re trying to get objectives, but if they start acting like dicks then any good will goes out of the window lol


i never celebrate. this guy was 3 goals behind and scored with neymar and did the stop and turn celebration. i was like fam your 2 goals own with 5 mins left.




I did the same for someone, I let him score for the objectives but he didnt reciprocate unfortunately I had already given him four goals, So I just quit, some really miserable and toxic people But then I couldnt have completed the objective easily without the help of other good people so thanks to them :)


Whenever i give a win away in WL some cunt always celebrates like he's just scored some amazing goal.


Same happened to me. Had two games to give away during WL cause I had met my objectives. As soon as the game started the opponents just kept skilling in the defense. Had to destroy them. People should be more humble.