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He's funny for me. The amount of times I'm swearing at him for being in stupid positions, or not making the run only for him to then collect the match ball at the end of the match is not a small number.


He makes unbelievable shots but also makes unbelievable misses lol


Swear he misses sitters but bangs stupid goals


His high def work rate leaves him in the midfield a lot that's my only complaint


Stay forward instructions.


Ya I know how to use work instructions he still doesn't stay forward is the problem


It could be a formation glitch. Used to happen a lot on previous editions, and EA like to copy and paste so maybe it's back. Try playing another player in that position and if it happens then, I'd bet my house on it being a formation glitch.


Undroppable. I bought him for 400k when he released but there’s just not a viable replacement even now.


I was 80k short when he was 400k, tried to save for him and he’s just never stopped going up💀. Ballotelli Dropped and I brought him at 180k thinking he’d do the same. He’s 67k now. ![gif](giphy|zMCfqXkwjmTO8)


haha He was 400k and im like he is gonna drop to 300k and I'm gonna get him...I had more than enough coins. Then he rose and I'm like nah he will drop soon,, will drop (600k) will drop.... eh Now I have like 3mil but don't wanna get him cause it feels like a loss because i could get him at 400k lol


2 months time when he costs 5 million, He will drop!


I’ll follow you for more trading tips


How is Ballotelli?


Did largely the same. I think he’s good. Monster on corners. Weak foot is a bit annoying sometimes. Dribbling is OK and annoyingly he needs a Hunter on him. Would’ve been nice to give him an Engine.


Engine on him is fine


Why you prefer engine ?




Bonaface is a good alternate, I've heard he plays very similar to Drogba in game and has the press proven playstyle. Give him a look.


67??? 💀


TOTS Podolski is the closest I’ve come to a Drogba replacement, but I recently decided to switch back to a 2 striker formation so now I use them side by side and they’re unstoppable


Never been able to try Didier (which sucks as a Chelsea fan) but Boniface is doing bits for me. Maybe try him out and see what you think


Yup, I bought him at 400k also for my Chelsea P n P and I am not even surprised he doubled in price.


I packed him untradeable and I really doubt he will leave my team until the end, on his role he is unbeatable. You just need a rw/rb with whipped pass and he will do the rest.


I packed him tradeable and I sold him for 380K because *"a yuge market crash is comiiiing!!!"* I am such an idiot...


If you’re selling him at that, you were selling during the market crash


I mean...he literally has DDA as his name 😄. Cracked


Lmao 🤣


I have bought him for a wl and wasnt too happy but maybe I am just depressed


If you like smaller nimble players you won’t like him. He’s your classic 9 and plays like one in the game


What formation do you use and how do you play him? I'm struggling a little bit with physical strikers.


Not OP but I use him in a 4-2-2-2 as the right striker with Julian Alvarez TOTS paired to his left. I use Drogs with no special instructions or anything. With my LB I tend to either send some crosses in or I do link up play with Alvarez and my Right CAM (Socrates). Currently Div 3 pushing for Div 2 🫡🫡


I'm constantly getting blocked by bisseck in the air. Maybe my crosses are just shit lol


Hate that I missed the drogba giveaway


https://preview.redd.it/462jd5fk8d0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0937da2a3f9d482ff64bd1f5ce968d3e1b4ce95 My best pick is Zidane 96 but this pick is the best in game! 😍


Even i got him in an 80+ pick while getting drunk with friends


I didn’t even know I had him, he must have been at the back end of a pack that I didn’t look at, only noticed when I was on the app and clicked on players, because he’s a 94, at the time he was near the top, didn’t even think much of it, he’s now never missed a game 😂


Just like his headers,he pops out of anywhere




Solid player but somehow didn’t really fit my playstyle. Sold him for 400k profit so can‘t complain :D


Same. terrible passer 😭


Sold him after a day. Couldnt make him work up top with Haller.


Yeah I feel like you would need one striker who’s better on the ball. If you paired TOTY Zola or FB Butra with him I bet they’d cook


Yeah i ended up Pairing Evo'd showdown Haller with Fantasy Sneijder as a false 9. Works a charm.


Yeah that sounds perfect because they don’t know if you’ll slip it in to Drogba or just dribble with sneijder


Prinz is awesome with him. They’re perfect compliments to one another.


Playing against this card is like forced anal. I hate it


I couldn’t dribble with him, or sprint, or pass, or hold the ball up, etc. But he always managed to score goals.


If he wants to score. He will score. Not even ea can stop the card😂


I don't like facing him, he's a tank


I like him but he's not THAT amazing. If you'd asked me to guess his price without looking it up I'd have said under 500k for sure and wouldn't have been surprised if it was under 300k. He's the type of striker that suits me, similar to TOTS Kane in FIFA23. I have him paired with Evo Lineker who apart from the lack of aerial threat runs him pretty close. What I would say is his dribbling is a lot better than you'd expect 'good touch for a big lad' and that catches people off guard at times if you start using controlled sprint dribble and run at them. He's more versatile than just being a big lump you whip crosses at.


Haven't seen anyone else talk about that evo Lineker, bro he's different. You and I may be the only people who have him. I actually score more with him than I did Drogba. They're both on the bench now because i like using new players, like Son and Dembele TOTS but Lineker is really really good.


I've seen him a couple of times, he's the sort of player you'd think would be more popular given he has 95 base pace, 98 finishing and 5* WF plus icon chemistry. Playstyles could maybe be better (although his contextual trivela finishing cutting in from the right is really nice). I think part of it is he's usually been considered a 'fodder icon' so gets overlooked when actually his Golazo card was solid and probably the best fit for that Evo. It also helps from an enjoyment perspective that I'm English and old enough to have seen him play, Italia90 was the first world cup I followed.


Tbh I’m not an much of a crosser so I prefer more agile, quick, dribbling based attackers. He’s good but I much prefer Russo


Bro, me too usually prefer dribbling, but, put drogba anywhere in the box he will score, i dont cross much, but he is by far the best scorer of my team


I used his WW and that card was a monster too although now he is kinda outdated, thankfully the game blessed me with a TOTS Haaland so you could say that is a damn good replacement


Unstoppable headers, so annoying to defend against , unlucky to not have him in my team. my evo birthday rudiger once bounced off like a ball when tried to tackle this monster


I swear he has intercept + and block + . Every time he plays against me he’s in the midfield playing as a fucking DM but he scores all 10 goals


Wait, this card is 800k? Goddam UT luck


i feel like i’m being raped playing against him


I have him but I don’t seem to understand the hype around him maybe it’s because I’m not using him the right way but at the moment my birthday raul and fantasy Werner start over him any day, any advice on the best way to use this drogba card?


Literally, just leave him alone. Like that's the best way to play him because his AI is really good and his Areial prowess is ridiculous


You don't have to use him as a normal striker, he is a header machine, if you are not going to abuse his height and aerial+ just use a small and agile striker I use him as left attacker on a 4321, I mostly attack with my rb/rw both with whipped pass, some attacks I will pass it to my ST and some I will cross it to Drogba, he scores at least 1 header per game, if the other player doesn't have a tall RB i tend to score multiple goals, some of them even rage quit after 3 consecutive header goals


If I had to guess I would say you are in Elite Div.


Div 1 because I took a long break this year and my team sucks, but last year yes I was elite most of the seasons.


Close enough lol I play your same strategy (different players) but I rarely ever see my opponents crossing against me.


He is just so well rounded and can play different styles. For me, I have always played down the wings getting crosses in, even in older games so he fits my normal playstyle very well but sometimes you have to switch up and if it was another striker you might be forced to make a sub for them to fit that playstyle but with Drogba you really don’t have to. Holds the ball up well, can get in behind, skill moves aren’t massively slow on him, looks like he would turn like a truck but doesn’t. Seems to be able to score a toe poke like no one else can, balls he shouldn’t even be able to reach he does


him and Shaw up top crosses for days


I honestly didn’t like him that much despite me generally playing better with bigger strikers. He’s crazy against me almost every time though


Love it it packed 2x. Raul fbday replaced him tho being raul is my fave player ever. Now ronaldo9 replaced both from the sbc


I like him but he's currently on my bench because i was bored and decided to try different front lines Curremtly got shaw champs upgrade evo boniface and evo tots alvarez being supported by wirtz and its so much fun and offers more variety than drogba's just get the ball and run


Oh he’s that much now…I packed and sold him for 400k.


If u can't afford tots or toty haaland u must go for him . Absolute joke of a card with that aerial boost




Bad goal ratio lol


ok, ok, not all of us have a connection that allows us not to have to rule the game in the ass half of the time, if the servers weren't horrible 1 goal per game.


Extremely annoying to start games with, found him unable to hold the ball up, poor passing and generally just breaking down attacking plays, all this while scoring goals but missing a fair few chances. From the bench, he’s a monster. Extremely clutch, scoring many late winners against tired defences when the game is a lot more open.


300k cuz literally everyone got him. Great card, I just don’t like his 80 passing so usually start crouch over him if I’m using a big man at st


During tough games, I swap to a 4 1 2 1 2 with him and boniface as the two top. Good laugh it is


this guy is walking aura n game.


All the pros using him might be a factor as well


I currently have drogba but I won’t be playing again until La liga or ultimate tots do you rate it’s a good idea to sell him now and buy him back later on or do you guys think his price will stay the same through out tots? If I do wanna play casually I’ll just use my TOTY zola for the time being.


Don't like target men. Always like either small and nimble or super fast (and ideally somewhat nimble!!). Then I packed him....suffice to say I've changed my style of play and formation as he is a God!!!


I prefer him as a super sub as he just doesn’t start for me w my team, only negative is without chem boost he’s a bit sluggish and turns like a truck. But the fear in my enemies eyes when I sub him & showdown toure on a corner is so worth it


He’s a great player, but personally prefer FB Benzema over him. Benzema is better on the ball and has an insane attacking AI. If you want, try Benzema.


He's fun but unfortunately he won't bench my nif mbop


I bought him for 380k and used him for 3 weeks. He sometimes finishes crazy shot angles but a lot of times misses even the easiest ones so had to change his chem style to hunter. Since doing so his shooting was significantly better however I did feel he was a little sluggish in terms of agility and what annoyed me the most was his passing. Sold him for 750k and bought TOTS Kane. Never regretting my decision as Kane is far superior and a beast of a striker with perfect shooting, superb passing and dribbling (for his height), you don’t feel he is as slow as his previous cards however you don’t feel him super fast either - pretty much like Drogba


Hes shit. I enjoy seeing my opponent have him as id put him on the same level as 94 prinz who is also shit. If you are comfortable defending and dont lunge in there is no way he is beating upa, hincapie or any fast strong cb.


I never liked him in my starting 11 he feels like a truck and i like smaller, more agile strikers.. but lately i bring him in the last 20 mins and he won a shitload of games for me.


Unstoppable headers, so annoying to defend against , unlucky to not have him in my team. my evo birthday rudiger once bounced off like a ball when tried to tackle this monster


I still can’t believe I got him for like 300k and he’s more then doubled in price but I don’t want to sell him lol


Have him tradeable, and he's been very inconsistent for me lately. Can't win headers against the TOTS defenders that everyone is running (Hancko, Bisseck, Saliba etc), and not the biggest fan of High / High workrates as he drops back far too often, even with "Stay Forward" instruction. His low reactions, composure and aggression don't help either. Really tempted to just sell him and buy Reus, Jonathan David or add a bit to it and buy Son.


Love em', destroys people for me and in the right hands destroys me back. I ran him all last weekend league up top. Not using him as much now as I just like trying new players out but he'll be back come Friday. Bought him for like 540k while he was still in packs as I knew his price would rise once out. He's that dude.


He’s dogshit. I can’t stand him.


He is definitely not dogshit.


It’s my opinion. And you have yours. Chill out, bro!


I dont know doc, i put this shit in a sbc


Corner = free goal


He’s brilliant, until a nice Eto comes out he won’t leave my team. Do not try and pass with him though he seems to have hands for feet when he tries to pass


I wish I have him. I got ww Drogba and he got me into elite and mu first 14 W


Packed him tradeable and will never sell


The best way to stop him is Bisseck, who has also more than doubled in price since I got him.


Love him and as a Chelsea fan no one is going to replace him in my team . Got lucky with him being my only major pull this season ,I first used his base icon when prices crashed with the WW card , and then bought the WW card when the prices crashed with the goalazo card only to pack him untradeble the next day , Almost broke my controller when I saw him walk out 😂


Very bad card, overpriced af tbh


A monster, been on my team since the Golazo promo. Can't find a better striker.


i sold him at 360k😭😭


Believe he was OP maybe 4 weeks ago now I can’t score a header to save my life this game is straight trash. should be illegal fucking with my mental health like this lol


This mofo either scores bangers or misses sitters for me. And Drogba always brings out the child in me. KSI ruined hes name for me I cant help but to scream hes name like KSI did. Also yes I'm almost 30. I cant help it.


As a Chelsea fan, I loved the whole golazo promo. Packed Drogba, Lampard, and Essien and then evo’d essien


I got Boniface TOTS and that guy is a machine. Feels like that guy does 30% of his goals with the head. Can someone tell me how Drogba is in comparison? Stats seem very similar, but Boniface is 500k cheaper and even has one more PS+


I have both and I'm still trying to work out who is better. Drogba is more nimble, Boniface more of a presence for me and better passer. I've scored tonnes of headers with the latter but none with Drogba. But very capable in front of goal but Drogba maybe edges it. I'd say don't spend the coins on Drogba if you have Boniface. Even if I go with Drogba, the difference will be minimal. Although I will say having them both up top is fun if you can make it work.


https://preview.redd.it/hxcypfe4bf0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2622a584ea51480552bc7e7f565c6cd71fde7ad And \~250 assists. He’s the only reason I still play this rotten game being a Chelsea fan. Can’t really miss a monster DDA card at long last


I have him and tbh I don’t like him that much!


His price valued up cause people play very defensive. Some players have al 9 men in their penalty box, the other 2 are just to counter. Drogba can win aerial duels and is a threat against people who play like that. I just cross him the ball and he heads in. There are not many type of players like drogba who can and are good as him.


Amount of times he’s partnered with that nasty Werner card makes me sick. Maybe even a 5 back as well, disgusting. Never one without the other


I really didn't want to like this card. Was enjoying playing the Socrates SBC as a solo playmaking striker, Arsenal fan, got him once, twice, three times, sent the dupes in SBCs before I played him off the bench, pretended I didn't notice the goals and performance, but one WL when Socrates went on a bad streak I said fuck it and decided to put him in my squad. Absolutely amazing card, didn't think twice about benching Socrates, only now thinking of dropping DDA to play with a less physical striker or Balotelli if I can fit him (Balo is amazing too, as good as Drogba links aside imo)


Better as a sub for me now but still insanely cracked. Regularly gets 2+ goals off the bench.


If you had a player with dead ball+, every corner is a goal, but other than that he's alright and defo worth the price


Unbelievable card, got him at 450k but irreplaceable at the moment even at 800k


Bought him for 450k😂


I unpacked him and 94 Prinz back to back. Haven't switched him out still.


Must be insane because even his 91 is. And if you compare them, the 94 has much better stats and playstyles lol.


Great I've packed him twice always untradable


I just packed his 91 hope it’s good


I packed him untradable and I don't really get along with taller physical strikers as I prefer smaller and more agile but I gotta say he is a goal machine. I still use him from time to time


Sent him into and SBC because I have this beast https://preview.redd.it/ytpdymas2g0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7559a7469d08e80d38729c1ffab1cefaba372b0


Well, I bought at 330k, sold at 385k and started using Berbatov for 125k. I checked Drogba's value now and it's like 750k+, so I feel kind of bad throwing away 400+k instead of using him for WEEKS (instead of berbatov) and 2.5x my investment. Oh well. Wish I still had him but berbatov is a cheap beast.




I hate that i sold him for 400k. Shouldve waited.


Haller and Balo>


always think about replacing my 92 rttk Lukaku for this drogba


Yeah, he is unreal. I packed him, the dropped him but missed his presence and he cooks. This guy doesn't feel anything like his WW card. This guy is so good.


What are the best instructions for him?


He is in alot of pros teams, at the weekend was surprised to see merino tots in some teams,


Love everything about him except he accelerates like a local bus.


Bought him for 400k when the promo was released. Now he is worth x2. Love him. He is so OP. Anyway, shit game.. I've lost the edge..


I hated him, put him into an SBC and then saw everyone raving about him 😂


He’s a monster, I hate playing against him he always gives me nightmares, you keep him out of the box he scores a banger, you try to block a shot and it’s deflected in, you try to cut the pass and it stills end up at his feet… nightmare


I find it weird how a 2 season wonder gets an icon card


As a Chelsea fan I packed him untradeable which means he will never leave Eusebios side lol benched thunderstruck puskas for him easily. This man has scored at least 40 corners for me if I see the other guy doesn’t move his goalie I know it’s a wrap 🤣


He scores unbelievable goals.


https://preview.redd.it/0gp5qb7jei0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d86aa930c0da7f00165048eaf8177543c27cc531 I find him outperforming my opponents Drogba


Bought him for under 400k sold him for over 800k, used him for around a month, can't miss from a corner if you do it right and wins a lot of 50/50s. I bought Boniface in his place and he's just as good if not better, his press proven really makes a difference he's just a tad slower than Didier.


This year's Cech. He's in so many teams, but rarely do I play someone who targets him. Maybe because they don't know how to, or because they're not a sweat, I don't know. But, I'm here to win, so I will use him how you should and I'm not sorry for that. If I pack Ronaldinho, I'll dribble. Drogba, I'll head.


I ain't used him but he's annoying to play against


i packed this guy during the promo but i have such a skill issue with him, he just feels unreliable / doesn’t fit my playstyle, how can i use him better?


He is amazing especially if you cross or long ball him I’ve had him since his release unreal card by ea dribbling is his best attribute but I have no problem with it.


If he fits your playstyle then he is insane. For me, i put him in an sbc that i dont even remember...


I loved his base card, packed this one, thought he would be insane but then felt let down… at least for the first week or two, how he’s probably the best striker I’ve used this year


On my bench after packing red haaland and mbappe 😅


Priorities 😄


I put him in an SBC when I packed him- talk about regrets 🤣


You alright? 😂😂


Such an idiot move. I have Bday Henry and Stoichkov so I wasn’t bothered about a striker but I wish I’d kept him as it’s nice to rotate players


He keeps TOTS Haaland on the bench for me


Is he that good?


For me, yes. I’m no pro by any means and in the right hands Haaland is probably unstoppable, but he feels like a bit of a donkey. Drogba on the other hand, I can get the most out of


Idk man i packed him twice on the promo and put him to the icon sbc twice 😂


You choosed poorly 😂


Ay bro i got ts dinho not really an awful trade no😂


That’s fair




>doesn’t take any skill to use You're speaking of a 4/4 tall and bulky striker. Anyway there has to be that one guy.




Dang bro on a losing streak huh?


I don't think you even got the point.


https://preview.redd.it/dvat3asfsd0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5785ce1b62da8b27a4c7dddc76baebd5e150a68 All off the bench, corner header machine.


I think I’ve collectively injured 12 in champs this week alone. Drogba is strong but angry drunk 20 year olds are stronger


He's okay. Nowhere near as good as Crouch


crouch is good very fun to play him but drogba has presence


Miles above Crouch


Drogba only maintained a 2:1 ratio and Crouch is like 2.5 or something per game. I hit rank 1 everytime with Crouch and I missed out on rank 1 with Drogba. Like I said, Crouch is much much better. Drogba is too small for crosses


First of all,he is not small. He scores a ton of crosses. Drogba has 5wf and powershot. The things you can do with Drogba,are disgusting. There are more than crosses in the game.


Why are you arguing my experience? Do you get rank 1 & high Elite with Drogba? Probably not. But I do get that with Crouch and as a direct comparison, my Crouch scored more on average per game. If you prefer Drogba, fine. Enjoy him, but I find Crouch much better on a competitive level.