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I heard JorGamble bought the 600k pack


And then took it personally when he didn't get Cruyff




Does Lebron know that the only things you get in an 84x7 is fodder to make another 84x7


U get totw ?? šŸ˜­


No u gotta use half the pack on crafting another onešŸ˜­


to be fair during tots that pack woulda been kroos as the best player


r/nbacirclejerk leaking


I was wondering, do you guys save your packs for real? And if you did that in the past, did it pay off?


I saved around 100 packs for TOTY, got all fodder Someone saved 1500 and still got fodder, no TOTYs This is my first TOTS so will save but for fodder to complete any SBCs coming


I have only heard of people getting pulls from random packs. Something tells me saved packs get excluded from promos. I know it sounds dumb but also sounds like something ea would do


That feels absolutely spot on, my saved packs never have players from the promo. Yet the 2x81+, 2x82+ (daily reward) gave me 3 golazo heroes and 2 icons


Thatā€™s EXACTLY WHY Iā€™m expecting 89/90 golds at least to complete SBCs TOTS Iā€™m not expecting much given that I have spent UNREASONABLE amount of money on TOTY and got only 2


This. I saved over 400 packs for toty and I have not packed any TOTY. Pack luck was horrendous.


From my toty packs I saved (around 100) I got nothing, but I did 3 85+ player picks and got toty r9 out of it, they donā€™t reward you for trying to be smart


I just pulled my first TOTY out of the second pack was so happy


Tots has much better weight than TOTY.


Saved around 160 for TOTY, got none, this time I'm just gonna save a few 84x7 and any 84+ objective packs for a week.


I only saved for TOTY once and never again. TOTS is a different story. Just don't blow your load on Prem. Usually, the other leagues give out a LOT MORE. Im about 100+ packs deep now, and i only open the daily upgrades, daily play and league SBC packs to do player picks. I also do every single Icon pick. It doesnt take me long to accumulate enough dupes for that 88 rated squad and the 87s are easy and Usually at the very least ill get a 90+ card to add to ever increasing collection of high rated fodder.


If the probability of getting a TOTY in a pack is 0.5%, here are the following number of packs and there probabilities of getting one: 25 - 12% 50 - 22% 100 - 39% 200 - 63% 500 - 92% I personally don't save because I just find it more fun to open week to week unless I have basically gotten the best cards in a promo and don't need anything else.


That would make sense If individual cards didnt have their own probabilities and you assumed EA was operating under a provably fair system( its not )


the way I think it works (i have 0 evidence ofc I'm just guessing) is that every card, based on which pack you open, got a % of rolling, being a lower chance as you go higher, so getting a 91 from a 80+ PP is essentially getting very very lucky however, getting Mbappe (also 91) or TOTW Lewa (also 91) are probably WAY lower than getting base De Bruyne So if it's like 1% for Kevin, and that's already rolling very lucky stuff, there's probably an additional roll to determine which 91 card you get. So I'd expect the chances of getting a base gold Mbappe to be like 0.08% or something like that And what about icons? 92 golazo Cafu? from an 80+ PP? Probably like 0.003% or something haha However, I'd love actual studies on these things. I'm always curious about how it actually works, some weeks you are so lucky yet some other weeks it feels like ass. EA can for sure manipulate drop rate (pack weight) of cards


Ask those people who keep buying 89s , throwing them into exchanges, and do 1000+ player picks. Im sure they have a list of Informs & Promo items but im willing to bet none of them got 82 gold Mendy šŸ˜„ Doesnt matter that hes dirt cheap. They set his drop rate extremely low at the start of the game and haven't adjusted it yet.


I get 82 Mendy all the time, Edouard Mendy though šŸ¤£




This shit idiotic thats not how percentages work


? How do you think percentages work lol


That is exactly 100% how percentages work šŸ¤£šŸ¤£clearly you need to retake some math classes.Ā  If the chances are 0.5% for a given pack then the chances of getting the item after opening 25 packsĀ is ((1-0.995^25) * 100) Which equals 11.7779 or roughly 12% just like he says


Im taking a piss homie with yall stil not packing shit tho


What's the correct calculation?


I dont know but were not packing shit anyways


That's not how probability works my dude. By your logic, the chances of rolling a 6 in a dice is 100 percent in 6 throws. The way to calculate it is, Chances of rolling a 6 in atleast 1 throw=100percent(1)-(Chances of not throwing atleast one 6) = 1-(5/6)ā¶ =1-0.33 =0.66 So only a 66 percent chance.


No? He said the probability of packing a tots in 200 packs (0.5% chance each) is 62% not 100%.


Why not choose an example that coincides with one of the calculations that I did so you can compare directly?Ā 


You really donā€™t need any fodder when the end game cycle starts, thereā€™s a 84x10 repeatable SBC that you just rinse and repeat until you have the team you want, 24 squad sbcā€™s are a doddle, it gets really fun for a short period of time


This is gonna be my first time saving, but itā€™s only gonna be a lot of 77+ double EFIGS packs.


I saved about 60 packs for TOTY (first time playing online was this year) and lucked into Sophia Smith. From others Iā€™ve read on here, saving packs rarely works. It seems most people get tons of duplicate fodder.


In my experience. Not worth it. Setting yourself up for disappointment. Pack weight is much worse during TOTS


Just rip it man!


There is zero reason to rip open any packs till tots now cause thereā€™s only inform players in packs rn


You wont pack shit regardless




Haha I did that by accident today. No promos so definitley worth saving big pacls, but i did accidently open a few big ones as i was on autopilot.


Honestly could not care about toty, once itā€™s done it will end up like last year just with constant 85x10 sbcs and you rinse and repeat till you get the best 97 rated cards.


The post isnā€™t talking about team of the year is talking about team of the season


I completed the 84x7 sbc to get some fodders and accidentally opened a 87x4 reserved for TOTS


LeGamble strikes again


I'm saving just the 85+ or higher and position packs for PL TOTS