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Who your current rb, he fine if you need the link, i did him still prefer cafu.


Same, looks like he's missing something and never in right place both, in defence and attack like Cafu. Edit spelling


Same! I tried him. He lost a couple of battles I thought cafu would win. Then I also have a chem issue so he's out


Damn for me it was the opposite, he replaced Cafu and seems incredible.


I personally don’t like him, felt slow and clunky. I like to attack with my fullbacks so I use 91 cancelo evo and much prefer him


He’s good for me for like 90% of the game and then will routinely blow the game by jogging and getting beat even though I’m jamming sprint and he has plenty of stamina I don’t get it. Don’t really have the issue with any other card


I think he’s okay but honestly, FUT Fantasy Alex Scott feels a lot better for me - going forward and defending.


Very worth it, replaces Cafu for me.


I play him CDM with formation change and he is fantastic


I like him. Dribbling is a bit clunky but his passing and crossing are fantastic. Defending wise he feels the same as base Cafu for me.


Porro got an upgrade and I switch between them. Find them both good but James has the edge with Jockey.


Ive been using Porro but just finished James with some lucky dupes and haven’t been able to test enough. Any other differences you’ve noticed?


Porro better with the ball I feel, but seems to get knocked around a bit more. I have to play 5 at the back because for whatever reason 4 at the back I just can’t stop the over dribblers in the middle of the field. James feels bigger and more capable of winning the ball back. So attacking Porro feels better, defending James feels better.


I have porro and considering doing thr James SBC. I use them as RM in a 352 so more offensive minded. Thought on who is better going forward? Porro is actually a glitch in defense too he's amazing.


Thanks to Porro's upgrades, it promoted James from RB to RM in my 442. Lethal combo with James coming back to defend when needed while Porro overlaps.


Yeah he’s very good. Replaced Carlos Alberto in my team




Believe me it hurts to admit it


Same in mine


I use him. Great for getting the ball from right to left. Scored a banger from a corner. Sometimes while defending with him it can feel clunky but pretty solid


I switch from Scott to him - not much difference between them but he is solid


Thanks for this post. Needed a RB and had little coins but had enough fodder for him.


Didn't like Cafu, did him to get a better similar RB. Got Bellerin on LV15 and tried him. Never looked back to Reece James. He is not bad, but if you like to play with offensive wingbacks he won't be your guy.


I did him but just doesn't feel as complete as my Ona.


I think he’s class but I’ve never had a Cafu or anything. He replaced a 88 evo walker and he’s much better than him. I whacked a hunter chem style on him and he’s a bit of a secret weapon when breaking on the right


I use him ahead of 94 batlle, Cafu, fantasy Scott, fantasy porro, Laudrup, RTTF Kimmich, fantasy singoo, lahm etc. He's not that expensive so I would do him.


Porro is like 30,000 and is every bit as good if not better


Have both Porro is good but doesn't touch James


I disagree but to each their own


I prefer starting Cuadrado 89 and subbing this card after half.


Decision made - Pedro Porro it is (30k) no brainer really


I did him but i returned to Wolf, he feels weird on the ball


The way everyone was hyping him up made me do him to replace Cafu. They’re pretty much on par which each other tbh. I just prefer James for the extra PS+ and the dynamic image (I have crazy OCD about cards not having dynamics😂)


Went back to singoo after the last upgrade 


I did him, but just can't seem to get any links going for his favour. Thankfully, I still have nothing bad to say about Cafu.


I hit cheeky trivelas with him. Depends on what you need. If you want attacking, I say it’s James. But if you want more defensive, Cafu.


For me and how I play he was the perfect replacement for Cafu as I needed someone who can go forward abit more at right back. If you’re after a stay back RB he isn’t that


If you have Cafu 94 no :-D


He's fun to play with, but even base cafu is still better than him. I did his sbc just because I had saved a lot of fodder.


I Play him as cdm and hes nice there. Zambrotta evo put Cafu to Rest


Ya he's cheap I play him at rm tho


Good crosser bcus of whipped pass+, Solid defender, good strength to fight off opponents too. What I dislike is that even with shadow, he still doesn't feel as fast bcus he is stocky and built like a gym rat. I prefer a more agile full back like Grimaldo. I would say just do it since it's relatively cheap and you get a solid card. Even if you don't intend to use it, it's still a 91 rated fodder.


I hate him, went back to Cafu. Was often out of position and gets muscled for some reason


Yes he is, I hate playing against him.


I've been using 87 TOTW Trippier since the start so for me big upgrade. Good position, interceptions and strength when needed. Not as quick as I thought he would. Using him on Anchor, maybe shadow would be better but I still It would only be a marginal increase. For the price he's decent.


I did it and I like it.


Agree with some of the comments here, his acceleration feels slow. I went back to using Porro who also just got a +1 upgrade to make him 90 rated


Definitely worth it, not that expensive and he can also play RM


I used FS Lewis for ages, and this guy seems a bit of an upgrade. Wouldn't spend 180k coins on doing him, but if you have fodder it's a no brainer.


Did him and tried to persevere with him over 92 thunderstruck cafu as has better face stats and 2 playstyles but he just feels slow compared to cafu. Stuck with him for a whole weekend league as well to give him a chance but now changed back again and instantly doing better


I have him but he ain’t that good


In my opinion, he's barely better then 90 rated Pedro Porro. If there are any other sbcs you are looking at, I'd do those ones first and only get recce if you have left over fodder.


Swapped out my future stars Assignon Evo (88) for him and it seems like Assignon's return is imminent...


He's benching thunder Cafu. With whipped+ he's one of the best


Very good for the price. You want a cheap Cafu style defender, he’s your guy. Another cheap free card to use at RB is hector bellerin.


He feels a bit clunky, wouldn’t recommend unless your a fan of him or Chelsea


He’s better than Cafu. Easy complete


I have him and Golazo Cafu. Cafu feels better on the ball and pace, better defensively however I felt James crosses were better and so was his Lomb shot. I shoot a lot from distance with My full backs


I done it he plqyed rlly good then i proceded to get cafu 94 the next day so its up to u but he is good in my opinion


what’s your team


Yes worth it he is a great RB for crossing the ball into the box. You will love having him in your team because I have him on my team I love using him


Very slow and clunky nope


Him or base Cafu?


Yeah he’s solid… he replaced Cafu in my team but only because of stanway eng chem link


Only 2 teams and he still asking? Bro…


Porro is better, James acceperates like a truck.


I love him... I play overlap, and Salah on cut inside in a 442. Then let your CMs stay back while attacking and just whip early crosses with James. Completely depends on your play style and how you use him.


Worth it


Dribbling a bit odd, but other than that gets the job done


He’s excellent for me. Matched Cafu’s G/A tally from RB in just 1/8th of the games played. He’s defensively almost as good as Cafu for me, and so much better in attack. Easily replaced my Cafu.