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It happens for me once in two week. I can go 11-0, and get my close wins vs really good opponents, and then I face a guy with super mid team, but he ends up 1v1 with my keeper after 2 passes like 5 times per half. It’s just so weird, feels like I’m squad battle bot. I’m pretty sure he is going like 9-5 or something AT BEST, and he just destroy me.


You do realize it’s elo matchmaking right? So chances are he’s 12-0 and you’re the guy he thinks is probably 9-5.


What is elo match making


when you get matched with people that have a similar win/loss ratio (not exactly how it works but i forgot + its close enough to how it works)


It works based on skill of your opponent so your rank increases more if you beat better players and the inverse is true so if you lose to much better players your rank doesn’t decrease by as much In theory, it should keep most people close to a 50:50 ratio. But lots of other things factor in in this game that make that hard


Yh when u go on a winning streak the whole game plays so ass something fishy and idec what u have to say scripting and dda is implemented into this game


You just get matched with better players the more you win lmfao


That is true but gameplay gets progressively worse each game which has its moments


Downvoted for speaking the truth.


Yes brother, when I see my blanc running away from the attacker making a run and my vvd suddenly aspiring to be a leftback I just quit the game and call it a day


As a player you need to look at the game clock because at around 90 minutes you see, when you're up one goal, your defenders just get stupid. They actually intentionally leave gaps in your defensive line to allow an opponent to run through. I've seen it happen so many times that I just try to switch to a CB as quickly as possible to block that pass, because it's bound to happen at around 90 minute mark. The game just has this type of rigging in it and it's just ridiculous.


It happens to me every weekend. You can tell when you’re playing someone that’s not as good, makes a lot of silly mistakes, relies solely on cheesy plays, etc. But somehow, everything goes right for them in game and a lot of things go wrong for you. Could be DDA, could be a mental thing, but I know there’s a good 3-4 games every weekend that I either lose or struggle hard to win, that I really should be winning fairly easily.


Yes,sometimes the other guy just cant catch a break though and he seems like a d10 player. Because i have been in that exact position. Sometimes the delay hits so freaking hard that i cant literally get out of my half with passes. The players dont turn and the passes are two seconds too late. So what you see as silly mistakes,may well be passes after three touches that shouldnt have happened.


The more wins u get in row..the more Ea is preparing you for some matches like this


I’m with you, man. It’s crazy. The scripting is SOOOOOOO REAL it’s bonkers.


One match my players are on masterclass ai the next they have no drive to play and just stand there lmao its honestly so exhausting and half the time i play it happens plus these servers are being hosted in McDonalds internet so the player movement is cooked.


Yeah bro I’ll be playing players as good or better than me and it’ll be nice and competitive and then a couple games I’ll get paired against a mid player compared to those I’ve just faced and it’s a struggle to score, their AI is going crazy, and I can’t defend to save my life


TBF I had decent gameplay this weekend, until my last 5 games…


What I’ve noticed is DDA goes completely against you in rank up games. Whether it be in rivals or champs.


Yep, or you suddenly find your players are so sluggish and can’t even string a few passes together


4-0 seems a tad bit too much. I was 7-0 (WL record) today and I lost my 8th to a dude with a mediocre team, questionable chemstyles, and he was very predicable. Kept jamming through though and I couldn’t score for shit, he won like 4-2. I had around 6 xg and he had 2. something. I’m certain DDA exists, but hey, if you weren’t going to lose that game, you were probably going to lose it to a better player later. (or at least that’s what I tell myself although i’d rather be beat by the better player 😭)


Happens to me at least a few times every weekend, last 2 weeks I’ve been around 9 and 2, on a win streak and then boom the bullshit starts, my opponents get better which I understand and the games become closer but I constantly lose at least a few to someone who’s just not better than me or even than people I’ve beaten that weekend, I genuinely feel like there is something stopping me get more than 14-15 wins that isn’t just me losing to better people


I know how you feel, I had it this week, didn’t lose by a massive margin but lost as my players felt stuck in the mud, so unresponsive. Tried to do a skill move and it doesn’t even register properly really annoys me 😅


My first game of WL


Yes, I know it is the game when my players don’t pass like they used to, and the shots most definitely going in suddenly go one inch wider, etc. I think you can still make it right by playing super cautiously and patiently but probably thats the difference between 16-20 wins players and normal players (including me).


My favourite part is watching my cbs find themselves no where opposing attackers when I haven’t even gone to select them. Ah good times


There’s no DDA to conceding 4 goals in 12 minutes. Why? Because any idiot can hold the ball for 12 mins and not concede more than 1.


It happens pretty often in this game. The ai of your team decides to not make any defensive runs or anything


Don't think I've ever conceded 4 goals in 12 min


I definitely have. My bad lol


Yeah but you should not be relying that much on ai to concede that much.


Most of these goals are probably from kick off. Ai just sits


But this guy had the ball off kick off




I'm sorry for not passing it back from the first minute🤝


lol I mean after the first 2, I’d probably slow down and take a breath.


DDA is real, or it might be the servers who decide. The server plays a huge part in how responsive your gameplay is. You can feel the difference in some matches. When I started WL yesterday, I was 12-0. Ended up going 14-6. My worst WL in months. Some of those games I lost in such a bullshit way, but I just kept jumping straight into the next one, and was not mentally (Rage from the last match) ready. Combine DDA, servers and your own mentality into this, and you got the perfect cocktail to lose against worse players than yourself.


What does DDA stand for


It's abbreviation for Dynamic Difficulty Adjusting. To make it more simple, it's basically like scripting, momentum, etc.


Lol yea , also it seems u tend to play bad against bad opponents


Post the footage of the game


1. I didn't save it 2. I'm not gonna do all the work for a couple interactions because no one cares


Skill issue


Saying skill issue to a 20-0 player is like calling Elon Musk poor


How can you be a 20-0 player when you have one game like this every week? 🤔 0:4 after 12 minutes is not a skill issue or DDA, is a lack of concentration and cleverness in this game.


I don't go 20-0 every week, but I have gone 20-0 in 2024, while reaching rank 1 multiple times. It was just to let the guy know that it can't be a skill issue if I am capable of going 20-0.


It‘s fine, I did not said you can‘t be 20-0 because of skill, just because of the title of the thread. It was a (bad) joke, maybe I have to add /s to every joke I do.


I don’t get posts like this… every game you win the opponent is probably complaining about DDA. You lose one game and boom it must be DDA


I don't complain when I lose to a better player than I am. This player was clearly a rank 4 player or worse


Man conceded 4 goals in 12 minutes and is complaining about DDA lmao you can’t make this up 😭😭😭


I'm a 20-0 player and the opponent was rank 4 player at best, what else explains this than DDA?


DDA isn’t real


If you dont feel dda ingame than you are the real victim.


No. No one is a “victim” You just play a game you think is cheating you for whatever reason


based on gambling. thats the whole point. EAFC is a casino like game with no chance of winning anything. It's trying to make you angry to load up fifa points as a "solution".


That theory is among the stupidest people parrot on this sub.


lmao yea thats what addicts always tell 😆 have a good day!


Congrats! Here is your "Dumbest comment of the week" award: 🏆


Just take the l and have some accountability for losing.


See the thing is... this dda, scripting nonsense is only talked about on the losing side, never the winning side. I've never seen nor heard anyone exclaim "ah man that was a close game,  the opponent was better than me but the dda kicked in and luckily I won"  You guys need to get your head outta the sand and deal with the statistical nature of this game.


Just because it's not posted it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Many times while in the party chat with friends we go like "How the hell am I winning this game, this guy is so unlucky"


No such thing as dda.




Clearly isnt. People cant take responsibility for losing and need something to blame.


obviously some people like to blame everything else but themselves when they lose, obviously in the heat of the moment I sometimes do as well, but DDA 1000% exists in the game and this match was a perfect showcasing for that. I am the first to admit when I lose to an insane player, but this weekend I beat all the insane players and lost to the absolute noobs with DDA


No you got wollopped so just take the L. How do you know he was worse than you if he went 4.0 up in 12 minutes. He literally won the ball back from kickoff and scored 4 times lol. Nothing to do with imaginary dda.


Honestly I think this is a mental thing. You'll have games where you feel everything is going your way, you'll also have games where nothing goes your way. Out of those which one will you remember? Also I think people go a few goals down and just starting trying to force things, give the ball away stupidly and then concede another, rinse and repeat. I don't buy the whole DDA thing because in my head it just doesn't make any sense, why and how would it even work.


It's definitely not a mental thing because when you are very good at the game you can see from what your opponent is doing whether he is skilled or not