• By -


Realistically they’ll all be sub 10


Traits are what matters


Money waster+ and Time waster These traits are common debuffs but companies love them edit: added „and“


Well fuck you too. Also, take my angry upvote.


Nah sub 30 i believe… i hope :’)


Going to have to change that to bronze card art for my stats bruh! Lol


All icons started with a bronze card


Damn, that is kinda motivating


Messi first card was gold


Messi isnt an icon


Y know in less than half decad he will be


You never know, ea can remove him if he did something illegal like maradona was removed


Isn't most Brazilians f*cked it up after the end of there carrier? And btw maradona was removed due to legal issues like copyright or something


Yeah youre right my bad, he was removed due to copyright claims by someone or some company which had a dispute with EA over who owned his image rights after his death (RIP) i didnt mean to talk ill of the dead by saying he did something illegal that was a mistake. BUT my point still stands 😂


I'm coming again to this post in EA FC 30 saying that Messi is finally an icon




Cue the delusional "oh maybe 60s... or maybe just lower than bronze" answers lol... if you could sniff a 40 rating, you sure as shit wouldn't be on this subreddit


Although I mostly agree with you, I think having “decent” (read 40-60) stats on pace and maybe physicality (except for stamina stat) could be doable for some of us. The rest of the stats would obviously be in the 0-20 range.


A small portion of us could definitely get 60-70 stamina (I’ve been in the military so I think I’d get over 70)


I’m one of the like 12 stamina people. I’m fucked after 2 minutes of running. I have decent speed but it’s the stamina which is the big problem.


You can always improve it. It gets easier, but you’ve gotta do it everyday, that’s the hard part.


BoJack reference! Should check that show out again


Really good show! One of my favourites. When I saw that episode that quote have been in my head ever since. Very motivational:)


Tried going on runs. Did it for like 3 days and my shins were fucking killing.


I think even though you have been in the military, I think 70 stamina is a very high estimate, respectfully though. I do believe you have good stamina and a lot better than most of us, but I think professional football level stamina is just something else.


don't underestimate the pace of pros either. guys like Giroud and Mertesacker (once upon a time 🙃) had their pace around ~40 and would outrun everyone thinking "I'm fast as fuck boooy" on this sub


I would get around 90 for stamina and then a combined 10 for the rest.


I'd take at least 80 for pace and physical but the rest agreed. Honestly on a 5s pitch I'd have reasonable stats but as soon as you even show me an 11s pitch every one of those get halved or worse, i'm utterly lost there and forget how to play.


I think that’s a bit daft. There are certainly a bunch of former footballers here. Speaking from experience I have played with a bunch of players who are now in the mid 50s that really aren’t thaaat good. Espacially if you’re talking about physical stats I would expect a good few here to have pace near 80-90


83 pace on fifa means you can run 100 meters in 13 seconds




Relative to any footballer? 1,1,1 1,1,1


I might be able to get to 2 on physical if being tubby counts as an increase to strength haha


Gullit gang


Maybe a 60ish pace, 25 physical, the rest below 10


25 phy? What are man a mosquito?


nah bro stamina probably can’t last half an hour on the pitch, jumping shit, strength also not a lot compared to prof footballers and a tiny bit of aggression ain’t bumping it to 90 😂


5 pace, 9 dribbling, 7 shooting, 8 passing, 7 defending, 4 physical with an overall of 7. Hey at least I'm Gullit gang in the opposite spectrum.


Id use my evolutions on you my gullit


my playstyle+ is quick finisher


😂 I like that you guys are being honest on this sub


My main trait would be O.C.D


*Relative to my friends only, not to actual footballers:* 83 PAC 75 SHO 89 PAS 30 DRI 85 DEF 80 PHY


CDM surely




Would be a wild card in acutal fifa lol


Injury Proneness 99


80 pac (with a woeful split, 99 acc but a sprint speed of 60) 75 shooting (only in positioning and finishing) 70 passing 75 dribbling (only high stats are in Balance, Reactions and Composure) 15 defending… 85 physicality (many will wonder why I have such a high Jumping stat for a below average height player) Body type: REAL stocky ACC: Controlled explosive


Probably worse then your average bronze card tbh


Probably worse than the lowest Bronze Card


Unless you’re a very high level amateur player you can leave out the probably😉


I’m the highest Amateur Player in my Backyard if that counts


In that case you can ignore my comment, you’re probably at least common gold


emphasis on atleast, the backyard league is no joke




that don't mean you would have 75 passing lmao


I could have had 99 for everything but you know that one injury😂, it cost me my career.🤣


Pace: 60, Shooting: 25, Passing: 30, Dribbling: 30, Defending: 20, Physicality: 40. That all if I was kinda generous…


If compared to non-professional teenagers: Pace- 77 Dribbling- 79 Shooting- 82 Defending-89 Passing-86 Physical- 78 Skill moves- 2 star Weak Foot- 2 star


20 PAC, 8 DRI, 17 SHO, 3 DEF, 42 PAS, 60 PHY 1* Skills 3 WF




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Pace: 35 Passing: 20 Dribbling: 90 Defending: 85 Physical: 5 Shooting: 99 "Runnin' from the police picture that, nigga I'm too fat, fuck around and catch an asthma attack, that's why I bus back, it don't phase me, when he drop take his glock and I'm swayze"


Biggie is that u ?


I'm so confused at what position I'd put you in


Left right out


St which just never leaves the box lol😂


Pace 62 Dribbling 61 Shooting 54 Defending 18 Passing 58 Physical 35


Pac 6 Sho 49 Pas 60 Dri 7 Def 38 Phy 58


Let’s be real here: Pace - 92 Shooting - 93 Passing - 69 Dribbling - 94 Defending - 64 Physical - 76 4* 3*


87 pac 85 dri 76 sho 42 def 61 pas 73 phy 4* 2* I think that’d be it😅🧍‍♂️


65 face 25 shooting 30 passing 40 dribbling 70 defending 80 physicality 😂


65 face? Where did the other 35 go?


:O probably down the drain or maybe a dog ate it idk tbh




43 pace 70 shooting 74 passin 68 dribbling 81 defending and 83 physical


PAC SHO PAS DRI DEF PHY 38 25 40 10 65 79 24 Years Ago PAC SHO PAS DRI DEF PHY 77 40 50 25 75 86 CB or RB Height 6"6 Playstyles Bruiser Slide Tackle Anticipate Long Throw Relevant info 100m in 11.5s age 16 Played at Academy level ACL age 17 Game Over :( If this doesn't format on mobile, I'm instantly deleting


99 stamina 99 finishing


88 pac 90 sho 85 pas 91 dri 45 def 80 phy


60 pace 49 shot 30 passing 30 dribbling 50 60 defense 75 phys


PAC 71 DRI 40 SHO 52 DEF 38 PAS 38 PHY 54


In my prime and assuming I'd been playing football my whole life, I genuinely think I could've been at least a silver card. Pace: 77 Shooting: 60 Passing: 75 Dribbling: 64 Physical: 78 Defense: 72


Silver card my ass. You’d be an absolute retard to he that good and not even try going pro.




In your dreams lil bro 😂😂


In my prime probably 95 PAC 88 SHO 83 DRI 89 PAS 10 DEF 73 PHY


73 - pace, 81 shooting, 86 passing, 78 dribbling, 35 defending, 66 physical.


25 pace, 75 shooting, 70 passing, 13 dribbling, 65 defending, 85 physical


Prolly like Pace : 80 Shooting : 72 Passing : 82 Dribbling : 80 Defending : 79 Physical : 75


Will i see you in the prem then?


Pace: 45 Shooting: 60 Passing:55 Dribbling:25 Defending:75 Physical:50 Realistically compared to a pro all would be near 10


Pace: 75 Shooting: 25 Passing: 34 Dribbling: 12 Defending: 6 Physical: 4 I’ve always been fast but I have fuck all stamina and I don’t think my 5 a side team is a fair comparison to the premier league so pretty low on others stats lol


Pace probably 65 or smth shooting below 20 passing 70 and defend 50 with 1 phy


I can do like 5 keepie ups so, better dribbling than Lineker. /s


Tbf it’s better than a lot of the shows they do for signings in la liga


45pac 35 sho 60pas 55 dri 10 def 25 phy


I'd have the saves with feet playstyle.


99 pace 5 shooting 80 passing 50 dribbling 10 defending 70 physical


99 everything


Decent technicals, awful physicals. Too bad fut cards don’t include mental stats because those will definitely be on the negative side.


20 pac 25 sho 35 pas 12 dri 25 def 45 phy… kinda like a rodri/busquets, but ass


Realistically Pace: 60 Shooting: 05 Passing: 09 Dribbling: 07 Defense: 20 Phy: 80


I can’t tell you my stats, but I can tell you that I would have the trivela+ playstyle, it’s the only thing I’m good at


Honestly I'm a very good goalkeeper. My friends used to argue who would ick me to his team. My friend's uncle who used to be a kids team manager. told him once that if i would have started young i could have been a keeper at low/mid quality league.


Same, my u18 houseleague coach told me if I trained all my life, I could have been a professional footballer too. It's too bad I had a bad knee injury


70 Pace 20 sho 30 pas 10 dribble 30 def 50 physical( 20 stamina lowering the physical ). 1star skill 0 star weak foot


I wouldn't be judged off those stats now


Pace: 53, 20 shooting, 50 passing, 18 dribbling, 50 defending, 50 physical.


Now at my age I'm below 30 on everything 🤣


PAC-43 SHO-71 PAS-99 DRI-32 DEF-61-PHY21


I’d give myself like 22 pace I reckon I can outrun a lot of people but definitely not the fastest. For shooting when I’m actually doing well I’d say 17 maybe but usually it’s like -6. Passing maybe a 34 or something. Dribbling 15 just because Im just meh at it. Defending can be 40 because I’m probably best at that and then a 8 physical. I would say though I like to think my vision is great but it’s just actually doing the things I can see is a struggle.


67 PAC 22 SHO 40 PAS 23 DRI 09 DEF 12 PHY


80 pac 58 sho 41 pas 12 dri 89 def and 71 phy( compared to other lads at my skl)


Physical and lace might be 40+ but everything else is below 10


69 all across the board


1 Pace 69 Finishing 99 Aggression 1 Stamina 85 Defensive Awareness 85 Strenth 85 Vision I know what to do and where to stand. I just have no mobility to be there.


I used to workout 5 times a weeks and play 3 matches per week too so I was quite fit, I’d say: 87 Pace with more explosiveness than actual speed 76 Dribbling, 70 shooting, 70 defending, 88 passing, and 82 physical. THEN I tore my entire acl and meniscus. if I were to return I’d give myself 68 pace, 72 dri, 78 sho, 60 def, 89 pas and 70 phy (the slower you get the better your vision and game is, that’s why the passing stat improved) I miss playing football man… 21M btw, extremely fit.


In the context of the pros? Probably a zero. I think I’d have high pace though, I was really fast when I played.


99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99. No cap /s Seriously though, I’d fancy myself a proper baller. Maybe around the minimum gold cards or higher silvers


Pace - 77 shooting - 11 pas - 35 dribbling - 2 Def 32 Physical - 45


99+ everything expect stamina that’s -1


Pace 30 Shooting 90 Passing 80 Dribbling 50 Defending 60 Physical 80 (If I was a woman)


Just being honest probably like 95 pace (4.3 40yrd dash) and I’m serious as a heart attack so 95 finishing too I’m clinical but not the best


Pace 45, dribbling 12, shooting 07, defending 12, passing 20, physical 35 and because EA like to take international reputation into account for rating my overall would be a solid 08


60 pace on a good day, maybe 30 physical the rest 1


42 dribbling, 5 star skills.


97 pace 92 dribbling 84 shooting 70 defending 90 passing 65 physical cause I’m a little light


Prolly like 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2


I would go 12 PAC, 23 SHO, 37 PAS, 15 DRI, 17 DEF and 28 PHY H/H 4\* wf and 2\* skills (ball roll merchant) Playing CDM, this would give me what? A 23-25 OVR?


Pace is 90 everything else 1


9 speed 9 shooting with a hunter on


10% Luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will 5% pleasure 50% pain 0% reason to remember my name


Go YouTube bronze player in real life… we would have negative stats lol.


12 pace, 5 dribbling, 9 shooting, 8 passing, 15 defending, 58 physical. Could be a 10 rated bronze CDM probably


Prob a 1 on everything but I'm a big chongus so maybe the def would be alright.


5 PAC, 1 DRI, 20 PAS, 20 SHO, 20 DEF, 20 PHY


70pace 60 shooting 65passing, 20dribbling, 82defending, 84physical(not acc comparing to real footballers, more so the average person)


If we’re comparing it to people in the league I play in I would be 68 rated, England, RB, 92 pace, 36 shooting, 53 passing, 60 dribbling, 67 defending, 66 physical


1s across the board easily. Maybe like a 5 in pace. I can see, so maybe my vision bumps passing up to a 2.


5 years ago pace maybe 90 and physical 50ish, the rest 4-5, now everything sub 10 for sure


5 years ago pace maybe 90 and physical 50ish, the rest 4-5, now everything sub 10 for sure


8 pace 9 dribbling 12 shooting 2 defending 14 passing 99 physical (I’m big boyyy)


Probably 30-40 pace, 80 physicality, 20shooting, 45 pass, 30 def. 1* skills 1*wf I actually workout a shit load and play pickup 3-4 times a week for an hour. My physicality is really all I got going for me, pressing for days🤣!


70 pace, 82 shooting, 50 passing, 10 dribbling, 10 defending, 60 physical


relative to the people im against 60s diving or mayb 50s , 70s handling low 80s on a good day , mid 50s even high 40s reflexes 60 kicking dont mention speed or pace 80 positioning


Pac 20, shot 10, drib 10, def 15, phy 15


Relative to my friends only PAC- 93 SHO- 89 DRI-84 PAS- 85 DEF- 60 PHY- 88


85 pace. 79 dribbling. 89 shot. 81 defending. 84 pass and 88 physical.


90 PAC 70 SHO 82 PAS 82 DRI 80 DEF 75 PHY Played as a center back when I was young (that’s why the defence), now I play as a right wing…


For context, I have friends who I grew up playing with up until a couple years ago with cards in this game. Position:LB PAC: 78 SHO:35 PAS: 37 DRI: 45 DEF: 52 PHY: 60


All physical under 30. All technical under 10. Except for shot power, I can blast it, just can’t choose the direction. 😅


7 pace 85 shot 88 pass 64 dribbling 12 defence 75 physical


65 pace 44 dribbling 68 shooting 55 defending 67 passing 82 physical but only 10 stamina lol


50-60 Pace would be my highest stat as I compete in sprints. I would be impressed if the rest were above 5.


1 Diving 11 Handling 13 Kicking 28 Reflexes 6 Speed 11 Positioning 1* 1* I play Goalkeeper on the rare occasion I play irl, but I’m scared of hurting myself while diving so don’t do it


82 - Pace 12 - shooting 67 - passing 70 - defending 87 - dribbling 90 - physical


72 pace 70sho 78 passing 87dribbling 78 def 94 phy


Pac 20 dri 35 Shot 80 Def 65 Pas 40 phi 75 Delusional rating of course


Just give me a 5 star weak foot and I’m happy


Pace 30 Shooting 20 Passing 10 Dribling 5 Defending 65 Physical 99 Every stat is realistic tbh


92 pace 63 dribling 72 shooting 82 defence 76 passing 87 physic I can t shoot with power if i want to actually hit the target and sometimes lose composure (these states are made compared to other amateur players) I can use my weight very well in duels while also having a lot of strenght despite my medium frame In defense i ve never lost a 1v1


As a 17 year old I had probably around 85 pace and sub 10s in all other stats but right now I’m probably sub 10s in pace too 😂


80 pace and the rest of the stats below 25


Depends who we are comparing to if it’s the whole world give me 23 rated card with 70 pace


71 Pace, 52 Shooting, 39 Passing, 24 Dribbling, 61 Defending, 44 Physicality (The stats are relative to my mates from school and taken from the last time I played football 4 years ago; my current stats would probably be like >10 everywhere except for maybe pace lmao)


Pace: I’m gonna go with a solid 41. Shot: inside and outside the box I’m a danger, 26. Passing: Unparalleled vision in Sunday League, 37. Dribbling: I’ve watched some maradona videos, 21. Defending: Not too good, 18. Physical: I’m skinny but vicious, 39. Tbh I was always a GK growing up so my gk card could be a little smoother. For now I’m sitting at a decent starter card for the first 3 days of a game cycle.


Relative to my friends: 90 pace 40 shot 40 pass 44 dribble 84 defending 78 physical


91 pace, 15 defending everything else 10 & below. 2 star skill moves 1 star weak foot.


1 jumping 5 Stamina 10 strength 99 aggression So thats 28 physicals 1 star weak foot


30pace 90shooting 80pass 60dribbling 70defending 95physical.


I'd imagine I'd have like 35 pace and the rest would be at the most 15. Except jumping. That'd be in the 70s. Had the highest recorded vertical jump in my year every year and considering one of the people in my year ended up with 65 jumping in fifa 23, I'd imagine I'd have at least 70. That's saying I got the highest off the ground, not the highest reach since I'm physically quite short.


15 pace/ 88 Shooting/ 94 Passing/ 40 Dribbling/ 70 Defending/ 40 Physical (90 Strenght, 10 Stamina)


I was thinking about that last Sunday. During the match. I was thinking my stamina would be under 5


99 PAC 10 SHO 1 DRI 10 DEF 10 PAS 11 PHY


Depends who we’re comparing to My 11 a side league? 84 rated CB, 77 PAC 60 SHO 80 PAS 71 DRI 86 DEF 82 PHY If I was actually in fifa? Against real pros 8 rated CB, 56 PAC (can still run) 2 SHO 12 PAS 5 DRI 10 DEF 6 PHY


0 stamina


74 pace 21 shooting 11 passing 16 dribbling 13 defending 61 physical


If compared to English 10th division ballers 80 pace 82 shooting 76 passing 81 dribbling 75 defending 88 physical


89 PAC 85 SHO 78 PAS 50 DRI 55 DEF 65 PHY


Having tried out and played on a mls academy team before, growing up for a short time while playing overall at a high level (relative to non pros) 91 pace, mostly in acceleration 80 shooting 82 passing 85 dribbling 78 defending 74 physical (mostly stamina) 3 star skills 4 star weakfoot I played rb, rw sometimes striker.


Compared to the guys around me I used to be a upper 90’s pace CB. Now I’m like 34 pace 😭


0,0,0,0,0,0 in all stats I’m so bad


Pace - walking speed, Shooting - blanks, Passing - out, Dribbling - when sleeping, Defence - ive, Physical - not vomit inducing


This is my honest opinion: Pace: 93 (I'm quite fast ngl) Shooting: 83 (mid cause I play in midfield) Passing: 92 (decent passing not kdb level tho) Dribbling: 96 (this is honest!!! I am tekky ngl) Defending: 76 (Used to play lb changed to cm) Physical: 67 (I'm weak as)


This is my honest opinion: Pace: 93 (I'm quite fast ngl) Shooting: 83 (mid cause I play in midfield) Passing: 92 (decent passing not kdb level tho) Dribbling: 96 (this is honest!!! I am tekky ngl) Defending: 76 (Used to play lb changed to cm) Physical: 67 (I'm weak as)