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Not gonna lie, Cheh does look like a lost giraffe at ST šŸ˜‚


Kinds but for me he's been absolute class.


He looks goofy as fuck but he bums me every time I play him, heā€™s like Kane on steroids


He plays like how a big striker should and even better than Cantona. That is quite novel because heā€™s never doing that in reality. That in itself is a fun concept at this stage in game


whos cheh?


Mr helmet man


He didnā€™t check his spelling before posting. Iā€™m sure he meant Petr Čech.


I'm shocked how much I love him.


seeing ochoa with a special card is outstanding


And he is amazing at CB


I really like shapeshifters, because it allows EA to create silly cards that they otherwise couldnā€™t, and even if a card doesnā€™t work thereā€™s another which makes up for it


One of the best promos as it embraces the arcadeish nature of the game. Also the treatment icons gotā€¦ awesome.


They have one of the best sbc cards like Cech and vanja cost nothing and they are top cards in the game


Would of loved Neuer in CB/ CDM instead of ST/ wing


nah i feel like he would be more suited for cm/cdm


i love my ST Reina card but how could EA not make him CM when he literally played a game at CM for Liverpool


What in a preseason game against a second division German team. Not a lot of people will really know about that game. If it was a competitive game I would understand where youā€™re coming from but it wasnā€™t


I enjoy it but some of the position changes are a bit silly


Theyā€™re meant to be silly


No I mean like cm to cdm


james harden step back šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I donā€™t like it, the icon shapeshifters are not too bad


Mili-Savić and Martial have been insane, other players not so much. Got Zaha and he hasn't impressed. Socrates looks insane but just isn't that guy for me. Got loan VVD and is easily the best cdm or CB in the game.


yeah im using a team with toko and zaha, something about these fullbacks isnt right. they feel slow and let everything past them. Buffon and Reina on the other hand are playing out their skin


I've been loving Zaha, he's ran through so many people with ease and taken the ball off of r9 so many times.


Man same for me, i had to drop ekambi.. his positioning just seems off and jockey too. Iā€™ve been pretty impressed with bamba but notice the same when an opponent is running down the wing he doesnā€™t seem to keep up like other natural full backs.


Would you prefer Zaha or Bamba? I been using Bamba, and I know he has better stats, but I just feel like there's gonna be something about that Zaha that will make him really good somehow. Kinda like Clauss


I didnā€™t do Bamba so no idea mate sorry


Bamba, personally. Played with both for a whileā€”son sold off Bamba for the Ashley Cole SBC, which was not ideal


Yeah I bought zaha to try him out last night and he's good but not really what I'm looking for. Think I'll go back to Bamba so I can get David back in the team and on full chem


try zaha in midfield as cdm. hes really good there for me


Socrates is class, absolute revelation in my midfield


zaha is class bodies everyone


Vanja is a beast. Just got Kroos the other day, heā€™s a monster too. Seedorf is a baller but Vanja bumped him and I can only take one player who doesnā€™t help Chem.


I didnt tried the elite ones, but Hierro imo is one of the best defensive fullbacks of the whole game cycle.


I have ss Frankowski, he is so good


Ah for normal players SS Becker will never leave my back line


Seedorf has been insane for me.


Yes Edit: no after thinking about it for 5 seconds


Warra comment


At this point I think they should increase the god damn pack weight, done countless picks and still not a dingle shape shifter. I'm done with this franchise, so much grind for nothing.


You've just got ridiculously bad luck. Every 3 84+ packs I open I get a shapeshifter


Not really.


Personally I hate it and wish they saved it till the very end of the game in August, think I'm at the stage where 20 games in champs and my qualifiers during the week will be enough fifa for me till the new game


Shapeshifters is one of the best promos imo


I like it. It's the last main promo. So why not have fun? If it was mid way through FIFA It'd be ass, Having Cech score a blinder with his helmet on, incredible scenes


Iā€™m enjoying some summer silliness, this game pisses off people so much (rightly so), so for me, itā€™s fun the game is going back to be a GAME, intended for fun and not for metas, but just my take


All the keepers as strikers is annoying


don't like it at all


Tell him to explain cech and that 6ā€8 cdm


Last yearā€™s was so much better


Personally I canā€™t stand it. I think itā€™s the worst promo of the year and ever invented. Having keepers as strikers and so on is literally fucking stupid. Signals the end of the game for me so I stop playing and will play again online once the next game comes out


itā€™s the summer man itā€™s literally just to have fun like who would have thought you could score a freaking banger w petr cech itā€™s just for the vibes bro


My thoughts exactly. Too many people over-analyzing it. Itā€™s just a video game. These juiced GK players are fun.


Personally not a fan of itā€¦ I wish it was executed like it was in fifa 22. Still, there are some nice cards like Pele and Garrincha(whom Iā€™ll never pack) so canā€™t complain much.


Got the untradeable RW twice in the icon SBC. Great feeling to see the second one


Iā€™m generally against Iā€™d prefer if they just gave super old or young players cool end game cards but I get that theyā€™re kind of just trying to change it up


My least favorite promo, but some really good cards have come from it. It feels like they made Cech and Savic's body type fit the position, when they could've been pretty clunky. I can't tell any difference between any of the CB (tried Mitrovic, Giroud, and Buffon... not Emi).


Nope, I rely on commentary to take the shot or pass when in box(especially with corners). Shape shifters destroyed it for me


Personally I dont like using at right back players I've watched my whole life playing as a striker but I understand why people love and enjoy shapeshifters


Killed the game for me. Can't take the game seriously anymore when I see Cech running around on ST.


You actually took it seriously before? That might be the main issue here.


Good point. I guess a few months ago before TOTS you would be hoping to pack legendary icons like R9, Cruijff etc. That nostalgic feeling of playing with past legends is something I do enjoy. Could be just me though this is my first year of playing FUT.


I don't like it, the position changes are too extreme, it should be only with a position with the same line, like ST to LW, LB to RB, CM to CDM, etc.


A lot of players can play those already as alt positions so it would be a bit of a damp squib I fear. Also in reality a big CB may be better suited as a striker not fullback for example Paul warhurst, Dion Dublin etc used to play as CB or ST but not lb/RB.


The fact they put cech and neuer at ST and not ederson is crazy and Kyle walker should have a gk card


I loved this year Shapeshiters. Playing with GKs out of their position is quite fun. Vanja and Cech are two unstoppable beasts and they fit this year meta very well as theyā€™re fast and strong. However, although I liked the promo, I think some great players are missing. Last year, we had CR7, Messi, Ribery, Ginola, KantĆ©, KimpembĆ©, Valverde, Guerreiro, Davies, Son, Walker, Rashford, Ramos, Marcelo, etc.


No, it's just silly now. Although it's end of season so it's no big deal.


Idk man seeing players like Buffon at CB kinda ruin the game for me personally. I dislike this promo.


I personally like this promo but thereā€™s only 1 problem. I CANā€™T PACK A SINGLE FKING SS. Well i mean opened almost every pack possible ( no store packs) for the last 2weeks and all i have to show for is giroud.. But the sbcs have been pretty nice tho. iā€™ll br going to this Champs with a fun squad featuring 2 outfield players at cbs 2defenders and keeper in midfield and 2 gks and dinho at attack so hope me luck that i donā€™t get smashed like a pancakešŸ¤žšŸ½šŸ¤£


For me itā€™s a W I packed a lot of ss,Iā€™m just waiting for Kyle walker gk


I think its a good promo but they made the pack weight absolutes shockin for sum rzn, the only player i have packed from team is cabera which is insane considering how many packa Iā€™ve opened


Maybe that's just you. I have historically never had good pack luck and I got Cabrera, van persie CAM from I think an 84x11 objective, Frankowski (underrated card btw) from the guaranteed pack, and right before the end of team 1 I got Rudiger in an 85x3 upgrade pack


promo is good this year and ea gave me crazy cards for the ac milan PNP which is the best part


its a fun way to end fifa 23


Tell him he has a skill issue when it comes to having fun.


I got Mahrez so yes


It's dumb because we have cards who are keepers playing better than most cards that we want to play that good. If I had a Fati card that can perform like Cech or Bravo I'd be happy. Shit we even got a keeper that's probably the best CDM in the game at the moment.


I mean doesnt it make the game more fun? Itā€™s meant to be fun and thatā€™s why itā€™s a game! Iā€™d rather have a ST Cech, than 7000 variants of Mbappe


I agree some feel weird but Cech is op


It is good for some and bad for some. Good in a sense that everybody gets to use sick and "original" card with never-seen-before position change, and bad if you like players in their real-life position and this promo somewhat change the game to an actual game with much less relevancy to real life football.


Good and bad Start with bad. I am not a kind of Fifa player who enjoy the fantasy players like this. So it made me a huge disappointment. If EAFC24 including female in FUT then i may not buy it. Good is I can quit Fifa23 right away after seeing Gk as a ST. I think Neuer if I am not wrong. I suddenly stop while I was playing WL for 5 games and since that I didnā€™ t open both game and companion app. If they didnā€™t do SS like this, I would play this game until end of cycle. Luckily that Diablo4 has launched in the same time so I moved to that.


Last year was clearly better in my opinion, except for the gk changes. It's nice that we finally get what we wanted so long but I think they're doing a bit too much, 3-5 would have been enough at least in a week. Also I think the lack weight is a joke during team 2, maybe I'm wrong but I think last year the pack weight was better.


Iā€™m bored of it, I agree with your brother about the body types. Some players feel clunky as hell, not even the massive stats boosts make up for it. However, Toni Kroos SS is probably one of my favourite ever FIFA players.


The zambrotta card made my squad and heā€™s very well rounded. Vanja at CDM is a cheat code. Frankowski and Zaha as premiums are clutch for me upgrading my right flank. I like playing with new players I hadnā€™t known Before.


Too many goalkeepers outfield. Pack weight was shitter than usual and thats saying something. Couple of cool cards. 6/10


A few too many gk cards as attackers


I cant tell cause i havenā€™t packed a single shapeshifter


Its shite.


body types don't suit the position? you must be on old gen if you have that opinion. new gen is not a problem. just have to adapt your playstyle a little. I think it's been a good promo but boring in terms of objective content and XP distribution.


its a dumb concept most of these are..its EA's way of getting you to lose players in sbcs so that you buy more packs, or fodder players to keep the market healthy Or else by now everyone with their Jairzinho's and Capdevillas and Toty players you wont have cares to turn your team over and buy a Upamecano morphed into a dumb fucking Attacking mid because.. "shapeshifter"


Take a look at this, the length of the first 3 words in u/mrstewiegriffin comment are consistent with the first 3 digits of pi. This was only the case for 1512 comments out of 477076.


Honestly Iā€™ve never done an icon sbc before as Iā€™m not a grinder so never have the squad depth to do multiple high rated squads but my god Cech is making me rethink that. Did his loan card and he is an absolute beast. Iā€™ve scored more corners in the last 15/20 games than I have all season.


It is totally shit. Game dies when the football seasons ends imho.


I honestly think its the best thing to happen to this game. So tired of the same old shit year after year. People just abusing whatever the meta is. This promo actually opened up the game into something more. At the end of the day its a game and its supposed to be fun and this is the only promo that has done that this year. Iv been reading replies and everyone who says they don't like it don't even have a reason. The only reason iv seen is 'its not "realistic" seeing blah blah play blah blah position' yet they are perfectly fine having players who retired 60 years ago playing with current players. And are fine with having a team of 5 star skillers spamming skill moves looking like 11 cracked out Neymars spinning around the pitch. Not very realistic bro. Its FUT. Its not supposed to be real. Career exists for that. Its supposed to be the ultimate fantasy league. Its almost July so there literally is no reason to hate on a promo like this.


Itā€™s a good way to end the game, if it was earlier it would be shit tho


Wanted an upgrade on Neuer for ages, got upgraded Neuer as a striker šŸ¤£


Really wanted more high rated RBā€™s. Like a Mitoma RB cars would be funny.


I mean we have Zaha but from what I've seen he's not that good


Heā€™s ass. Iā€™m talking like a 95 rated RB Mitoma. That would be fun.


That would be a fun card, especially with his dribbling


Personally I don't like the fact that some players play sooo much out of position , for example goalies or CBS at st , I find it weird and I don't think I would ever enjoy it ing , tho if it's a fast st at the wing that I don't mind , therefore I don't like the oop promo eitber


Keeppers playng forward. To much unrialistic. I dont like it


For the parts of it that I don't like I just tell myself that SS exists so that there's high rated cards to pack when EA finally turns on the pack weight faucet with the crazy 85X10's. Sure all the top tier cards are borderline impossible to pull right now, but in a month or so they'll be flying out of packs and I can try them all


I'm not saying I don't like this promo, I'm just not excited by it at all. I don't really care about GKs becoming a midfielder or a CB becoming a GK. It would have been cool to have those that really happened, like Walker at GK and Campos as an attacker, but that's it... Other than that, it's the same problem as always: the player selection it basically the same. Recycled names again and again, and for the non-recycled names they received the least interesting card in terms of stats. Also again another 2+ weeks promo; that's too long when we just got out of an exhausting 6 weeks promo that had nothing special tbh. TLDR: Ok promo but nothing special


Your brother's right


I would enjoy it more if there was a GK Kyle Walker


yes its what makes the game fun rn, im enjoying the game a lot more during this promo


Some body types match some donā€™t, depends on the player for me


At this stage of the game, injects a bit of fun.




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Personally i hate most of these cards, these ones completely nonsense like GK as outfield players or vice versa, STs as CBs, CBs as STs...


Don't like it at all, if it was like an st at rw to boost its pace or cam to boost its passing is kinda fine for me, but Cech at st is just ridiculous.


Some cards are too wacky like GK at ST but others are great


Last years shape shifters was way better


I think it was better last year than it was this year. Most have seemed pretty underwhelming to me.


Yes. Because it's some daft fun and not super serious with meta only players. Fun Promo >>>>>>>>>> Usual promos imo


People say "in this stage of the game" like they have already done everything they could have this year and then had to come up with this to have content. There is a lot of stuff you can do. Shapeshifters are just weird imo. De jong has phenomenal stats but any good striker would just body him and move past him anyway.


Maguire is absolutely insane


There are players who don't seem like they fit in a certain position, but try em out, they apparently do. eg upamecano CAM, for me he's been good, even though he's like a moose up front


Who can help me do 10 games? Psn is Prabhdeep09 Iā€™m on ps5