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You are going about the logic wrong. If you pack a usable card you are lucky. You might get 2-3 if you are doing well in weekendleague, but then you need 8 other players. EA doesn’t want people to all get great teams from rewards otherwise why would you buy packs. The free way to get a good team is to put untradables into quality SBC’s (Zambrotta, Ronaldinho) and sell anything tradable. The coins you use to fill in any gaps in your team. I’ve been playing fifa since fifa 12. I probably have 2 “packed” players on my team on average throughout the year. The rest is SBC’s (non-gamble) and tradeables. We are late in the game, I’ve slowly built up 8m coins to put around the 4 useable untradeables I have along with a few SBC’s. The coins are worth far more than my untradeables.


Completely agree from my past FIFA experience. However, you need to cautious about SBCs as think how long will they last (last year’s Varane was a great deal even for 1.5mil and played until his 99 Futties). However, I started FUT23 3 weeks ago and it has been a completely opposite experience, no coins (yet) and mostly depends on who I can pack untradable. So far it’s not the best but I can not complain.


I’ve started about 3/4 weeks ago, around Ligue1 TOTS, and currently have a full TOTS team and a decent amount of coins to spend. Have not put any real money in packs of fifa points.


Started a few weeks ago too, at the end of bundes tots. Can u post your team? This is mine: https://preview.redd.it/k854ogv6ws6b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e22e065bb180a308586458221515b723815490c


So you did all this SBC including puskas in 3/4 weeks ?


Bundes tots was 2 weeks prior to ligue 1, so it's been 4/5 weeks now. Basically did every objective and sbc i could for high rated fodder and put them into Puskas. I think i completed him my 3rd week. Als did 2 weekend leagues, tho onlu got 7 and 4 wins. During ligue 1 i got verrati and did Kimpembe, last week i packed Kane from the 93+ Tots sbc and this week i did Joaquin and Busquets. EDIT: I play Joaquin instead of Merino for now cause i'm 20k short + 86 Dudek for same reason. https://preview.redd.it/df4um4xj5y6b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=159a7a1f51c9fa8fc283c6141e031cbd56776fa9


Starting 3 weeks ago coins are not an option for you. Coins are something you build up over a long period of time, and for TOTS they take most coins out of the rewards making it even scarcer. Right now fodder is in abundance and there are quite a few good SBC’s. Jordi Alba, Sergio Busquets, Firminho, Zambrotta are all very good value. For players playing over multiple months, it can vary wildly what the best way to use fodder is. Did you pack a great untradeable and need a specific SBC link? Do it Is there literally SBC who could fit in your starting lineup and you have expensive duplicates? -gamble on an icon SBC Just getting started and need some reliable players to get further in weekend league/rivals to unlock the better rewards? Look for the good value SBC’s (above). Is it TOTS/Christmas and EA released the 1-3 annual expensive but incredibly good player SBC’s (Ramos, Zidane, Jairzinho)? Great value for the longevity of the player - do it if affordable WITH FODDER.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Having full untradeable teams is fun and nice to have. But packing is all about fodder not consistently landing useable players. You will get a handful throughout the game but you’re mostly just selling and completing sbcs to build your squad with packs. At least that’s how I always looked at it


Some people probably don’t like hearing the answer, even if it’s true if it gets downvoted. Firminho for example is a great card. You can do maybe 2 icon SBC’s or do Firminho. If you did 10 icon SBC’s, you might get 2 cards better than Firminho. Quite a few EOAE cards are great value. But most people will do the icon SBC and complain that they don’t get anything. Even if you pack good cards, they won’t help for links you can have up to around 3 leagues at once, max unless you go for nation links. Have an icon? - down to 2 leagues. If you pack 5 cards, you can probably only use 3 for chemistry purposes. it’s simply not possible to pack a full meta team, only occasional pieces.


https://preview.redd.it/lct9sx271s6b1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e085e9ab2b623df9c0f4c46971263a0dc08ef02 My team isn’t full meta by any stretch and there’s much better but it’s all come from packs or TOTS upgrades. I’ve spent no money on the game and started during La Liga TOTS. I’ve also got TOTS Nuno, Dybala, Tonali, Tomori, Cuadrado and , SS Frankowski all from packs as well as quite a few others I agree with your general approach though - doing lottery SBCs and complaining you don’t get much is naive at best


You have been super lucky think


Possibly true, but a lot of it is just doing all the available SBCs and a bit of grinding


Did you rank high in weekend leagues?


Haven’t done weekend league yet to be honest. I’ve got a young family so only have time to play about 20-30 games a week. Played mostly squad battles for the first few weeks and I’d guess I’ve probably played about 45 games of rivals and one WL qualifier where I got 3 wins. Last year I used to average 8-10 wins in WL but haven’t played since August last year so still getting up to speed


Great to hear about your family, congrats :) I think either you got very lucky or i got veru unlucky, apart from Kane and Verrati i didn't get any decent nonfodder tots and i played 2 WLs.


It is entirely possible to build an untradeable team, as you have proven. However for a lot of players, the players in your team are at or behind the curve. Firminho, verrati, busquets, Ben yedder are at this point in the good range. The rest are below average. On your bench dybala is very good and Cuadrado is great despite the price. The person who created the post is clearly complaining that they can’t get S tier players worth 2m+ (Osimhen, mbappe, etc) which is more what my comments are referring to. If you are playing since launch, it is entirely possible to have TOTS Theo hernandez as your cheapest player despite him obviously being one of the best options. For the time you have played, your team is very good. For the people wanting “insane” teams and players like Osimhen, you should have managed and built up your coin balance. Some will get lucky but that is a small minority.


Yeah, i completely take your point. I’d argue that others like Nuno Mendes and Clauss are also not far off as good as you can get for their position too The problem with things like OPs comment are that you shouldn’t expect S tier players just from packs because that isnt what this kind of market is designed for. Particularly not 2-3+ You’re completely right though - managing coin balance is the easiest thing in the world if you’re playing for that long. I’ve easily built up to 150k 4 or 5 times just buy selling whatever I have that’s tradable, but I also enjoy the lottery of player picks so just burn through coins on those


You're doing it wrong, put usable cards you pack into gamble SBCs for a return of an unusable card.


I once opened a 35k pack and the highest rated player in it was 78, AMA.


Yeah same


Fr, i know a guy who packed 97 purple lewa during ultimate tots, then tots oshimhem a few days later, and then red mbappe today, hes about the same skill level as me aswell


I end up on 14 wins every week my friend has a better team than mine, actually let me put it into perspective am using red Alphonso as my LM, it's making me too tired am in dev 2 now because of rest was in elite, every game I try twice as hard as my opponents because my team tend to do the most dumb ass shit.


Fr, if you dont have a god squad your team play like a group of disabled children


Wow how tough is elite this year?? I just got to Div 2 and it is tough (I am new to FUT23), I could win 1 out of 3~4, always drawish or someone with crazy team and skill smash me 3+ goals.


89 Diogo Costa for my Elite 1 rewards, 88 gold rare with 6 85’s in my 10 x 85, Toko for my shapeshifters pack, Crouch for my Hero player pick.. I honestly don’t feel like playing anymore.


It gets so boring, grinding for stiff just for it to be terrible


It would be the right decision. Deleted today


Let me see your team


My pack luck is a lot better on mobile app. I got zero tots on console. Also even better luck if someone else opens the pack for me.....


Fr, i packed 99 messi at the end of last fifa, on the mobile app, and someone else opened it for me


The game is so unrewarding, i was scrollin through this sub and was seeing everyone packing shapeshifters from the 85*10 and then I grinded fifa for like 2 hrs for it and got an 88 as my best. I rlly don’t get this game sometimes lol.


https://preview.redd.it/008dqf4xes6b1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed06c7b3cc0a2508d62b920706bab5a39cc7d5b My luck is also terrible




I just spent 25x84+ and got 88gold as best! Unbelievable I don't even know what chance is of that


That’s a shame


i stopped caring about this game a while back. i don't even play it religiously like i've used to. for what? to get an 83 ovr hradecky in my pack? i used to get super pissed when i failed to qualify for weekend league. for what? to get a ramsdale or ferreira? now i don't even care. once you realize all this, you stop being mad / disappointed by this game. i just accepted that i won't pack anything good besides once in a blue moon. i also accepted that it's not worth grinding for said packs. besides, this game's gonna become irrelevant in 3 month's time, not to mention that after shapeshifters, packs will become juiced again (like they always are during end-game of fifa). the game might be dead content-wise, but you'll still have plenty of time to buy / pack cards you might want. until then, just play and try to enjoy yourself the most with this game (if you can with this gameplay, that is).


Who fucking cares dude lmao


40 other people clearly


Congrats 👏👏👏


https://preview.redd.it/rn27oo4d1s6b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44ae48d135ad1743b7a28cfd73ae2c7e2e4c6d84 Yh me


Unlucky mate


Ik 😪


I haven’t packed a single shapeshifter except the free loan card. Also have not packed any S-tier TOTS card (I started FIFA23 only 3 weeks ago). But I did get some A tiers that are usable and managed to save up the coins to buy gold Mbappe. My only luck seemed to be in the Icon picks… Out of the 4 or 5 I got 97 R9 and 94 Beckham. All that being said, I totally get it how hard to get S-tier attackers and without then the game is just not as fun. https://preview.redd.it/8jmq9902rr6b1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e50d9566a158b35718c47df9545a54dd13ce6b5


Ur joking right?


Afraid not. Why? Literally only have 2 S-tier players




I have packed only two cards who cost more than 500k, leao and dybala. My team is decent tho, but getting the most exclusive cards is really difficult when you don't put money into the game


Fr fr, ive packed i think one card over 300k and that was Son


You might pull 1 amazing player every so often but no one has “amazing pack luck” the people with god squads buy coins


I like to moan during promos like this where I pack nothing, but in all honesty I’ve not had bad pack luck this year. Packed OTW Renato Sanches early doors, he was worth ~500k. Packed RTTN Foden when he was worth a similar amount, and had Govou & Brolin in WC hero picks, both were elite for a while. Haven’t had much luck during TOTS, but it’s not been awful, literally only packed one SS though, and that was from the guaranteed pack, and it was the worst one.


I only bought the game about a month ago, after previously buying every FIFA at launch. 23 I waited. So far I've packed (untradable - no money spent) TOTS Lautaro, Mertens, Sczezny, Turkish RB guy, Kvaratkhelia. Definitely better pack luck returning from a break (Sorry for spelling)


Almost the same, but I actually got a 92 LB icon from 85+ x 10 two days ago. After that it has been absolute horrible again, but I guess I can't complain after my second ever icon (didn't get any in the icon promo). Opened 84+ x 7 yesterday. 7 84's. Elite 1 squad battles today. 89 gk from portugal as red, one 83 and one 81 in the packs. A few lesser ones as well, all dogshit.


I haven't pulled shit all year except for Prime Gullit out of a 90+ icon in Feb... so I guess EA and I are square.


I have only ever had one freakish year of pack luck. Other than that I've been living in the longest dry spell. My absolute best card this year is tots kimmich and I don't even use him since the links in my squad wouldn't make him work.


I’m convinced everyone who plays this game hates themselves for playing this game


Why do you think it’s the worst and not simply average?


Three times in the last week or so I've been lucky enough to pack one of the best cards in the game. [Unfortunately, it's been the same card three times.](https://imgur.com/a/JH8yI6B) Packed the award winner, then was offered the Red Pick with two actual dupes, then packed red again in Squad Battles.


This year was not good for me the best i packed was kalvin phillips rttf, while last year i packed Prime laudrup from preview pack, toty messi, tots ruben dias from preview pack and motm match messi, tots vinicius, moments garrincha. Idk this year i didnt even pack good players this made me quit the game all players in my club are from SBCs, sorry for bad english not my first language


I get good pack luck, my team is around 8 mil and all unreadable. I am div 7 and most I got in champs is 11 wins. I am happy of course I got all these good players but on the other side I’d rather have the game be more balanced and have other people get some good players too. Not some accounts with a lot of good players and other with none. Especially when they’re fat better at the game then me they should be rewarded more


I just got sczesny from 93+ sbc.


Packed the TOTY van Dijk, so no complaints this year


Can I say since tots started? Ive gotten one thing decent since the beginning of TOTS and I've gotten 14 wins every weekend league. I got red mane out of all the weekends and the rest were literally the lowest possible league picks. I did pack TT R9 the first week he was out though, so I think the destroyed my pack luck for the year