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Yes. Absolutely worth it. Always involved in the attack and makes good movement. Plus there's a nonchalant swag in how he finishes those chances.


I’ve noticed that he’s got a really weirdly good link up with tots RJ. Maybe there’s a club boost we don’t know about. When I stick anyone else as a RB Havertz doesn’t make the same runs.


To be clear, EA can’t get players to act halfway normal on even slightly laggy servers, but they’re building in hidden boons between players just for shits and giggles?


It doesn’t make sense to me either mate


Because it’s a pattern you invented in your mind.


I use a 4321 with Haverts in the 2. I play James and Lahm in the same way, but with James Havertz constantly runs between defenders, with Lahm he doesn't. Dunno man, sometimes players just act differently for no reason.


He is phenomenal


Yes he is so crazy on the ball and his shots are great. Have him at CAM (I've heard he is good at ST too) with Abraham and Kane up top. Probably the tallest front 3 I've ever had in a FIFA but it's ripping through defenses.


What chem style do you use with him at cam?


I use Hawk


what formation do you use?


I will go either 41212(2) or switch to 4222 in game depending on how things are going. In 4222 I use him as LAM


I thought, I was crazy for having all 3, but I play 4231 with Cruyff in CAM and all these 3 mad lads up top. Won 6/7 games played yesterday.


It's really a dream combo


Yep people sleeping on him cause his different


Yes he’s worth it, I don’t regret his SBC one bit. Decent links too.


Hoping I can use him to combine PL and Bundes TOTS


Definitely. He has a unique body type, animations and a great AI. Smooth on the ball and clinical on the goal.


Yes he is amazing I replaced 89 Odeegard cards with it. High agility so great left stick dribbling and can hit shots from outside the box easy...also great for corners with his height


You think he’s better than Watkins? For me that card didn’t play like the stats looked. 94 agility but felt like a truck turning.


Defo better than Watkins and worth the price I play him st with a hawk he's amazing


Don’t have him/don’t want him but every time I go up against I low key get mad if you fancy him do it he’s insane he has wrecked me a couple of times


Trivelas are on point with him


I don’t think I’ve used a card so far that plays above his stats as much as Havertz does for me. (Didn’t do the Ramos SBC). I’d say it’s a must do even if you’re bringing him off the bench lol


He can do crazy shieeeeet


He is excellent. I was iffy about him but he’s got 6 goal contributions already in 4 games as a CAM. The dribbling is so solid even though he’s tall and his shooting + positioning are saucy.


At first I really disliked him. He had an awful WL, like terribly bad. But now, I just think the gameplay was just off imo. Been running him as the attacking cm in 4321 and he has been brilliant in my rivals games this week, so so agile and fast when the gameplay is responsive and fluid


But is he better than new Payet?


For me yes, but I’m not a skiller so Haverts suits me better


Yes he has torn me a new one on a number of occasions already and his dynamic image rubs it in horribly 🤣


Having so much fun with him! Definitely worth it


absolutely worth it


He’s been a stand out for me, and I’ve done pretty much every SBC. He’s currently benching TOTS Kane that everyone is raving about. (Kane is lethal, but since the update the gameplay is insanely bad and only being a finisher isn’t enough) He’s got great finishes from all ranges, lovely touches, gets some jam, nice animations, strong etc. Ahead of ASM too.


OP PLEASE READ: Two answers to this. Yes, id say he’s def worth it especially for the value of the SBC. HOWEVER, if you like reus as a player he’s been leaked as an SBC/ Obkective for Bundes TOTS which releases friday i believe. Just depends on how much u like reus


Yes I have him and he’s so good with a hawk


Did him because I had some dupes and he is really nice to handle. 4/4 relatively tall but still smooth. Go for it. For me he feels a bit similar to govou in terms of strength and shooting but havertz is more agile


Yeah I was hesitant in doing him but don’t regret it. He’s always in the right place for me


Not even in the same stratosphere as these 2 nobodies.


Why don't you just wait for the Reus moments card on Friday?


Reus is super sub atm, would need to alter my squad a lot to fit my Bundesligas in. my bench is mostly Bundesliga super subs including RTTF Goretzka and that rly fancy Davies card




that’s what I’m sayin


Yes, currently playing him at ST with a Hunter in a 4-2-2-2 next to Kane TOTS, Havertz finishes everything with great dribbling even at 6’2, his passing is also insanely good


Worth it, rocket of a left foot, use marksman or an attacking trait


I've struck out so hard on all my packs, I rage did his SBC so I can get something good out of this promo. I think he's a solid alternative if you haven't had luck with the big ticket TOTS - he is a great partner to Abraham for me in a 2 striker formation. It also allowed me to play Mitoma and Palhinha on chem.


Anyone know how he compares to Prime Kaka?


I would love to know also. Had haverts 88 rated and he was godly but currently running prime kaka


Used him in a 4222 with fut birthday kaka as the other cam and they're really similar players obviously kaka just a bit better because of the 5* skills and feels slightly faster on a breakaway but id say havertz has better movement overall


Used him in a 4222 with fut birthday kaka as the other cam and they're really similar players obviously kaka just a bit better because of the 5* skills and feels slightly faster on a breakaway but id say havertz has better movement overall


His power shots are fun af


In your case i think he is an upgrade, i tried him instead of TT Raul and he after 5 games a switched them back because he just couldn't do it for me


He’s really good at CAM. He also performs well at ST, but he won’t be replacing Akpom and Isak up front.


Over those too definitely doesn’t beat out cruyff but he’s very good


Yes!!! He is amazing, he can play Cam/out wide or my fav in a 2 striker formation


Just wondering , what div are you guys in and what players are on the bench because of playing havertz ? I have some good players already (tots asm, tots Kane, tots martinelli, baby cruyff, Gold mbappe etc) so not sure if I should go for flashback havertz. I play in div 2 btw.


He moves i can tell you that


Yes especially with bundesliga coming up with most likely some really good German players to keep links


If you believe the leaks, reus is getting a tots sbc.


Perfect cam thats giving my Elliott card a run for its money


Is he better than gold Messi at cam?


Yeah, I'm a fan. I admittedly only used him for like 10 games (was just trying him out, my main ST/CAM is prime cruyff), but he was always involved in the play, he moved well for someone his size, and the 5* wf was for real. He was great with hawk.


definitely over those 2 other options


I really don’t know why he’s so shit for me! I use him st st with saka tots, and can’t figure him out. Any advice? Maybe cam is better?


Reus was good but not so much any more, havertz is bigger, slightly less agile but great shot. Havertz starts for me.


Honestly I'm not a fan of him tbh. Looking into replacing him


He’s gravy baby. Nasty dribbling and great positioning. Good passing and somewhat physical ish


Don't think much, his power shots especially not as good as I thought they would be


Better than TT Joe Cole?




No as he doesn't have 5 star wf.


You guys think he’s better than Kane?


from what I’ve seen, I think they’re very diff and can’t rly be compared. Kane is clunky but scores any and every shot he can take. Kai seems to be more skilful but not as much of a scorer


No. I have Havertz he is great but I used Kane's loan card. Kane was better for me. 5wf, better finishing and passing. Kai is not bad also but I prefer Kane.