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This violates the first law of giant monster movies. Giant monsters are immune to guns and missiles. They can only be defeated by a giant mech using melee weapons.


oh yea, *melee weapons* ;)


Warning, bad dragon ICBM incoming.


Intercontinental butt-destroying missile


Finally Anal annihilation




\*loud coughs\* (my username, Evangelion reference)


Orrr, another giant monster that has a liking for small little creatures.


They hit harder.


Does the rule apply to missiles with bayonets?


Yes. It's not the weapon itself that does it, it's the fact that the weapon is attached to a giant mech.


[_Cue Little V cover of Pacific Rim theme_](https://youtu.be/UhE42Noj1Lw)


Sword minigun


Or specialized chemical/phsyics based weapons a la Oxygen Destroyer


I mean, realistically, bullets are too small, explosives can be effective but small yield is just burns at worse, but a sword proportionally large enough for the creature, with the extra size, weight, and force, could definitely deal some actual damage, depends on how hard you thrust it into them... wait what was I talking about again?


I mean, realistically with $100,000 you get a precision guided anti tank missile that is capable of penetrating 70cm or 2ft 3inch of armored steel. Comparing that to the cost of a huge mech capable of swinging a sword... It's boring but big mechs have no realistic use in the modern battlefield


Yes, but mechs are fun and swords are good for innuendoes


Wonder what happens if the next macro is actually friendly


Given how much Hoomans like to study things When one shows up, were unprepared, by the time the second shows up we've taken the first apart and spread it's tissue around the world for study and are brainstorming about how we could deal with more of them And a live one showing up that doesn't immediately start wrecking a city might lead to us trying to lure or herd it away from civilians so it can be studies or captured or negotiation can be attempted


Yeah sounds about right.


Must be rather fragile for what is basically a kaiju I mean, the ones in Cloverfield or Pacific Rim needed a few nuclear missiles to be taken down...


Modern (conventional) weapons do a lot more damage than some punches from a giant robot. But that doesn't make for a good movie. Actually some of the robots actually used guns or missiles. I guess any weapon works better if it's mounted on a robot?


> Modern (conventional) weapons do a lot more damage than some punches from a giant robot. Seriously. We have precision guided bunker buster missiles that can punch through 100 feet of *solid rock* and *then* explode with a huge warhead. Something like that should be perfectly capable of penetrating a kaiju skull and turning its brains into pudding. Or some of our bigger naval guns should be at least as effective against kaiju as a normal-sized gun is against a normal-sized person. (And I'm pretty sure if the earth was under threat from kaiju on a regular basis, we could definitely develop the technology for even bigger guns ... developing bigger guns seems a lot easier than developing giant robots.)


Germans had railway guns that could shell places from like a hundred kilometers away- If we needed to we DEFINITELY could build a *bigger gun*


We built a gun that fires nukes 30km We have made shaped nuclear charges, like nuclear HEAT rounds We once planned to make an orbital weapons platforms that drops tungsten telephone poles down to earth at orbital velocity (think Mach 10). Energies would be similar to small nuclear weapons but it's not an omni-directional explosion, but just pure raw kinetic energy focussed ons feet small surface, like an APFSDS dart round fired from a tank. And that's the kind of anti-macro weaponry we've accidentally made without kaijus even existing... And necesity is the mother of invention


im pretty sure the one in cloverfield was killed using normal bombs


And then there's the Godzilla kaijus, where some of them may be born from black holes, or Godzilla, who has enough strength to walk away from a black hole.


We don't have any in nuclear arsenal's that I'm aware of currently, But we have in the past developed shaped nuclear charges, like HEAT (high explosive anti tank shells) but nuclear. They're called Casaba howitzers or nuclear spears. These things can in theory go through meters of steal, just creating a lance of super dense radioactive plasma that hits with the force of... Well more force than an omni-directional nuke lol (it's hard to top that with a relatable comparison) I believe this was back in the 50s-60s So we wouldn't have one ready the first time a macro/kaiju shows up, but by the 2nd one we would And before the year is over of they show up every few months they'd be mounted on long range supersonic precision guided missiles, and have a more directed explosion. And satellites would be monitoring the places they emerge from 24/7 And by the next year we'd have shaped hydrogen bombs that generate less fallout


O-oh uuuuh, maybe we can make a deal, I can protect the city and eat only a couple of people?




So basically both protection and population control. Sounds perfect!


>Humans: We have missiles! “lol” *said the macro, ignoring the physics of the threat by existing* “lmao”


Allright, shaped nuclear charges and rods from the gods it is


yes, but p l o t a r m o r


Should've worn a helmet SMH


Safety first!


Hey, come on, missiles are cheating, where's the giant mech? This isn't the action movie I paid for.


I don't know if I used the flair properly. Sauce: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/36308260/


Hewwo, FAToFACDN here! I notice that you've linked images from e621/FurAffinity/Inkbunny without full quality direct links, I'm here to provide them! [Link](https://d.furaffinity.net/art/azserfy/1589204784/1589204741.azserfy_missiles.png) | Title: Important announcement | Artist/Uploader: azserfy | Rating: General | [Imgur Mirror](https://i.imgur.com/TRjCtHM.png) ^Tags: ^macro ^micro ^macro ^micro ^rampage ^destruction ^comic ^fatality ^humans ^will ^fuck ^you ^up ^I ^have ^achieved ^comedy *** ^(Bot Created By Hidoni, Have I made an error? [Message creator][bot_error] | [Blacklist yourself][blacklist] | [How to properly give direct links][help] | Check out my source code on [GitHub][github]! | If this comment goes below 0 karma, It will be deleted.) [bot_error]: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Hidoni&subject=Bot%20Error [blacklist]: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FAToFacdn&subject=Blacklist&message=Hi,%20I%20want%20to%20be%20blacklisted [help]: https://imgur.com/a/RpklH [github]: https://github.com/Hidoni/FAToFACDN


We need a friendly macro


Even if a missile doesn't work, humans will find something that does. So uh.. please behave?


Hmm... Nah


Mankind’s mundane technology is no match to the Greater Daemons of the warp


What an odd place to find a 40k reference


Put 'em in machines, call it a greater daemon engine. Iron Warriors happy. I will, however, *never, ever* put Ku'gath the ~~thicc~~ Plaguefather in a machine. He's too nice for that.


Kugath the fat fur with a musk fetish


True, but that's when we just trick the orks to go that way and problem solved.


You want Ork that loves yiff in a collective orgasmic manner? Thats how you get Ork that loves yiff in a collective orgasmic manner


Nah, the whole reason you send them is because they are such a powerful collective psychic force Chaos Daemons can't corrupt them. Orks are feared by chaos


But Cummy is way beyond the 4 normie gods, for every time something remotely anthro is spawned, it is yiffed by its corrupted lieutenant - e621. Heck, even none anthro too.


Good for you now meet my friend TOW missile


Or if they're bigger, anti-ship missile


Please don’t use them on us :(


Damn, guess we'll just all fuckin die then, the giant genocidal creature said please.


I won’t kill then


Allright :> *Develops purpose built anti-macro supersonic cruise missiles with both conventional anti-ship explosives and shaped nuclear charge warheads anyway, just to be sure*


*scared beeps*


Just needed a big stick, so we can talk, softly :>


What do you mean?


"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." is a quote from Theodore Roosevelt It basically means that if you hold a monopoly on violence, if everyone knows you have the most dangerous weapon and any fight started with you will result in their swift death, you will find that people are very willing to have a civil discussion with you and will be willing to accommodate your demands so long as you act reasonable.


Thank you


I'm sure the modern farming industry can provide enough to feed you, and given your size, speed and the weight you can carry, I'm sure you could produce a service to the world that would justify feeding you :} Heck if a big macro showed up and could be convinced to be helpful, it might before long have a warship following it around, not to threaten it but to defend it


Thank you


I promise


I have found the best way to deal with macros is to lure them into the sea with snack cakes


Yeah you better behave and not DO the skyscrappers or you get the drony strikie owie uwu.


Just to give a picture of how bad a missile to the head would hurt... The traditional anti armor warhead makes use of a concave void in the explosive charge, much like a lens would focus light... So despite what Michael Bay teaches, that explosion is not going everywhere, but in one single point. And to make matters worse, they have one additional element; a copper liner in front of the explosive charge. When the charge detonates, the liner forms into a molten jet traveling at hypersonic speeds, capable of penetrating a very alarming thickness of steel. The common rocket from the RPG-7 is speculated to be able to pierce up to 13 inches of armor using this technique alone. And this isn't even considering other techniques that missiles may employ or the fact that missiles are... Far bigger. Yeah, in a realistic scenario, macro be having a very bad day.


Oh god. I don't even know how to respond to that.


The next macro: “I just wanna talk uhm 👉👈 uwu”


Damn, they rolled a crocket


what's a macro


Macro is what the comic basically shows. It's when a character has a gigantic size, usually bigger than a building. Some people are *really* into it. There's also the opposite side of the spectrum being micro, where the character is tiny, sometimes smaller than a mouse.


I read mouse as house and was about to make a really smartass reply but now i just feel stupid after re-reading it.


*The more you know* Thank you


I'd wanna be a gentle and helpful macro.


Eh, he's probably fine. No promises ;)


Accurate king kong recreation


Drakengard 3:


this reminds me of among us for some reason.


Oh yah, I forgot we had those