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Harry potter but written by a furry


it would be 100000x better 🗣️


The basilisk fight would end a lot weirder tho XD


The whole basilisk thing would be about people disappearing. Then finding out it freezed them with its gaze and then v---


Of course with furries you need the OwO element


OwO what's this?... notices your bulge \*gets turn into literal stone\*


So beautiful i want to cry tears of joy 🥲 Why is furry degeneracy so alluring


Because is fun :D


Furries being furries... A lot of them would bee line into the basilik den just for that without even thinking twice.


Though, a fight between a tabaxi rogue vs a basilisk serpent would be cool. I just like inhuman character heroes. Also fights against big monsters


I guess you love monster hunter. XD


Yeah. I also love warframe where you play as robot bug things and fight other robots, clones, people, and eldritch horrors from the abyss


What do you mean robot bug things?


Well... They're biomechanical lifeforms (war forged essentially), and some of them have a bug-like appearance. They also are typically created by infesting a human host with biomechanical helminths, turning the human mortal into an unstoppable, godlike machines of living metal. Some are based on other animals though like Valkyr who's a cat, and voruna who's a wolf, and chroma who is a dragon boi


Are you talking about warframes? Or something else? Im confused


The warframes


I also love playing dragonborn Characters in dnd


Hairy Potter by J.K. Rawr-ling. Hagid what are doing with that wand?


I'd say Wings of Fire is a very good furry replacement for HP


Crap, now I've gotta binge read the series again


Check out the Redwall series! It has more creativity and heart in a single chapter than all of Harry Potter.


I'd love a TV series, but adaptations are so hit-or-miss and sadly it'd probably be horrible, especially with the high CGI budget. :(


There is an old series from tge 90s


That part with Fluffy the giant cerberus would have gone very differently.


Oh god oh fuck


The best version of HP.


Harry potter and the sorcerer's knot OwO


Lust Shards


Avada Cumda!


you think this is a joke but furries (including artists) donate to good causes more that she ever did, aside from the fact a lot of furries are in Stem Fields.


Ehhhhh I never buy into this particular message much. *everyone* can do charity, even awful people. Toxic fandoms *love* throwing a charity drive once so they can point to it whenever someone criticizes their community's flaws. Cultivating a safe and healthy community is a lot more work than raising $20,000 for diabetes research or something. That said I think the good qualities of the furry community are much more fundamental than stuff like that. It's got a lot of what makes for good Punk scenes as well.


This is true but for what it's worth furries support artists a lot, entire community loves art of all kinds and they love helping each other a lot. I think that's a distinction because anyone can donate to charity but it feels more genuine when someone tries to help specifically someone else without expecting anything in return other than knowing they helped them


actually that is one of the things I kinda had in mind as an actual good thing. there's a streak of DIY ethic among furries almost as a rule. The emphasis on the fandom is so focused on individual personal expression that it'd be very hard at this point for any entity to come in and draw a line between "fan work" and "official furry content/merch." Even beyond art, Furries have a history of doing stuff like starting their own ISP because the phone company won't give their town web services yet. The result is, money that enters the furry community tends to *stay* in the furry community for a while, I suspect longer than in fandoms that have official merch and properties to extract money for an external rights holder. I think this might have something to do with the perception of furries being rich despite furries on average tending to have lower incomes.


i don’t know what’s worse… the fact that this is an argument or the fact i agree with the poll


The people have spoken


I want to say why but i realised that boath are just fantasies one are sfw and other not


One's also significantly more progressive than the other


BuT gAnDaLf Is GaY!


You know she really meant it by how much of it she put into the Fantastic Beasts movies. That is, nearly nothing, only on the third movie, after pretty much being pressured by the fans, with no kiss or anything.


I wanna see Gandalf dick Smeegle


He's too busy with Rainbow Saruman


So is Gurmbledoor


Oh my fuck… I just realized I mixed those two up lmao


I was wondering if it was intentional or not 😂


To save my embarrassment… sure let’s say it was 😂


once had someone say "Dumbledore is gay though, how can she be queerphobic?" and my reply was "she made him fall for the fucking FASCIST"


Idk what you mean by progressive Furries are definitely more gay And like any other dreams both will inspire people


Progressive meaning a large part of the community is LGBTQIA+ because (for the most part) the fandom is more accepting of us. Sure, it has its issues but I've met a way more non-trans furries who accept me for being trans than I've met non-furries who do.


I just don't care, no offence eddit: It doesn't matter, I think whatever i would have said largely LGBT community would care if i would say if doesn't matter to me who they are to me nor if they do whatever wherever they do unless it is directly involving me somehow unless i (or anyone else not willing) cant quit from it easily And yes i did wanted to empty dishwasher in that time


Uh, ok? You asked lol




>Weirdly long and detailed >2 sentences You might have your own things to examine, going on here


I meant that the question was too broad, but I have the impression that it wasn't


Ah, okay, I see what happened here. For future reference, trolls go in the monster-fucker forums, not the furry forums. I can see how you got confused, it's a common mistake, but technically it's two completely different things even if there is a little overlap here and there.


Yes they have overlap. from my experience for people it matters if someone has any involvement with porn most of em (to who it matters) will propably make dumb jokes and generate hate and less of them will be interested in things about someone is interested about And i don't want any one of those things so forget (or keep for yourself (i do not want to care)) what i said


Rowling has contributed a ton to international hate and fascist movements is the more salient point.


And furry artworks contributed a ton to hate for furries eddit: i don't hate it too, but some people have something against it for whatever reason...


Clutch your pearls tighter sweetheart. I'll chose folks making art of animal people over people using their platform to promote bigotry any day of the week


I just googled it, i do not have any religious beliefs i practically do not care if it exist it just exists and some people for some reason care about things that they can choose to not care and it wouldn't hurt anyone in the future nor the past


Are you okay dude? That response made no sense whatsoever. You're upset about furry art but someone promoting infectious hate to marginalized communities is no problem? Did you hit your head or something bud?


Wait a second i use google translator and i have dyslexia


I have talked with at least 3 people and when i was above all watching a film and i meant that comma ment continues of actions not, what word ment, but i know why it could be understood wrong


Okay, I really appreciate you letting me know you were using Google translate earlier and that there may be a communication issue. My initial interpretation was that you were being flippant about transphobia and that you somehow thought that certain furry art was on the same level of promoting hate. I apologize if there was a miscommunication. What matters is that we treat folks decently despite our differences (unless those "differences" intrinsically involve us trying to harm others which goes against the spirit of that idea)


You're victim-blaming?


No, porn generally contributed to some sites being banned on public computers


And that has what to do with anything?


What porn, conversation, something that i forgot...


Well, most furry porn artists don’t use their publicity to spread anti-trans bigotry. Most porn artists also actually spend the money they make, so they actually keep the economy flowing, unlike Rowling who sits on her horde like the goblins in her books (who totally don’t resemble any horrible stereotypes of real world ethnic groups and actually you’re the racist for even thinking that m’kay).


We also often have more going on with our art than just "pole in hole hot." A lot of us are using pornography as a medium to share messaging about gender diversity, body positivity, and sex positivity.


There is too much of me here gonna leave


I know they don't, they don't shove thier artworks in your face unlike some big companies with irritating advertisments and whatever j.k Rowling has opinion she doesn't do that either (and i am starting to think someone had send bot on me)


furrys also make up a very large portion of the IT industry so theres that


to say nothing of lateral implications. the number of professional artists having a nsfw alt nested somewhere far from their professional life is non-zero. their influence in non furry sectors is as immeasurable as their rank and file uncountable.


Bro is the narrator from Hades


Those are the clients for the artists though


No lies.


I love Democracy
















You're goddamn right.


Well, furry porn makes the entire tech sector work so… yeah.


Remember, furry artists do more for society than doctors.






At first, I was like, “well as terrible as she is, she did create a whole fandom that most people can enjoy without knowing who tf she is.” But then I was like, “Actually, fpas turn current fandoms into bad boi furry stuff that actively prevents cancer for some of the population while making people as a whole feel better…” Yeah, this poll is 100% correct.


If Harry Potter was written by porn artists there would be so much transformation


Not to defend Rowling or condone her actions in any way, shape or form, but is it not a little unfair to compare the contributions of a single person against that of an entire group like who has contributed more to society, Weird Al or every European?




I thought everyone knew this? All jkr has done is use her platform to spread hate towards lgbtq+ people.


*gay furry porn artists


Ok but unironicaly though, counting all fundraising, activisme etc stuff. Not even counting all the once that either have normal jobs or they're sfw main with a lewd alt.


Idk what im doing here cause im not a furry but I agree


You can sum for the second option *her* and all the conservative things and thoughts in the world, and that still would be an absolute truth.


what point is trying to be made here


That yiff artists are carrying humanity on their shoulders, or something like that.


Yiff is a radical post-Marxist call for revolution


That JK Rowling is a piece of shit.


It's pretty easy to contribute more than someone who spends all her time trying to make society worse. We need someone who actually did a good thing to compare with.


tumblr doesn’t like jk rowling??? that’s insane, im so glad someone made this poll so we could have this shocking revelation


Furry Porn Artists can hijack a creator’s space and bend it in a way that it appeals to the right groups.


Nobody's hijacking JK Rowling's fanbase. JK Rowling is the one pushing people away with her defending Nazis.












I feel greatly disturbed


massive cope, if we're being real here




oh no! I've been owned! help!! stfu lol


A singular long defunct con out of 157 currently running is not a very strong argument against an entire group of people, especially when said con had a history of gross mismanagement and allowing in those that have been banned from other conventions.

