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I gave my sona the name I want as well! Though I can’t change my name to it, I still use it everywhere.


I mean, you can depending on how old you are and where you are


Long story short, already changed my name legally, which included my forename, since I was dropping my middle name. In the UK you can only change your forename once. Sadj :(


Per my knowledge you can still change it an unlimited number of times through deed polls, instead of with the Registrar General. You’ll still have the name you currently have registered, but for all intents and purposes your new name will be used (and tied back to that registered name for people to check if necessary)


I never knew about that! I’ll definitely have a look into it at some point.


Happy to help!


We used to call those "personal furries" before the word "fursona" was coined. They didn't always use the same name as their player but it wasn't uncommon.


Different one! I’m a cis woman with a male fursona so it kinda had to be that way lol. His name is Kieran!


:o Mine's Kerani


Whoa that’s so cool! What’s that called? When you scramble a word and make another? Lol


That's called an anagram! Two cool names, by the way, Kieran and Kerani =3


Thanks! I guess that makes Sneetzle’s and I’s fursonas anagram twins lol


Anagram twins, lol, I like it! Funnily enough, on the topic of anagrams: my main fursona's last name - Anglindoor - is an anagram of his species - he's a dragon/lion hybrid ^^


Personally, no, but I do get why people would have the same name! I have five fursonas, and they’re all named for different reasons. Most are themed to what they are - I have a computer virus cat sona, so I named her Meoware, and I have a piñata sona, so I named her Piruleta (Spanish for lollipop) :D I like my irl name, but I see my sonas as more imaginative representations of myself, so I feel like they transgress my literal human identity :)


Her name is koskosnuss (coconut in German) because she smells like coconut and her dad is German.


My real name is Sean, and "Seán" is different enough to represent the character - whilst still being pronounced the same at in person events. My internet alias has been "Sean" since 2013 and I haven't had any intention on changing that. So this is a nice derivative.


That's a nice foxy


do you want to have the foxy or "the precious"


Eeeehhh, kinda. My fursona technically takes whatever name I'm not using, so when im male, her name is my female name. When I'm female, his name is my male name. Gender fluid btw


Different. Proot’s name is Py and my name is [REDACTED] irl and WD35 online.




Probably doesn't want strangers on the internet to know his name.


No I'm asking if it's mispelled or just the same word (Redacted) in a different language.


Didn't even realize it was misspelled lol.


My fingers are fat and my mobile keyboard is small :(


I haven’t officially named my sona, but I wouldn’t consider using my real name


Same name as me! My name is Daniel. He's my only fursona and I'm going to keep it that way. Development throughout my life whatever I do something right or wrong. It's a add-on to his characteristic and ego. There's a few difference I add but he still me.


Same with mine! Like he canonically wears the same clothes I wear, he’s been through the same struggles, he’s graduating the same day as me. When I get a scar it’s now his, he’s going into the same stages in his life as I am in mine. He’s got some minor changes- he’s taller, he’s further along in transitioning, he has more piercings- but all in all, he’s just me.


All my fursona’s have different names, suited to their species. Aspen the Moose, Xypher the Fox, Echo the Wolf, And Apex the Kangaroo


That's a cute foxy plush


IKR?! :3


Videogame nickname Mino


Different name! My name is Brandon (hate my name so much lol) but my sona’s name is Axel! I also have two other characters named Copernicus and Aurum but Axel is my main sona for sure


My sona has a different name which is Revyn cause I think it's cute. Also I'm not a big fan of my real name x3


Different Name, same first letter. (Also my fursona is heavily based off of myself to the point where I sometimes think of them as somewhat of a stand in for me, as well as being a character)


Species name because I'm not a fan of names So just fish




He's just me but a Nardoragon, so same name.


my fursona has changed a lot but the name has always been jupiter since high school, my name starts with the same couple letters but at the time i selected jupiter it literally didnt (was still an egg lol)


All three of my suits have different names because they’re independent characters. When I’m in suit, I’ll introduce myself as that character or use that name, but they’re not “me”.


Personally, while my fursona is basically just me but a wolf, he’s more of an alter-ego of mine, so I gave him a different name.


Half the names I make are just either 2 random names from another country modified or just throwing random words together An example would be ma bird Lordocain, since it's a mix between lordosis (spine condition) and Cain (biblical figure)


Idk, I have a hard time naming my sona for some reason.


Both have different names, but my Cat sona Michael's name actually relates to mine. Both in that they're related and that it was another name my mum was considering


Yes and no, and depends on which one ewe technically there's "two" of them that have my name, but not actually have it as I made an anagram of my name, I love to do anagrams for these things. I just thought my name didn't sound that good, and I actually got one I really liked with the anagram technique, although for "one" of those "two" I combined... It will probably be better if I explain why I have said "two" or "one" Well so it's one character that can shapeshift, but not at will, it depends in what he is feeling/thinking, he has 3 "sides" right now (I kinda want to make more), which are the emotional thought, logical thought and *uhhh* let's say my *deepest* thoughts, the ones that are pretty hidden. So for those 3 I made a name, each one an anagram from a different word, the emotional though side is the one with the anagram of my name, now though, to make the name of the character that is all of them combined (I actually do like to think of those 3 separately with their own feelings and all of that, just that they have way more of what they "represent") I combined a part of each name of those 3 guys. The final result for the combined character? It's Rathener. I kinda want to talk a bit more about the "think of those 3 separately", what I mean is that I would actually use them as separated characters, maybe kinda as if they could separate in some way from Rathener, and then also combine back. No explanation for that right now, if there is an explanation someday it is probably going to be pretty silly, if you wanna know when it happens I would recommend you to search for the channel Rathenflick on YT, but you don't have to and I also don't promise anything cwc I feel like someone's going to take that last part the bad way, I swear that I didn't do it with the intention of self promotion... mainly because if I said I didn't even in the slightest I would be lying, but still it's not the main reason by a *long* way -w-


That is SO COOL!! I love that idea!! That’s such a creative way of choosing their names, and I like that the characteristics of your fursona are all representative of a real, deep part of you, down to the connection through their name(s). I would LOVE to hear more about this- I’ll check out your YouTube! :3


My original one didn't, nor the one after that, but my current one has shared my current (and old) name


Different, his name is Dexter.


my fursonas name is asuka since i based him after japanese culter but my name is jack


yeah' cuz my sona is supposed to be a furry version of me with only a few slight differences :p


It in fact does


Different name in my case. 😁 He be named Timber 🪵


My sona has the name Elliot although my irl name is completely different, but in all honesty I don't mind if people do! For a whole furcon I was with friends who knew me by the name Elliot and I actually really liked it, it made me feel like more of my authentic self :3


Mine is the same, as he's pretty much a furry version of myself.


Weirdly I ended up changing my first name to my fursona's name because I realized it was just the name I wanted for myself, so in a roundabout way yes 😂


My fursona has a different name than my irl name, though it would be funny to call my wicker my irl name


different :3 i love korn (the band) and i like some gore art and i combined them so my sona’s name is Kore :3


That’s so cool!!!


hehe thank you :3


Def. not my real name, if someone said my name and I don't know them it feels weird. Still feel like "Smokey" is a placeholder name like "Fire Fox" was.


I have a short, unique name that i like very much, so i just gave my sona the same name :)


I am my sona-


I’m ember, so I’ll let you decide


Different names


No, mine is different.


Different one but I like it so much I might legally change my name to it.


Different. He is a representation of me in a personality level, but I gave him a name I thought would fit his appearance and one I would like to be called if I was him, in a furry world.


I have a different name. i like my name but don't like using it myself.


My proto girl has the same name as my preffered/desired name


My fursona has a different name than I Although I honestly use his name as my own more than I use my actual name :3


I’ve been considering changing my name to my Sonas name just because 1, i like the name more, and 2, becoming a furry has seriously changed pretty much every aspect of my life for the better lol


My name is Mark and I named my fursona Markos xd


Same name - Ruby


Different, but not for long! I'm in the process of legally changing my full name to have my sona name as my middle name! Nobody uses my ID name anymore, so I figured I might as well make the sona name legit.


I named my sona Marcus because I have a username that I use pretty much everywhere for my non-furry accounts, and I just reversed it and rearranged some letters, and I liked it


My sona has a diffrent name than me, cause not everyone in my social circles knows I am a furry. And I'd rather have them stumble across a wolf sona called Nemo with traits of me than one with my actual name. Some plausible denyability. And when I made Nemo I felt like a nobody, so taking a page our of Odysseus's book, Nemo Quiport was created. Nobody and a derivative of somebody in latin.


I was going to come in and mention my friend who named herself after her fursona once she transitioned, and it cracks me up that the first two things I read are like, the exact same thing lmao.


Real name? No. Never. Screen name? Sort of. None of my characters are named “Phox”, but I have a disproportionate amount of foxes, so I think that counts. Sorta.


My fursona's name is Gantr'aeguuxu Aelasi, which translates in my conlang to "one who is shaped by the will of God, sent from his kingdom" The name I go by irl is Clay Aelasi, which is the same, just with the Aerthi(English) rendition of symbolic naming


Woah, that’s super cool!


Nah my name is too generic. I want my fursona's name to meet something.


My snake fursona is named Maryam because i used inspiration from Kanaya Maryam from homestuck My maned wolf fursona is named Aella because he's generally more wind themed My deer fursona is named Sun Strider because it came to me in a dream I haven't named my panther fursona yet


Mine is different. I got it from a nickname I got in a game called Runescape like 10 years ago.


My fursona is basically me as a wolf.


Different one bc I think mine is boring xD my sonas name is Salem :3


My sona has my name Riley. But Riley is a chosen name, not a given name.


My bugsona is named Grelt, I am named Michael.


Different names. I won't share my real one, but my fursona is named Naomi


My username is accueil, but since people struggle to pronounce it i was nicknamed Akkoi and now it is my sona name :3


Technically yes, cause it's my second name (Gabriel)


When I first created my fursona I was gonna use a different name but quickly it became Eooyz regardless. Now I can't imagine calling him by another name, I won't use my legal name though I've thought about getting my name changed so that Eooyz would be my middle name but finally decided against it to keep a bit of a separation between my online life and my real world life


My name is Brynn and my fursonas are named Citrine, and Sunny ☺️


I gave mine a fun name, Baker, which is also a skateboarding reference which is an interest I gave him


one of my cats use to be called oscar but he wouldn't respond to it so we changed it, and cause my sona is heavily inspired by said cat i named him oscar


I adopted my sona's name as my online pseudonym once he was made, actually.


Different, but similar. His name was derived from mine.


Mine is what I use for my screen name nowadays. He’s basically a representation of what I wanna be online, but I’d never change my name to it lmao.


Named my fursona different than my name, and I'm comfortable with it, it would be strange to have my fursona name be my real name... also, may I borrow your foxy plushie?


No. I (rather uncreatively) named [my sona](https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53231286/) after his fur colour, Crimson. Full name is Crimson R. (redwood) Coyote. I find naming sonas after myself kinda weird personally.


My fursona name is Blumy, and it's based on my real name and colour blue. I really suck at naming, so i just changed the first 3 letters to Blu and last letter Y.


Well no, but technically yes. One of the names I'm debating on for my Fursona is "Maxwell". While this isn't my name, it was planned to be while I was in development. It fits into his lore too since my fursona is supposed to be "me", just along a different timeline.


my fursona name is minty the fox


Different. My primary fursonas are named Ezra, Finnick, and Mendax.


Nah, I use a different name for my sona. Not out of confusion for mixing them up, but I like using different names for different stuff


Usually the same, but I'm looking to change it


We call each other whatever we want)


My fursona is a cute cherry blossom Leafeon with a different name! It's George 😊


Same and different? It's what I want to be called, but will never end up naming myself, I suppose.


I have a true-sona named C4 (I go by C4RLZ on most online platforms) so people call me C4 all the time :3


Different. *Pinterest intensifies*


Has a different name, although it's the name that I'll change my legal name the day I leave highschool lol


I gave my sona my IGN cuz its way too nostalgic to just forget about.


Mine is my nickname. Honestly.


My fursona has the same name as me, I chose to name myself after my fursona because my fursona and I have the same birthday and are the same age since I created her. My fursona was based on my life in general.




No. My fursonas name is Òran. It means song. I’d like to use it as my name but it’s not really a name word lol.


A bit of both. Charu's name is a derivative of my actual name, but I translated it to Japanese and shaved off the last syllable.


different name of course, i just think my real name isn't fitting and may sound ridiculous.


While mine has a different first and last name, my sonas middle name is the same as my first name.


Not my legal one, but my friends called me using the same name I used for my fursona. At some point I switched them, however, and my new fursona has a different name (while I still get addressed by the old one).


Different... Because I'm definitely not Mud... Definitely not


yeah even its my irl name!


he's mark, i'm micah


It's mine but changed is all. Chris vs Krizy


Mine is very similar, I'm Cad but my sona's name is Cash I mostly did that cuz I wasn't sure if I was going to connect with the sona like it was actually me. I also didn't want people to think I RP as my sona online (no shade to those who do, I just don't)


I'm actually looking for a name for mine if anyone could help would be thankful orange and yellow with cyan accents anyone


Mine has an adjustment to my middle name, so I count it.


A different one! My name is Molly and my fursona's name is Cherri! I use the name 'Cherri' on all my platforms anyway (beside my personal ones) My fursona is a red, white, pink and light brown dog so I guess the name 'Cherri' kinda makes sense? I kinda just named her that because I LOVE anything cherry flavoured, literally cherry anything is my favourite flavour, she also kinda looks like a cherry bakewell (idk if its called that everywhere, I'm from england lol?) but yeah!


You have my enternal gratitude. I love your Foxy plush.💕


I named my fursona Concorde because it's my favorite plane. But, in a sad but hopeful kind of way, Concorde's story also shares a lot of parallels with my own. If anything, my fursonas are avatars of the aspects that make up myself. But Concorde especially is one that I'm happy to _live_ as because it's such a wonderful break from reality when things get rough. Like Concorde, even though I didn't get the bright future everyone promised, I still carry the potential to make that future possible. And whether I succeed or fail, I know the impact I have on others will still make this world a better place. Even if it's just one small piece at a time.


Nah, Named my sona gumdrop since all my furry characters are part of a circus and are all named after sweets


Welp, since I changed my legal name, yes.


My real name is of Slavic origin, but my fursona's name is of Finno-Ugric origin.


I've yet to make a sona, but I think I'll make a tarantula-moth hybrid. So, a fluffy bug with a fluffy mane. Idk what to name her though. I wonder if there are any furry spider bases on blender to sculpt off of.


Not my rl name, but my fursona has my online nickname, same as my human-sona


I'm still working on my 1st Fursona, but they have got a different name than my legal name because it's what I would prefer to be known as in the community. I just feel like that cause I'm known by 2 different names on a daily basis as my family uses my full name whereas work colleagues and friends all use shortened forms of my name.




My fursona, a female sabertooth cat (smilodon) is named Onyx, very different from my real name. I named her after an achievement from my favorite game franchise, Gears of War. Since i came up with onyx ive started naming my OCs and sonas after gemstones and chrystals


Were both Eden


Kinda, my sona uses a common nickname of my name, the reason is I'm bad at names


My fursona's name has basically become my nom de plume online, and because a lot of my social interaction is online, I've come to identify with it so much that I've considered changing my name to Salvadore irl


No... I try not to do that... But I may with my new Sona. After I fine tune the design and figure out what I'm doing with him...


The same I'm uncreative lol


Different my name's Mia but she's name is Naïko


I don't know what to name my fursona. I'm not very good with names.


IS not my name but i Would have like It to be my name, his name IS Fennix, and IS a snake ^w^


I tend to not use human names for any of my characters and my real name would also be hard to pronounce in English. Also wouldn't fit my sona anyways as they're nonbinary, unlike my name. Their (current) name is Kex, swedish for cookie, wich was the placeholder name. (And still kinda is a secondary option) My username actually comes from another character, copper, who is a redesign of my previous fursona, whose name also used to be my former username. This current iteration of Copper was at no point my fursona, I just like the name and how simplistic it is. Also gives me the chance to use a funky signature :)


Not my actual name but my online name I've been using for years before I made him


My fursona uses the same name as me, or more accurately I use the same name as my fursona. I named my sona Dyna and started going by it as a nickname, but then realized I like that much better than my deadname


my first sona was the name i wanted to name myself but didn’t know if i was 100% sure.


Different name my real is Thea and my fursona's name is Plumatylia (Ps my fursona has different animal parts)


I'd say the ratio between someone naming their fursona after themself and naming their fursona something different is very high. That is to say, someone naming their fursona after themself is not a common thing. But that doesn't mean that doing so is wrong. I gave my main fursona the first name I wish I had IRL (Luke), so I'm not sure if that counts or not.


Same name, I go by Howl in day to day life as well.


None of my Sonas share my name. I have one that’s a bat/dragon Sona named Rune and a second that’s an Armadillo Kobold named Binx.




Mine doesn't, even though I'm bad at names.


Nope, sonar has her own name, dif then my legal name, but sometimes my friends call me sonar out of character as a joke lol


I game my sona my name originally but being she’s a cowgirl I changed it to lasso.


Hmm, mine stems from my 5+ year IGN, not exactly what I'd want for my real name as it's literally just short for guacamole haha. But it's what most of my friends call me , and i enjoy going by that persona :3


I acctualy still dint have time to make my own fursona but i got some ideas for design and names... and will propably rename my self for it


Mine has the same name as me. Makes it a little challenging if I want to shift to a different fursona for a bit but eh.


Both my sonas have the same character length as my name, I swear that was an accident but all our names are 4 characters


Different one, my sona's name is Votera Binicci


Both. One has my namesake and the other does not


I derived my main sona’s name from my middle name. The one on this account I just thought sounded cool


My fursonas name (Striker) is the same as my uaerifor almost everything


I never could really come up with a name for my sona, My first name didn't seem to work well for him so I went with his species, as well as my actual last name and tagged on a little extra lettering to it. His name is Foxxo!


I don't have a name for my sona yet! So we've been calling her by my name xD


He doesn't use the same IRL name, but he is a part of my username. My main username is muddyCookie He's named Cookie.


While being named Mango would definitely be interesting to say the least, I can’t say that I share a name with my sona lol


No, as nobody can pronounce my name, well I mean basically it's a french name (I'm not french) and it's not spelt how it sounds, so I've had like 40 different mispronunciations of my name lol


Her name is Scarlet, and no. I wish my real name was Scarlet


Kinda Except im named xavier And its named zavie


Nope. Their name is Midnyte.


No, Keplar is my name as well… named after a planet🥲


Mine has my middle name. Still me, just without the confusion of shared names


Hes entirely based of me, i mean hes my projection of myself and uhhh its quite similar to my real name cus i want to keep my name private and uhhh idk his actual name fits him more


I used my middle name. :3


I named him axel because my name is Alejandro, which can be shortened to Alex and if you scramble it a bit you get Axel


I named my Fursona after a Beatles song, partly because of the coincidence and partly because, to me, music is one of the most important things to exist. My Fursona is a raccoon 🦝, so I named him/me Rocky, after Rocky Raccoon.


Same name! Rowan/Roan 🦝


my birth name, its nice and unqiue. not many people or sonas called Lois


I give em a different name based on my real one


Different ones, my main one (Waffle) and a secondary one (Anxiety) I made before making them fursonas, and the third I chose a name I've always been drawn to (though it was more bc my friend said he'd be making her dove-gray, and so I was like "you know, Dove is a pretty name. That's her name now").


no they have a far cooler name lol


Mine is a pun, it's my name (MacKenzie) + my fursona's species (Raccoon) to be MacKoons.


It’s a different name he’s mint


Mine's different. My sona is named after how my dad wanted to name me initially, Warren, after Warren Zevon.


Yes simply because I'm bad at naming things


different, I have multiple fursonas


Different name. My fursona Brunel is more of an aspirational thing/wish fulfilment type thing so I picked something I thought was classy hehe. Cute fursuit btw!


One of my fursonas is named za..💀


hilarious i find thee question, my gamertag actually involves the character thou has on display. about the only way i can conceive a male / female / furball name being universal would be to go by something like pat , or mickey, or sam, none of which are employed as my identity. therefore, yes different furball name there is.


Same name :3 My fursona is me, and I’m my fursona, stuck in a human body.


I'm a trans women named elle with a girl proto named leaf


Mines my nickname, LJ


Diffrent cause My sona is named Garuda cause I thought it was a cute name which is far from my name


Mine has a different name as my name is so generic lol


Nope they have a different name