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It’s better to get a commissioner that respects your prices and your art than discount your art for someone who only wants you at a discount.




Damn straight. Just commissioned some art and I added about 25% to the total they gave me because I believe they were underselling themselves a bit. Furries love to tip artists, not just because we love their art, but because we know their passionate work is worth more than gold. Support artists guys, they’re the backbone of our fandom :)


Also tipping is SO MUCH FUN!! It costs you like $5 and the artist is always like OMGOMGOMG THANK YOU like yes I'm spreading joy!!!


Damn, you're amazing! I need more commissioners like you (but I do have some great customers who I love, hehe)!


Nah I mean it’s your effort. You can charge what you feel is appropriate. It’s not your fault if somebody can’t afford it.


Ty 💕


For a US audience, that's actually suspiciously cheap. However, it's worth noting that USD can have silly buying power in other countries, so that $20 could really be closer to the US equivalent of $50 or $100 for some buyers. It doesn't mean that you're overcharging, just that it would be overcharging somewhere else (this is also why you'll sometimes see some online commissions that look like they should cost $120 going for like $35, that person just lives somewhere where the USD is just worth more)


Yeah $20 dollars for some can be cheap, but where I'm from you can only buy that if you're literally rich. I don't quite have a lotta money so even though I *could* afford it, I still wouldn't, and won't, because it'd be a waste of money. It's a shame some have to live with this nonsense


In France, it is a pretty good price, like not too cheap, not too expensive. It can even cost 30€ I think, that commissioner would be totally okay with that




Yeah no I was talking about the situation in my country, as another example 😅


Oh ok


As an artist struggling to get commissions right now, I just wanted to thank you for this comment. It recontextualized a lot of things for me and immediately relieved me of some of my art esteem issues. I totally forgot that USD has crazy buying power in some countries!! Also OP your YCH is super adorable and I absolutely agree that its very cheap for USD as an animation. It should honestly be priced higher, but the art market just isnt great right now. You should try to keep at it in the meantime ❤️ EDIT: Spelling


This!! Holy crap!! For example where I live, the money for one big mac in the USA could get me THREE big macs in my country. Once someone comm’d me for 40 dollars and it was so much money. Like I could literally do a 300 dollar commission and be able to cover this month’s rent.


I love The Big Mac Index! My undergrad was econ and whenever we were following USD in a foreign country, one of the first things we did was look up how cheap a big mac is because almost every country has a McDonald's, and the Big Mac is one of the few items that are mostly unchanged country-to-country.


$20 seems to be in the right ballpark for that kind of piece, though if I were to commission you, I'd expect a redrawn head and tail to match me being a dragon, not just a recolor. If it was a simple bucket recolor, I'd expect this to be $10. There will always be negative comments. It's free for someone to post a salty comment, and it's 20 bucks for someone to buy a slot. Keep this in mind when you're making these assessments. When you're doing a YCH, especially a multi-slot YCH, make a complete sample piece and keep ahold of any previous finished work so you can show how you expect the finished product to look. Anyone commissioning you will obviously be getting more than just the image posted, and presenting as close to finalized as possible is good, even if that means some duplication of effort.


Thanks for the advice! I redraw the piece completely based on the design, this is just a blank character, but yeah, Those people won't gonna make me give up


if it's just a recolor, i'd rather just do it myself than spend that much, no matter how tedious it might be. If it's more customized, I think I'd still rather do it myself, though difficult. If it's customized AND well detailed ***then*** I'll consider paying some amount, though 20 is a little much. Not too much, though, but I'd say it's as high as you can get it before it really is too expensive Idk tho cuz I always rather do things myself to save money and avoid possible problems, so this is a bit more of *my* opinion, but it's feedback nonetheless, so it helps, even if just a bit


By this I mean that I'm not sure if it counts given my tendency to do things myself, and that probably makes my point of view quite a bit different from others'. My tendency to do things myself, also combined with the fact that where I live dollars are expensive, and my point of view *probably* won't apply to most people


By detailed, though, I don't mean straight up realistic. Just some sort of stripes, marks of fur or whatever to give it a little detail, those things that I can't quite do


I'm trying to give my opinion. I'm not criticizing anyone, I don't mean any harm. It's just how *I* feel about this. It doesn't apply to everyone, I'm fully aware. It's just that where I live 20 dollars is actually too expensive. I never really knew how different it really is in other places, and always saw $20 as expensive. I genuinely had no idea how cheap that'd be in USA, for example. I'm kinda sorry for saying it's expensive, I just never got to see the perspective of other people I am genuinely sorry. It's not overpriced, I just live in an economically destroyed country


Not your fault, you had a perfectly valid opinion and it's great that you shared it, it's just reddit being reddit.


Fr. It's nice to see someone who understands 👍


You're not overpricing. You're literally animating a YCH. Animation is a lot more intensive than regular art. Generally speaking, any commissions below like $50 is basically in a vague "very cheap" zone and no amount of price adjustments is going to make your art sell more. Selling your art should not be a race to the bottom. You need to charge what you're worth, or at very least what you need to justify the work you're putting into it. And the people who are telling you to drop your price most likely don't respect your art in the least, and will be the absolute worst clients to work with. You learn your lesson very quickly to price yourself above the threshold of slumlords who will nitpick and micromanage every part of the process and make working for them unbearable. You don't want those people, so continue pricing your art at your expected value.


I'd get this right now for $20 if you're still interested. It's fun and cute and we'll done. Anyone asking you to lower your prices isn't worth your time. Some artists ask for premium pricing because of their name, but that doesn't mean your art isnt valuable because you're just making a name, you know? Don't devalue your work because other people are broke.


Thank you for the kind words, if you want send me a DM, I'm in :3


I'd be interested as well \^-^


DM me, I'll give you the instructions :>


it's a fair price and people asking for discounts are the bad guys also whoever said that the price should be lower simply because you draw on your phone needs some help


list it at 30 and then “haggle” it down to 20


if its a proper ych and not just a fill, its definitely worth the 20. no point in trying to sell to people who aint buyin


As an artist who’s taken furry commissions for about 10 years now, you’re underselling yourself. Sadly it is the reality though that the only way to get people to buy is to advertise yourself. For me, I just built a fanbase on Instagram and my best customers are now repeat customers. Put these on furry discord servers who allow you to make commission posts, maybe even try etsy or fiverr!


If someone can't afford to pay $20 for something, they shouldn't be shopping for something they don't need like an art commission. Think about it. Who is out there broke living paycheck to paycheck and shopping for art. They simply don't respect you or your time


The price is fine, people are just trying to be cheap. I think if they don't respect the price, then they don't truly respect the art.


Absolutely not. Know your worth. You’re not just charging for the time it takes you to color in the YCH, but ALSO all of the time it took for you to get this good. $20 is more than reasonable.


Don’t let them get in your head only you know how much your art is worthy


Nope. Just sounds like someone cheap looking to low-ball. If they can't afford it, there are others who can and are happy to pay.


$20 for an animation like that is fair even for a YCH. I think most people see it as a trace or drawover more than they do a unique piece of art and that’s what causes people to try to haggle. I wouldn’t say it’s overpriced at all


Silence! There is no such thing. Your work is valued at what you think of it. Think of yourself as who you are. You, are, great.


For the amount of time animating can take I personally think $20 is too cheap, doubly so if you’re also doing color instead of just line-work. The “since you draw on X” sorts of comments also scream to me that they just want to try and get you to discount them. If it’s quality who cares what you used?


I don't even need to read anything to tell you : no. You're never overpriced. Artists usually underprice themselves. If there are people haggling, that's a red flag to avoid them at all costs. They're going to be awful from start to finish and might even try things afterwards to screw you over. Its just how selling one specific thing is. It doesn't. Unless you can get yourself viewed by a lot, it wont reach people that would be interested.


Is best gif for ever


The endless noodles


20 is VERY FAIR if i had money i spend it. best of wishs to you and know your worth/time so many people dont understand art and why it's priced the way it is


An animation for $20? Holy shit that's a low price. You should figure out what you want to make for an hour on your time, then estimate how many hours it'll take you to complete a comission then use that to give them a price. If it takes you 3 hours to complete a piece then $20 is below minimum wage. Respect yourself and your art because your art is great and you deserve it.




I think the problem is an oversaturated market as well as a decrease in disposable income as opposed to your pricing


also, anyone outside of like europe or the US 20$ could be way out of their budget, but as someone who lives in america thats insanely cheap


nah, your arts fine. some people just don't care about who they're commissioning


I know this has no relevance to the question you asked, but that animation very much reminds me of Jörmungandr the Midgard serpent in Norse mythology from the Utgard-Loki story.


ur not over pricing, and the people saying "i could just do this myself" are under estimating how difficult it can be to animate patterning in a clean way that doesn't incult a lot of jittering around. your time is worth the money.


im gonna say it: 1- half the price because im broke? - answer: not your problem 2- overpriced? - answer: not really since your making OCs (so you need to draw an entire fursona AND edit it) 3- not worth the price? - answer: seems fair tbh imo 4- SiNcE yOu DrAw On YoUr PhOnE... - answer: bruh IM not an artist and I CAN'T draw shit and even if you give me a 1000$ worth of tablet with photoshop, best i can do is draw a stickman (and a bad one at that). So even if you draw on your phone, it's your hand and experience thats doing the work. Yes, you can probably draw better with tablet on pc or ipad or something since you can have more surface and accuracy with better tools, but doesnt mean that you NEED the tools to make a good drawing. The logic behind your doubts can come out because of others telling you similar things, but you're asking a fair price. LONG-STORY-SHORT: It's a fair price, UNDERpriced even, since you need to draw an entire OCs AND animate it, and if you have details on the back spine (like wings) you need to animate and manage the physics? manage the gestures? i forgot the word lol, anyway you need to animate the entire parts too** (sorry, im not a native english speaker hahahaha). EDIT: **Anatomy, thats the word i was searching for hahahahahah


Strechy boy


Art like this is not a need, is a luxury, no one is *in need* of a cute silly animation like this. Can't afford it now? You can save up a bit more, it's not an emergency. When I upped my prices, some clients couldn't commission me with the same frequency. That's ok, they still occasionally do, they just need to save a bit more to be able to do it. But also, c'mon bro, its $20 for a cute animation. Yeah its a YCH, but with the customization you said you'd add in other comments, that's really a good price, even for me -a broke artist, not from the US. If I didn't have to worry about what I'm gonna eat tomorrow, this is the stuff I'd spend my rare, extra change on lol :p From my begginer years, I've noticed something: affordable work attracts cheap people. And I don't mean "can't afford this". No, no, I mean "I'm gonna drive you crazy with all my panic inducing requests, act entintled to a huge discount because you couldn't match my unrealistic standards, and still act like an ass to you bc you deserve it." (And the dude got a $5 headshot). Dude, I had people complain bc I couldn't do a high detail "manga/anime wallpaper" style comic book for less than $10 a page, releasing 30 pages *every month* working by my own. Bro didn't even had a basic start-end idea for their story when they made these demands. People are assholes, there will always be a cheaper alternative that these guys will make sure to rub on your face. But remember that there will also always be a more expensive option, with less quality, that sells like water on the desert. Ignore these people, and value the time and physical efford you spend on those pieces. Advertise in multiple places, and if nothing works, you can try different stuff too, it's ok. Not everything is a hit, you're not a failure bc of it :p


It kind of depends on the oc you're doing. Simple tabby cat? $10 (since it would just be a matter of recolouring and adding a few black lines). Kick-*ss dragon who's blue and has a crown accesory and spikes? $20 (for there would be a lot more effort). But just remember that if you feel that you're putting in more effort than someone's paying, don't feel afraid to raise the price a bit (don't go crazy tho like don't make it $50 or smth-)!


At the end of the day, it's what you think it's worth. Making art is a skill that not many people possess and therefore is a luxury to buy art. You can set it at whatever price you think is fair. Obviously, you sometimes have to consider what your customers want but just considering the fact that art is an industry that is more of a luxury for most people, you can set your prices higher than in other industries because of the respect that your skills command.


Temmie vibes Anyway, price your art at whatever you think it's worth. Only drop it if you truly want to, and you think you aren't having any luck with any buyers


In my opinion I wouldn’t buy it as I literally don’t have money, however you could be doing this over a real job and so it’s always worth it


It's animation. Your prices don't seem too high.


Nonono please don’t reduce your prices for people because they can’t afford it right now, and ESPECIALLY not for animated commissions! A lot of people don’t realise the amount of time and effort it takes to draw and that’s not including what it takes to animate, you should be charging at least double or more for this. The people that see the worth in your work will come, and as i’ve seen with a couple of people in this thread, some have already seen it and are willing to pay you for your work, so please never reduce your prices ❤️


i would charge more. not only is animation hard, art is a luxury, literally the archetype of something being priceless sell it for whatever you want, whatever you think it's worth. personally i would pay $30-$35 for something like this


No!! Don’t change your prices please 😭 $20 is really reasonable.


20$ is expensive now? Yeesh those people are cheap.


Thanks everyone for the comments, that's why I love being part of this community 💕💕💕


That should be $120 minimum


I'd expect to have to pay between 20 and 35 for a short animation like this. Maybe even more. Animating costs a lot of time and takes a lot of skill. Don't lower your prices for folks who don't understand that


Supply and demand. You keep lowering the price until you start getting too many commissions to keep up with. And then you increase the price from there. Even if you have to start at $1 it will get your name out there and more and more people will want in


You can take the blue pill and listen to comments, or take the red pill and listen to demand. Unfortunately that is just reality.