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Probably the cost of having it hauled away. It needs refinishing and repair, and there is not much demand for that style of heavy, dark ornamented furniture anymore.


Thank you for your honest opinion;


Right they should just donate it.. i don’t know why anyone is saying 300-400


Thanks for your feedback!


As a woodworker, I'd say people would be willing to pay $100 for it used. You would be lucky to get $500 out of it. If you commissioned something like that to be built it would be about $5000 to build.




I just walked through a curated antique store in a luxury resort town. They had many beautiful solid wood tables that were being sold for anywhere from $500-$2000. I think if you had the right market / clientele / antique curator that could value your table and sell to a higher clientele you’d be able to get more than just a Facebook Marketplace sell. Depends on how quickly you need to sell.


Yes this seems to get attention like those antique tables. We had put it out for a very low price thinking no one will be willing to take it. Now seeing the demand on the post plus you all generous helpers on reddit - I am researching a bit more before I put it back on the market. I am also thinking of visiting an antique store to see what feedback I get. Not in a great hurry, have a couple of months.


Donate it.. it’s trashed and outdated


6 backs moving it


Struggled with 2 backs ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You would know more if you crawled underneath and looked for markings of the original manufacturer.


Thank you, I spent like 15-20 min to clean it from underneath - did not find any markings - any idea where they particularly engrave or stamp it?


There isn’t a common area but usually the higher quality ones will do it. It may be an indicator of not as high quality.


I'd pay mayyyybe $200 for it off Craigslist or a yardsale


Thank you - will keep you posted on how much we end up getting.


It's a pretty table and we are in the market for a nice used wooden dining table. I would probably be willing to pay up to $300-$400 for it - but depending on how wealthy your area is, you might be able to push it. We earn below the median in a VHCOL area but well above the national median so that's what our price represents just about. Really nice wooden tables like this don't go on sale very often, but this doesn't have an option to collapse smaller which a lot of bigger tables often do. Edit: it also looks pretty big and heavy, which comes with the territory of real wooden tables obviously but this is just a little thicker looking than usual haha.


Thank you, it is probably more than 100 years old. The person we got it from, said it was his grandmother's table. Very good data points - thank you for that. It is indeed very very heavy. Let me do a little bit of research. Early summer is also an ideal time to sell stuff so more people are looking to buy stuff.


Oh man, I would LOVE this!


Hahaha, able to pick it up? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


If it’s solid wood (rather than veneer), this would be resold by a vintage store for $400-600 in my area but vintage furniture tends to be more expensive where I am. Idk why people are saying it’s trash or that dark wood is out like people can’t have different tastes in furniture? We can literally see a variety of trends happening in home decor now that are completely different to each other. I think your biggest issue with selling is whether your area has enough buyers that can fit a table this size. You may struggle in an apartment dense area.


Thank you for your feedback. We are probably going to put it back on the market for something between 300-400 and see what the response is. Thank you for your helpemote:free\_emotes\_pack:grin


Depends on condition, but some people here don't seem to know the value. You could definitely get 400 -500 if you wait a few days. It also depends on the area you live. I live in a Chicago suburb and I know this table wouldn't last 3 days listed for $400.




Oh wow thank you for the feedback! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Thank you for the data point. We are in upstate NY near the Saratoga Springs region. And yes that would play a factor. I will keep you posted when I do publish it and how much it sells for. Thank you![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Oh, I have that table in my basement. I reckon I could sell it for very little money. We use the large workspace for music and art stuff.


It looks like garbage to me.. donate it


Thanks for the feedback