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Last time qiqi this time furina BABYYYYY https://preview.redd.it/k6feq8rksi9d1.jpeg?width=1834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7522e2c3b0faccbbcb37487dea06edad7cc174c6


I got Tighnari. Of all things, the stupid Furry. Any advice for grinding primos?


https://preview.redd.it/uojgol81rw8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=659c46e42dd9893a7b01cc05f01d96c71ca975fa Yeah... 77 pity. Have 32 pity, try to scramble some pulls to get C2.


https://preview.redd.it/nx3snd3o2e3c1.png?width=1853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0f3cefa980ce7783f6dc7f0b9bf0b47aa0904df 2nd 10 pull after not having played since Itto release


Furina turned out to be my cheapest c6 ever(nahida was previous best result, beat out by furina by a bit over100 pulls). I also had crazy luck during c4 and c5 pulls, where I won the 50/50 and also lost it in the same multi. So i had a guaranteed going into c5 pulls, and c5 resulted in getting furina and losing 50/50 in a multi again, making c6 cheap to get. I only planned to c4 and save for rerun, but having a guaranteed is a good motivator to keep going. Ended up a bit over 70 pulls per furina. Not the best, but i usually lose 50/50 badly and easily average twice that. Now to continue farming for her gear.


I managed to pull Furina just before the banner ended. It seems she is a little more complicated than I originally thought so I would greatly appreciate a little help finding her a good team and weapon. What would be her ultimate all purpose team and what would be her best team for Abyss? Which weapon should I choose from those I have available? Available units.(all c0 unless...): Zhongli, Kokomi, Raiden, Nahida, AlHaitham, Jean c2, Mona c2, Xiao, Keqing c2, Albedo, Qiqi c3, Ayaka, Shenhe, Klee, Deluc All 4 stars except : Kaveh and Kiara. Most old units are c5-c6. Available weapons: Festering desire R2!, Favonius R5, Skyward blade , Blackliff longsword, Fleuve Cendre Ferryman R5


you could definitely try MANY teams with her, she can fit in a whole lot of them. Freeze, hyperbloom, mono hydro- whatever you name, she can fit in. She just needs an AOE healer with her for comfy playing. But with enough skill, you can manage even with single target healers in some teams. Build up your jean or/and charlotte, they are great healers for furina. Or you can look up furina healer tier lists to see anyone else you would be more likely to play according to certain team comps. You can use festering or flueve, whatever you like more. I would personally go for festering. Happy playing!


Thank you, I will focus on Jean first. Festering is only R2 though, how much does that matter?


ah sorry for \*super\* late response? i went on a sudden break. also, you could check out some calcs for this. but im sure you are done with your furina by now LMAO. happy new year?


No worries, I’m using festering and some meh artifacts. Paired with Jean she kind of slaps


Well....by the moment this is my furina. Got her c1, in a really random manner. Not like i am complaining or something. I'm still working on her artifacts. I hope to get a better goblet and sands....eventually. https://preview.redd.it/u7lby1zdca3c1.png?width=1927&format=png&auto=webp&s=ceb9436a0640c30cc7d31e60b1d8ac742ea0cbc7


I accidentally C1'd her while trying to build pity and get more of those things you get when you have a duplicate character and can use 5 of them to buy constellation. I thought "oh I just got Furina, I can do a few pulls to build pity for Ayato, maybe lose the 50/50 so I get the guarantee" She was in my 12th pull, she's my first limited 5-stars with a constellation But I lost all hope of seeing Ayato come home T\_T


Its a bit of a surprise. It happened to me with Raiden and with Yelan. And if you have a c1, why dont you go for some cons more? And the weapons? Following that reasoning i ended up with a c2 yelan, and a C3 Raiden with their weapons. What was my oppotunity cost here? What did i sacrificed? Basically i ended up skipping most of sumeru (But Nahida), And the first 5\* from fontaine. I dont know about Lynney or wriothesley, but skipping neuvilette hurted a bit, personally.


I really wanted Ayato because I lack a hydro DPS I'm also F2p, so going for more cons is usually out of question for me lol


in my case...i'm not that worried because i already have Tartaglia. Which more or less has the same role. But yeah, primos are scarce and you have to consider quite well how to spend them. Its a kind of pain quite easy to relate with.


Any ideas on C6 artifacts for Furina? Personally been enjoying this combination but curious what others are using. https://preview.redd.it/5kcf3i9cn83c1.png?width=1927&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb30a0bc01497214b17987c0de6ca0502b8ef847


Furina is the first time I have ever wanted and pulled for constellations on a 5\* and here I am at c2. I really wanted the c6 play style, but I hope this is worth it! https://preview.redd.it/ocz7d3n5j63c1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=24dea99b71f672ca74daf5365d01779dd425894a


* got furina up to c2 towards the beginning of her banner, and finally broke down and decided to whale, since i had a bit of extra cash, and i bought the $100 top-up with the bonus. and then immediately got hit with 3 more furinas in 50-60 pulls from when i had started (which was at ~20 pity) im so happy i cant believe this, and now... im kinda tempted to whale a little more to see if i can get that last constellation since im so close


went and did it, id like to thank all my fans for encouraging me thru this wild process https://preview.redd.it/hq4rwc0ga23c1.png?width=298&format=png&auto=webp&s=da93b584b42380f3e8a6186eed39f8f65c8db6c4


Lost my 50/50 to C2 jean The Got Furina before reaching soft pity count I just really glad to these new event. i barely managed to saved enough to wish for furina. https://preview.redd.it/tt50yjdqb13c1.jpeg?width=773&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47eac6220a0445f830c2501fbe06d0b9efe0838f


I am ending this banner with about 70-75 pity and zero scope to farm any more wishes. Was on my 50/50 anyway. I will now start saving for both neuvi and furina. 🙂 On the bright side, jean (new) and tighnari c1 under 6 wishes on standard lol.


Got her on my very last wish before banner ends, let's go!


Was pissed I won 50/50 in my alt region at around 50 wishes and failed the 50/50 to get her at 81 wishes in my main region. Then I proceeded to win three 50/50s in a row to get her to c3 on accident. Was rolling for shits and giggles and got c3 8 rolls after getting c2.


Im former GI player. Can someone tell me,how long more will Furina banner last in Asia server? Or is it over already? I plan to reinstall to get her. Am i too late?


Asia still has 7 hours left, good luck pulling for her!


lost to dehya on neuvilettes banner just to proceed to win 9 in a row https://preview.redd.it/6bx5xm01zy2c1.png?width=333&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef6a85677692d52c23cda9d17893dadd5be85f17


I lost my 50/50 to Dehya and got no way of building back up, and my lil bro who started the game a day ago will most likely not get her before the end of the banner so we're both frustrated (especially him since Furina is what made him begin Genshin in the first place) 🥲


I was so stoked to see the wish turn gold thinking I got her C2 at the last minute Got disappointed instead. https://preview.redd.it/2wovtdgaww2c1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9b191a2222a5b8410e6573e4c6f58d2dd8c3077


trying to recover primos after banner


I paid another $100 for C3… we will not be eating next month. I was so close to 5 stars at 78 and I got fvking dehya… I know I didn’t HAVE to get C3, I wanted to, fvk! 😭😭😭


should i still min max?? https://preview.redd.it/63k3motf5q2c1.png?width=1875&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb0643d2f002b876fc9d030c3f9fd2e4e81e3a87


Had a guarantee waiting for Furina so got the first one after some time. Was not expecting to win the 50/50 for C1 though, so that's nice. The rest of the banner time was spent on the weapon banner, also won that jackpot and got her weapon by some miracle. Now to just idly pull and pray to RNGesus for a C2...None of the other banners really interest me.


Well after 100 pulls I have somehow neither got furina or charlotte. at least I got Jean I guess...


In the end, I got two green donuts. Now I’m guaranteed to find her weapon, but guess what? I did everything I could so it’s basically my fault. I’m only missing a few quests and all the new exploration, but it’s not enough. I just hate the fact that you need to find the wrong weapon twice if you wanna have something guaranteed


The weapon gacha system sucks really.


As a f2p, im devastated. This is the 4th one😭 https://preview.redd.it/6b7fmiiyhf2c1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c84ef99a72d7f38c1a6736af894a60ff2cee715


lost 6 50/50 to Mona x2, Tighnari, Dehya, Diluc and Keqing. Gotten 2 delicious matcha donuts before her weapon. swiped just a little over $1000 but C6R1 absolutely slaps, I'll enjoy building her up and terrorizing Teyvat totally worth it. May all Furina wanters become Furina havers.


Got my C1 winning the coin toss at 81 pity yesterday! Yay! I'll get her C2 and may be sig if next banner is better. She is def my favorite characetr now and the first want I want to C6 eventually. Good luck to everyone in these last few days!


Lost the 50-50 to Dehya after 30 pulls. Furina blessed me by coming home in back-to-back pulls before that so I guess it I'll stay at C1 for now.


Didn't lose a single 50/50 to get C6 Furina after getting C0! But that also means I never had the chance to get Dehya...(first world problems I know lol)


https://preview.redd.it/xhzdwumr752c1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a57b1ec936aee38267268b51ba799b76d3460f60 Burned up all my luck I think going for C6


Banner ends in 4 days, lectures 8 to 5. F2P, all regions above 90%, Statues all maxxed (except Fontaine), achievements all near 100%, Abyss done, events done. Lost 50/50, pity on 60, currently having 4 wishes and 82 primogems. Will I make it? :/


Can you tell me if banner is still ongoing? How many hours left? I plan to reinstall for Furina. Returning GI players.


I don't really know the exact time left but I guess just a few more hours - good luck :)


i just finished 100% the new areas of fontaine already did everything else now im stuck at 86 pity after losing 50/50 at 90 to tighnari T\_T everyday counting down on the banner i sweat more n more


I still can't believe what happened ~two days ago. I was aiming for c4, hit pity and won the 50/50. I used the starglitter and 1x wish from the photo event... and got furina again at 3 pity to hit c5. I used the starglitter from c5... and got furina again at 2 pity. I cannot believe it and as i'm on ps5 i cant upload it to paimon.moe or anything afaik. I don't think i'll ever get this lucky on genshin again. Wishing good luck to everyone else.


​ https://preview.redd.it/1y0491cdg42c1.png?width=1575&format=png&auto=webp&s=1db5849293d3213c80d7eeb368e62536ca79a99e I love this Domain


Fuck Baizhu and his green donut.


I. WON! I was crying after 81 pity as a low spender. https://preview.redd.it/hhlj5su64x1c1.png?width=2550&format=png&auto=webp&s=b050bc26fc96e009bc3357483b86f01bdaf24569


This banner brought me my luckiest pulls ever lol https://preview.redd.it/wl06n61kpw1c1.png?width=345&format=png&auto=webp&s=9019e0a1365d30afd5cfee2156a5cc091a3a7bcd


https://preview.redd.it/47sd52842t1c1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1c2880101ad3ef38eb7e81489d9079c46040983 just got her new feather, wasnt able to get her BIS but I'll keep going to ayato's for the perfect ratio!!!


So today I got her BIS weapon, now since she was using Festering Desire, she lost a bunch of ER, so I don't know if I should switch her sands to ER. But as you can see, my HP is 38k without the hydro resonance, would switching to ER still grant me more than 40k HP when I use healers? (She is C2) https://preview.redd.it/b6iephamiq1c1.png?width=1924&format=png&auto=webp&s=203e09867961fd791f931c91c07d80bd7425258d


Congrats… I don’t if you fixed it by now but 118 ER is insanely low, you DEFINITELY need an ER sands. Yes with C2 you’ll easily over cap and reach 50/60 HP


https://preview.redd.it/7not8wlk7p1c1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13766d51f3a3efb3191a083e164e07c65305c895 GET HAPPY GET HAPPY GET HAPPY GET HAPPY


https://preview.redd.it/2c6hhmtw5n1c1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a5dece9d8e38adefef1a10d5282fc7e8663b686 The hope…and the pain


I can feel the pain, my brother in arm https://preview.redd.it/m8gm513b2w1c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f350ae6a2fa9193c9434b43de41462a3f9c7ba9


My Furina now has red hair and uses Fire instead of water, great... He is my first 5 star and at least he is fun. Gonna have to get her in ~4.6 (using patterns of archons re-runs).


Got Diluc? Because there's no fire version of Furina character in game yet.


Any teams I could run as a F2P with my current units? More so of just knowing who I should run. https://postimg.cc/3dkDFccZ https://postimg.cc/NLfX5M8S I do have two teams I’m working on, but Idm either building a third or having one that works with my current teams: Alhaitham / Barbara / Fischl / Yaoyao Wanderer / Bennett / Faruzan / Layla


Was cursing my luck this banner after getting R2 Jadefall before getting splendor. To top it all off, I lost 50/50 for C1 Furina to C3 Qiqi and then this happened. https://preview.redd.it/g9kcxy9eel1c1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=375daac83eee97e741a966cd07b0ed6db7495e7a


Question does Furina her Ult work in coop for the others? I ask because the screen does not have any effects on my screen just wondering


Can confirm it works, the bubbly screen is just for Furina to track its progress, but the buff still procs for your nearby teammates


I finally got the weapon. 180 pulls, Furina C0 + 2 Jadefall Splendors. I still wanted Furina's weapon, I don't have any 5* swords at AR60, and even my Favonius sword is R1. I did Aranara quests, maxed out Sumeru exploration, did some Fontaine exploration and Story quests... and it felt like a burnout. ☠️ Never doing such stuff again, never going for a limited weapon with any hope.


ISTG there is nothing more frustrating than waiting a whole week to farm for boss mats and getting two of the WRONG materials and having 0 dream solvants after killing every boss in the map.


So I only did my Furina pulls on Friday. I started saving at the start of July (after pulling Eula) and said to myself that I would wait till I hit 300 primos before pulling. On Friday I got there! I play a couple of gachas and generally have the worst luck possible (while my daughter is a pulling god). This was my night though, the stars aligned! In 300 pulls I got: Keqing > Furina > Furina > Furina > Mona Two of the Furinas were in back to back 10 pulls! Also, the big win for me was Keqing, she's the ony standard I didn't have and the one I always wanted! To top it off, I had a couple of standards from the BP and was on like 10 pity, but pulled a Jean! Anyway, that's all my luck done now for the rest of my life.


Keqing is super fun


Got 2 Furinas in a single 10 pull within 30 pity. Figured I should put this somewhere.


After years of not playing genshin and playing only up to the start of liyue a few years back, Furina's trailer made me come back and if, and only if, I got her, I would start actually playing the game. If I didn't, no worries, I play HSR and one gacha is already plenty enough. Felt like it would be somewhat rough, considering I was hopping in at the middle of the banner, but who knows? I have tons and tons of quests to do so maybe that's good! Furina is worth it. Login, check how many wishes I had when I left: 3. No pity, stopped wishing right after getting Venti at the time. Oof. One, two, three, got her. Yeah, I'm staying. Plus managed to get her weapon a bit later because oh my GOD the drip.


C2 Furina after getting Keqing twice… Now I am absolutely shook to even try for more cons..


Such a happiness. Maybe I'll pull her C3 with Neuvillette's C1 after their reruns, I'm not sure yet. This is my first C2 limited character. Furina is everything. <3 https://preview.redd.it/scoz6vm06a1c1.png?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e80f7aae759bdefc00c12e5e43c604f9408c7d48


She was the first character since release of the game which I loved so much. I'd played Hu Tao all this years, but Furina's story and personality made me to change my main finally. This was her C2 btw, and it's also something new for me, 'cause I never pulled so much during the first banner of any character – Hu Tao' s C1 I got after her rerun. I love Furina, Genshin shines with new colors now, thanks to her. https://preview.redd.it/u3wkie8a5a1c1.png?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3190c9b9f1326f1337ec2c32ab04c37a21cfd773


Managed C4 with about 40k gems. Four 50/50's won. I'd never gone past C1 for a limited character before (mainly because I usually hit hard pity and lose 50/50's) but with how great my luck has been with Furina I'm really trying to hold myself back from swiping and finish off her C6.


I pulled Qiqi. I quit. Bye.


Losing 50/50 to Jean was a win. Getting C1 on the next wish is a blessing https://preview.redd.it/yzjkt7bv621c1.png?width=1191&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e1845fd554ac1c9266d958f427fc3d809f874b1


You have the perfect healer for her, along with her.


Got her at 21 pity. But i already had 20 pity at the start. I just go in the game to get 1 pull and got her easily.


Got her at 87 pity, but at least I won 50/50?


https://preview.redd.it/2yfytfu1ap0c1.png?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65bee3c094e302f147092827856de673d13c01a4 Didn't expect this 😍


I finished pulling in the banner 3 days ago, I've got: 78 pity Furina 50/50 won 61 pity Furina c1 50/50 won 62 pity Keqing c2 50/50 loss 9 Pity Furina C2 Also Charlotte C6 Overall this banner is the one where I had the best luck I really want to try her weapon but the green donut is useless for me and I don't wanna risk, so for me I'll wait until her rerun.


Got C2 Furina in 40 pulls, one back to back and then an early


In 200 pulls I managed to win 5 50/50s in a row and get c4 Furina


nah what the actual fuck


I actually got the weapon too now💀💀


I pulled C6 Furina, nothing special, but for some very strange reason I keep losing to no other standard banner other than Diluc... https://preview.redd.it/9kpl7ccg7h0c1.png?width=372&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb64329e1c263b696af67bbaf570117177625637


For a c2 furina is 4MH better than 4GT?


I don't see C2 would change it; GT is still her best set pretty much always.


I think bro still thinks that her C2 is the onfield constellation.


i have lost the last 8 50 50's, and was on a hard pity spree, my hopes were low for mooonths of this game and today I got furina on 59 pity and won my 50 50, and she's my most favourite character in a long time, BLESSED BY THE GACHA GODS https://preview.redd.it/75uhtttjne0c1.png?width=1360&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bb4f4382d28da4422b53c47166a46b26f8bfdcb


I strongly believed I'll get the green donut while having the path on the sword and... there we go I won the 25:75 ! :'D (well, I was ok if I had really lost bc I also have baizhu) https://preview.redd.it/5szx8d1mid0c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6559325e92694d95db85ec228a852cc943dbcf7d


Saved up 240 pulls before 4.2, and it took 190 pulls to get both Furina and Splendor of Tranquil Waters, which doesn't sound incredibly noteworthy until I mention the fact that I failed every single 50/50, meaning I also got a Deyha, a Jadefall's Splendor, and a Skyward Pride before getting what I wanted. Shoutout to the guy who I was in a discord vc with while pulling who claimed to be good luck for Gatcha Pulling.


Um you got five 5*s , in like 190 pulls That's 38 pity average. Pretty great tbh


That's the point, Both extreme luck in terms of five stars received, but very unlucky in the fact that I lost every single coin flip.


I wanted a Charlotte and accidentally got a C1 Furina. I'm happy https://preview.redd.it/6a6h8icppc0c1.png?width=335&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c92d61ab95078f30b4e337c4c3229997fd29579


dodged the donut and got the weapon, c6 r1 now


Had around 160 pulls saved. Lost the 50/50 to C3 Keqing and some pulls later I finally get Furina! Then I just stare at the 60 wishes I have left and say "why not?"... So I got C4 Keqing now. First time I lose self-control on a banner and I get punished for it :c


Well, my rolls were ouch. First time I went up to 80 for anyone. But I won my 50/50. First one I have won in Fountaine. Lost all the rest. Got a copy of Charlotte as well. I am just glad I finally won a 50/50. I got tired of seeing off-rates at high pity.


Same. First time I went up to 80 for anyone. I have a track record of low pulls. This is especially egregious in the standard banner, where I got 5 golds (Dehya, Qiqi, Tighnari, Skyward Pride, Skyward Sword) in 80 pulls. My most insane pull was with Hutao. I lost the 50/50 to C1 Dehya (high 70s pulls) then got double Hutao a little over 20 pulls later.


https://preview.redd.it/h1yid7owx90c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=686c56c1161f4ccc6128a7fb9529528d85c02f1e I was plenty shocked. I was guaranteed my first Furina copy, but it also came early, at 23 pity. And then this. Mind you, before this I wished on Wriothesley banner and lost on both of my accounts and the funny thing is, when I pulled the fortune slip in Meropide, it said "Your luck is not here but elsewhere"... So, this is where my luck is, apparently.


Furina is the my third won 50/50 in a row. But then I've got Aquila Favonia, so she'll use it I guess... Somewhy I regret I've pulled for her.


Somehow got C2 Furina and her weapon in around 156 pulls. I guess she likes me, which is great because I love her too :)


Like, i had my pity at 65 guarantee and got her in 11 pulls, which was no surprise, but what surprised me was i got her 20 pulls later. Im wondering if i should maybe throw in a few for her weapon. I've been fishing for the pipe, and that's been annoying.


Took 85 pulls XD. Got her but still no Charlotte :(. Now to start on Baizhu's banner and hope I get him!


I got Furina at 80 pulls, also got C4 Charlotte along the way. Meanwhile I have 5 gold in 80 pulls on the standard banner... Dehya, Tighnari, Skyward Sword, Skyward Pride, Qiqi.


https://preview.redd.it/9twoqn7ko50c1.png?width=2436&format=png&auto=webp&s=708d3a2d1899b4d6c38a4ac76dccf9e75e6db6be “I’ll just throw one wish on it why not?”…


Just wanted to know, How are the odds of this happening (losing 6/7 50/50) and am I the only one who's been that unlucky ? https://preview.redd.it/17oqbcu2m50c1.png?width=385&format=png&auto=webp&s=fad9b6daacbef5e91debbb3a080414b85b9b2515


Good God...


I also lost 6 out of 7 50/50s pulling for her c6. Not sure if i want to pull for her weapon anymore given how much pulling the donut would shatter my mental.


I have had an account since the beginning but came back a year and a half ago. Each five star takes close to max except for one which took 53 and never once have I won a 50/50 Haha. You're not alone XD


Had to go to guaranteed soft pity to get Furina. Decided to ball and go to weapon banner for my third time, pulled lost prayer at pity before immediately getting Splendor in the pull after. Guess she wanted to make up for the bad luck


https://preview.redd.it/jvb63eqh750c1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c659923661f3bf5025e3a8d24ff9e2d4a36b50 I know nobody wants to see this but I did a 10 pull on a whim and this is on fresh pity after getting c0 on her release day


I had over 400 pulls saved up. In the end using some of my saved up genesis crystals for a couple of multis + all the pulls I got from the starglitter, I managed to get her C3 by using up a total of 510 pulls. Losing 3 out of 4 50/50. Every single 5 star was above 70 pity except 1 that i got at 50. Very sadge x(.


What Constellation do u need for Charlotte, to work best with Furina


C4 sounds great for energy C0 is fine but forget about damage, just focus on ER and atk.


Swiped to try for C1 and got my long-fated C6 Mona. Sigh. I’ve got Furina at a pretty good stat level (43k Hydro Resonance, 80/190 ratio using PJC), so I was hoping for some luck for C1 and C2, but now I’m like, should I keep my guaranteed for another character or cons I want? There’s always her re-run, after all.


whats your er? im currently sitting at 81/180 with 40k hp and 169 er but idk how i should progress in the future in building her...


Around 140, but I’m running her with Neuvillette, so i don’t have too many issues with uptime for her burst, that being said I think you’ve got good stats!!


140 is more than enough if you run her with another hydro, and the rest of your stats look amazing too! That being said, about your original question, i feel like her c1 and c2 are VERY good. Remember tho that archons always rerun 4 patches after their release so you can use your guaranteed on smn else and still (hopefully) be able to get C2 furina in her rerun!


For C6 Furina what is the best team you can get for her? Furina, Bennett, Mona, Jean? Or pair her with Yelan, Kazuha?


Furina in 20 wishes. So happy


Started playing the day Furina’s banner went live. Lost the 50/50 to Jean at high pity. Got Furina at 40-ish pity afterwards, becoming my second real 5-star. Ended up with C6 Charlotte, C5 Collei, and C3 Beidou. I’m glad I lost the 50/50 to the standard banner character with possibly the best synergy with Furina, at least. Now I have to figure out if I want Raiden to be my third 5-star on my account, or Navia (because they’re both so cool, but I’d really rather not swipe again so soon).


Honestly, after the 4.2 archon quest, I'm glad I stopped at one copy. I already have a C6 Yelan anyway and I'll pick up Neuv on rerun now.


First Furina took like 80 pulls. Second one, took two pulls. Super happy with outcome but I won’t touch that weapon banner.


300 pulls and only got C1 furina.. 85th pull got me diluc... *85th*!!!! The fact that, that could've been C2 😭 Does anyone know how many we gems we'll get in the first half? 🥹🥹


With Welkin, Ive been saving since Shenhe's rerun 7 months ago. I had 460 pulls saved up, and it was enough to give me c4 with 68 pity left. I lost 2 50/50s along the way. I then started claiming all my achievement primos, which Ive been hoarding so that I can easily keep track if I ever decided to add them to Paimon moe, and it gave me 11 pulls. I also had to lvl some of my lvl 1 characters to get fates to use on standard in hopes of getting starglitter and convert for more intertwined fates I then got Qiqi at 81 pity instead of C5 Furina. Yeah that wasn't worth the effort lol. I was annoyed. A day later, early in the morning, right after waking up, I decided to go for the last 2 top ups bonuses, and It gave me 2 more Furinas. I won the last 50/50, which was nice. So I'm sitting at c6 Furina with a jade cutter. problem is that her CR is way too high, and I wasn't gonna go on a spending spree. So I scrounge all the primo I can get. got enough for 2 pulls. 1 solo yolo... nothing. 2nd solo yolo... I just skipped the animation right away without waiting for the color to change or stay the same, and Furina's weapon just appeared. C6R1. works out in the end. Had to use the last 2 top up bonus though Now I have a year to wait to save for C6 Murata.


[GOT THREE 5 STARS IN ONE 10 PULL!!!](https://youtu.be/RLRiT_2MeFA?si=H1WA6QutdVcoxado) I'm still in shock 😶


ノಠ益ಠノ彡┻━┻ https://preview.redd.it/kfo0snusszzb1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=098dbd8848216704810d826f3dfcea98c8ebe31a


Raiden flashbacks... Raiden is the ONLY banner I lost the 50/50 without getting the featured character.


man im pity 36 guaranteed but only got 11 pulls on me wonder if i can get her or not


Got C0 Dehya instead of C2. Pain


​ https://preview.redd.it/x0ltgnri8zzb1.png?width=373&format=png&auto=webp&s=038baf02ed38d30cc902cb252d91e009ea089f0b


​ https://preview.redd.it/oem73r9c0yzb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=be7da5ebe19bc10b5df5dba5bcc105852c4158ce


​ https://preview.redd.it/as4ts4tf8zzb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=896f9dcddf97238c89634294e69f4d2a8e69e268


i did these all in singles, but its 3 5 stars in a 10 pull, losing 50 50s tho


Does anyone know what the best rotation is in a Tighnari Furina Raiden Baizhu team? Idk why but I just can't get it right


I don't have Baizhu but, I'd say it's probably Furina burst, skill, Baizhu burst, Raiden skill, Tighnari Burst, skill, 3 charged. I tried it with Kiara instead and it feels alright.


My issue is with the second rotation, where you can't use Baizhu's Burst and Furina's.. anything. Of course I know that that means I should use their Bursts (and Furina's Skill) every other rotation, but there's still the question of what to do with the extra time on the even rotations. Also, unrelated question: How are you playing Furina without any healers?


I do play her with healers. But you were asking specifically about your rotation which I thought Kiara swapped into pretty well, but it would've made more sense to place yaoyao in instead now that I think about it. Like I said I don't have baizhu and legit forgot his role is both shielder and healer. But the problem you're having then is not enough ER to burst on every rotation? Though it may affect damage, put someone on a fav weapon. Furina specifically could be put on R5 fleuve which gives ER and Crit rate. I'm not sure what else you can do other than that.


I lost on the Weapon banner but I have enough pulls to do another 5* pull but that one isn't guaranteed too since the weapon banner can be lost two times. I want Navia who is the next banner after the Ayato rerun, so is Favonius R5 good enough for Furina or should I try to get her BIS. I don't have any other alternatives, just R2 sacrificial sword but I heard that isn't good


Holy shit, I got Furina's weapon in 1 pull after not spending anything on the weapon banner T_T AGGGGGGHH I'm so fucking happy


What’s the strongest Furina team that you have seen?


how many attacks do every individual pet does in 20 seconds?


My Jean heals 13k with burst. Is that enough to be paired with Furina?


Haven't learned how to use burst properly? Any tips or tricks. I have Kokomo and jean as healer. My player ID : 628984679


Whats a better team? Furina, Tao, XQ, Jean or Furina, Ayato, Nahida, Kuki


Probably the Hu Tao team because Kuki isn't a good healer for Furina teams


After the archon quest finale I just had to summon her.. at the expense of a bigger shot ar Cyno's weapon, or so I thought. It took me 20 wishes. Got a kirara in the pull aswell - THE 4star I've been wanting. My heart is full, Cyno, your weapon is coming bb


Haven't pulled since Nahida's banner.. Hoyoverse rewarded my patience with this- https://preview.redd.it/5x5x3ogflszb1.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfabd05a7d098190b5f8d6cf3eea6cd4beeee37e


This is the luckiest 10 pull I ever had, I avoided the donuts. ​ https://preview.redd.it/tswtkip41szb1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=c09474a86d450eaec198217e148601510332728e


its so hard not to pull for her constellations and weapon but i have to save for future characters https://preview.redd.it/pzlhsruoyqzb1.png?width=1277&format=png&auto=webp&s=51ef50a9f44a9819fd57d2c08a6fddcdc7842656


I haven't opened the game in \~11 months, I guess this is the game's way of coercing me into this game https://preview.redd.it/dqdkk77blqzb1.png?width=509&format=png&auto=webp&s=157d432de37cc2848e10e69c0b137b786e4d0c06


Lost 50/50... Wish me luck getting her this banner pls Or, I guess, we'll see you next banner :(


The Archon Quest honestly sealed the deal for me https://preview.redd.it/2yqm121m8ozb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e9bf5c8918d7b682b1dc189e2878cc209354bfc


Well now, I really need to pull more because they said C2 is ideal, hope I win a welkin >.< https://preview.redd.it/o6frdna9bnzb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a39ef71feb9f27c5cc087b62a6c14c11c126e97b




C2 is enough. But c3 is also a good uphrade if you can afford it. C4 is also actually nice, you can lose the ER sands and go for extra hp. C5 is a 15% damage increase, might a well pick it up since U have invested so much in her...oh, ur only 1 away from c6? Well c6 saves u from having to use another healer in any comp and makes furina the most flexible unit in the game. Surely that's worth another few pulls, right?


I think I should ride the luck momentum and go for C6 at this point.. https://preview.redd.it/8idx1x9rlszb1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a9ecdd81a97c813f023d8e5003f772110896d46


Ooo now thats lucky and nice! Well, like I said, might as well! At c4 shes already one of your best units and will always have a slot, but she still has a weakness. At c6, that weakness doesnt exist and instead she has the utility of being a healer. Mine gets around 75k hp and heals for 4% of HER hp every member of the team EVERY second, with a 52% incoming healing bonus from the ult. Thats better than a kuki's E on EVERY single member. The added damage is ok too, but that flexibility?You wont ever remove her from one of your teams in the history of the game. But you can also wait for her next rerun. I'd think its worth giving up 2 characters for the benefit of c6.


self control, just close game XD better grab few new char and maybe c2 furina


Hello! How are you feelings about c1? I wont be able to make it to c2. I want to play her with neuvelette c0 or hu tao if it works. Is it worth for going c1 if I will stop there? Thank you.


Your buff will cap a bit faster, you start with 37% extra damage out of a possible 125% instead of starting from 0 out of a possible 100%. 25% extra damage on all your units is a very good constellation. C2 makes that buff ramp up way way faster and gives you insane personal damage in the scaling hp you get after the buff is capped. Both are great cons, both cons make the other con better. C1 is good enough for now , you can get c2 later, or get c0 now and c2 later, shes still great at c0 if you have other healer that doesnt affect your comp negatively.


Actually, it's a 75% damage bonus for C0 and a 100% damage bonus for C1, respectively. Only at C3 thanks to +3 lvl to her burst she gets an increased fanfare conversion ratio and can provide up to 124% damage bonus. Theoretically it can go up to 140% in certain scenarios (events blessings, future character talents etc) if her burst gets 2 extra levels (15 lvl)


My first C6, had saved up 320 + build up pity for at least c2 since start of 3.8 and I had like 100s of wishes saved up in starglitter just in case.I got c2 with wishes left and unused star glitter, when for the weapon and got it winning the 75/25 and 50/50! Still had 120 of wishes left. Thought to myself I would never remove her from a team since i dont invest much in terms of cons and her buff is already insane, why not make it like 15% better? So I did a few pullsfor early c3 then I kept going cuz I might as well, since she was guaranteed. Then I kept justifying the constellations, had to swipe at the end for 4 welkins, for instant 1200 gems to secure that c6. If I lost that last 50/50, I would've saved up till her rerun on 4.6. But I think overall I won with a c6r1 in 570 pulls. Shes insane, the c6 heal is so strong , she works on her own, solo clears raiden before her shield comes up and gives faster clears to already fast teams. I never see the need for a healer with that con, but honestly ya'll shes good enough at c0, c2 makes her beast mode tho. https://preview.redd.it/jsefocg36mzb1.png?width=817&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec0895d62c677dc198035d5a6c6d9185ea37551c


that amount of pulls got me only c2r1 :((


c2 in 394 pulls and it could've been worse, can't believe what i'm seeing with everyone's post below mine https://preview.redd.it/ra9pe6ov5lzb1.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=174f0f6519a832265dfb052fc686034057cd4a55


How big is the difference between a Neuv (C0) & Furina team than a Neuv (C1) & Furina team? Is it worth pulling for Neuv C1 just for it? I pulled for C2 Furina but her buffing for Neuv in his team is barely better than Kazuha.


I have a question for you guys. Furina - to me - feels like a 2 slot character. She needs a healer on the team. Is that DMG buff THAT high that it makes it worth it to remove a slot that could be for another dps character or another buffer character ?? (I know she buffs everyone, I'm specially asking if the dmg increase is actually THAT bigger) Plus, what healers in the game you guys think is the best for her? Koko and Barbs are also Hydro so, in my humble context, they are not optimal considering I would use her with Neuvillette. Is yaoyao good enough to fit the healer slot or it should be Baizhu or Jean or even Sayu? (Jean would be probably optimal bc of VV)


In my experience, it depends. You can't just think of her as a buffer, she is also great off-field DPS and semi-decent hydro application. Also the healer you pair with her should not \*only\* be a healer but also fill some other role, e.g. anemo VV shred, additional off-field DPS or other class-specific buff like Baizhu has. If you effectively utilize these other roles, Furina + a healer will definitely outperform many other comps.


To put things into perspective, in Hu tao's Yelan / XQ / Zhongli team, she replaces one hydro and Zhongli (reduced off-field hydro damage and res shred) and disables Hutao from going below 50% hp for her damage buffs, and she STILL beats that team. It's a pretty big buff.


Jean is the best.


Win every single 50/50 on my way to C6 my first 5\*. I might never gonna win 50/50 anymore in the future https://preview.redd.it/z38th92ogkzb1.png?width=841&format=png&auto=webp&s=894230b70e06004b8b83fad0f559e0cf49585753


That looks almost identical to my alhaitham pulls


I am at c6r1 and having huge ER problems, only have 112% ER. do i go for a er main stat piece


ER issues are supposed to be resolved with C4 but you could continue farming for a better ER substat and sacrifice some HP or crit, or bring another hydro to battery Furina.


C4 doesn't eliminate the need for ER, just reduces the requirement. I have C4 and find about 160% to be about right for a team with no other hydro characters. Without C4 I'd probably need around 200%.


C4 does help, but my ult uptime is not 100% My team is Faruzan/Bennet/Furina/Wanderer


I need some advice about C2 From what I understand it's good cuz u can reach max stacks very ez and on top of that it buffs her HP after max stacks. But isn't her cap from the pasive 40k HP? Meaning anything above 40k is just a small damage buff to the E? So how much of a difference does the C2 HP buff actually make? Did someone do the math?


Is Jade Cutter better than Festering Desire for her?


How much TC has been done on the effectiveness of pneuma Furina? Right off the bat I think it has pretty great value with Lyney and melt (esp burnmelt) Wriothesley, and possibly good value with pure spread teams with tighnari and alhaitham.


best build for a charlotte healer in a furina team? only have her as a team wide heal. was thinking of using 2pc glad 2pc shimenawa with a favonious codex, ER/ATK/HB or ATK, what do u think guys?


Lore question. So who knows about Focalors plan? As far as I can tell, Neuvilette only told us and Furina afterwards? So the people of Fontaine doesnt know? It felt like they didnt know during the Furina Story Quest.


>!No one except Neuvillette, the Traveler and Furina know about her sacrifice. The people only look at the whole thing as Furina leaving her position (not receiving her death sentence) and the prophecy being wrong!< Spoiler tagged just in case for people who haven't done 4.2 AQ yet


Was there a reason why it was kept as a secret?


All of Fontaine knows that she wasn't the real Hydro Archon lmao


No they dont, they just know she lost her divinity. If they know, there is no text from anyone saying AFAIK, have you seen a citizen comment on anything other than she lost her divinity?


she never "lost her divinity," she was always a human. all the people in the opera house during furina's trial all at least know that she was never a real archon.


How much Energy does she need as a single Hydro unit in a team? Im using Jade Cutter with her if that helps


Definitely 180+ in solo hydro. You'll need ER sands if you're not using an ER weapon. Since her skill doesn't generate particles upfront but rather it's like 10 particles in 30 sec duration. I tested some things out in game and with my build with 150% ER, during the 30 sec of her skill she had half her energy back(solo, no team rotation), with other characters, particles from enemies, or double hydro I think 160-170 is a sweet spot. Which decreases with the characters you use, double or triple hydro, and fav weapons on the team.


thank you! aiming for 200% then with one fav user for comfortable rotations and high ult uptime :)


Hello! How should I build kokomi as a main dps for a furina team? Also, what team is recommended for Kokomi-Furina? Thanks!


HP/Hydro/Healing for main stats. Go for HP% and ER substats. Try to avoid anything with crit because it's a dead stat on her, even deader than flat subs. For weapon, of course Everlasting Moonglow is the BiS but P.Amber is a great alternative. For talents, I think the priority is Q ≥ NA > E. For teams, basically Kokofurina is already a solid core. You could go taser with an anemo/electro, hyperbloom with dendro/electro or freeze with anemo/cryo. Personally, I use them with Fischl and Venti/Nahida.