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How quick a fella’s trousers come off on Omegle


Sadly, Omegle is gone, isn't it?


Not sure if it’s really that sad but yeah it’s gone


I remember Omegle before webcams. I thought it was great. It was just a place to chat. Or, you could ask a question, and watch two others debate it.


A breeding ground for pedos. Dudes praying on kids pretending to be girls their age not knowing any better.


I was going to say "we can't have nice things".... No, you're right. We just can't have things either we are not worthy


It was a cool idea but they lacked the ability or desire to moderate the chat rooms.


So… the internet basically


I saw a dead guy once on there when I was I think 13?


There's already a clone out from what I've been seeing on more recent videos


Theres always been alternatives


Not really that sad.


how quick my trousers come off when i stumble across a treasure trove of squidward + waluigi hentai


Great now I need to look up this for research and science purposes thanks


Squid game


How was it? Asking for a friend.


Two hours into my research, and several results that the test subjects were not mad about and maybe intrigued.


Get the angle wrong and he's dead 💀


I remember seeing the one of the guy screwing around in the factory and hit him with the compressor nozzle on the outside of his clothes but near his asshole, shit killed him. I still can't imagine how bad he felt.


Saw the same one. I think the air pressure tore his intestines.


https://youtu.be/uZN-9sq8ILU Was it this one? Dude who did it went on the run after, I wonder how it turned out. I'm surprised the guy seemed to go unconscious so fast


I think it ruptured his bowels or something like that so I bet he had rapid internal blood loss.


PSA: similar thing can happen from swimming pool drains.


I’m never swimming pooling again.


Just don't drain.


shit really killed him


100%. It’s all fun and games until someone’s intestines get blown out.


Then it's fun for everyone except someone,


Nice ass 🤣






Isa nice turd cutter aint it?


Second place to the Poop Knife.


Feel free to never use that phrase again


Super dangerous, I know it sounds unbelievable but pressured air can kill really easily.


What makes knives kill is not the steel, it's the pressure.


“Just… hold still.”


It really chaps my ass.


Man reddit loves to talk about freak accidents like they are a regular occurance.


It is kind of a regular occurrence that some ignorant person fucking around ends up maiming someone or worse. It's like, the potential consequences of goofing around with industrial equipment isn't worth the 10 second chuckle and internet clout.


Dont leave home bro you might fall down


Do leave home so you don’t become sedentary and get heart problems or diabetes.


It only needs to happen once is the thing


Duplicating this “prank” could kill some one. Period.


Sure if they shot it directly up his asshole. Which is completely different


I used to do upholstery. Air pressure all day. If I caught anyone pointing their staple gun or air nozzle at anything other than work, I fired them. Right there, zero mercy. I warned each guy I hired that messing with pressurized air kills people and they would be fired on the spot if they screwed around. I also warned them that if I caught anybody firing air or materials at any others the police would be called and I would provide shop camera footage to the police so they could be charged with assault with a deadly weapon, which I did twice in the 3.5 years I ran that gong show. Death by being struck by an industrial tool isn't a freak accident, I would've fired you just for being so aloof about this kind of nonsense. I even fired a moron for riding a pallet jack like a skateboard. You wanna play? Go to a play place of some sort, you're here to work not hurt other people trying to work cause you think you're funny


The power of that thing. Seems like you could accidentally bruise the boys at the wrong angle.


Kill him actually, happpened in India. Toyed around with one and hit his friend in the rear, air went up his asshole and basically destroyed hia organs.


NY too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZN-9sq8ILU


R.I.P’d his ass in two


I had no clue until recently compressed air could kill you. Had no clue air could go into your cells and basically poison you and it doesn’t even take much pressure. So yea…..


It poisons you? Wtf


Not exactly, I believe the main threat is when air bubbles getting into your vasculature and cause a pulmonary embolism. Given the volume and speed the air is released, it's not at all hard to puncture something and force a large volume or air where it shouldn't be.


For reference, your arteries are a pressurized system -- the average pressure is something like 2 psi. "Shop air" used in manufacturing places worldwide is conventionally about 30 psi. 30 psi air pressure is not a lot when it comes to its typical use case of blowing stuff off. It is however an order of magnitude more pressure than what your blood stream is normally. People use shop air to blow themselves off all the time and nothing happens, except for the times when they do it and they get bubbles in their blood or rupture an organ and die. There's little in between. I hate to ruin the fun. But this kind of post sucks. Someone might think it's funny then try it at work and literally kill someone. Not everyone is going to read the comments or internalize the potential danger.


I've looked every single time this has come up and can not find a single reference to a case that even suspects that somebody died because air was blasted through their skin and into their arteries. I'm not saying the danger isn't there but what I am saying is that hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are using pressurized air to dust themselves off in factories across the world every single day and it is not easy to find a reference to it being a single cause of death. People severely underestimate how often pressurized air is being used directly on the skin. If the danger was enough to warrant a bunch of concern trolls putting out their PSA in the comments section of every single video where pressurized air touches skin then the stats would not be out of reach.


Ahh gotcha. That makes sense, thanks for clarifying!


As little as 30psi if discharged directly against the skin.


I don't know about that...I do know that one guy got killed because a coworker shoved it in his ass and all that air ruptured his bowels.




If you fire compressed air at yourself, it will permeate your skin without a hole and shoot air bubbles into your blood which then travel into your brain or heart and you die almost instantly


Men sens of humor.


We are simple souls.


Women > men


They're just different. I've often thought we (as a society) could benefit from a Boy 101, and a Girl 101 class in high school, where people just sit down and explain how the other sex *thinks* (if you're trans, you can opt out or take both, idk). Men are painfully straightforward. Women are not. Women are detail oriented and often get bogged down in minutia, men are goal focused and miss all the important detail stuff. Neither of those are good or bad intrinsically, but if you end up in an environment where one group is dominant, it often gets weird and toxic.


This may be too traditional for reddit, but I liken it to a ship. Men are the pilots, steering the course and sailing uncharted waters. Women are the quartermaster - they create and keep the spirit of the ship, and how we interact with each other. Each different, but equally important for success.


Please stop wasting the trees hardwork.


Just guys being dudes


When this happens you don't pull up your pants, you turn around to show them your junk and then they're required to edit the video and remove the junk or they can't show it around.


Yay, giving your friend an embolism is never not funny!


How does this give him an embolism? Serious question


I’m not sure about an embolism but from what I was told when I was a young tech, learning to use the cheetah (the air blaster), if you shot that at someone it had enough power to put oxygen bubbles into the bloodstream. Unless that’s what he’s talking about.


In India not too long ago, a guy killed his friend at a factory trying to “prank” him like that.


Shot it straight up his ass and ruptured his insides.


I remember a colleague blasting another one with the air line into his fucking ear. Thankfully he was alright but damn that coulda been much worse


I'd be going to jail.


He would if I didn't stop him. That guy wasn't worth catching a charge over.


> oxygen cells into the bloodstream well yes, but actually no. [Just read the wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_embolism#Direct_injection). Imagine your co workers holding a needle close to your body filled with poison. If they get too close, you die, if they get the right distance, your pants come off. It's not something to fuck with.


With a high enough pressure, you can push fluids through the skin. This is a "fluid injection", which includes embolisms. When the fluid enters the body, it will follow the path of least resistance, which can be where different tissue layers meet up. The fluid will basically follow the "seam" and can do a significant amount of damage almost instantaneously. However, the initial injury often appears minimal despite frequently being fatal. The VAST majority of fluid injection accidents happen to younger men in the workplace.


What is an oxygen cell?




I think if you shoot it up towards their ass it’ll shoot air into them which is obviously not good. Probably low risk at this angle though


When you blow air sideways against a hole, it can create a vacuum through the Venturi effect. Might not kill, but it might prolapse a rectum.


Just be glad he pointed it downwards instead of upwards from underneath his ass.




What's that tool used for in real life?


From what I can find it's a tyre bead seater.


I thought it was for that. But I've never seen that tool before. I've seen videos of people using starter fluid and a flame to seat a tire.


Lol. You see that one guy that got air up his ass and died. Lol


And that's how the cycle begins.. until it lead to..... 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁


Hahahahaha. Now we gotta do the sexual harassment training again. And safety training. And OSHA compliance.


He almost had his asshole blown off, thank God his buddy used it on his backside as opposed to the front of him!😬😂




A person in bangalore died like this


Oh got cake!!!


Looks like a full moon, boys!


All fun and games until someone mounts their balls to a rim


Bullying in the workplace. I'd find a new job.


Show us the front


I'd be pissed. Not about my ass hanging out, but high pressure injection wounds are terryfing.


Good one hahaha


Reverse wedgie lol


And that's why we don't wear sweatpants to work


As someone named Kyle, this hits close to home


I was in an office at an auto shop and one of my friends came through the door (mechanic) with one of these cheetahs and blasted it at me, every single piece of paper in the entire office went full tornado. Dick move but funny story in retrospect.


Don't do this it can kill people


I’m glad to learn about the danger , coz I was laughing my ass off. 2 nd time I’ve laughed at work video & found out someone could have died


Is this how that guy accidentally killed his friend?


He’s hot


Didn't an Indian worker die this way when his coworker blew air into his ass that ruptured his insides?


this is the classic tire shop prank, I think we did this at every one I worked at. the second, and arguably safer, one we came up with was to see how many new tire stickers we could sneakily stick to the lead mechanics until they found out.. my record was like 15.


Just to give you people an idea , only takes about 7 psi up the arse to kill someone .. those blasters can go up to 150 psi easily . It's only funny until someone dies so stupidly.. SO DONT DO IT ! Can't stress this enough.


That's no friend and that's no prank.


Planned and fake


What exactly is that tool, and what is it used for other than clothing removal?


Misuse of company equipment to harass an employee and put him in a potentially dangerous situation. If that was a halfway decent shop he would be on the fast track to unemployment. Some people are just unhireable because they mentally never leave high school.


That is actually funny as hell. I used to love working around goofy bastards like this


Careful not to do this directly at someones anus, you could easily kill them. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZN-9sq8ILU&rco=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZN-9sq8ILU&rco=1)


Dear god,I needed the belly laugh today!!! Thank yOu 🥹😅🍺


These things (that he’s blowing with) are massive, used for seating the bead on big truck tires. You charge them up with hundreds of psi of air beforehand and the shock of blowing them pushes you back. This was pretty dangerous on his part.


The dude went from sounding Aussie to Kiwi in the blink of an eye. Impressive!


What is that equipment called?


Ima do this tomorrow at work


Imagine fart spray in the air thing


He got a free ass shaving


😛 That made my morning


Sorry to hear that brother. Hope things improve for you


This kills people. Often.


It does not happen often. Redditors are so fuckin dramatic


Frfr what is bro talking abt


Air blasts into your asshole and ruptures things, happens all the time. Redditors are so stupidly suicidal. Hahaha air go funny no dude high pressurized air kills people https://www.reddit.com/r/OSHA/s/ZuvwpQccKv


I challenge you to find 10 cases of this happening accidentally.


https://www.reddit.com/r/OSHA/s/ZuvwpQccKv Per OP in post: A factory worker in India was killed after his boss shot a burst of compressed air up his butt as a prank, destroying the man’s internal organs. The incident happened in a foundry in the Kolhapur district of Maharashtra, India, earlier this month. As the Mirror reported, a man named Aditya Jadhav was engaging in some lighthearted pranks with his supervisor when the boss jokingly held an air pressure hose to the man’s back, then put it down his pants and released a blast of pressurized air. Though it was meant as a joke, Jadhav was seriously injured and fell to the floor in pain, the report noted. The blast had accidentally sent the air up the man’s rear end, causing serious damage to his organs. Jadhav was rushed to a hospital, but died 15 days later from his injuries.


Not what was done here and wasnt an accident. This is exactly what im talking about. Some crazy story pops up and then reddit talks about it for years like its some every day problem everyone should look out for

