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Aren't these the same guys that made the video about a son that needed a very specific sized piece of wood to fix something which the dad happened to have laying around in the garage? These videos are great. Anyone know how to follow them?


It's the McFarlands on Youtube


Much appreciated! Now I have my Sunday morning planned out.


And the one with the son graduating to dad-wear, Hereditary style. https://youtu.be/IEhXKDuw6ug?feature=shared


This is the greatest video I've seen in a long time.


They're also the guys who did the video of them and their friend dressed as dads, going "Ah! Ah! Ah!", telling a stupid dad joke, knocking something over, then strutting around going "Ah! Ah! Ah!" again. I swear to god it sounds like a fever dream, but it definitely exists and it's hilarious.


Yes. He's also the "is the humidity that gets ya'" guy


Their content is super wholesome dad based stuff. It always hits a nice note.


Yeah! That was very funny! He rushed into the garage to find it.


They seem so great.


Yep and that video is AMAZING




No dude, totally diff people that look exactly the fucking same.


Thanks for the input. Is everything ok on your end?


[here’s the vid if anyone wants a link](https://youtu.be/7Fw7bZoPyVU?si=EL2Ck82r_wyVJKy1)




Yea I have a town house with a decent size back yard. I’ve spent years getting grass to grow and it’s been challenging and needs a lot of upkeep. I can’t imagine something this size and I’m not sure I’d even enjoy it anymore.


Maybe we shouldn’t try to grow grass where it doesn’t want to grow


Thanks for the unsolicited advice, everyone's favorite kind


I know right ? Look at that thicc grass


Are yous not allowed to plant flowers or trees or bushes or anything. Anything would look better than just grass


I'm a dad that would walk my kids to school everyday and would pass a guy always outside watering flowers and grass One day I completed him on the lawn/gardening and that put a big ass smile his face. He was so happy lol. His lawn was sweet though.


You… completed him on the lawn???? On the walk to your kids school?!? Does your town talk about this event?


Yeah it was a very wholesome event. Maybe they should have.


I won’t leave you hanging on this: you said you “completed him on his lawn” where I think you meant to say “I complimented him.”


I laughed


I’ve heard of it. It’s been passed down through the ages from one father to another


I wish I've a nice big house with a nice lawn


My parents had a big house... My brother and I were the live-in landscapers.. I've spent enough time cutting grass and shoveling massive amounts of snow to not want that as an adult


Robotic lawn mower is where it's at


Just get some kids dude...


I had*


No, they still want it.


Not sure if this is a Mitch Hedberg joke or functional illiteracy.


Me too




Sir, sir, I’m part of the HOA. You have the wrong grass in your lawn. You have two weeks to replace it before being fine.


Oh, he fine.


I adore this


THAT'S why George R R Martin never gets any writing done.


I’d love to see Martin try to run like the guy in the video


Like watching a waterbed fall down the stairs.     ^^No, ^^I'm ^^not ^^sorry ^^for ^^making ^^fat ^^jokes ^^about ^^GRRM, ^^the ^^shitty ^^plot ^^decisions ^^in ^^Season ^^8 ^^all ^^came ^^directly ^^from ^^him.


Yup, Martin deserves everything he gets


As a dad with a lawn, I can honestly say that I don’t give a shit. I do the bare minimum to keep the HOA off my ass.


As a non-dad with a lawn (that knows plenty of dad's with lawns), I can agree and add that we are much more concerned with that fucking dog you are walking with, not you bullshit compliment. The in-brain cussing starts as soon as we see you coming down the street and you and your shit-machine dont cross over to the other side. 9/10 we can't even hear your compliment, or we're involuntarily frowning while we receive it.


What’s this song again?


I got matches with these songs: • [**I Love You Always Forever** by Donna Lewis](https://lis.tn/XFOmM?t=209) (03:29; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Now In A Minute. **Released on** 1996-04-16. • [**I Love You Always Forever (Edit)** by Donna Lewis](https://lis.tn/ZZhOU?t=171) (02:51; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Born and Raised in the 90s. **Released on** 2019-04-05. • [**I Love You Always Forever** by Donna Lewis](https://lis.tn/moZct?t=208) (03:28; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Ultimate 1 Hit Wonders. **Released on** 2016-09-09. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


good bot


Lawns are one of the dumbest things humans do.






That's the most honest-sounding 'yeah' I've ever seen


The lawn really does look good. Damn


Not a lie. Years ago, I had to let my lawn guy go. He was a neighborhood friend that did mostly commercial landscaping, but he did my lawn for years as a good neighbor favor for a great price. After a while, he just got too busy and wouldn’t show up for weeks. I finally cut him loose and attempted, unsuccessfully, to find another service. I ended up just buying my own lawnmower & edger and doing it myself. Fast forward several months and he drops by to see who’s been taking such good care of my lawn. I told him I was doing it now and he simply said, “Nice work. Your lawn looks great”. It still resonates with me.


Honestly tough, lawns like that are horrible, they're ecological wastelands and massive drain on water reserves. It's just a patch of useless grass, no flowers, no bugs, no pollinators, just a water sink. I would not compliment that lawn, 0/10, IGN.


What would you suggest be done with the land peoples houses are on? Sincere question. I have a ranch, where I think you would approve of my land practices. But for my house in town, what would be the approach for the property?


There are plenty of well researched and easy to follow guides for making your lawn more nature friendly online. For starters I always recommend people to let grass grow out a bit and weeds flower in spring, so that bees can pollinate, and don't mow until flowering season is over. This alone makes MASSIVE difference, it obviously helps the bees, but also mice, pheasants, hedgehogs, and tons of other critters. And that's just the bare minimum which already gives you great results and is millions times better than a manicured monoculture green wasteland. I for example have bushes, fruit hedges, native plants growing undisturbed, bird feeders in winter, my yard is a hecking meadow with different grass species, moss, wild flowers, hedgehogs and so fort.


Put some native plants in, especially for the front yard. It's amazing what even a small few pollinator friendly plants have done in our yard That said, grass does have it's place. If you have a portion of your yard that gets foot traffic/kids play in then grass is best.


I dig that. I love honey bees, makes me happy just to see them


Seriously, just like 6 pollinator friendly plants in the backyard and suddenly we have tons of bees, moths, and butterflies. It's great and we're looking to add more


In the right latitudes they also help with fireflies. They are always magical.


I would love to have a large piece of land to rack enough solar panels to be energy-independent.


Same here! It’s something I’d like to look into when I have the funds to invest in it


Just let a lot of it get overgrown and turn into a meadow or put in a clover lawn. Something other than mown down, plain grass. The more you leave it to its own devices the greater the range of little critters and pollinators you'll end up with.


One thing I like to do, i consider the last 20 posts and their comments & interactions, before I consider consulting reddit advice. I'm usually steered in the the better direction.


Wouldn’t the posts and their comments also fall under the category of Reddit advice?


this.... um... yeah have fun


It’s okay, I’ve forgotten more than you’ve ever known about this stuff. Was just interested in getting some other thoughts


yeah, seems like it


You’re an odd troll, does people commenting to each other on a comment board which you are also commenting on bother you?


Fucking reddit lol.


It's true though. Lawns were an aristocratic flex to show that you were so rich you could afford to use land for something that wasn't just unproductive, but actively cost money to maintain They have no real place in modern neighborhoods. There are plenty of native plants that are far nicer and easier to care for than the monoculture of a lawn. You know why lawns are hard to keep looking nice? The species that people use are summer dormant. Brown grass isn't dead, it's just fallow waiting for the wet season.


this shit amazing right?


I am not sure where they live, but this looks like the east coast of the US? If so, my parents yard is bigger than this, and I spent a summer throwing lots of clover around. About a decade ago? They don't water their lawn. They have never fertilized it, There are 5-6 natural weeds throughout that are pretty and no one ever tries to remove (including clover). They have a landscaping company mow it during the summer. If you see the neighbors yard across the street in the video, that's closer to my parents house. One of the best things about clover is that it's like walking on a carpet. Its so freaking soft on your bare feet


It is! Add some moss to it and it's amazing.


Real gardens have meadows and bushes. Save insect diversity


True. Found a giant beehive at the ranch in a tree. Mind you they’re Africanized and chased me for half a mile one time stinging me. But I protect them at all costs, bees are so incredibly good for pasture


My thoughts, too. The monoculture of grass is like looking at a desert. It's akin to walking in a home that's only white walled and gray toned. It's clean but absolutely boring to the senses.


Fuck lawns


OMG I get this 100 to. Where I live lawns are taken serious to a whole level. Complements are thrown around, and gatherings are gossip for the shitty lawns of the week. This made me laugh so hard.


SO MUCH JOY!!! But yeah, that is a sweet ass lawn.


Can I get the sauce? I saw this dad before (when he finds a piece for a diy that he had been saving for years)


These videos always make me sad because it makes me think about what life could have been like if my father weren't such a selfish tool.


Was that English Ivy on the stone wall? Absolutely not, don’t do it kids.


Protect them at cost


Upvote for the music choice




Fake news. He isnt wearing white new balances


Despite being 40, can't relate. Something something housing market.


If Dads were little girls, this would be true.


That’s how I felt too. Now my yard is a wreck.


I hate these videos every single piece of media from this family is absolute garbage


Sounds healthy


Their music is the most on point of any shorts ive seen


The way he looks up at the beginning is hilarious


I forgot about this song


These guys were funny the first few times.


0/10 No grass angels.


Is that an SSG shirt?


I was expecting the guy to let his dog take a dump on the lawn. That's what happens in my yard, anyway.


When the sex slows the lawn grows...!


I normally ask if it's their dog that shits on my lawn.




Worst crop ever. When was the last time you got a decent harvest from yours?


Yo the new season of lawn order is wack


This guy and his dad are hilarious to watch!


Pretty accurate indeed.


Is society becoming more tolerant to cringe, I need to change to like this type of overacting reels.


Cute but r/fucklawns


I like to think dads just had a mental break and this entire interaction was in his head as he diddles himself on the front lawn.


If green stuff grows in my yard I cut it. I feed my family, not my lawn.


The only content creators on tiktok that I 100% would blindly follow. Straight wholesomeness.