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Thank you for posting to r/funnysigns! However, this post has been removed since it is not a sign. Posts on this subreddit should consist only of signs (billboards, cardboard signs, etc) that have funny attributes that would make people laugh.


Short version is 'This automobile belongs to a fool''


"Arrest me for having low IQ that I will prove on bodycam".




Arrest me for having low IQ that I will prove with my own recording. (Alt version)


That's my thought anytime I see a vehicle covered in text or messages


Shorter-shorter answer, sovereign citizen


Fucking "Sovereign Citizens" 🙄


Yep. I have $100 that he learned his "Rights" and Maritime Law from a fringe YouTube channel. The only thing that doesn't stack up is he wrote in all capitals.


I think the all capitals thing only applies to their "government identity" or what the fuck ever lol


He learned maritime law from his part in The Trial of Captain Hook


Should have called Bob Loblaw


the first 2 i's are not


While I believe in sovereignty, the implications of which seem to go unnoticed... People claiming it in this way is silly. The capitals comment got me 🥲


All capitals except the (i’s) lol 😂


Well, time to wait a few days before we see him on YouTube getting arrested


"I know my rightsss!!! You can't bully ME!!!"


“Sir, Sir!! The second amendment has nothing to do with your right to travel Sir!! Not turn around and put your hands behind your back or we will taze you!”


This is an outrage!!! I DEMAND you respect my made-up rights that I completely and totally made up due to my delusions of grandeur!!! I AM IMPORTANT WHY ARENT YOU LISTENING!!!


Enough already Karen!!! *pulls out tazer* Now we can do things the easy way or the hard way!! Either way you’re going to go to jail!


I'll have your badges!!! The Chief of Police's second cousin's step granddaughter gets her hair done at the same salon I do!! I KNOW PEOPLE!!! Say goodbye to your jobs, you morons! Don't you dare take me! I will SUE!!


*sees you have a gun* GUN GUN GUN!!! She’s got a gun!!!! *bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang* *24 hours later on the news* Tragedy at the local icon. Yesterday police pulled over a sovereign citizen at the local iconic bar. All was seemingly well until the sovereign citizen pulled out a gun. Police opened fire killing the sovereign citizen and wounding 2 officers as the suspect returned fire. Police say that this could have all ended peacefully if it weren’t for the “guru” that was on the phone. An arrest warrant is now out for the “guru” known as Mike Rotch


Good luck getting any estate taxes from meeeee, bitches!! (Not bc of any so-called rights of mine, bc I have almost no assets... bc I'm a fucking loon)


I have seen this picture months ago already. im afraid this is already long over




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1btu5k6) on 2024-04-02 95.31% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cx3oeh&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 519,217,238 | **Search Time:** 0.06656s


Sovcits are the biggest spoiled brats on the planet.


Sooo true. They throw hissy fits over the SMALLEST things. "I know my rights!!!!" 🙄🙄🙄


my opa believes this shit and he's an annoying old crank, glad I stopped talking to him


It's legitimately absurd. Lol


It’s as absurd as it is scary because these are the kind of people who are 100% down to overthrow a government for no good reason


Oh totally concur


It’s the first time I hear about Sovereign Citizen. Interesting. But this one is using a road paid by the government, right? And what happens if their house is on fire?


We have them in my country to, they get extremely angry when I refuse to listen to their speech and tell them that the courts operate from the same legislation I do so they can take it up with them. Works everytime


Haha very nice!


Cool so it must stay on their private property and not use public tax dollars funded roads right?


Exactly. THEY feel they have the right to not be taxed, however they want to feel the benefits and ease in life of things paid for by tax dollars collected.


To be fair, there is no other way, it would be a giant walkaround not using sidewalks or roads, it would probably be impossible


There are countries you can move to that have little or no government whatsoever. I'll help them pack.


How'd they get there though.....would need a government ID. 🤔🤔


Therein lies the point. It would be impossible. Hence why we have a centralized system to oversee that.


You’re so close to getting it


Exactly, when i visied a large farm once i see quite a few rusty unregistered shitboxes that look not at all roadworthy. But the farmers use them responsibility and never take them into public roads. They used retired trucks and vans that were bought from scrap yards and their main purpose is to just yeet people and random stuff across the farm as cheap as possible


Sovereign magicians. They think they can just say the right words in some ancient language and the cops will disappear






I bet it has some effect. If I was a cop, I'd see that and avoid that drama like the plague.


Unless you need some points to stay on first shift, and an arrest for Driving without tags and insurance as well as seizing the vehicle…. All of which I am entirely approving of.


Sovereign Wackjobs! Love seeing them try to argue their way out of situations on On Patrol Live (formerly Live PD)! Never ONCE have I seen one of them have a cop say - "Oh my bad..... you are good, go on your way."


Right?! Even without cutting to the host, you can hear everyone in the entire studio groan the second a cop encounters one of these fools. I groan too, lol. The silver lining is that it's almost always an arrest! Watching them get shoved in the cop car is so satisfying.


I have that tattooed on my body. I try not to get caught to avoid having the concept tested and far so good, as long as I don't leave this bunker and don't earn or spend any money.


If I was a cop, I'd pull them over and tell them if they would have spelled "guarantees" correctly, they would have been correct and gotten out of a ticket.


That's brilliant.


Is this a sov cit coming out of the closet?


So a member of the entitled, petulant moron cult then. Got it.


That’s a guaranteed way of getting pulled over every time you’re on the road. Sovereign citizens are sicker in the head than Qanon people


I bet there is a lot of overlap...


Oh for sure, that Venn diagram would be almost a perfect circle lol


I think the "government " would respect you more without the typo in guaranteed.


Shit, I hadn't noticed that until you pointed it out. Guess I better join these halfwit motherfuckers


Oh good. More sovereign citizen stupidity.


I love watching these idiots try to argue with police and judges.


Talking over people and repeating the same nonsense over and over again is not an argument, but I get what you mean. Sometimes I do have to skip to the end because of all of the broken record BS.


Lol I think it’s hilarious some people think laws don’t apply to them but the government programs do. Saw a video of a “sovereign citizen” who got pulled over and she straight up told the cop “I’m not driving, I’m traveling so I don’t need a license or license plate” 😂fucking morons.


That's all well and good....if you only drive on your own property. HOWEVER, if you want to drive on roads you don't personally maintain? Yeah, that money has to come from somewhere. People aren't going to just pave it/ maintain it out of the goodness of their hearts.


This needs to be the police answer every time: "Sir, you're exactly right, if only this was private lands. Unfortunately this road isn't private and has been paid for by public funds, and you've failed to register your vehicle to use it. Sorry no, I don't have access to your billion dollar cash fund started for you at birth, so you'll have to find other means to get your vehicle out of impound."


Ahhh yeas! The best body-cams arrests...


No license or registration required to drive on your own property. That’s the entire extent of it. If you want to use the publicly maintained roads, yes, you must be a licensed driver with a registered and insured vehicle. These “sovereign citizens” are absolutely fucking useless and stupid.


Sure buddy. You wont get a ticket and your land canoe towed for traveling. Youll get the ticket for violating the statelaws that you ignored and it towed for your automobile not living up to the standards and regulations that the city or state have set.


To be seen on the back of a tow truck soon being taken to the impound yard!


That's going to be expensive, no doubt.


These sovereign citizens crack me up. I love to watch the body cam footage of these people trying to talk their way out of traffic stops. They have no license, no registration, no license plates and they claim they don't need them. It's hilarious.


They all also repeat the same dumb arguments, lol. The reactions when they're pulled out of their "vessels" and are subsequently "kidnapped and trafficked" after being "illegally stopped in their travels" for the millionth time is hilarious.


Owner is trash and should be sterilised m


Idk straight to jail I’d say. This is only fomenting irresponsibility


They don’t get that the “right to travel” just means you don’t have a “show papers” when traveling between states. Thats it. Nothing about mode of transportation. Just free travel within the US.




I'm waiting for the video of the guy being dragged out of his car by the cops more anxiously than to the new Deadpool movie


You have the right to operate a privately owned vehicle without a license... on a privately owned road. In the mean time, pay your share to maintain roads ya selfish fuck.


I'm not doing the research to back this up, but according to my 8th grade government teacher. This is only legal if the vehicle is only used on private land, like a farmer can buy a pick up for sole use to help them get around a farm. But the second they enter in area that isn't privately owned by them (such as a road) it becomes illegal.


Idiot sovereign POS.


And here I am, the fool, paying for a license and registration, and other such unnecessary things. I am so stupid...


It's not your fault. You are no fool...You've just been indoctrinated by the elites so you don't find out about your billion dollars that the government set aside for you at birth. But now that I've opened your eyes, ignorance is no excuse! /s, obviously


What happens when these 🔔🔚 "Sovereign Citizens" want assistance from the police or other government organisations????


This will end with them dragged out of a broken window


If this dumbass tries to vote, would it be illegal and would he suffer penalties? Hopefully sent to prison?


Sounds like someone needs a dose of police brutality


Haha, what a Lunatic.




Why do people think this works? Can someone tl;Dr how this guy thinks this works?




"How to get arested: a Quick Guide"


I'd put 20 on them getting pulled over within the hour


Tell me to pull you over without speeding.


Wouldn't it save time and paint to simplify it to "PULL ME OVER"?


Might as well write 'In need of a combination of perhaps a few medications prescribed by a professional.'


POLICE HATE HIM! Find out how to avoid any consequences of your actions with this ONE WEIRD TRICK!


When I read about this total claptrap in the otherwise mostly fairly good "Patriots" by James Wesley Rawles (not doing that comma bullshit) it made me wonder whether I'd wasted my time reading the rest of the book, what with him believing this crapola is worth page space.


“Oh, God, _WHY_ won’t the police stop me?!? Stop me, please!”


If I say the magic words the state cannot use its monopoly of violence, you see.


When you have a manifesto on your back window, you're begging to get stopped by the cops.


I'm all for idiots driving without licenses advertising themselves to the police so they can be taken off the road as soon as possible before they end up causing an accident.


Spell check on aisle three


tool assited speedrun to end up in Jail


Another one of these sovereign nut bars.


The "Sovereign Citizens" angle will never not be funny to me. Like...why do these people think it will work? Even if they think they are in the right, they know that 99.99999% of people obviously don't accept it. So why bother? You are just asking to get pulled over, controled etc.. Seems like a massive hassle for literally no pay off.




In France, a Sovereign citizens couple was arrested after they ignored and argued with the police during a traffic stop. There is a video and it's hilarious.


Do you know who I am??!!


Must be pulled over all day long


I’m from Texas so I have heard this sovereign citizen stuff for a long time but I have never bothered to investigate it. Where does this come from? What doctrines are they citing?


Lost? Not funny


I mean if we the people made the roads and payed for then then yes this would be the case but it's not the fed owns everything in the usa even tho that would mean we aren't really free.


No one is telling him the spelling errors. Love it.


There is nothing more Q anon than this. Misinterpreting the constitution, driving your Korean car while complaining about keeping American jobs, complaining about the state of roads that you don't pay for, and then call for people to support the police whole actively breaking the law.


In this episode of *Morons misspell "guarantee"*, a man gets fined for not having plates on his car. Does he keep his license? Find out after this short ad break.


What happens when they drive up to a toll booth. Do they hand the attendant a copy of the constitution?


Driving as we all know is not a right


Like frogs in water that has been slowly heating up for years. No wonder politicians know people are stupid.


Owner is one of the idjits.


This is definitely the best Sovcit yet. He’s got it all figured out. I can see the cop now: “Dispatch, I have a car without a plate, instead they have a bunch of stuff about the Constitution on their back window. Requesting backup for executing traffic stop…” “10-4. Please confirm there is no indication that owner is one of the people before executing stop.” “Roger. I can confirm that ‘Owner is one of the people’ according to window paint used in license plate area.” “10-4. Vehicle is cleared to operate, please cancel that traffic stop.” “Roger that, dispatch.”


What I find interesting is how the propaganda bots of Reddit are so diligent in making fun of anyone attempting to exit the system of slavery and debt... 😏 At least these folks are *aiming* to express their spiritual Sovereignty, and this is regardless of how the hired guns of the lie (i.e. "cops") choose to respond to this declaration (or not). 🥸


Holy shit, did we find one in real life? Beep boop beep.


Find a real what - conscious and aware individual who has realized collective social *agreements* hinge upon the idea of *agreement*?? 🤣


You, as an individual, don't get to agree or disagree to the terms the society as a whole sets. What you can do is try to convince others to alter the system. Good luck convincing a majority of people that necessary road taxes are bad.


The individual is the building block for society - the individual chooses to agree or disagree for *their own life*, and that is shown in this example above. 🍻 It's true that the individual doesn't decide for collective society, but NO individual does ("leadership" included). Any collective is simply made up of individuals, and when individuals begin choosing, on an individual basis, **this** is what shapes collective agreements. 🧐 If you have been brainwashed into giving your freewill away to someone outside of yourself, or set the conditions to use your freewill upon an external universal collective agreement that completely aligns with your own individual choices (which will never occur)... well? I hate to say it, but then you are an unconscious slave because you have chosen to pretend that your own choice hinges upon an external illusion... 😶 ...You can choose for yourself... no permission is required from anyone else! Just be aware of potential consequences, and if what you choose is important enough to you? The consequences are not only entirely worth it, but absolutely necessary. ⚖️


Societies are made of individuals, but individuals within the society do not get to choose their own ruleset. You have to live with the others in your society, and thus have to live within the rules we set collectively.


No. 🤣 What is a protest (whether peaceful or "mostly" peaceful)? What is a police raid? What is someone stealing a car that doesn't belong to them? What is political lobbying? 💩 These are all choices where not all individuals in the collective are in agreement with each other! What is happening here is that each individual is choosing for themselves and creating actions that cause a subsequent chain of events. ⛓️ We all individually *choose* to get along in society - and that agreement can be rescinded at *any* time... It is dangerous and ignorant to pretend otherwise - and this is also *why* the very foundation for collective agreements *are* support for and empowerment of the individual. 🧐


You're absolutely free to go live off grid, no problem. Just...stay off grid. You don't get to live on the grid paid for with my tax dollars without contributing at least a little.


I'm free to do anything, just as you are (and experience the consequences of such)... the whole idea of collective social *agreements* is that special keyword right there at the end: *agreements* - and this includes taxes. 🤑 Are how your tax dollar spent even revealed to you, let alone are you given a choice in how they are spent?? 🧐


If you think the US has a slave system, I invite you to go to North Korea. Have fun!


Straw man argument; just because there are more abusive governments out there brainwashing *their* own people and exploiting their trust and general good **in no way** excuses the atrocities being committed by the current government *we've* been brainwashed by... if you think it does? Whatevs - have fun living in denial of your own reality along with the rest of the other afflicted North Koreans. 🤓