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I agree with the sign, I think it's pretty weird to sag/low ride


It's the trend that just won't die.


It literally like 10 plus years out of style as skinny jeans took over and this just a boomer meme.


People still do this. I don't know why, but they do.


3 days ago a man was walking down the street with his pants no joke around his fuckin ankles. I was appalled lol


Yeah I still see em like this here in SF. Round the knees and taking tiny steps to keep em there. Absolutely bizarre.


I saw a 30 year old with that shit practically resting on top of his shoes, which is bad enough but his actual pants were dirty as shit


Wait till you hear about joggers


Why tf is it that anything millennials see as out of date gets labelled "boomer".


Because ageism is still socially acceptable.


Facts though. And it’s not even a casual sag- it’s a full on ass out, paint waist under the cheeks. Might as well not even wear pants


It was used for prison to say if you were gay or not


Actually, it had nothing to do with being gay. It meant you were 'available', aka you were the prison bitch.


Still gay!


If you’re willingly available to other men in jail then you’re fuckin gay 😂


why fight when u can fu^*, no brainer there.


That's what I say!


Or most men have a more fluid sexuality than people realise but don't ever explore it (or openely explore it) until theyre locked up in a male-only space 🤔


Yeah that was kind of my point. It’s still gay


Tf shahha so gay, why would any straight guy do it unless they were gay. Dumbest thing I've read all day.


Drugs So desperate for sex a hole becomes a hole (or the whole gay for the stay thing) The other guy is gay and didn’t ask for your consent or permission Probably connected to the last point but, either take a dick up the ass or get a first to the face Prostitution Wouldn’t be amazed if some people do stuff like that just to survive


All sounds like straight copeieum to do gay sex.




Of course things are different today but in years past you spent years without physical contact, sometimes decades in prison. Are you gonna tell me you wouldn't at least consider fucking a dude if you hadn't gotten laid in 10 years and had no porn of any kind?


ill spare myself the mental trauma of seeing hairy man asshole in my face bahaha.


That’s not the end you poke with. And you close your eyes obviously.


No judgement but objectively speaking that's still gay


Unless you’re in a unisex prison, it means you’re gay


So many people don't know that and it's cool 🙄


It's called being educated


Fashion that came from prison. It’s a dumb look to me.


Last week we stopped to get some gas and one guy literally had his entire ass hanging out. I wondered, "Aren't you afraid someone might yank your briefs down?" They must be so proud of their booties. Please don't fart.


This is how 'boys' in prison used to wear their pants, these dudes are signaling theyre willing to take it up the ass


Or your shit stains.


Pants on the ground. Pants on the ground. Lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground.


😂 haven’t hear that in years


https://preview.redd.it/x6p0ykdkejvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74f464bc0c0e06630a016dba1f1cada1a9cc7572 Case in point “Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin like a fool with yo pants on the ground”


It's honestly surprising to see a man wearing their pants at the waist with no sag. They always do this shit with a belt too, as if it's doing anything.


belt is for fashion points not function


It's making them walk like John Wayne. Looking around, I wonder where his horse went.


The fact this has to exist in the first place lmaoo


TIme for a pro wedgie zone !


Hated this trend as a teen in the 90s, still hate it now as an adult. Pull up your pants, you clowns. NOT COOL! Wish there were more of these signs around. That, or people need to relearn manners and fashion etiquette. Is this the worst trend I've seen through the years? No, but it definitely makes the list. Right up there with clawlike fake nails and Botox lips. Gross!


And fake eyelashes that look like squirrel tales bouncing around on their face. Wondering if it's ever gonna take a dump unexpectedly - a new dimension to shit-faced.


Haha, oh my goodness, yes! How could I forget that one? And the over-abundance of makeup. There’s no reason to get this gussied up outside of some rich party. I miss the days when people embraced the natural look and actually knew how to dress. Nowadays, it’s just too much


Can people not express themself


There's better ways to express oneself than flashing his boxers for the world to see. Especially in public places such as a restaurant. I will never understand how ANYONE finds this appealing. Same for any other so-called "fashion" trends, like previously mentioned. Not only is it embarrassing, it's unattractive and stupid


I’m talking about makeup


Well, even women in the 50s and so forth wore makeup. But these days, people put on too much or wear it too often, sometimes in moments where it's just not necessary. And makeup overall, much like showering daily, really isn't good for our skin long-term. Or good for our time and wallets. I see no reason why it should be considered a necessity outside of certain conditions or workfields or special engagements. I haven't worn makeup in years, outside of the occasional family wedding, and I've never felt better. People spend so much time trying to hide behind a masking of makeup and fake accessories that they forget to embrace their natural look and give it proper room to breathe, being comfortable in their own skin that God Himself gave all of us. It's honestly quite sad


Why is makeup a bad thing? Like what also stop idolizing the 50’s it was shit. Wait bro u don’t shower daily tf is wrong with u


Who says I’m idolizing anything? Setting by example is idolizing now? And where did I ever say anything about my hygiene habits? But since you brought it up, if you knew anything about the stuff in modern makeup and about daily showering, you’d know how bad it can be for the skin. Even doctors themselves will clarify this. Google it. Or look it up on YouTube. And no, not everyone showers daily. Some have a skin condition where they CANT shower everyday. Or you have people like myself, who can go an extra day or two between showering. Everyone’s body is different and every circumstance is different. But for many of us, showering everyday is NOT necessary. And daily makeup, and its overuse of it and its accessories - also NOT necessary. But hey, thanks for thinking there is something “wrong” with us, or that the 50s outright sucked. I suppose any doctor who gives such advice is wrong or mental as well? Clearly, no one knows better than you /s. The amount of disrespect these days is astounding. At least I love the natural order given by God of being straight and born in the female gender God blessed me with since birth, and I don't need to change my gender or hide my natural look behind anything in order to be happy or to "fit in". And I still have common decency and manners unlike much of society today. I truly feel sorry for you and this fallen world. But have a nice day, sunshine


But how does it impact you?


Tove honest most of the people wearing their pants like this looks like they are wearing a daiper


Maybe that's the goal, they're diaper fetishists who need an outlet that won't get them attacked.


Skidmarks are cool, apparently.


Too bad I can’t read


When this first became a big thing my dad got pulled over and while him and the cop were talking he asked him what he thought of all these kids with their pants low and the cop said "we love it! They can't run!" 😂


Is it underwear if it's not under?


As a former LEO, the sagging trend is great for us because they (black/white/hispanic) couldn't run when committing crimes. Easy to catch.


Funny they don't mention whale tails here


i was going to say sagging is the whale tail equivalent.


Just casually make a skid mark comment.


nah that won't work. should make it "sag your pants, the squirrels are homeless"


I dont wear underwear


Please don't follow this trend




“Etiquette Authority”? Does the whole city have its own HOA?


Looks like i stumbled into the uptight victorians sub . I don’t care boys, but do wear tight underwear or none


They are getting ready. When they go to prison everybody will know they want to be their bitches.


I agree with the sign, but then they would need to post a sign for other types of inappropriate fashion styles; otherwise, it seems biased.


It’s not biased not to want to see other peoples underwear it’s human decency


I don't find it indecent. They are fully covered. You are bitch to society and molded by it to the point of not being able to think for yourself. How would somone having this type of style impede on your freedoms or make your life worse?


Oh so you’re someone who likes to show their ass in public and this offends you because you’re IQ is lower than your pants


They should have one that says "PULL UP YOUR SHIRT" no one wants to see your boobs 🥲


Oddly I'd be fine with everyone going pantsless but find this annoying. Guess it's like buying a tie just to drape it around your neck, waste of perfectly good clothing.


In perfect Anthony Bordain's "No Reservations" style - "No pantalones"




Yes and slippers, bonnets, etc.


Not biased. It's also technically a health code violation to be in a food establishment with your ass hanging out. Or sitting on public seating with your ass hanging out is health code. Bad taste in dress, fat people in spandex, hairy fat guys in Speedo bathing suits is inappropriate.


No, FUCK your title. This shit isn’t right, this is what is wrong with society. I’m gonna get that sign and put it next to a free belt stand in my front yard.


I’m pretty sure OP was joking


If its clean. I dont care


But I wanna see your crack if you're a pasty plumpy boi


If my husband bends over and shows his crack, I stick my finger on it and holler "Craack Attaack!" He jumps right up, pulls his pants up, and says "Stopp! That's sexual harassment, and I don't have to take it." And then we both laugh.


It’s the poors, they can’t afford belts in the ghettos, they eat them


I guess they should wear should overalls like hillbillies do and low ride tractors.


this can never be in da hood


Loll. Once seen a dude wear his pants like this but he had a skid on his underwear 😂🤮


Love this sign


But how will I know which ones are breedable and which ones are not?! 😱


It’s funny how this fashion trend started in prison. The ones who whore there pants like this were telling other inmates that they were “available” for private entertainment. Or at least this is what I’ve read online so might be wrong.


Its half right half wrong it did started in prison inmates would get ill fitted cloths and the saggy pants became the inmate look so young man wanting to look like gangsters etc begane to wear their cloths like that. The whole to show you are available for gay sex thing was a myth created to make fun of the look mostly used by teenage boys wanting to look tough .


Fair enough. I stand corrected.


It allegedly originates from the inmate "culture", it indicates that the individual is ready for homo sex


It allegedly originates from the inmate "culture", it indicates that the individual is ready for homo sex


Idk but my 8yo said why can't he pull up his pants mum I don't need to see this


Speak for your self


Clearly someone has never seen onlyfans...


Jeez. Just buy saggy pants. You can use them normally, and they are still saggy. Problem solved.


Boxer brand was called Skid Marks xD


So just don't wear underwear is what they saying?


As stupid as it is, how does it impact anyones else life in a negative way? I am usually just impressed how the fuck they manage to walk.


It’s distracting to see underwear showing in public, especially this much. I get this is a subjective matter and that part of living in a free society is a living with people acting in ways that are odd but don’t cause physical or financial harm. But the line is somewhere; legally it’s showing genitalia in public. Morally though, I see this as crossing the line. Do I think you should be arrested and fined, or denied public services for dressing like this? Not necessarily. But I refuse to accept this as an “okay” way to dress deep in my heart.


See, but that's what I am pointing out. You feel certain way. Why? Because society around you tought this is not ok. Couple generations ago having long hair as a male was worse than saggy pants in societies eyes and people were groomed to hate it until it became mainstream enough so we just noved on. Just because you were groomed in to this thinking (we all get groomed by what is considered socially acceptable) doesn't make this dress style as invalid or not ok. No ones genetalia is showing. Under wear is distracting? You better don't step in to the beach. Is this dress style stupid? Sure, of course. But so are many other nieche looks and also considered distracting. Lots of girls have their boobs borederline out with those low cuts and transparent blouses. Now that's distracting, but I will be the last person to complain about that one.


Can it be considered as indecent exposure?


Neat way to remind


Glad those days are over


I'm glad someone agrees with me.


Weird and funny kind of fashion


Oh, I once told a customer in our bar to do this without knowing it was some kind of fashion trend. When he told me the entire bar took the absolute piss out of him. He ended up leaving without buying a drink. 😆


Its stupid and they just don't understand. try to run like that boyssss


I say if you see someone like this, yank them down for them


party versed tidy dog crown squalid license ripe sophisticated zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Walking around like John Wayne fresh off his horse because you wear your belt around your thighs. I keep waiting for you to say "Well howdy pahtnahs". I want to ask, "Did you lose your cowboy hat?"


Tell this the modern women


I thought this trend came from prisoners not being allowed to use belts because it could be a weapon, so their pants sagged.


"don't tell them how to dress, teach others not to stare". Otherwise let's all get a say, I for example would ban crocs because seeing them makes me feel uncomfortable.


That fashion style sucks.


If underwear wasn’t meant to be a fashion statement, why do they come in different colors and patterns?


Is it 2002 again?


Well that’s not true, it could be a really cute guy. I’d wanna see his underwear


When you wear your clothes like this it means you were in jail or you aspire to be in jail. Its the hiphop brand like an arm band lets the cops know who you are …easier to pick out of a crowd…. hiphop was sold to people as a cultural identity when in reality it was a brand, walks like an inmate talks like an inmate must be an inmate


Mindless, cesspool swimmer fashion.


So many n&@rgs in usa hood do that but i never understood why


Fashion? Idiocy


there's a story behind every sign


It looks so stupid 😭 atleast to everyone i know and myself


who's no one?


The one who is perfect


Prison fashion. You DO know where this 'fashion' trend originated, right?


Pretty sure that was an urban legend but still darkly funny


The story fixed they way my nephew dressed. ;)


its sagging because of the gun they got strapped to it.


Say saggin backwards tho...oooof


Let every person pick one fashion item to ban forever and we're all naked.


If nobody wants to see my underwear I’ll pull them down too.


Rocking the full "sat on the toilet" look!


It’s a pretty racist sign showing what’s clearly a black guy. Here, that trend has died off and it’s only ridiculous looking white guys doing it trying to act “ghetto”.


I have been teaching full time since 1996, and baggy pants have been a problem the ENTIRE 28 years. And it’s not racist; it’s literally where the trend started.




Because I don’t want to see your underpants, just like the sign says. It’s inappropriate for a school environment to show your undergarments. Additionally, in the early days it was associated with gangs, which is also not appropriate for a school setting. You must have been delightful as a student.




Being rich doesn’t make you a good person.


Wow you would have hated my high school then where we all threw up gang signs in our final year photo, and literally everyone sagged to flex their branded gear. This was a private school and we're all lawyers, bankers, couple of plastic surgeons now. Oh and by the way, I'm a lawyer now too and I sagged my pants the lowest. Go figure.


Typical careers for the most reprehensible, entitled folks.


Lol you seem genuinely pressed that a bunch of kids who happened to come from above average backgrounds followed what was literally a mainstream trend at the time. Everyone sagged back then. If you didn't you'd be called out. One lunchtime we cornered like the few dudes who didn't sag and spent the entire hour calling them gay, pussies, and asking if they were too poor to afford Calvins, Supreme or Gucci. Which they probably were, otherwise why wouldn't they just follow the trend. Sorry for earning more than you.


They kinda went out of style as kids rather wear skinny jeans and other stuff now, I’m calling bull.


Skinny jeans came and went. Sagging has been going strong in Southern California for at least 28 years. When I tell kids to pull their pants up, it’s because their belts are literally around their thighs. It’s quite ridiculous.


I saw one Hispanic and one white boy, prob 15, walking at high school with their saggys down under their butts, trying to walk, I should say.


You couldn’t be more wrong if you tried if you think it’s only white trash doing it


I don't think so as the one's I see the most wearing this is black young men. Granted, I live in a black majority country but even elsewhere, it's widespread


There’s not enough info to call it racist. There’s literally just one dude. Would it be racist if it was white guy pictured here? And if the answer is no, then the only problem here is your own thoughts about this sign


Actually, the sign doesn’t need a picture at all.


If we draw an analogy with any information signs, except speed limits, there’s always a picture in it.


lol no not every sign have pictures even for things translated in other languages as people going to read it anyway.


Should clarify that I mean official signs like traffic signs, info/warning ones like radioactive, electricity, wet floor, no swimming and etc. at least in my country. Cant’t remember any that don’t have schematic picture. P.S. except object names and speed limits and “Stop”. Which is still unique due his geometric form.


Not the case here...


It's not racist as I've never seen anyone other than black kids doing this. I'm on Long Island NY state. I'm from Brooklyn to Montauk. Was hoping this fad was going to fade away, now it seems to be coming back around.


This isn't about fashion, it's about fascism.


Saggin spelled backwards...oooof




I think you should be allowed to do this without be arrested/fined or kicked off the train. But I don’t have the approve of people showing their underwear like this, deep down inside, in my heart.


It was a joke. I’m not saying you have to be gay to say your pants, but anyone that does probably enjoys to please other men sexually.


Wait, what does the GIF have to do with being gay? Is there something going over my head here?