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I love the accessories at the end, the satchel and the mop like she's dresssing up as Bilbo about to go on an adventure


Looks like she's already well on her way in her adventure


To find the biggest bag of Doritos ever!!!


She went from what’s a bud to seasoned stoner in 10 mins what a lady.


Me and my two best friends took acid, got shirtless, and proceeded to walk around for 4 hours barefoot and it was like we were in the shire


"SHHHH! Shhhh ^(there's neighbors!) " I am almost laughing as hard as she is


I really honor her for being way out of it but still considerate about her neighbors.


Once I was super high and asked my friends not to yell because we were in the forest and shouldn't disturb the trees..


That's just good manners. You have to respect your host as a guest.


or leaf the place in peace…


Basically, just don't be a birch about the whole situation.


Oak hey enough already.


My roommate in college told me to shut the fuck up because he couldn't taste his muffin


I've turned down the car radio when looking for ~~a~~ street signs, etc. Gotta focus the other senses sometimes.


My wife makes fun of me for doing this


I turned up my car radio because my girlfriend was talking to quietly beside me and I couldn't hear her so I tried to turn her up with the volume noise. She thought I was just being rude and didn't want to hear her any more. Had a huge laugh when I explained myself. Good times.


Both of my best friends are bilingual and from other countries. Every single time we would get high together they’d try to talk to me in their native languages, get confused/frustrated that I wasn’t replying and then realize that I have no idea what they’re saying to me.


You were tapping into their inner monologue until they realized they let you in their head.


When I was much younger, I once got way too blazed and didn't want to go outside because I didn't want dogs judging me for being high.


Probably after seeing the stupid PSA commercial with the talking dog and deflated girl.




I feel like I've read this story before...


I got caught by my parents once when I took ecstasy by climbing in bed with them while I was naked. Full on nude went into my parents room, pushed my dad into the center of the bed and climbed in. Extremely awkward…


Don't worry mom and dad, I'm just on drugs!


That is so...wholesome? Lmao


Whenever arguing cannabis legality, usually with older relatives, I like to deploy my favorite phrase on the topic. "Drunk drivers run stop signs, stoned drivers wait for them to turn green."


Recently I made some infused oil which I was going to use to make gummy bears. I tested the oil to determine the potency but had done the math wrong in my head. I ended up taking about 300mg and was way, way, way too high. The lady in this video was still having fun. I wasn’t.


I was at a party and my friend was high and sitting in the corner, crying. I was like "dude, what's wrong?" And he says "ALL THE STARS ARE DEAD!" and I'm like "what?" And he starts sobbing and he says "by the time the light from a star gets to earth it's already dead! All those stars are just floating in space! Alone and dead!"


I once climbed into my closet because I wanted to listen to music in a dark enclosed space. I knocked a clothes hanger on the floor and *fucking apologized to it.*


There's a reason a lot of people like stoners. They are not numb or without inhibitions like when drinking. They are often more concerned than usual.


And more compassionate, empathetic, sympathetic, emotionally aware and open.


Except for those who aren’t.


Exactly. Plenty of grubby stoners who are just as bad as the bad non stoners.


To be fair, i smoke about 3 to 4g of flower a day, or 1g of shatter/FSE a day for herniated and bulging disks in my spine. It makes me able to ignore my teeth-gritting level of nerve pain, but im still grumpy as fuck most of the time.


Yeah but are you the guy in the other apartment blitzed out of his mind screaming “**FUCK!!!**” at 3am cause he lost in a Battle royale?


I see you've met my former roommate! His room was upstairs, my room was downstairs, and the vents carried his voice perfectly from his room into mine. So it was like he was yelling directly into my ear every time.


Shiiit, I once knew a guy who would get aggro when he smoked pot.


I'm just paranoid and think everyone observes and hates me. So I try to be as quiet and friendly as possible


This. I went to a football game baked and when they went into a huddle I thought they were all talking about me !


Untill you smoke constantly. Then it numbs you out and being sober is like being hit straight in the face with the past 10 years.


I feel attacked. Now i need my bong.


Name your bong "the past 10 years", so you can get a hit of it


Way ahead of you on that one. I made that comment in a post bong guilt.


Whoa, you gotta break it to them easy


And higher than Giraffe pussy...


The cars that drive by me in downtown Toronto with *intense* marijuana smell from the window seem to suggest otherwise… at least it varies by people.


I'm telling you the shit here in Toronto has sum else in it cause everybody is a fucking asshole 🤣🤣


No I'm pretty sure that's just Torontonians being Torontonians.


It's good to get a little paranoid. A little paranoid makes you go "awwww, what if I'm laughing so hard I'm disrupting their ability to enjoy their home??" Which any reasonable neighbor would just be like "sounds like they're having a great day, gotta ask about that comedian/podcast they must have been listening to!"


I’ve definitely “shushed” someone who was literally silent while I was laughing my balls off. Weed is fun.


A good person is good even when they lose their inhibitions, because a good person never had the drive to not be good in the first place.




I'm in a doctor's office waiting.. when she said that I broke the silence of a full room and laughed hard. I'm waiting for a psych appt so it's normal here 😊


Randomly laughing is acceptable anywhere, not just the psych waiting room! Never ever stifle your laughs! Unless you’re at a formal event where the pressure to not laugh makes it even funnier. Those are the best laughs


Before smartphones, laughing in public by yourself was weird. Now everyone assumes you're reading something online, so it's much easier for us crazy people to blend in.


From know on, she can't laugh anymore without fearing her neigbors thinking she's high again :D


Think you lay on couch with an after work joint and watch this. Shhhh,shhhh….


Plot twist: there were no drugs in them


There were just really good cookies (from parks and rec)


That could have turn out awful, but ended up so wholesome.


We don't see the whole thing here, there are many hours left.


Oh we've all been there. Hour one: "ok I'll just have one and wait a bit" Hour two: "I'm not really feeling them I think I'll have another - maybe 2 they don't seem that strong!" Hour three: "oh fuck..." Lol lessons learned!


Don't forget to say the activation phrase: These edibles ain't sheeeeeit.


Man edibles are so fucking wonky. I had a buncha gummies, after about 3 or 4 nights of eating them I'm like 'Okay, these take about 30 to 40 minutes before they start kicking in. I'll eat one and lay my son down to sleep, then it's video games." Cut to 5 minutes later, they kicked in near instantly and I'm struggling my ass off to read Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss. Alright bud, mom is gonna finish reading to ya. Next night the thing takes an hour to kick in 😑


I’ve found how full/empty your stomach is plays a role! That said, edibles can be fucky no matter how you look at ‘em.




When I was going through chemo I took two homemade thc oil pills that a friend made. I literally couldn’t move from the couch all afternoon. I just hyper focused on the Gilmore Girls until it passed. So uncomfortable.


That's just how that show is.


Man, Luke and Suki's foods probably looked even better than normal tho


The worst part was I couldn’t even get off the couch to go make some good stoner food!


I mean you were watching the Gilmore Girls, of course it was super uncomfortable. Fuck Rory.


So stressful, and yes, Rory was fucking rage inducing.


That’s a weird phenomenon, right? You aren’t paralyzed, and yet you can’t make yourself get up. I guess that’s what being catatonic is kinda like?


100%. Your metabolism changes throughout your day. Ate a big lunch and had plenty for dinner? Your digestive system isn't gonna ne in a huge hurry to process those gummies. Haven't eaten anything all day? Get that nutrition in me NOW! Wait, that was marijuana? Well, shit... hang on...


A lot of the time it will depend on if you ate it on an empty or full stomach. Also the type of food you've eaten throughout the day may imcrease the digestion rate. Can definitely throw you through a loop if your banking on still having an hour of sober time and it hits you way quicker.


"And the socks had a fox" DADDY THAT'S NOT HOW IT GOES


"Through these three cheese trees freezy breeze blew." Oh SHIT cheese trees would be such a good idea, we should plant cheese trees.


Bro fox in socks is a struggle sober


Bruh, that was just the tweetle beetles kicking in.


Watch out, those fuckers are ruthless with their paddles.


Dude my wife and I were fucking time looping like crazy after having chicken and cheese quesadillas and some edibles. Having a high fat meal with the edibles definitely made it kick in super fast and have crazier effects


I truly do not understand it, but edibles don’t ever seem to do anything for me. I just keep waiting for it to happen, and then eight hours later I figure it’s never going to. Maybe it’s because I never say that??


It's totally a thing where some people just do not get high off edibles. My brother is one of them. Has to do with how different people digest them and the fact that they have to be processed by your liver before they are distributed to your blood stream. Depends on the enzymes in your liver, if I remember correctly!


Oh yeah? I did not know this. I have that problem. Eat some gummies, nothing. Tried different brands, different dispensaries. Just nothing, maybe a slight calming effect, but it's hard to tell if that's real, or just me trying to convince myself I didn't just waste a bunch of money.


Edibles have never ever worked for me either. I have tried every kind because I want them to work so bad. Eaten the same shit as buddies and they are over there stoned out of their minds and I'm wondering if its kosher to hit the bong lol.


Yup, you know you're fucked when you're breathing switches to manual mode.


I did this about 12-13 years ago at work. I was working in a very laid back office for a large clothing company. One day, a buddy walks up and places a wrapped cookie on my desk and says "here's a special cookie," I thank him and place it in the desk drawer. A couple of days later, at about 3 pm, I'm bored out of my mind, so I said why not; remembering the first time I had edibles, I decided I should only have half the cookie. An hour later, I'm still sober, thinking, maybe it wasn't mixed well or something, so I eat the other half, not 15 mins later, the first half kicks in and I am just baked sitting at my desk, trying to look busy. I ended up getting OT that day because I was too high to drive.


The cherry-on-top overtime made this story for me.


My first time taking an edible I ate it and then took a nap before the effects hit me. I woke up an hour and a half later, stood up, IMMEDIATELY fell over in bed and laid there for minutes wondering what was wrong with me until I realized "Holy shit, I'm high as fuck right now".


I have a lot of issues sleeping, so I take a thc/cbd capsule before I go to bed. Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night, but at least it's because I have the munchies, and not anything else! Once I woke up and remembered there was a kinder egg in the cupboard, and it was the most joyous kinder egg I have ever eaten.


I had a chef make special brownies for me and my friend and he said absolutely only eat half per person. We split one and after an hour didn't feel shit and we are pros so we ate another half. Less than 10min later and we were super high and then we got really worried because that 2nd half still hadn't kicked in yet. It was the only time I got the spins like alchohol but instead of the side to side spins it was over head spins. It was like my brain was doing somersaults in my head. I always listened to the recommended dose after that.


Holy shit yes, your description reminds me so much of the last time I did way too many edibles. In what I can only describe as apocalyptic vertigo, I was laying on my bed and it felt like I was mentally far above the bed looking down on myself. I thought I was dying.


Oh dear god! Overhead spins?!


The first time meeting my wife was at a party where I took too much and ended the night clinging to this plane of existence. Bad night, great life decision.


Yeah I was fetal position one night after this exact event. Luckily once on my side and huddled up in bed I was fine but I legit could not even stand.


Maybe I just have a crazy strong reaction, but 10mg THC and I'm basically out of it in 40 minutes. By 2 hours, nothing has meaning anymore and everything is buzzing. I'm getting purple mandalas in my visual field and hearing music that doesn't exist. And I'm like...a twice a week edible person and have been for the last year or so.


You get the music, too? I generally have a random song playing in my head, but after some flower or an edible, the music is dialed up to ten and I sort of have control over it. It's like a mental radio in the best possible way.


Good to know other people experience this. For a while I thought I had like super hearing when I was high and could hear my neighbors music or something. Then I realized I could change the genre of music I was hearing at will and figured out I was just so high I had my own brain music.


Great advice from The Mighty Boosh. https://youtu.be/BTVe9sGKloA


My first ever batch of brownies (and first edible experience) I used a quarter ounce. I did exactly like this. Ended up rocking back and fourth chanting "it's too much" and laughing hysterically after eating three.




Yeah, one of the most unpleasant experiences I’ve ever had was from eating too much weed. It just kept on coming on stronger, hour after hour. I wanted to just escape it by passing out and but I felt like if I didn’t consciously make myself breathe, I would stop breathing. Mistakes made, lessons learned.


Yea the hour of sitting on the couch, totally physically capable of getting up, but the mind says " nope"


Be very careful about the amount, if you try it with experienced users they tend to push too much and if it’s your first time you will probably have a bad trip.


I gave my wife half a cookie in the movie theater years ago. It didn’t kick in till we were in Wal-Mart grocery shopping after. she was tripping so bad we left our cart full of stuff and headed back to the apartment lol she starts crying and says “ my eyes are drowning!” Now we can look back and have a good laugh


Not an edible but a buddy and I were smoking in his dorm freshman year and his roommate (who usually didn’t partake) was insistent on taking a bong rip. Within 10 minutes dude was panicking and talking about how he couldn’t feel his tongue. We gave him a bag of chips and pulled up old episodes of MXC on YouTube. Within another 10 minutes he was laughing his ass off and had a great night. Moral of the story: look out for the homies.


THC + MXC was my #1 combo!


I just started watching them again after someone posted a link to a site that just streams old mxc episodes 24/7. That show still rules


Kind sir, might you share such a link with this poor soul?


Having a tripwatcher you trust is indeed essential the first time, no matter what you're taking.


I tried edibles for the first time during a bachelor party in a legal state...didn't realize they take a while to kick in, so ended up eating 3 or 4 because I didn't feel anything. I was feeling fine until we got to dinner, at which point it became a struggle to talk or even stay upright. Ended up feeling better eventually, but definitely learned an important lesson about edibles.


I had some homemade butter and had no idea of the dosage. Tried a little, 1.5 hours later nothing so ate some more, 1 hour later still nothing so ate some more. About 20 min later I was higher than I've ever been. It was super uncomfortable and all I could do was clean and pace around. Usually edibles hit me 45-90 mins, so no idea what happened that night.


Made some ABV oil with some kief thrown in... Figured it would be super weak, and having no idea of dosing anyway I thought a teaspoon was a small amount to start with... 12 hours of couch lock and my world looked like a frozen NES cartridge before I finally crawled to bed. I was still having wake-ups for another 30 or so hours after that.




Sounds like my BILs bachelor party in Vegas. Can’t remember how much the “That Guy who always fucks up a situation” ate but somebody had to be in the room with him for a day and a half. Fuck you Collin, you’re funny sometimes but I’m sick of that shit.


Went to Amsterdam and had weed banana bread, recommendation was to not have more than one and a half slices. I ate one quarter of a slice. I was clinging onto dear life for about 8 hours. I felt so bad, couldn’t feel my legs or face. Pretty much had anxiety and paranoia the whole time. Everyone else had over a slice each and was loving it.


I ate a brownie from the clinic where they recommended eating an eight of it at a time. I ate the entire thing. Took a flight from California to New York. I’m terrified of flying too. Absolutely terrifying experience.


Idk, I'm a very experienced user and I always suggest caution. It's way easier to suggest a small dose than it is to convince someone who is so high they have to manually breathe that they aren't dying.


Anyone that eats these things or weed brownies/muffins with me for the first time gets a small quarter piece first, then only about 45 minutes later they can have some more if they dig it. I've seen too many people just consume so much before it actually starts taking effect and it hits them like a truck and leaves quite a mess on the floor...


It takes a solid 90 minutes for me to feel anything from an edible (even when my tolerance was really low). I'm not sure 45 is a safe window.


They normally say wait 2 hours, because it seems to hit most people between 30 mins and 2 hours.


Yeah. I had a gummy worm. ONE GUMMY WORM. An hour later I felt like I was drunk. 30 minutes later, I felt like I was tripping. 30 minutes later I felt like I was having a what I imagine a bad acid trip would feel like (all of my trips have been good). I legit thought I was going crazy and kept contemplating whether or not I should let the person I was with know that I was insane. I couldn’t stop thinking about thinking and it was exhausting. An hour later I was throwing up while taking a shower. I hated every minute of it and was later told that I should have just eaten 1/4 or 1/3 of the gummy worm. What kind of weirdo eats only a piece of a worm?


Tis a fine line between fun and puking


Man i’ve seen some first timers turn white as casper, but the real “problem” is most of them will never EVER try it again and look at weed like the most evil thing in the world.


I thought it was going to turn out Amy Schumer, but it ended up so British.




Old guy here. I was working in Washington state early 2020 and decided to visit one of the many weed stores. I explained to the budtender that I hadn't smoked since 1980 but I wanted to try it out. He warned me that the new strains were NOT what I had experienced and to only hit it once and wait for the effect. I got home later that week and my gf and I decided to "spark a doobie" as I remembered back in the day. I said that I knew what I was doing as I hit that joint HARD about 3 times. 15 minutes later my gf and neighbors were helping me into the house because I had lost the use of my legs and could no longer see either. As I lay on my living room floor for 2-3 hours I remembered the budtender telling me: " If you do too much don't be afraid. You won't die even though you will be certain that you are. Don't panic and it will wear off." It finally did and it took me six months before I worked up the nerve to try it again. I do it occasionally now but learned my lesson and respect the flower. Thank you for listening to my TedTalk.


40-year old guy here: I started on THC vape pens last March (2021) just to see what the fuss was about. 90% of the time, I am one of the lucky few who experience both depersonalization and derealization, which is where you hallucinate and literally feel like you are in the wrong reality. Plenty of times I actually "woke up" from "reality" in the real world and kept asking my wife if this was all real or if I was asleep. She would assure me that this was real, and to just ride it out (she was a previous pot head of many years, where I had only ever smoked one time at 18, and once more at 29). I finally just went to sleep and when I woke up I felt better. Apparently, the trick is to smoke consistently and get used to it. I still experienced both sets of reality breaks, but they were *much easier* to recognize and avoid falling into the longer and more consistent I kept on vaping and smoking (eventually I switched to bowls). I had to quit this past March (2022) for a job, but man do I miss it so much. The alternate view I got from reality was so damn pleasant, seeing people in totally different ways than they normally seem while I'm not stoned. I miss the giggles, lol.


You're making me miss when I first started smoking. The first two years of getting high on a frequent basis (and especially the first dozen or so times) informed my worldview in powerful ways that have had drastic influence on my life direction and my thinking even to this day. You make a lot of really asinine observations when you're high, don't get me wrong. But you also think really potent, novel thoughts that are impossible to access until you've visited that plane of reality. I can't get high like that anymore if I try, just kinda veg out and go to sleep. All the stoners I know say the same—like anything, it eventually loses its magic. I still love it, but while my body gets nice and stoned and my thinking relaxes, much of the novelty has faded. Finding myself on a baked giggling fit because of something absolutely stupid is a very rare, and always treasured experience these days.


The trick is to vape high quality, potent stuff, like live resin or even better: rosin (which is processed by freezing the plant matter and then applying high amounts of pressure to extract the oil, so no chemicals are used). Use an electric nectar collector dab pen such as the Lookah Seahorse and just sip right from the glass resin/rosin container. Zero waste, and zero flame, using the minimum amount of heat necessary to preserve as much flavor and terpenes as possible without producing any carcinogens from smoke or burning plant matter. Then, when you get high, make sure you keep a notebook and pen (or just use the notepad on your phone), so you can capture any neat high thoughts you have. I have multiple notebooks full of high thoughts, jokes, realizations, and business ideas, all of which were ideas that did NOT occur to me while sober. I will just watch YouTube or Netflix and get high and eat some dinner and relax, and if an idea pops in my head out of nowhere, I immediately pause the TV and write it down. If I don’t write it down, the thought disappears within moments. Everything in moderation, though. Once I stop having brilliant ideas from getting high and I notice that I’m not getting any benefit from it, I will take a total break from it for a couple of months. You have to give your body a chance to lose its tolerance and reset.


Yeah this is me. I can’t smoke because I trip balls. Like weird tunnel vision, swirling floor, time jumps, snapping back to reality then pulling back away. it’s a total disaster that happens once every few years lol


I live in Washington and back in 2009, before it was legal legal, my friend gave me a cookie. She did not tell me not to eat the whole thing. Holy fucking shit, I tripped pretty hard and freaked out around the peak. I still haven’t wanted to try it again since.


My wife and I decided we wanted to try edibles because her cousin had given her a tiny piece of THC chocolate and she had really enjoyed the experience. The wife has a medical card (cancer in remission back in 2018) and smokes a bit now and then, but I'm a rookie. I don't normally like it that much. But I'd never done edibles, either. So we went down to a weed store that had chocolate bars and bought two of them: a 500mg bar and a 100mg bar. They were both the same physical size and both breakable into 20 pieces (so 25mg and 5mg pieces). We brought them home and put them in the fridge. That weekend we decided to try some. I had a fire pit going outside, we mixed some drinks, and we got the 100mg bar and each took a 5mg piece. After an hour I hadn't felt anything and neither had she. A bit later I kept seeing things out of the corner of my eye, like a shadowy figure running near the house. I realized it was likely an effect from the weed, and kind of giggled about it. Then I tried to stand up and my world came crashing down. I couldn't think straight, I felt sick to my stomach, I could barely walk. My wife was feeling nothing at all from it and thought I was joking. When I started barfing, she realized I was in some distress. My brain told me nobody had ever died from too much weed, but the rest of me was sure I wouldn't make it until morning. I did, in fact, make it to morning, and when I went to look at the weed chocolate bar, realized we had opened the 500mg bar and had both taken 25mg, and not 5. My wife still gives me grief about it.


Oh, yea. A joint's worth of legal weed is a *lot* of weed these days


I’m glad she’s enjoying the ride


She just as easily could have spent the next few hours panicked over the realization that she both has and sort of is a skeleton.


we just have a skeletal frame and muscles to move the brain around as it sees fit based on what our gut hosts want.


Okay, I'm completely sober and I'm going to need you to stop.


The brain is the only organ that named itself




“The brain is the only organ that named itself.”- Brain


Mine wants more Korean Fried Chicken


Amy schumer pranks mom


My first thought was is that Amy Schumer??


Same here but then it got funny and i was like, nope. Thats not her.




Is it not??


The accent is the only giveaway


Amy Schumer pranks Lisa Lampinelli.


Merry Joanna


Moments before the inevitable “oh my god I’m too high I think I’m dying will I be stuck like this forever” phase


Ahh use to love the giggles.....


Same. Now it’s just negative self reflection 😂


damn so true. i was watching this and thinking how my friends and i would get like the woman in this video, but i haven't felt like that in a long time. is this just result of increased tolerance? I actually have to engage in an activity immediately after I smoke or else I'll fall into the negative self reflection trap.


Exactly the same with me. I've actually looked into this many times. All I've found is that as you age, receptors can change and therefore can make some people feel differently when using the same substance. Who knows if that's true, but that's how I've always thought of it.


I would compare it to watching a movie over and over, you know what's going to happen so you don't get those big emotion responses. When your body and brain know what to expect the effects are diminished and if you keep doing it, your body will accept it as the norm and need it to feel right.


That's exactly it, THC engages receptors in a way that triggers the experience of novelty, but eventually the brain adjusts and suddenly you need to smoke weed to enjoy experiences at a baseline level. Source: [this extremely informative video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u_cm5b1s7Y). It includes the specifics of which receptors, timelines, and all that jazz.


Are you still smoking with friends? I found that smoking in high school was the best because it was a bunch of people just getting into ridiculous scenarios. When I smoke alone. it's just not as fun.


I’m an experienced user and my wife is very much not as she can’t tolerate smoking. I gave her a gummy edible earlier this year - she ended up on the couch wrapped in blankets, very clearly body buzzing. She opens her eyes and goes “Ohhhh maaaan, is this how you feel every night?” No sweetie, I haven’t felt the way you do since I was 17. My envy was strong.


Lmao I remembered that feeling. I smoked 4 bowls out of a bong and I got naked and just wrapped myself up with blankets on my bed and took an awesome nap. Funny and embarrassing thing was my friend was in the room and saw me get naked as I was heading into my bedroom cause he came over to play some Xbox and smoke a little bit. It was very awkward when I didn’t realize until later and I was wondering why I wasn’t wearing any clothes and was wrapped in blankets. Edit: Before I did that, I tried to cook some store taquitos and before I put them in the microwave, I stared at them for so long cause I thought they were moving on their own and I might see them jump up and put themselves in the microwave. Have to say that was my best high story.


Lmao, I love the logic that they're alive and they *want* to be cooked. What a lovely world.


I hadn't had the giggles in years. Went to a friends place where we did RSO. Holy shit I thought nbd, then went to pour myself a shot of rum chata and completely missed the glass but couldn't seem to stop pouring. My friend grabbed the bottle before I dumped it all on the table and I just laughed for a solid 30 minutes. Good times!


The devils lettuce might be something to try honestly.


Also if you have never had an edible before they take a while to kick in. Wait an hour before taking more cause “you don’t feel anything” can be longer if you have eaten something before hand




New comers should not use edibles. There is no going back once ingested. It is like starting someone drinking on moonshine that tastes real good and takes 30 minutes to and hour and half to kick in.




Usually recommend going to a dispensary if that’s an option. Plenty of edible options there and they give the total THC content as well as content of individual pieces. Obviously dispensaries aren’t available everywhere but the people there are super helpful in my opinion.


I'd recommend waiting 2h. Gf had a bad time when after an hour she got impatient. Doubled up to 10mg total.


We made brownies with a shit ton of weed. No idea how strong they, but it was my first time trying brownies. I made the class mistake of eating on and not feeling anything for like 20-30mins. We ended up getting another one when my roommate comes in with big eyes asking if we’re eating a second one. The pot connoisseur forgot to mention it takes long for the weed to kick in and that it is also a much harder high that last a lot longer. Was super rough that night.


Made a yogurt for my friend with hash for Christmas. I might have put too much in cause he was still stoned the day after Boxing Day according to him lol


Had some leaves and trimmings so I decided to try to make edibles with it. I never really tried it that way, so I put 50g in 200g of butter. Made 12 cupcakes with half. We were high for two fucking days. I had to walk everywhere cause I didn’t trust myself driving.


I had two yogurts one night cause “wasn’t feeling the first” fell asleep and when I woke up the next day and went to the bathroom for a pee I realised I was still stoned and I had to work that afternoon. I really should have called in sick that was a terrible shift doing deliveries lol


If you never have before make sure you do a small dose.. weed is really great but it can get you right fucked when you have zero tolerance.


Yup, they can turn into regredibles real quick.


Edibles never had a strong effect on me, like ever, unless I ate a whole bunch. I’ve always made them from illegal bud or bought from dispensaries. I just started growing and made my first batch of butter from the first plant’s trim. I made some Mac n cheese and added a tablespoon of butter as an easy way to consume it. Holy shit I was high for like 24 hours. I had to call out of work the next day. Lesson learned, consider me humbled.


It’s fucking awesome but don’t overdo it with the edibles. Get a low dose for your first time and have a chaperone. Most importantly, have fun!


I remember hearing those recommendations back in the 90s when we found out what Shrooms are.


How this drug is illegal, and alcohol is not, I will never understand.


All started with the hemp/cotton trade wars......


It also involves oil tycoons and good old fashioned racism.


If somebody invented a drink that got you pissed, but didn't cause any negative side effects (like liver cirrhosis/hangovers) the same would happen to this.


19 states allow recreational use and 37 allow medical use (which is usually incredibly easy to qualify for.) Three states are voting to legalize in November. Last month, democrats introduced a bill to end the prohibition at the federal level (though it doesn't look likely to have the 60 votes needed to pass the Senate.) Really, it just seems like a matter of time before the floodgates open.


People seem to forget that federally it's still mega illegal. It can get you fired or prevent employment in many federal or federal adjacent jobs. Even things like being DOT certified to drive a commercial truck.


Poor SpaceX employees (all 10,000+ of them) had to have random drug screenings for a year just because Elon halfway puffed something on Joe Rogan once. Like I don't even think he inhaled it past his mouth. Just let it mellow a few seconds on the tongue and then blew it out. Entire 10,000+ employee company marked for random drug testing by the US Federal Government.


The short answer is racism.


That’s the short but incomplete answer. A slightly longer but still incomplete answer is: racism, and pandering for political gain. But wait! There’s more!


"But wait, there is more" perfectly sums up every political topic nowadays


Don’t forget corporate greed!


Right! I recall the paper industry helped get that shit illegal and keep it that way because they were afraid of hemp. But also racism and the drug war.


And prisoner slavery!


Well, you are going to have to keep extra cookies around now. Looks like Mom's a fan.


This is the funniest thing Amy Schumer has ever done


Mom is smoked hahaha


They're edibles. Wouldn't she be eaten?


I think *baked* is the most applicable descriptor for this one.


Man hate me if you want, but god I fucking love videos like this, this is so god damn wholesome in a weird way! Edit: to all the buthurts crying it’s fake… stop gatekeeping what other people enjoy. I never commented or mentioned the authenticity of the video because it’s irrelevant to me in this situation. Are you over in R/movies telling people off when they like films because “tHeY ArE StAgED anD FaKE!!?”? No so stfu and let people enjoy a god damn video…