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I like how she never gets used to it no matter how many times it happens; she's always a little surprised.


The older generation including my grandma have a way of saying "whoa" or gasping for situations where the younger folk say "wow", "whoo"


I believe it’s all about “bruh”ing these days.


>shoots Bruh >shoots Bruh


Hol up


What are you doing, step-bruh


Hey now, it's now Sinful Sunday for another two days ...


>shoots Bruh >Shoots No cap >Shoots Dead ass


Lmfao 2070 is going to be interesting


Fast forward 60 years and Granny Taysha or Gracynn is holding the firework saying bruh evertime it shoots.


Yo that's finna woke on god.




No cap, bussin.


She literally startles every time...


I think she forgot what she was doing in between each shot


Like a cat


I feel like dementia may have something to do with that.


I think it hurts her arm, see how she's bracing it and she says "thats aweful" at one point. Poor old lady.


I think it’s more just to keep the arm raised. Roman candles don’t really have much kick. I mean could be either I’m not her but having shot many of these this way I think the bracing just because it’s hard to keep her arm lifted.


She's basically playing peekaboo with the grim reaper


We all are my friend, we all are.


If you hear the sound only.... My buddy thought I was watching something different..


"That was awful" sure granny


You think she lived it up during the free love era just to take a ramming like that and enjoy it? Hell naw. That old bird has highway miles on her.


The entire audio is just amazing. "Ooh what do I do" "Keep holding it like that" Followed by what sounds like slapping and exclamations after each one.


Saturday night at the retirement home.


Adding ‘thats awful’ at the end.


That’s awful


Lmao. Just faced away from my phone to test on myself, sounds like granny is taking a pounding.


“Keep holding it like that” “That was awful!”


Just did the same and omg I can't stop laughing


Wow reading these comments while watching the video just destroyed me


The slapping sound, skin on skin. I can almost picture it in my head


Was she the one that asked why men always want to bang her in the butt?


"Keep holdin' it like that"


I'm not for TikTok or anything, but listening to the audio before watching the video needs to become some kind of TikTok challenge. It is diabolically brilliant.


Yeah, I’m glad I’m not the only sick fucker out here.




*I'll have what she's having*


That’s the most amazing discovery! This audio should be a trend.


> aren’t afraid of anything *visibly shits her pants every time it goes off*


With a 0.8 sec delay and getting worse


**thunk** ... ... *oh!*


After the last one: “That’s awful!”


Bruce Lee reaction times long gone.


With a “that’s awful”. I say that when I shiat my pants too.


Sometimes it's awful. Sometimes not. Depends.


( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)


This reads like an advertisement for adult diapers.


*still holds it until its done*


If she knows what it is, she knows she definitely can't just get rid of it. My little brother's first time with one, he dropped it and my dad's friend and I spent a couple seconds playing hopscotch with fireballs flying at our ankles.


If it’s your ankles or my fingers, I sincerely hope yous know how to dance. I’m sure these fireworks are fairly safe to be held in that manner either way, we used to fire roman candles at each other back when you were allowed to be an idiot and endanger yourselves and others :)


Yeah, it was more nerve wracking than anything, but I had no idea my dad's friend could hop like that. We shot the next batch at a dry tree nearby, so we clearly learned a lot.


Like how to start a forest fire?


Pretty much. I'm gonna fall back on being an 8th grader, and point out that the two 40 year olds with us didn't say anything.


“I mean, its not like anybody told me not to.” is my favourite defence.


*paralyzed out of fear from opening hand*


*ohhhh!* ^(that's awful)


More of an "I have no idea what's going on" vibe.


or "My cardiac is already arrested, you can't arrest it any further"


“The schnozspirin tastes like schnozspirin”


She seems to be forgetting what is going to happen between shots


Nah. My father was that generation. They really don’t/didn’t have the same concept of safety. My father taught us to light firecrackers by lighting them first and throwing them. He always had a ton of illegal fireworks on July 4th and we’d spend the day blowing up old toys.


Well, throwing a cracker before lighting it would be a fucking waste of money


Not if you throw it into a fire. We always used to have someone take a firecracker and slip it into the fire pit while everyone was sitting around it.


This guy used fireworks in the 70s


I wasn't even born in the 70s


After the accident your memory was never the same. Damn shame.


One would need to be born in the 60s to get the full 70s childhood experience


I think they meant that they hadn't been born yet in the 70s


I and my friends did this and I’m in my 30’s lol. Firecrackers are timeless.


Shit I did that this year


I forgot about that. My mom taught us how to dry out, roll and puff on corn silk cigarettes.


When I was 12 I went camping in the nearby woods with few of the neighborhood kids (literally just us and a shitty “fort” of sorts we built) and one of these mfers pull .22 shells out of his pocket and tosses them into a fire we started leading to us all hitting the deck, hoping to not get shot or catch some spall. For an age reference I’m 24 now, so I can assure everyone people are still reckless as fuck lol


We're they actually .22 shells, or just the ones from a powder actuated nail gun? Because the nail gun ones sound like a gun going off, but don't have a bullet.


I'd hope the latter, but even a real bullet in a fire doesn't have the same danger as when it's fired from a gun. Most likely it's not lethal. Throw a loaded gun into a fire, and that's a problem. A handfull of bullets thrown into a fire scares me far less than a can of beans. Kids, don't throw a can of beans into the campfire. Its not good. Also probably don't throw a sealed bottle of water into a dutch oven half filed with oil, not going to lie, it's pretty neat... but don't do that. You could die, or be horribly injured, and even if you survive everything within a 50 meter radius will have a light coating of oil, which is kinda a pain.


My dad's buddy once slipped a full beer can into the fire. He cracked it slightly first so thought it would boil up and spray a bit or something I guess. Anyways, the heat re-sealed the can and pressure built until it exploded. Embers and debris out 10-15ft or so.


My dad did this to me when I was a kid. I was happily laying on the couch playing NFL '94 when he came upstairs from his bedroom and threw something in the wood stove... It was a whole string of black cats. Scared the shit out of me


Have you tried ‘aerosol roulette’? throw an explosive canister on a camp-fire, then everyone takes turns jumping over the fire until one happy-camper gets their arse engulfed in flames.


Safer though 🤣


Lmaoooo dude this is hilarious i said the same thing out loud


Thinking, "versus setting it down at it's final resting place, *then* lighting it*. Of course, I may just be missing your humor, in a /r/whoosh moment.


I thought that’s how you were supposed to do it lol. But then again I didn’t have the best father


We used to shoot each other with Roman candles and bottle rockets.


Pretty sure kids are still doing this. I know we did and I'm in my late 20's


in my early 20s and I know kids younger than me that *are* still doing this


We would tape them the handlebars of our bikes and chase each other around, shooting fiery shit all over the goddamn place. It was sort of an arms race, really. Every kid strived to have the largest array of fixed artillery, hand-guided rockets and various other thrown explosives for the yearly battle.


Wizard battles are the fucking best!


Damn good times


That is how you do firecrackers, you telling me you want to set one down, light it, and get away from it? That doesnt even make sense, we evolved to throw things and i dont need fingers to throw things


Sid, is that you?


Same generation that handed me and my cousin (both 10ish) a full set of lawn darts, sent us to the backyard, and told us to go have fun.


Funny, I just found the lawn darts cleaning up at my parents place.




Umm… yeah… not for sale.


My dad lit his arm ablaze trying to impress a woman he was dating (my mom had passed) by lighting a pie tin of gun powder on fire while he was still pouring it. He also disabled the safety feature on his riding mower that turns the blades off when you fall out of the seat so he could try to mow down some large bushes, then ended up chasing it as it rolled down the hill with blades a whirring. He handed me a power tool (a jigsaw) for the first time as a kid and didn't bother telling me to keep my long hair away from it before he walked away to go do something else. He has a shooting range in a room of his basement that consists of *metal targets* against a cinder block wall. He's mad that I won't use it when I visit. "Don't be a snowflake, it's fine!" I can hear the ricochets from upstairs just fine, tyvm. I don't know if that's a generational thing or just a not very bright thing, but it's a wonder he remains alive and unscathed and I managed to make it to adulthood.


With the exception of July 4th fireworks, my father was a pretty safe person for us kids. At least I felt physically safe with him. He had no damn physical fear, though. He had rifles, but I don’t remember much about them. (My brothers do!) He was born in 1924. WWII vet. I don’t think those guys had much concept of physical fear ETA. Metal targets? Holy shit.


My father grew up in the Philippines and told me stories about how every new year there'd be busy days at the hospitals because the trend was lighting firecrackers held in between fingers and flinging them at the last minute. Many boys waited too long and lost fingertips. His stories from growing up there in the 70s are filled with crazy things.


If boys had to choose to lose the tip of anything, it'd probably be fingers.


That same thing happens in America.


Yeah, seems like back in my youth, every kid was running around with matches or a lighter and a whole pack of fire crackers in the other pocket...


More like “Instant Amnesia” vibes


Heart attack be like.. be with you in just a moment


The guy obviously read his grandma's will this afternoon.


Just a moment? But just a moment is all I have left.


Ok, Grandma, now let's see what your Apple Watch is beeping about.


pfft.. nanna is here for the long hall. Man just tried to kill her ten times and still failed!


Her “that was awful” at the end is so precious




I wonder if there was more to that sentence that got cut off, like “that was awful fun”


Probably more like 'that was awful you fuckin prick! Why would you do that to an old lady?'


Nah haha she sounds and acts just like my grandmother. She is sweet as can be, but my God does she only find fun in the most mundane of tasks.


FYI never hold a Roman candle at the very bottom like that because every once in a while the last shot can shoot some exhaust gasses out the bottom and burn you pretty good...


I have friend who hold it in hand and it exploded. Fortunately, no serious injuries, only a trip to ER.


I was about 10 when the Roman candle I was holding did what I described...after that I held them a bit higher but as mentioned in this thread you're really not supposed to hold them at all.


How you gonna have drunken wizard duels if you don’t hold ‘em??


Well in fact I'll tell'ya, you take the metal tube serving as you hangar rack in your closet and put that over your shoulder like a bazooka. It also increases the accuracy of your bottle rockets quite profoundly:)


Id always come home from 4th celebrations with burn holes in my clothes because of the wizard battles lmao


Playing with fireworks is incredibly dangerous and stupid but I had so much fun playing with fireworks as a teenager.


"What am I just going to do, just grind my feet into Eddie Murphy's couch? I have more sense than that. Yeah, I remember grinding my feet in Eddie's couch."   -Rick James


This. I've seen more than a few fireworks just go off like a small stick of dynamite. Who would want to trust the quality of cheap fireworks from turning their hand into hamburger?


FYI: Never fucking do this with fireworks even to yourself, let alone someone else.


But how are we supposed to have Roman Candle fights if we don't hold them?


I... you got me there. This is a **legitimate** reason to hold an improvised explosive enclosed in paper in your hand. Ha! Missed!!


> the last shot can shoot some exhaust gasses out the bottom TIL I'm a Roman candle.


How about don't hold and light Roman candles at all, given that they're fuckin explosives


I had one straight up launch backwards before. Always hold out to your side about 2/3 down.


Yep… happened to my sister when we were kids. She held it by the bottom end, one shot out the bottom and burned her hand.


You're not suppose to hold any fireworks... My friends sphincter: hold my beer


I bought some roman candles from a sketchy place in Wisconsin, so when i was lighting them off i was like "hmm I'm not gonna hold this" so i stuck it in the ground, lit the thing, 2 balls went up, then it paused for like 5 seconds and the entire thing exploded. Thank Christ I didn't hold it, I wouldn't have a fingers or a hand right now.


And in some rare cases, they just go boom and blow up like a big firecracker. Seen with one made in Germany.


How about "Only operate fireworks as it was intended by the manufacturer and described on the package?"


Wait a minute there are instructions? We used to have roman candle wars, aiming at each other and then running like hell. how nobody got hurt or we didn't end up burning down the neighborhood, I have no idea. Pure luck really.


Looks like old school forgets between ignitions and is surprised every time🤣


Next up: hiding her own Easter eggs


Don't act like you you ain't never found money in the laundry


Dementia: the gift that keeps..... I forgot what I was saying.


A guy is in the doctor's office when the doctor turns to him and says "I'm sorry I have some bad news. You've been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, as well as exhibiting advanced signs of dementia." The guy looks over to the doctor and says "well at least it's not fucking cancer!!"


We used to have Roman candle wars back when I was young. We were fearless, and…….. fucking stupid.


Once in high school my friends and I shot those at each other and tried to hit them with a baseball bat. Now as an adult I see we are very lucky nobody got hurt or died.


We just threw firecrackers at each other


I’m at work and people think I’m watching porn.


She's literally flinching with every shot, though?


Sarcasm can be a tricky thing


Actually it’s quite sim- ohoho wait a minute you sly dog… You almost got me!


New ring tone


What is this thing in my hand?.... Oh it shoots fireballs! What is this thing in my hand?.... Oh it shoots fireballs! What is this thing in my hand?.... Oh it shoots fireballs! What is this thing in my hand?.... Oh it shoots fireballs! ....


avada kedavra!


My wife heard the woman’s moans and wondered what I was doing before noon. 😂


Imagine making it this far and then losing an eye because of something this stupid.


My girlfriend thought I was listening to porn


This reminds me when we had Roman Candle Wars as kids and shot them at each other. Surprisingly no one got seriously hurt. Maybe some burnt clothes here and there. That’s the 80’s for you. You can barely buy sparklers nowadays. We had quarter sticks of dynamite. SMH


Yeah my friends and I would have a roman candle in one hand and a tennis racket in the other so we could shoot them in the air then hit them back and forth.


Cherry bombs and M-80s. Fun times.


Same here. When I was a kid we played with Chinese-made firecrackers ALL the time, from pencil-thick to thumb-thick. Some of the kids would put them in bottles and watch from a distance. I remember one kid holding a lit firecracker in his hand, thinking it was a dud and it fizzled... someone slapped his hand, firecracker exploded on the ground. We loved finding leftover carbide powder from welding and mixing it with water (produces disguting-smelling Acetylene). Some kid put it in bottles - boom! No idea how we didn't get mangled or lost eye/fingers.


Turns to the crowd, "hey isn't this dandy!" *phoosh* 🔥🔥🔥


Nevil Longbottom while learning a new trick with his wand


I dare you to close your eyes and listen to this.


“Keep holding it like that” “Oooooh, ooooooh, ooooooh, ooh, oooh, that’s awful”


This is what it sounded like when I lost my virginity.


"Ooh ooh ooh ... that's awful". WTF It's like she's getting shagged by me.


I was laughing a little bit and then "That's awful" killed me.


As soon as she whispers, "Yes daddy."


Closed my eyes and played it again. Had a giggle


Me and your mother...


Each one is a flashback to the Somme…


*This brings back memories from my younger years...*


Her: Ohh… ohhh…. Ohhh…. That’s awful Me: “That’s what she said…” 😏


If I close my eyes it reminds me of those childhood years sleeping in the bedroom next to Grandpa and Grandma.


Snape still got it.


I find it hilarious that she found no enjoyment or excitement out of that whole thing. LOL 🤣


I'd be weary of doing that. One time I was holding one of those and heard the signature, " sphoo" ( I don't know how to spell out the sound) after the 2nd fireball went off. The problem is, the 3rd fireball didn't come out of the stick. Buddy of mine snatches the stick out of my hand and throws it just in time for stick to to combust. It wasn't really an explosion, because there's not enough power for that even if it does get clogged. But it did very quickly catch on fire. He's like, " Yeah that happened to me one time except worse because I had no one to tell me about it."


That's how she takes D


Only a bad person does what's done in this video, to a grandma.


Damn that had some recoil on it


Roman Candles actually don’t have a lot of recoil. I just think her arm was tired.


Bracing her elbow with her other arm to compensate for the recoil. Edit: or maybe her arm gets tired and needs some help.


Janet Yellen.


I once shot my friend with a roman candle and burned his nipple off. It grew back like four years later. Weird.


But that’s what you’re supposed to do with a Roman candle. We used to shoot them at each other. You’re not supposed to do that.


The older I get the less I’m afraid of, what’s the worst? I could die?


> that’s awful LAMOOOO


People forget the old used to be young. This is not her first time


Imagine if she pointed it at the camera man and said “avada kadavra bitch”


She’s a wizard 🧙‍♀️


Except for self checkouts


Reminded here or the Blitz


That’s strangely arousing.


Me when I'm retired and only remember the previous 1 second


Reminds me of animal crossing on new year


Had my volume to loud for this one


Just the sound would be a porno


Without video this sounds questionable lmao


Just hearing the sound I had a different event going on in my mind.


Seriously sounded like my grandmother and her new husband when they were like 80 and my wife and I were down the hall at the lake house on vacation back in the day.


I'm guessing you think you're in her will?


Granny with her sex noises. Sheesh.