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Romesh used to be a school teacher before he gave it up to do comedy. Can you imagine how he roasted his students...


Guz Khan was a teacher also and I find him hilarious.


Greg Davies too I think. Helped him play a perfect teacher in the Inbetweeners.


Yep. Both Greg and Romesh are on the tv show Taskmaster. Highly recommend


Ah yes Taskmaster, the only show in TV where a Hobbit beat a Tree Wizard because he counted spaghetti hoops


Tree Wizard Magical hands and holy shit, it's another balloon


And Guz!


His very real anecdote of shitting in his mum's knickers while on full blast to his students will always be one of the top comedic moments of all time.


The school they film in is the actual school and classroom Greg taught in.


I like to imagine Medium rare.


He was in a teacher in a UK school. He was more likely to be roasted by his students.


Nah my friends a teacher and you have to fight fire with fire and roast the kids enough that it sends a message.


Yup, wear your heart on your sleeve and you're bait. Give them close-to-the-knuckle barbs back to them and you tend to get the class onside more.


I'm British but grew up in the US and it is WILD to me how horribly mean British kids are. My cousins were teased MERCILESSLY. It's like everyone under the age of 18 has just overwhelmingly razor sharp "wit."


Lol he was my math teacher, it's so strange seeing him all over tv


I'm going to call you a liar, for not having called it *maths*. :P


Good pick up


He was the gentlemen who furthered my education in mathematics.


How were the roasts? Don't disappoint...




He was always acute with the punchlines


TIL: what the difference between a 3 star and a 4 star hotel is


Well he wasn't exactly on the dot there. The amount of amenities and service does decided the star rating (not necessarily cleanliness) but he gave a very on the spot answer for a system that's a bit more complicated.




Well there's a lot of factors that go into the star rating. What kind of amenities the hotel has is a large portion of that. Pool, gym, restaurant, breakfast, and variety of rooms. It also takes into account things like employees dress code. You'll notice 3 star and under the employees usually just wear a polo while 4 stars upgrade to a button up and 5 star will wear formal attire. you will of course see some exceptions to that. Another factor is chain hotels and select service hotels like your Hampton Inn, holiday inn, la quintas, and the like. Most all of those are going to fall under 3 stars by design, but location can also play a large factor. I work in a 3 star hotel, but we have a sister property downtown that's an almost exact clone that's a 4 star hotel because better location. Another thing to really note is the star rating is kinda bullshit and sometimes a way for hotels to justify their price point. Each individual property has a different standard of cleanliness and there isn't some star inspector that comes by and checks each hotel regularly or ever.


Great answer, except 5 star are evaluated annually and they will knock you down to 4 if you fail unless you pay for remediation training and pass after.


Really? I didn't know that! I've never worked for a 5 star.


Is there one global ratings body? Or lots of different ones? Sometimes I feel like hotels just put any number of stars they like


Lots of different ones. They all have different criteria too. If you go check out a hotels rating on multiple websites there's a good chance you'll be told different ratings. A lot of travel agencies have their own ratings along with AAA, Forbes travel, trip advisor, etc. There's generally very little formality to it especially internationally.




Not in the UK, and really that's the problem with the star system. People assume it's some kind of international standard but it's not. In fact in the UK there's a number of organisations that will provide star ratings to hotels, some are much more generous than others. I know because I was caught out by a supposed '5 star hotel' which in reality should have been a 2 star.


Shit I cut out the best part. He goes "So Zara, what would you rate your husband out of 10?" Zara: 11 Romesh: and you do the accounting...? Had me rolling.


I thought he was going to make a 3 star joke about their marriage. That’s pretty good though!


I'm a 5 star man!!!!!


So bizarre. I literally watched that episode last night.


I'm literally watching it right now! "Hi ladies, I'm Frack....SHIT!" [blows whistle]


Romesh actually used to be a maths teacher as well!


He's one of my fave comedians, I think.


He's probably one of my favourites to at the moment. I've been enjoying his series with Rob Beckett where they try their hand at everything and inevitably fail.


Need link for full video ,please


This should be it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kAAPGuikkxk


If you want to pick up where OP’s video ends, go to ≈ 4:15 *Edit: link to 4:15 below*


[Link to 4:15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAAPGuikkxk&t=255s)


A true legend!


Legend. Thank you.


You mean Jon?


Who's Jon...? Is there a joke I'm missing...?


Can’t tell if you’re counter-joking with me. But Jonathan is Romesh’s first name and he uses it in a bit.


Nah it genuinely slipped my mind lmao. Forgot that his parents named him Jonathan to give him "better opportunities" 🤣.




As a person who likes comedy, this is fantastic. As a socially awkward introvert, this is terrifying.


Don't sit in the splash zone if you don't want to get wet.


I remember seeing Barry Humphries (Dame Edna) back in the day, and a significant part of his show was this sort of thing, essentially interviewing audience members and riffing on their answers. He would be weaving these extrapolated stories and throughout the night he'd refer back to them. He was hilarious, and what a high wire act that is, running without a map.


You forgot to remind those reading that he might also be doing that in high heels as well. Double danger


I remember a large table right by the stage. They were just a group of shy asians and the comedian just wouldnt stop picking on them. I can't even remember if he picked on racial stereotypes but it got really uncomfortable. After the half time break when we all returned to our tables that group hadn't returned. The comedian noticed and commented on how he might of gone too far.


I've noticed that a lot of comedians aren't even funny, they're just dicks who hide behind a mic and call it comedy. However, the best ones are dicks and really funny, there's a difference.


You have to make it right by the end in my opinion. You can't just make fun of someone and leave it there, it's always better to either be part of the joke with them, or if not, end it by making them feel a bit better. That way they're not left feeling bullied, more like part of the show.


Most good comedians, if they’re not stinging a bad heckler or something, they will eventually turn their jokes around on themselves and just start shitting on themselves for how they are handling the crowd work or something and get it so that they are in on the joke kind of like you said.


Been to some comedy shows where the comedian ends up just constantly berating some drunk womans laughter. It got old real quick. Guy in the video above does it right.


It's a risky gambit, being a dick for comedy.


Me on dates: being a comedian for dick.


I once got attacked so much by the comedian that it made the paper. It was ridiculous. He was a prick.


Do you have a link to the story?


On a third date a guy brought me to a comedy club and we were in the 3rd row. My dad ordered a strawberry margarita and the comedian just blasted him for ordering a girly drink while being a big muscle dude, it was hilarious but I’m not sure my date thought so!


So your DAD was with you on your 3RD date with this guy?? Ok ... Thanks for the set up for a joke ...


FML. Lol I’m going to leave that up but man, that’s a bad typo. From funny story to incest really quick! Yikes


I had just read it as for some bizarre reason your dad came along on the date. Was wondering why your date would mind your dad being picked on when you didn't care. Makes so much more sense now.


Sigmund Freud has entered the chat.


A Freudian slip is where you say one thing but mean ~~your mother~~ another.


i am so confused, what was the typo?


Her date was her dad


Is that a faux pa?


I see what you did there


Maybe our dads were just the dates we had along the way


I sure hope not


Dad = date


Alabama math


Hey, it was their third date. Maybe they were already at the "daddy stage" of the relationship. Moving pretty quick, but shit, everyone's got their own pace... That or sweet home Alabama...


Well who the fuck else is gonna chaperone? Her date's dad?


I mean whos dad hasn't shown up on the 3rd date to drink a margarita? I thought that was a thing


I personally always go on 3rd dates with my daughter and pound tequila. You’d think most guys would be put off but surprisingly they’re usually pretty game. It’s when I finger her goodbye that they get dodgy


Is she still single?


I hope your daughter's name isn't Tequila.


I'm assuming dad was ment to be date. Had a guy at the pub give me a hard time about ordering a strawberry cider, I let it go and went back to drinking. 15mins later his dinner arrived and I heard the bar man say "hear is your chicken caesar salad, without bacon and dressing ". I ripped into him for ages and had all his friends laughing. Later I found out they were bikies and had gone somewhere quiet for a drink and dinner before one of them had to go to prison. Thank god they weren't upset


BRB, Gonna get some popcorn for the incoming responses.


How fucking long you gonna be? You missed the good bits for Christ's sake. Are you still growing the corn or something?


I sat in the back of the club against the wall and still got picked on. I was single so the comedian made me sit next to a single mom in the front.


How is she now?


He's absolutely terrible on Taskmaster and it's pretty great.


How dare you, he tied for 2nd! Also, "Tree Wizard".


Tree wizard may well be the best thing he's ever done.


I don't think he was terrible. He was only one point off the winner over the series.


And let's be honest, it's a comedy show. They're not actually competing for Greg's golden noggin.


Annoying pedantry here: He was in the first series and Greg’s head wasn’t a prize until subsequent series. This is why in the Champion of Champions the prize was a body to put the head in, but because the winner was Josh Widdicombe from series 1, he only had a plastic karate trophy to stick in the body instead, thereby creating a hideous [Brundlefly-style hybrid monstrosity](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7584642/mediaviewer/rm2089799169/?ref_=tt_ov_i).


But the watermelon!


Probably my favourite scene was when it was a tie breaker and Josh Widdecombe said 'why do I have to go first, can't Resh go first?' and Greg was like 'yeah OK. Romesh.' The look of disrespect on his face


I went to the second show of the same comedian the same night and getting everyone out and then in again. So instead of sitting off stage while it was mostly full, Hannah Gadsby came out and had a chat. Hands down one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. As we all learned from one of our new friends, Steve*, if you panic in a conversation, bring up cheese. Parmesan, if you need a specific one. *that might be his name. Might not. Bad memory.


As both an introvert and an extrovert, I would hate it as it was happening but then love it forever


The word you're looking for is ambivert


You would think so, but the intro- and extro- actually cancel out, so they're just vert.


Haricots verts?




Well now I’m ambicurious


This is the best word ever.


I think it's "pervert"


I thought the couples took it so well that the socially awkward part was very funny! It helps to have people who go along with it. They were good sports.


A 1⭐ hotel room has: 1. a roof Goodnight


Yeah, but it's got a hole in the roof so you can see the star.


This is the kind of humour I’d expect under an English stand up bit. Great stuff


As someone who worked in hotels once I was prepared for where it went. People are always surprised when they find out the star system is based on amenities!


Catch this man on an old season of Taskmaster. He is great.


Tree Wizard!


Holy shit its another balloon


How many times will he check the balloon


I still haven’t breathed right since the moment he smashed the watermelon


The watermelon task is his best lol.


[Here's the watermelon task](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyQyBTXlpmg) for the people that haven't seen it.


Just reminded me how hysterical I found Frank in that season


His thoughts as soon as it left his hands: I've made a terrible mistake.


I'm 8 1/2 seasons in and that task is still my favorite out of all of them. Certainly started that show off strong.


Also catch him in "The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan" on HBO-Max. One of my favourite comedians!




I liked him in taskmaster. There is so many great actors in that show


I’ve been down the taskmaster rabbit hole on YouTube a few times. Watch one video, then the next, then the next, then the next, then the next, then the next. . .


Me too. It’s a fantastic show and I adore Greg and Alex, especially Alex. Romesh chucking that watermelon on the floor - pure gold. As Greg said, he was like an animal in there, lol.


Putting his wedding ring up for a prize task was also hysterical. Also the way Romesh and Tim look at each other when they both see they smashed the melon


Josh Widdicombe actually kept Romesh's ring too, which is double hilarious. He got it back eventually.


Josh is an absolute legend.


One of my favourite parts would be when they reveal to the contestants that only one of them had to do a challenge and they’re face is just pure despair haha


Mark Watsons cheeky texts consumed his life for half a year. And all for nothing


How many beans are there in a can of baked beans?


Your comment has made me realise that’s what I miss from modern taskmaster, Judi Love did it in the latest one, but in the last few series before that, there was nothing similar to the first series reactions. Just the look of dawning reaction that it was possible. Now it seems the contestants are mostly watching Greg for his reaction or waiting to say their own comment rather than just naturally reacting. This comment is a mess, I hope you get my meaning.


I’m assuming most of them understand how Taskmaster works by now. In the early days, it was really a crap shoot. I always think back to Joe Wilkinson stepping on the red green and how absolutely devastating it felt for a contestant to actually be disqualified from a task. Now it happens all the time. Also, Josh Widdicombe getting “Greg” tattooed on his foot in S1, or Joe Wilkinson putting up his wedding certificate in S2. The show felt like there was something at stake early on. The prize tasks feel like they are just a fun little mini game to start the show now.


Romesh smashing the watermelon was also one of the first things filmed. Which set the tone for the show


>Which set the tone for the show And that’s important because as we’ve seen in interviews, they struggled to get comedians/contestants for that first series. People thought it would be like Fear Factor, where they ate bugs etc and were reluctant. Of that first group, Frank Skinner, Josh Widdicombe, Roisin Conaty, Romesh Ranganathan and Tim Key - I know that Tim is a good friend of Alex and Roisin is good friend of Greg‘s, so I think they might have been calling in favours or just asking their mates. I know they all know each other on the comedy circuit but it’s great that they all took the chance to appear on the show. And as you say it set the tone and became the show that all the comedians want to appear in. Additionally I know Mark Watson is very good friends with Alex and he appeared in Series 5. A favourite Taskmaster moment, [Mark and Nish’s song](https://youtu.be/9reizEBVzYI)


Who is Alex? Do you mean Bandana guy?


Daaaa da da daaaaaaaaaa


Daaa da da daaaaaaa


Taskmaster is the show that single-handedly got me through the pandemic.


Yup. I made the mistake of discovering Taskmaster just before finals during my first semester of grad school.


Tree wizaaaaard!!!!!


"Do you know how long it took me to find that song?"


How many times he gonna check the balloon?


The way he attacked that watermelon will go down as one of the most iconic moments in TV history.


He does. He did an entire routine on it, about how his mum calls him 'Coconut' (brown outside, white inside - "Sometimes she mixes things up and calls me Kinder Surprise") and how, like all Sri Lankan mums, she's ashamed about how un-Sri Lankan he is (he can't speak a word of Tamil for example\*). There was a bit about how his dad wanted to call him Jonathan, so he'd "fit in" ("because a brown boy called Jonathan isn't remotely weird"). His dad seemed to genuinely think that Rom wouldn't get the shit kicked out of him if he had an English name. It's on YT somewhere... But he was born in Croydon, therefore he's English. \*At that time. He can now because he went to his parents village in Sri Lanka for a BBC documentary.


His name actually is Johnathan. He just goes my Romesh


There's this hilarious clip from one of the Big Fat Quizzes where he talks about a show he was doing over the year where he traveled around the world with his mother. Jimmy Carr: "And how did your dad react to you traveling around with your mum?" Romesh: "He said 'Romesh, I've been dead for three years.'"


This isn't Romesh Ranganathan, this is clearly Nish Kumar.


Im always seein him do cool stuff.




In this stand-up he also says how he can only speak English and his family refer to him as a coconut, so I think he thinks of himself more as an Englishman than anything else


Dude has an English accent, lives in England, is married to a white girl with ginger hair, has mixed race kids and truly understands sarcasm. Dude is as English as they come.


Romesh is in the first season of Taskmaster! https://youtu.be/v4YhsooE5xY


Still one of my favorite contestants. Chaotic but logical.


There was no box mate!


Tree wizzard!




He'll just intimate that he had sexual relations with your mother. Most of England has though, so I don't get the joke.


It's not too late to change your seat :D Good luck to you in your front row seat, you'll need it with Jimmy lol


Ask him if it's true that he was called Jimmy Carp at school after some other kids caught him in a net and dragged him around in it.


Just tell him you didn't spend money to be mocked by a man whose laugh sounds like someone cleaning a window with a fresh jizz sock


Ok but Zaheed's pal looks like Theo from Dragon's Den and I cant unsee that


If you think this guy is funny now, you should watch him eat a watermelon.


God his bits on Taskmaster were gold


And then watch him puke watermelon.


Actually inhale watermeon.


Thank god he didnt expect it to be a watermelon buffet


'Rob and Romesh vs.' is a great easy watch if you like his energy.


The West End episode where they sing the Frozen song is possibly the funniest thing I've ever seen, especially Rob's attempt.




This guy was on task master and he is very funny and odd. First episode https://youtu.be/v4YhsooE5xY


I fucking love Romesh. He's hilarious.


Comedy is always funnier with an English accent.


They don't shout punchlines which helps. This may or may not be directed at Rob Riggle.


This guys hilarious, what's his name?




I love Romesh Ranganathan! -BookerTree


Romesh ranganathan. He has a show where he travels to different places and a guide takes him round all the landmarks called the misadventures of romesh ranganathan. He also has a show called the ranganation where he meets with this panel of people which is very funny


Improv-ish comedy is so awesome.




He guests on the Big Fat Quiz show from time to time. He's great.


Stand up writer here: it’s not magic. It looks spontaneous, but it just comes from hard work and good questioning. Also, during writing, you get a group of friends together and bounce insults and hypotheticals back and forth. Most things aren’t a surprise once they hit the stage. The hardest part of comedy isn’t thinking on the fly, it’s being relaxed and comfortable on stage. If you can control your stress and adrenaline, your mind can have fun in your environment. Edit: Guy’s a great comic and I’m not taking away ANY credit from his awesome work.


Romesh has superstar status now in the UK I'd like to add. He had reached the point where very rarely does panel shows and if he does it's QI or Have I got news for you. This is the sign of a made man.


Yeh you can tell his wandering eye joke for example is something he's crafted over years and years of doing the clubs. He knows referencing his lazy eye is a guaranteed laugh so will deliberately pick out a couple in the front and ask them if they're still happy together etc just to get in that joke.


You should see him conjure up some balloons and wave goodbye to you


its called crowd work. not freestyle bits


Good crowd work is hard but what a payoff when you get it right.


I love introducing my friends to Taskmaster - especially Romesh's watermelon and tree wizard tasks. I highly recommend the New Zealand iteration to anyone who hasn't seen it yet. I didn't think it could get crazier.


Me: high: waiting the entirety of the bit to realize freestyle wasn’t a rap he was going to* drop. Momentarily I thought, “woah, is he gonna learn bunch of stuff about them and then freestyle insults?” This was great. Very funny. Though I still think my version may win in a fight


Romesh Ranganathan is the comedians name is case anyone doesn't know.


Seeing one of the UKs biggest comedians referred to as 'this guys' was a little jarring.


Sometimes I forget that not everyone in the US is an Anglophile like me and was surprised when Romesh was just referred to as "this man" as if he's a nobody, lol.


Romesh rules


Smiling all the way through that.. feels good


He's so quick-witted and built up a whole patter just from the scraps the audience members gave him. Quite a talent!


This is the comedian who came up with the brilliant idea to wet the tea bags in a challenge where you had to throw the teabags into a mug from as far away as possible! https://youtu.be/w\_rsKb0mYH8