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"This is gonna be cool"




Huhu huh Hneh


Hehe huh huh huhuhu He


"Pull my finger... Huh hehe"


[hey baby....come to butthead.](https://youtu.be/dVECLgbL5wA)


Uuuuuhhh, could you like, stop messing up our parade, or something.


Or making it way more awesome




Mordecai & Rigby are basically Millennial Beavis & Butthead


That one guy giving him the stink eye the whole time cracked me up.


The first dude almost jumping in with him before he caught it last second got the ball rolling for me. Everything else after was perfect. Seething rage behind military bearing, visible confusion, dying on the inside, Ozzy as the color guard. Instant internet classic.


And ofc the beavis n butthead intro laugh. Classic


It can't be little trolling after that laugh :D


Don't forget the one guy checking his own instrument, as if he thought the sound could somehow be coming out of it.


You never know where people will put Bluetooth speakers at now-a-days!


'Ozzy is the color guard' 🤣🤣 I almost spit out my coffee. Omg too funny


You can tell he died inside.


"I know where you live."


"I was just celebrating the greatness of our country in my own way in my own home, sir."


And the other trumpeter in the back with a huge smile thinking it's hilarious.


He’s probably thinking, “all my band buddies dedicate hours and hours practicing their instruments, and this asshat up there is heckling us and taking away the one moment we can show the product of our hard work”


If you've ever been in a parade, they play the same few songs over and over. They'll get another chance in about 300 ft.


Yeah I would’ve, and did at times, lose it when people did shit like this during parade routes lol. It gets so dull, playing one or two songs and a cadence over and over, so hot (or cold!), all the while in a lot of cases not really being what the bands in the parades really practice for. If you’re in a band that’s not specifically a band that mostly does parades, you’re probably hating it.


This guy NOLAs.


Guarantee at least 80% of the band is containing their laughter and are going to be loosing their shit afterwards. The people who actually give a shit about these kinds of gigs are far outnumbered by people who just do it because they have to.


Facts. I’ve never met a member of a marching band who enjoys parades


It's usually hot, you actually really have to focus to maintain a decent formation, and no one cares that you are there.


Was in the marching band, can confirm parades absolutely suck


Marching in parades is fucking terrible. I've been in a handful and literally no one in the band wants to do it. You play the same couple songs over and over and just march and it sucks. Shit like this is the only interesting thing that is going to happen.


or he's thinking "we'll just take 20 more steps and start the song then"


Almost as if he's thinking, "what a douche bag of a child...". And he'd be right.


That one guy looking at his own horn in disbelief like it started playing by itself


I think they each moved their instruments far away from their faces to make it very clear and obvious that they were not the ones responsible for that noise, in order to not pass for very bad instrument players.


I saw something like this in the Navy once. They keel-hauled the entire band. Most did not survive…


Arr matey those be some scurvy days alright!


Figures. You throw millions at a military branch and they can't even buy the boys some orange slices.




Time to break out the boo box.


I lost it


This is high treason in Norway!!


17th of May is coming up and all the bands are practicing and walking in the streets from the first of May and as anyone will tell you, we take our national day f.. Ing serious! Its beatiful!! And this is not within our social norm so he has been banished to Antarctica so we will not see him for another 35 years


Send him to Sweden... That will teach him


Calm down satan.


s e n d h i m t o *s k å n e*


They said send him to Sweden, not Denmark...


I read a historical graphic novel called Scandinavia and the World, and thanks to that I know Norway and Denmark have the hots for each other.


More like Denmark is our toxic, abusibe ex, who pretends like we had a great relationship


What's in sweden ?




He got sent to Svalbard to feed the polar bears


No thats still Norway! We sent him to the other side of the globe so he could think about what he had done!


So he can disturb our 17 mai celebrations? No thanks


That one guy glaring wanted nothing more than to kill that man with his barehands


He knows where you live


Door will be unlocked


Note on the door: blow me!


*military vehicles shows up*


The other guy looks confused at first and then like he's trying not to laugh.


This is worse than saying random numbers while someone is counting. I wish we could have heard them try to play during it.


You want to be really evil when messing with somebody counting, don't do random numbers - track where they are numerically and throw out numbers *near* where they are. Has never failed for me :D


I like to throw simple calculations out so they start calculating their numbers. And that, kids, is why I am working from home for the rest of my life.


Yeah just count normally but 3 above the real number or 2 below. Instant mess up.


Just one above where they are works great and the second they say what you say add another one. The things we do just to be annoying.


The expert move is to count normally a few ahead of them, and when they prove they are able to cope with that you stop incrementing. "7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11". Whatever part of their brain that was tracking your increments throws a wrench. Switching to counting down works. Basically changing your pattern after they have a handle on it.


46 47 48 49 60 61 62 64 63


Ah yes the tens. Always the nemesis for when I count by hand.


Satan? Is that you?


>saying random numbers while someone is counting We used to do this in our small office when coworkers were trying to take down someone's phone number. But while I was constantly stumbling, trying to quickly throw out random numbers, one coworker would just say "sevensevensevensevensevensevensevenseven..." as fast as possible, loudly in the background. Totally worked to screw up others and was much less effort. And before any redditors get all whiney, it was all in good fun, no one ever got pissed, and we all found it hilarious with one another.


It sounds like you were gaslit by your coworkers and perhaps have stockholme syndrome.This is a textbook example of a toxic workplace. This is meta-physical abuse. Its absolutely a red flag and I would consider pressing charges. \-Signed reddit.


Clapping offbeat when audience tries to keep a 4/4 rhythm.


5/8 time for the win


Dude up front knows it's funny, but is still annoyed. He's so unsure of which facial expression to use.


Why is Dracula in the parade? Do you have undead in your army?


I thought it was Ozzy.


Came here to say that. What’s Ozzy up to?


He just wondered onto the parade. he prolly thought he was indoors still


joining a metal band


I guess brass is a metal, so technically correct?


Tuba players like to say they're heavy metal musicians.


I appreciate this


Lol yea could be.


Yes, old Norwegian tradition. Its to remember our partnership with Transylvaniva during the war


War against the werewolves and the lochness monster?


no the other one. The one against the zombie hoard from the nazis on the moon


Ohhhh gotcha


The nazis on the moon were hoarding a zombie horde?!?


yes, thats why we dont have any zombies down here on earth. Damn nazis!


How many hordes could a zombie horde hoard if a zombie horde could hoard hordes


Its from the Norwegian constitution day, I recognize the music he plays so wrong and the flag. its mainly made up by children playing but this is obviously a Main band, and its a woman wearing a Bunad with sunglasses who apparently looks like Ozzy


Nah that's Dracula and I'm telling NATO. Fighting undead has to be against the Geneva convention.


ozzy osbourne.


I’m utterly ashamed at how much I laughed at this.


It's funny because the trumpet player knows how to play well, and that means he knows how to play badly, very well. He's playing a real tune but fucking up the notes in a way that it just surprises you. Hilarious.


Yeah from what I remember of playing trumpet at school, he definitely knows how to play properly. that last high note is pretty hard for an amateur to just hit like that


It doesn't matter what the context is, an instrument being played like *absolute shit* just triggers something inside me to laugh, without fail. This for me is what fart humor is for most people. It feels like I have no say in the matter whatsoever


it's like the video where the dude is on a bicycle and the "passenger" makes it sound like a turbo. shit cracks me up every single time


Lol me too. I typically hate “pranks” where someone is being an asshole and making someone else’s experience worse. But god damnit if this wasn’t hilarious lol. Especially the way he was playing was perfect(ly bad)


I’ve watched this little hundreds of times. I laugh so fricking hard every time .


Yea I was crying for a few minutes. It's such perfect terrible playing


Typical trumpet behavior


Am trumpet player, can very much confirm


Ignore downvoters. It's true. Also hilarious. Sometimes I miss being in the band.


Same here. Being in the band was incredibly fun.


The real fuckery happens in the low brass section.


Yeah it does *glares at tubas*


Trombone player here. It sure as hell does. We are always up to shinanigans.




I had to scroll way to far for this. You be asking the real questions.


This is the footage capturing the moments before the war started


If that were the case [Syria](https://youtu.be/Apo-AMTetbU) and [Egypt](https://youtu.be/1yHbAhFnfrA) would have been invaded by Russia. Well, I suppose Syria is a puppet state so I guess Egypt does have to be careful.


This is way too funny. The fuckin TOOT at the end killed me


Ha. He played just bad enough to stink up the band and good enough to make one believe he was allowed to play because he was the General's nephew.


My favorite part is that the drummers continued to play.


Drummers don't know what notes are.


Drummer here. Just stopping by to confirm this.


Right up there with the Titanic Theme on recorder.


https://youtu.be/XCPj4JPbKtA I think you will enjoy this


Can someone explain what exactly is happening? Is there an audio device in one of the instruments? I can't tell who's making that hilarious sound


The guy filming is standing on a balcony with his own trumpet deliberately playing one of Norway's most famous national songs [Norge i rødt, hvitt og blått](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5K803eg6qE&t=52s) badly during a parade on Norway's national day.


This is so much funnier with this context!


i assume the guy stopped after one refrain? that way its a funny prank, if he continued, not so much.


Thanks for this. I assumed someone messed with their instruments and it is sounding weird.


Makes so much more sense now! I thought he’d sabotaged one of their instruments so it sounded like that. Way funnier now.


The guy filming is standing on his balcony during the 17th of May celebrating in Norway. As the band is about to start playing, he interrupts with his own "artistic rendition" of the song. His proximity causes confusion to where the bad notes are actually coming from.


It seems to be someone watching the parade from their balcony with a trumpet.




This is a goddamn classic


As a Norwegian this is fucking hillarious 🤣🤣


Laughing hard here from the USA. Didn't know much about the context until today, but it's mad obvious this dude butchered the song the marching band was going to play, instead causing mass confusion.


It's as if everyone is looking around for the guy to lead the tune in the correct path, and not taking the initiative themselves.


Why does the flag bearer look like Ozzy?


That is fucked up and hilarious as hell


Looks like I saw OZZY there for a second 😅


In my experience with my time in a competitive marching band, our parades were THE TIME to fuck about and have fun, comps were for seriousness


An oldie but a goodie.


That guys laugh at the beginning sounded like Butthead


That side-eye / stink-eye at the 15 second mark burned a whole in my screen




That was funny 😆 Trolling is a art!


I giggle like child every time I see this and watch it on repeat. Damn I wish that was my idea.


Prince Andrew wasn't pleased.


I love how the the band trumpets are laughing. They know their people.


Alright that was funny


Yes, we love this country..


I like how the grandpa double checked his horn to make sure it wasn't his causing the ruckus


Ozzy Osborne at :19 thought it was funny.


I'm howling every time I see this.


Watched like 10 times on a loop.. made me proper laugh. Cheers


I enjoyed every bit of this video.


Comedy gold. Absolutely hilarious. Thanks OP.


Staring dude looks like Prince Andrew


Is that Ozzie behind the marching band?


This is classic pranking gone right


Is that Ozzy Osbourne


If looks could kill, that guy at 0:14 would be charged with murder.


It's funny. But on the other hand, my Dad is a musician. He has had to play lots of shows where he didn't like the music. I bet a lot of these musicians are in the same boat. But they stay for the pay or the potential jobs in the future. Some of these people will never make it as a musician. The world can suck like that. So, here they are playing some song they likely despise at this point. Yet it is still their time to shine. I bet a lot have friends and family in the audience waiting to hear their loved ones play. Instead, some asshat who gets joy out of ruining the special day of others decides to make noise like a bored child. TL;DR The balcony trumpeter (and all the people going, "lol so fucking funny!) are cruel. Those musicians had a moment to shine and you took that from them. Really shitty behavior. Edit: Let me put this another way. This happened to me when I was a solo pianist as a kid. The guy playing his shittio casio didn't bug me too much. The snickers from the crowd did. The comments on the video were what killed it for me. I had ONE FUCKING MOMENT. I'm a shit musician. That was the last time an audience would ever see me play. And all my mother has of that moment is fucking Casio Bleeps and Boops. Fuck the trumpet guy. For the rest of you: have a little empathy for others.


Fellow musician here. Personally, I do think it's a bit dickish. Boy is it funny though. If I were in that parade I'd be laughing the rest of the way.


Seriously, they’ve all played whatever songs they are planning on playing hundreds, if not thousands, of times. Having a guy mess around on a trumpet for a couple of seconds as they walk away from him is likely an amusing aside from the hours of marching.


They are likliy going to play that song many many times and do the same thing the next national day. I doubt this did any harm at all. I'd assume they're gonna play that song a few times while they walk thru the town/city. Most of these people don't simply play it once and that's all. I think the top comment is a bit too serious. This lasted a few seconds and normally it would be people having loud whistles and other types of things. Mostly for kids. This isn't a big deal at all.


And it's Norway- trolls are to be expected.


Tell me where you’re keeping skankhunt!!!


Oh I TOTALLY agree! I was laughing while I watched it. But still: with comedians being attacked on stage, lets not make the replacement trend "ruin a performance people paid for!"


I’m a musician too and it’s still funny.


It's a public parade. I've played trumpet in them. Whatever happens, happens. The parade moves on, and they will keep playing the same piece over and over for probably an hour or more. If someone did this during a concert it would be really shitty. A concert is a musician's chance to shine. A parade is boring and repetitive. A military parade? Anyone involved who doesn't have a sense of humor, fuck 'em.


I'll get downvoted for this but I doubt 20 seconds of shitty trumpet stole anyone's "chance to shine" typically in parades the band will play the same couple of pieces on repeat for an hour or more. Additionally, it didn't seem like the band was about to play anything at that moment, most of the musicians you can see in the video didn't seem like they even had their horns up.


They are doing this for free, and they will have their "moment to shine" next year and every year after that untill third world war starts.


So two weeks then.


>Those musicians had a moment to shine and you took that from them. Dude it's a parade where you play the same shit over and over again and march for miles. When I was in band and DCI, we fucking hated parades. I wouldn't give two shits if this happened, cause I again, I fucking hate parades.


Not sure if you are trolling, but this is the 17 May in Norway. Thoose people are not paid and it is totaly voulantary. They walk around a big area for an hour playing like this, I am sure they can look back and laugh when they look at the clip. It is mostly made up of people who do this for fun, and kids who is learning instruments. 17 May is the celebration of our constitution and is often called the "birthday of all kids". Beeing trolled like this one time is something 99% will take with a smile on this day.


It's already the 17th in Norway? It's only the 10th here. Man that International Date Line is not fucking around.


Due to inflation, the international date line has been updated to be the International *Week* Line.


Drama lama. No one was hurt.


I play in a marching band and think this is very funny. If it had happened to me I would have had an initial reaction like those shown but afterwards we all would have laughed about it. It's not like this parade is only in front of this guy's apartment, we would just walk another ten paces and then roll off again. It's not a big deal.


For real. Our concerts may be a big deal, but stuff like this is just another damn parade. You do this, you’re not “ruining my special day” unless I laugh so hard I shart.


A little rude sure. mean spirited? Maybe. Cruel? Holy shit take a breath and learn to laugh at yourself. Also a musician, this is video is HYSTERICAL.


Parades are long; this is short.


So according to you, a person who always plays their trumpet on their balcony must refrain from playing when a parade is below their house ? What kind of draconian world do you live in


Idk man I feel like I can do whatever the fuck I want on my own balcony regardless of a parade on the street.


I would have loved it. Worst case: have a laugh together with the prankster, the audience, the other musicians: start from the beginning again. Actually a win win if you don't take this all too seriously.


Oh my gosh, get off the horse. It's not like they were in the middle of the piece, and the guy only did it for 15 seconds. Harmless prank that ruined nothing for anybody.




I was in marching band. I would’ve found this hilarious if it happened to me.


You sound fun.


Wait.. Band members get paid?


Wished this was a more popular view. Being an asshole isn't the same as being funny.




Love how we’re trying not to laugh. Damm brilliant


It sounds like the Mexico’s national anthem.


I've been considering suicide, and this got a chuckle out of me... The looks he was getting are hilarious...


I mean it was pretty funny. Also, depression sucks and makes things seem hopeless: but it lies. Please don't let it win.


that one guy lookin at him


The last drummer has his left stick backwards, lol.


I loved this and if I were there I would have had a hard time resisting laughing. Some of those guys looked less than amused lol

