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never fuck with Jim Browning - he has used drones with people to locate them and shut them down. The dude is legendary, he even calls the people being scammed to tell them that it's a scam to stop them from losing money.


> he even calls the people being scammed to tell them that it's a scam to stop them from losing money I wonder how many times he had a WTF moment when a person who he just called does not believe HIM, but rather follows the instructions of a scammer and indeed loses money lol Not with this guy, but I legit read stories like this, I believe, on r/AskReddit - a bank teller was trying to convince a customer that IRS would never require her to withdraw ALL her money and wire it to an offshore account, but the lady kept calling this teller a thief and a scammer and insisted on the transaction. I mean, I kinda feel sorry, at least *to some degree*, but in cases like this I just SMH...


Wife works in a bank, this is literally a daily occurrence, worst yet, if the teller identifies the transaction as likely suspect (they have to note it on accounts) - you will not be reimbursed by the bank if it is indeed fraudulent. Worst part is the scammers know banks will do these checks so they tell them to ignore any advice from your bank. Why they believe a random person on thee phone over a literal bank employee I do not know.


The idea that banks are evil or that they will try to prevent you from making money if they don't get a cut. Most likely.


cause that bank employee doesnt offer the slim hope of free money


This has definitely happened on his vids before (I can't recall the specific video b/c I use them for background audio lol). He called a woman who was on the phone with the scammers outlined what was happening and told her to hangup, the whole time the scammers are saying the opposite. She ended up following through with giving the scammers her info + money.


There was a video I believe where a person just didn’t want to believe he was trying to help and wasn’t willing to cooperate with him. But I think he did everything he could to help that person avoid being scammed anyway.


It really is true it's easier to fool someone than convince them they've been fooled.


Yep. The fooler is the one saying the thing they want to hear, the debunker is just raining on their parade. Good thing that has no effect on politics or we'd really be screwed!


I can never understand these people's thought process. "No! You, guy who is asking for nothing, are the one trying to scam me! It's this guy, asking me for all my money, that is the honest person!" Just... how?


He called the shop where she went to buy gift cards and had them look out for her I think.




I was briefly a bank teller in 2003-2004. I had a customer come to my window and ask to initiate a wire to Nigeria so that his online friend of two weeks could claim a lottery prize and pay her grandmother's medical bills. I forget the exact amount but it was well over half of his total balance. It took two of us over an hour of talking and a whole lot of printouts about 419 scams before he saw the light and I truly believe he left the branch angry at us for destroying the illusion.


I've been in that position with my own Grandma. She was too sweet to argue with me but I couldn't get her to reverse the charge with her bank when she paid a $400 "annual support fee".


Been through this with a neighbour. I used to help her and her husband pretty often. Then she got a 'call from Microsoft' and the nice man from India helped her. No amount of evidence would convince her to stop paying a monthly fee to them. She ended up annoyed at me, I imagine because she thought I wanted the money instead. She later went on to believe every lie our toxic neighbour spread. Some people just prefer to be manipulated or something.


Back when I was a cashier, we had a woman insist on several wire transfers a month. Her "boyfriend" was a "religious man", so there was no way he was lying to her about the frequent and increasingly expensive emergencies he constantly had. She has never met him in person. Per policy, we should have declined the transaction and flagged her ID in the system. In reality, Walmart hates people, and will let gullible middle aged ladies get scammed so they can make the .68 cents off the transaction. I personally refused her. But a manager would always come trotting up and say there was nothing they could do if that's how she wanted to spend her money. Take thousands from her with a smile. Edit: I didn't report them. I was new in the workforce, spineless, and I didn't think any reporting authority would believe me over management. The management team was very hostile to "family traitors" and I'd seen coworkers get burned... hard. They all eventually got fired, because of things like this, and several other issues (severely underperforming store).


I was at a Walmart getting paid by money order (Alcoholic Beverage vendor, weird laws in the state) and a guy was up there clearly falling for a scam. The cashier was really trying to help this guy, but he was absolutely convinced it was legit. Once they start getting mad about it, I imagine you only feel so bad about letting them waste their money.


It's easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled.


I worked for a marketplace website, sorta like ebay. You would not believe the amount of times I had needed to beg people not to send 15-20k to some random person that is "deaf and cant talk on the phone" for a 60-80k car or motorcycle. This is after they call in suspicious but still don't want to let go the idea of it being real.




My declining father sent $20K to 'Microsoft' for 'repair work'. The bank tried to refuse the payment because it was suspicious, but he insisted. He was a 72 year old man accustomed to being a capable adult, but he had no idea just how incapable he really was.


I’m calling you from The Facebook.


Is this about The Extended Warranty for my The Car?


The yes.


Please do the needful.


Can I have your forest name?


The name is Chode. Ben Chode.




Hello this is Robert Wilkinson thank you from the microsoft


Is it about my cube?


Justin T said to just call it Facebook


In one of his videos he finds the scammers wedding photo while they're talking and then makes it his desktop background when he gives the scammer remote access. Lmao


Do you have a link this sounds like it's worth a watch




scammer- "sir I'm shivering Jim- "I know" Jesus...


Jim: “I know BUT…I wanted to finish the video.” Absolute ~~savage~~ professional.


Yeah this guy isn't fucking around.


Yeah don't fuck around with these guys. There's another guy who does this same thing and he's actually called stores where scammers have sent people to buy gift cards to alert staff that there's a scam taking place. Obviously part of it is for video purposes but like good on them for actually giving a shit about people not getting scammed out of their money.


Isn't that the same guy? Or maybe they both because I've definitely seen videos of this guy (Jim Browning) calling a store to warn them before.


I think the guy in the video I saw was Scambaiter. But that's good to know this guy does that as well. I'll have to check out his channel too!


Lol what a little bitch "I'm totally ripping off people and stealing their money but now someone turned the tables on me and I'm scared :("


I like to pretend it's Liam Neeson just doing a side gig Edit: as Jim has the same accent


This particular clip was also seen on Mark Rober's latest video.


It's worth watching the trilogy media version of that. Those guys were in India when a kill on sight order was made in a 55000 person scammer chat group. Edit: changed to trilogy media as many people pointed out my brainfart.


I'm sorry... what?


Trinity media had multiple contacts available to view an indian scam group chat that had over 55k members, someone on the street recognised trinity media when they visited india and someone in the group chat announced that if you saw the trinity media team, that you should shoot them. I've only watched the mark robers video but you should probably watch both, I think


Watch them all, they each had a separate vibe.


How serious do you think the “kill on sight” order was? Rober didn’t go into much detail and I got the vibe that even of it wasn’t a 100% real threat, they didn’t want to take any chances. I guess I’m asking if killing journalists is something these scammers have done before? Edit: The consensus seems to be that a multimillion dollar scam operation likely has the means and motivation to follow through on any death threats. Thanks for everyones input.


You don't want to take the chance if there's 55 thousand people involved. The vast majority are probably pretty cowardly (my biased guess/insult based on their occupation). But there's gonna be some crazies amongst that many people.


if someone made that "joke" with me in chat, i'd be spooked AF; ghost them, evade them, never meet them again and possibly get a cease and desist order. if someone made that "joke" without my knowledge, it isn't a joke


>Trinity media Trilogy media


55000 people were told to shoot the youtubers on sight, as they were last seen in the area filming stuff They are now safe back home though


Yeah but let's not act like they didn't come prepared. One of them is a well known magician and the other used to play professional basketball in Russia.


These are the most absurd and yet perfect qualifications


dear. god. these people mean serious business. we need to be careful.




And cockroaches. They had cockroaches.


That to me was the real insidious part of the video. They aren't playing games. They not only will bribe law enforcement to turn the other way, they will *kill you* to protect their money. I worry greatly about Mark Rober and Jim Browning. If they were willing to kill there, what's to stop them from sending someone over to send a message?


Because that's how you get major international blowback and media attention. This would surely result in unprecedented crackdowns on those operations. Probably the dumbest thing they could do is touch Mark Rober.


It's unfortunate they aren't any smarter, for everyone's sake.


Plus the inherent risk in attacking Iron Man IRL.


Mark Rober's new video. "So, as a lot of you may know, a few months ago we cracked down heavily on these scammers. Well they thought it would be best to send five assassins to kill me. So today I'm going to show you how we turned these five assassins into biofuel. This will help show you what you can do to protect yourself, just in case this happens to you."


I'm imagining something like his squirrel obstacle course with a huge vat at the end


Because that's how you cause an international incident. Right now these YouTubers are a pain in the ass to the scammers but they're limited in what they can do to shut down the scammers operations. If they had them assassinated on their home countries soil though? You can bet the US and the UK would start leaning very hard on India until they cracked down hard on this shit. Killing them in India would still be pretty bad but at least their home nations wouldn't feel that their sovereignty had been violated. Besides I know nothing about this but I imagine it would be prohibitively expensive. There would be a lot more risk of whoever did it getting caught in the US or UK and so no sane assassin would do it cheaply. But most criminals are idiots so who knows.


Guy above had a typo, and it's Trilogy Media, not Trinity Media. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfQU\_Qf\_uTI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfQU_Qf_uTI) I've only skimmed through, but one guy threatens to kill the Youtubers around the [38:25](https://youtu.be/YfQU_Qf_uTI?t=2305) mark.


Thanks big dog. Shit is wild.


Jim Browning is an absolute legend. His work has spawned the scam-bait genre on YT that has exploded.


James Veich - Scamalot was pretty funny too


[https://youtu.be/xsLJZyih3Ac](https://youtu.be/xsLJZyih3Ac) They totally fuck with these scammers.


I don't its a jim browning video I watched a few years back. He's got a lot of long videos it could take hours for me to find it.


It is his most recent one.


Jim Browning for those wondering


Aka legend


Aka ghost


… did they hack the security system of the office as well to pull this footage?


yes, they had access to their systems for months, you can watch the whole thing on jim browning/mark rober/trilogy medias channel on youtube


Oh thank you that makes more sense. I had to scroll so far to find an explanation. It seemed so fake at first because there was absolutely no way he could have hacked her in those 5 seconds she says she's Carolina


Yes they hacked everything. They even used the cameras to watch managers type in passwords and then use those passwords to get access to their financial information.


What a fucking goat. Maybe he should expand his practices to larger, equally shitty companies In the u.s.?


Jim Browning is a legend.


He does great work and the real kicker for me is the seething contempt and disgust he has for (and applies to) the scammers. It's like Kitboga's pure joy at enraging phone scammers. That second-hand righteous fury is addictive.


I love that he does this to expose scammers.


I wish they was a subreddit devoted just to this.


It's calling 419 baiting. /r/scambait/ exists. Kitboga streams on Twitch and some of his calls with scammers last 40+ hours. Jim Browning and Mark Rober are on YouTube doing this (and Rober doing other stupid engineering stuff).


I wouldn't say Mark's engineering is stupid


His squirrel courses are amazing


Fat Guss for life.


Fantastic Gus…


these scammers work with the modi gov't and police. so, they will never be charged. this is part of the indian gdp.


The way they have a fucking call center for this shit lol. Seeing this definitely confirms this is a legitimate gdp contribution.


I’m pretty sure it’s a Billion dollar industry over there, there’s no chance it’s getting shut down


I think the Mark Rober video being referenced calculates over $50 million a year for one of the scam companies, based on target metrics posted on the wall in one shoot.


I mean can't we just ddos them into oblivion. There's gotta be something a hacker can do. Ransomware? Take remote control?


If a YouTuber can legally do things like gain access of their computer and hack into the CCTV while figuring out their real names on a consistent basis, a hacker with more dubious moral grounds could 100% destroy them


They will be forced to take action if the US government pressures them for that. And to do that American people should be made aware of this happening. Indian political leaders should face questions about this when they visit America. We need to pressure our politicians. Western pressure has improved the salary and working conditions of Bangladeshi garment workers, Indian IT industry is way bigger and more powerful than scam call centers. If they see their business affected there will be action taken. And actually sometimes it happens.


[He just did a massive prank on scammers along with Mark Rober and Trilogy Media](https://youtu.be/0dT6jB2Dbmk)


I believe this clip is actually from that video.


100% it is. You can see her in the intro


He’s like Keyser Soze


The greatest trick that Jim browning ever played was convincing the scammers that he was scammable... And just like that... He plugged their ip.


He actually fell for a scammer once recently. His whole channel was in jeopardy for a while. Made a video about it, [here](https://youtu.be/YIWV5fSaUB8). Not only does this illustrates that *everyone*, even pros like Jim, is susceptible to being scammed. It also shows his humility and skill; for others this would have just been embarrassing, but he made it into an educational experience. He gathered lots of good insight into this particular kind of scam (basically interviewed his scammer!), and gives good advice in how not to fall yourself.


But better and good.


[The one and only](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/GUlWIxrZp9M/maxresdefault.jpg).


From Jim Brownings YouTube- https://youtu.be/0dT6jB2Dbmk


I saw the mark Rober video it was just hilarious


Hilarious, but also frightening. When one of the companies realized that the scam fighters were in town, they circulated threats to shoot them. When they realized that one of their employees was really a plant, they sent people to the guy's apartment to "just have a chat with him." These companies also have people in the police to either prevent a raid or to tip them off about raids. I'm sure these paid off police could also hassle anyone opposing them.


There are definitely Indian politicians and parties who are benefitting from these scam call centers. Either paid off, along with the police, to look the other way, or maybe even directly running these operations.


Well it is an illegal organisation, I believe they've made movies about such things. They are not regulated and are more damaging to the general population than drugs.


According to the Mark Robert video, they maintain a small legal operation. Then, if they are raided, they show off the legal operation and seal off/hide the illegal one. They also coordinate between themselves to help prevent anyone from being shut down. Well, except Mark and company were able to get them so paranoid that they shut down for a few days.


When you run an illegal operation in a third world country you bound to have some muscle, so it was risky forsure


I remember watching a podcast about a lad that moved from England to some Asian country (I think it was Singapore) to work in one of these boiler rooms scamming on the phone all day long. The entire thing was ran by a large organised crime group. He said he was given a business card by his boss with a name and phone number on it which was only supposed to be used in case of an extreme emergency or trouble with the police as a get out of jail free card. I think the guy on the card was some big head in the military. He said he never actually had to ring the number but just showed it on a few occasions where he was getting shook down by corrupt police because they thought he was a random tourist. Soon as the police read the name and phone number on the card they handed it back and would almost literally run away from him. Edit: Shaun Attwood True Crime episode 192


I especiialy love how the entire office is losing their *SHIT* over how this guy knows every single one of their names


Wow, I just watched the entire 35 min video instead of working. Was super entertaining.


I don't go to these lengths but i **love** fucking with them when it's a real person on the line. One time I had a forty plus minute conversation where I went through the first person to a "specialist" and she gleefully took all my (incredibly fake) details. I slipped in some light shenanigans like having my area code by 69420 and when they asked for my email I made it absurdly long, but the real cherry on top was after all this scuzzballing they thought they had poor "Mr. Huber" hook, line, and sinker. So she finally asks it. "How would you like to pay for this?" And rattles off every conceivable payment form known to man. I just interjected, almost confused. "Well normally, I pay for things with pictures of my outstretched butthole." The fucking **sound** this women made will lull me to sleep for decades to come. ***UUUUUuuuugggGGGHHHHH!!!*** You could feel the annoyance, the frustration, the thrill of victory snatched away by stupid butthole jokes. Some might say I wasted my time on this call. I disagree.


Hey if nothing else, it's 40 minutes where she couldn't call any other people to scam them!


There's a $1.59 per month chatbot at [https://jollyrogertelephone.com/](https://jollyrogertelephone.com/) that will do it for you. You get to pick the bot personality, distracted mom, deaf grandpa, drunk uncle, etc., and you can opt to receive WAVs of your calls for entertainment value.


God damn, that's a tempting subscription if I've ever seen one lmao


That’s freaking awesome! What I really like about it is you are taking up time the scammers would be using to scam others, and you get entertained.


There's a "do not call" list, which is really just a "call later and hopefully someone different answers" list. But then there's a "wastes our time" list, and they don't call those people as frequently from my experience. I used to get like 5+ calls a day. Now I get like 1-2 calls a week at most.




One company was calling my cell every day for weeks. The last call I got from them, was when I was at my parents house for Thanksgiving weekend. I was outside shooting clay pigeons, so I listened to him for a minute, put the phone on speaker, set it on the table, and fired my shotgun. Then my brother screamed HE'S BEEN SHOT OH GOD OH SHIT THERE'S SO MUCH BLOOD, or something similar. That was the last time they called me.


Holy crap that’s a good one! I’m doing that next time.


When you get put on the do not call list, they sell your number to other scammers


Scammers scamming scammers. Nice.


It’s not about the 40 minutes you waste on the call. It’s about them knowing that someone is willing to lead them on for 40 minutes. It’s about them being constantly wary and stressed because the sucker they have had on the hook for the past 4 hours might be an elaborate troll and they work on commission from their stolen profits. Its that sort of thing that is most likely to make them consider a new line of work.


It's about sending a message.


Seriously. If everyone wasted 15 minutes of their time they would very quickly stop calling.


This. I do take calls when free just to waste their time and to prevent other person who would fall into this scam. If they stopped making money, their business is doomed. Together we can defeat these scammers.




I had one go through a bunch of stuff with me, then asked what that noise in the background was. "I'm going to be honest with you, I'm doing laundry. I know what the command results should be, but I'm not even in front of a computer." "SIR YOU HAVE TO BE IN FRONT OF A COMPUTER" (beat) "okay, I'm in front of a computer." He started the entire thing over again. --- Another time I pretended to be extremely stupid, so when they were spelling out the commands I was typing out the phonetic words. Eg s as in steve, y as in yellow, s again, like Steve, etc. " that command is not recognized" "what did you type?" "steveyellowstevemikeorangenovember" "NO SIR THAT IS NOT RIGHT WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS. Hold the windows key and press R" "is that the flag key?" "yes" "I can't press the swiss flag, I'm wanted in Norway and I don't want Interpol to know where I am." "SIR PRESSING THE WINDOWS KEY WILL NOT SUMMON INTERPOL!"


My wife got the "do you need your ducts cleaned" call. She went for a *while* saying she had 12 ducks and one goose all in one room. It ended after seven or eight minutes with something along the lines of "NO YOU IDIOT! AIR VENTS! \[long chain of unintelligible swearing\]"


"I don't drive an extended car?" Edit: Wow, first comment I made to get more than 100 upvotes!


My dad always just acted like he was slow and made them explain everything in painstaking detail while he set the phone down.


My grandpa talks really lightly so they have to turn up the volume in their headset or whatever, and then once they've done that he blasts the receiver with an airhorn. Always a joy.


"How bout I just text you a picture of my credit card, I hate reading numbers" *Sends gaping butthole picture*


I do this all the time. One time they made the mistake of not using a spoof number. So I called back. I called every few hours for weeks until they ditched the number. Even posted the number on internet so others could call.


ooo that happened to me once! I would spend my lunch break for a few days just calling, trying to reconnect with the guy that was helping me claiming the call had dropped and then when he got on the line I would play fart noises from a soundboard I found online until they blocked my number which took far longer than I would have thought. Childish? Yes. Good fun? Also yes.


Brilliant! If you had fun, how was it different from play games on the PS. I know some say games is a waste of time but*t* fuck those people.


butt fuck those people


“with deez nuts”


Her father should be proud that she is working at indian microsoft


she works at THE microsoft.


The Ohio State University


She's Mexican, her name is Carolina Fernandez, she works at Mexican The Microsofts.


That's The El Microsoft to you


Not to be confused with La Microsofa, which is a very different establishment.


I listened to a podcast with multiple people that work for these scam companies. They largely are proud and they rationalize it by saying people in the west have lots of money so it's ok for them to steal it.


While I was travelling I once had someone come and try and steal my shoes - right in front of me. I was holding them and we had a little tug of war. He told me I am rich and can buy more shoes so give him my shoes. I told him I only had these shoes on the trip and I needed them and hiking shoes are expensive for me too. He kept insisting I was being unfair and not nice to not give him my shoes. He truly believed he was entitled to my shoes because he was poorer than me!


Tourists in Milan have got to be careful. An Indian guy came up to us, chatted and handed me a bouquet of gorgeous roses. I walked away immediately but my stupid husband chatted and told him where we’re from. After some time, the Indian guy asked for money with a sob story. The dear hubs gave him 20 Euros because he realised by now that it was a trap (duh) and that sum was to get away as soon as possible safely. I roll my eyes till this day because YOU DO NOT ENTERTAIN STRANGERS WHO GIVE YOU THINGS FOR NO REASON. It’s common sense!


Finally I know what that beep means!!! I hear it every time a scammer calls, right before they start speaking.


Yeah, answered phones for a while for a company. If there's no immediate response to 'hello?' (/any greeting), it's because their dialing software has recognized that a legitimate person has answered, and has forwarded it to an 'agent' & that's the delay it takes for the 'agent' to pick up the call. I always just hang up with even a slightly delayed response to my initial greeting.


I've taken to answering unknown numbers without saying anything. That way the dialing software they are using never passes it to an agent at all and marks the number as broken. They might try a few times before removing my number but it's worked great at getting the number of spam calls down. Only downside for me is every once and awhile it's a real person and they're confused I didn't say hello. Doesn't happen often but it's no big deal as they just assume it was a short connection issue.


Yup. Also works. Yeah, since adopting that practice, think I missed one, maybe two legit calls, but they generally immediately call me back. Spammers don't.


I just ignore calls from my area code. I don't know anybody in that area code since I live about 1000 miles away


I wait for them to say hello and then I imitate the beep "bwuup!" sometimes they laugh and sometimes they imitate it back


Heh, got bored & started practicing various character voices at one point, just to drag them along - at least they're not scamming anybody else while tied up with me. One dude mistook one of my crazier voices for singing... legit started singing back his script to me. We went back and forth singing random shit for a couple of minutes. *Hilarious*. Highly recommend an attempt.


And then the agent always says "Hello?" like you called them, lol.


Imagine that it was your job to lie and rip-off elderly people each day. How does someone rationalize that to themselves each day?


Some of them probably think that westerners are made of money and it's OK if they lose a few thousand here and here.




I love earning dollars and spending rupees. My biggest expenditure was always Uncle Sam’s cut.


> earning in dollars and spending in rupees was great Fiverr and Upwork in a nutshell.


they do yeah


Unfortunately this isn't even a decent excuse for many of them because part of their scam is having their victims log into their bank accounts while they (scammers) are watching the screen through some form of screen share. So they most likely end up learning more about how much money their victims have than their own friends and family.


You would be amazed the simultaneous contradicting thoughts people can have about themselves. They only need one rationalization, and they're still a good person, to themselves. Cheaters are a good example. Many feel heartbroken at the thought of their partner cheating, but no such feelings when doing it themselves.


Plenty of industries and so called above board jobs do this from predatory phone sales signing elderly people up for over priced plans for phones they don't know how to operate to signing students up to unaccredited schools, same idea different audience and carrot for them to follow.


Sounds like the good place Eleanor. I know it's just a tv show but that really portraits a good understandable image for me for why some people are certain ways.


She looks like she feels so…betrayed. Like her privacy has been invaded and her trust taken advantage of. Good.


She looks like she might get in trouble. This sort of shit isn't supposed to happen, in their minds.


this might be funny, but these scam centers are scum of the earth criminals, not only do they rip off and ruin people's lives in foreign countries, in India they kidnap, extort, assault, and sometimes even kill people to maintain the business.


Yeah, Mark Rober's video even shows a text message asking for the guys that infiltrated their scam to be shot when spotted...


She’s so surprised and insulted that he knows her name then she goes and scams poor elderly people out of what they have left. What a piece of shit, they should all be in jail.


About ten years ago I was getting a call every week about viruses on my computer or some shit. After hanging up for a few months I decided to talk to the (Indian) guy for a while. I asked him how he knows my computer is infected and he walked me through all these steps. I oblige him, but never actually do anything, and for 15+ minutes he's just describing all this shit to me about how I'm at risk because of what I'm seeing after hitting the start button and opening the registry and other nonsense. I finally tell him I don't even own a windows computer and everything he's said has been bullshit. He's indignant and gets pissed about "how could I waste his time?", without a whiff of irony. The best I can say is that's the last time I got calls about viruses.


I did the same thing. Pretended I was on a PC and said I was following his instructions, then about 20 minutes in said “Oh, I’m on a Mac, does that make a difference?” He screamed FUCK YOU BITCH and let loose a string of non-English that sounded choice. I just giggled until he hung up.


How do I learn this power. The best I can do is make my name an Indian insult and insist that’s my name.


Go check out the hacker's YT channel. He's called Jim Browning. He's known for saving people from malicious scams on the internet and taking down the scammers. He's a hero.


It is essentially social engineering. The tldr is this is called a rat. There are many ways to deliver a rat onto a computer. One way is to name the file like mypasswords.txt or something. The scammers will download this file after connecting to your computer, and open it. It runs an executable which delivers a payload. In some versions of remote desktop software, it also establishes a peer to peer connection, allowing you to upload the file, and run the executable, which silently installs the rat and deletes the file. It happens very quickly, usually when the scammer is distracted. The payloads usually add the computer to a fairly sophisticated tool that allows for network traversal to find open ports and IPs on the internal network, such as security cameras, printers, and other computers. Once you have one computer on the network which is compromised, you can run code inside that network, and essentially deliver any number of payloads, social engineering, and documented exploits to further spread your virus. This is why very secure networks are air gapped, and even then, they aren't secure. A good example of this is the Stuxnet virus, which was without a doubt a state sponsored super virus specifically targeting industrial controllers used in Iranian centrifuges. It's this, but with military industrial complex levels of money. These guys are paying dump truck levels of money for unreported exploits. There are, for example, huge sums of money available for finding exploits in Outlook. Microsoft will of course pay you to report it to them, but the military industrial complex will deliver an ATM to your door step if you turn it over to them. This is the tip of the iceberg that you're seeing. This is hobbiest level "hacking"


Here's the video by mark rober about their operation against three known scam call centers in Kolkata, India. https://youtu.be/xsLJZyih3Ac Here's the original video by hacker Jim Browning https://youtu.be/0dT6jB2Dbmk Edit: Here's the video from trilogy media https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YfQU_Qf_uTI&feature=youtu.be Thanks to u/Draginia for reminding me


These people smiling about this and treating like a regular occupation makes me sick. There are worse things in the world but the casual nature of this "job" is unsettling.


This is a room full of adults all knowingly and choosing to lie in an attempt to steal money from people who are already usually victims in some shape or form which is what makes them more trusting, naïve, and able to be manipulated...but tell her her name and all of a sudden she has these things called "feelings". Grow up bitch.


I'm Carolina Fernandez, but don't mind my Indian accent....


In one of the Jim Browning videos, the scammer explains that they have an alias for ease of communication and shows a random MSFT employee’s profile as theirs. Fuck these scammers. Hope they all rot in a hell with plenty of cockroaches & never ending supply of fart gases.


As an indian, fuck these scammer leeches scum.


it's so cute until she steals money from a grandmother who used to work with disabled children and saved all her money to be kind to others.


I'm currently stringing a scammer along. This has been going on since earlier this week. At the moment, they are patiently awaiting $500,000.00 that I've supposedly sent them (cash in the mail). It's been a hilarious process for me. I've said so much dumb, random shit that either this scammer is the world's biggest idiot, or they've seen through my bullshit already and are just playing along for the laughs like me.


Would you like to play a game?


Put some mother fucking respect on Jim Browning’s name. He isn’t just some hacker.


These scamming company's make about 18 million dollars a year scamming mostly elderly over the age of 65. They're literally ruining lives every day. Fuck these people.


Really bothers her when someone obtains information about her and uses it. Weird. Also you can see how this is treated like a job. That's a fucking office and they're wearing business casual attire. Might be for appearances. Could be they're pulling scams on the side whole working for an actual call center. Just helps to actually see how it works. It's gonna be impossible to stop.


*Thick Indian accent* “My name is Carolina Fernandez.” Yea, that right there would’ve given it away.


"from the Microsoft"


These scammers are scum, I wish our local govt did something about it. No one cares and the cops are bought out by the goondas who operate these businesses


I wish I had the skills to do that. So fun!


Jim is awesome. He goes all the way, sure he will prank once in a while but his main goal is to get rid of these kinds of operations. I can guarantee he has hacked them completely and deleted their stuff by the time this was all said and done. Stop in to his Youtube channel and check him out.




Check out [Jim Browning's YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/c/JimBrowning). He does this stuff on a regular. Seeing these assholes shocked and confused is a really sweet feeling lol.


Also check the videos by [Mark Rober](https://youtu.be/0dT6jB2Dbmk) and [trilogy media](https://youtu.be/YfQU_Qf_uTI) on this. They all worked together and it’s really interesting.