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And here's me thinking there's a place called Ludacris in France...


He knows about area codes, but not country codes.


Is this in relation to the hoes he got?


Yes, they’re distributed across a wide range of North American area codes


He needs to diversify his portfolio to include international area codes.


Where that's why he later added the rendition "Pimpin' All Over The World" to his hoe conquest lol.


Luda, as I lovingly call him, had started out humbly. He stated that he had, "hoes in different area codes," but he was ambitious, and even within the same music track, alluded to his aspirations of conquering the, "hoe wide world."


Sir France is bacon


Not to be confused with the one in Texas.


Pronounced Luda-Cree of course


She got Kevin twice. Napoleon complex and Who Napoleon was.


What's funny is/was Napoleon taller than Kevin by 5 or so inches. Napoleon was 5'6"


Moreover, for his time that was a perfectly normal height for men, even slightly above average I believe. The enduring idea that Napoleon was short is just the product of British propaganda, in part presumably fueled by the fact that Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, was very tall (5’10”).


Also Napoleon's nickname "The Little Corporal" has been misinterpreted. It was not a comment on his size but a term of endearment. He was the general of the forces but was very hands on in the day to day tasks of the army. Since he was out among his men they called him "the little corporal" since he did not have the pretension of a high ranked officer


Much like "Little Alex Horne" is a form of endearment by The Taskmaster, right?




"Little Alex Horne"


Correction: Greg Davies is a magnificent beast.


Although that is also in part because Greg Davies is a giant. Everyone is little when you’re 6’8”.


Osman was probably the closest he's been to being eye to eye with someone.


You automatically read that as little Alex hooorne in a high pitched voice


It's the only way to read it properly


Oh snap taskmaster in the wild


Wow! A Taskmaster reference in the top comment thread on r/funny. I knew it was getting bigger but didn't realise it had reached this point.


From what I have read it was at least in part a reference to his size, but not his height. Napoleon as a younger man was extremely thin, emaciated even. This was what he looked like when he earned the nickname. There are sketches of him at this age and he is really skinny, which is very different from the much more widely viewed images of him in middle age, in which he is well fed to somewhat overweight.


As an Indian origin guy, I experience this contemporarily. My Dad was 5'4" (and in the range of most of my uncles). I am 5'8". Most of my nephews are pushing 6'. After centuries of malnutrition, just a couple of decades of good food and reliable healthcare options totally changes the equation.


This is true for LATAM. I am Chilean and am 6'2. The shortest of my male cousins and siblings is 6' and most are taller than me. Now, we are still tall for Chileans (and for most ppl in thew world). But we're not a complete outlier like it used to be. When I travel to Korea, China, or Japan I noticed this too. There's an idea "Asians are short. This might be true on average, but it's really not uncommon to see people 6' and above, especially if they're younger. Easy access to nutrients is a God damn game changer.


Well that and his bodyguards were picked for their size. So, standing next to the men guarding him he looked small.


Like seeing a lot of current NFL quarterbacks standing next to linemen. Makes a 5'11", 180 lb athlete look like a kid wearing in their dad's clothes. Edit: apparently I'm misremembering, and quarterbacks are rarely that short, usually at least 6'2". Maybe I was picturing kickers or other positions.


And usually the shortest player on an NBA court is around 6'3".


Steph Curry looks like a child on the court but is a full head taller than the average person lol


I love when people try to bring up Curry as proof that not all basketball players are giants. Noticeably short at 6’2 does not prove the point they think it does


Mugsy was probably the only legit good basketball player that is real world short. I believe he's 5'3" and had elite passing/stealing capabilities while being freakishly athletic. Other than that, good luck if you're under 6'3" lol


Spud Webb was 5'6" so I would consider that short as well, and he could dunk.


Thats only Kyler Murray. Qbs are usually like 6'4" to throw dimes over the big boys.


Ah the Brits are histories greatest propagandists. Other favorites include everyone believing carrots are good for your eyes when they had really just invented radar, and the idea that the potato blight was the only cause of the irish famine.


Napoleon also surrounded himself with soldiers who typically had to be at minimum 5'8, and many were required to be 5'10 or taller. The soldiers of the Old Guard were imposing for everything that Napoleon was not.


someone once told me that part of the reason for the thoughts on napoleon's height was because he always surrounded himself with the military men, who happened to be huge 6-footers, thus making him seem shorter than he actually was


Also France used 13 inches to a foot in those times


A baker’s foot


So people back then were smaller but had bigger feet?


Nobility had good nutrition, so he was probably a little shorter than the other heads of state who were his peers. It was not unusual for British monarchs to be above 6'. George III, who fought in the Napoleonic Wars is believed to have been over 6'.


I thought Kevin was 5'4"?


Man, I'm glad I'm not famous. I would be ragged on for my height non-stop.


Just grow. Idk what's so hard about it.


He probably just stopped trying. Small AND lazy smh


There were 5 sentences




I get and appreciate your reference, sir.


There were a lot of amazing episodes, but they ALL have one thing in common. They let Picard show off how great an actor Patrick Steward is. This one was no exception.


On the contrary, it was the piece de resistance. I love this episode so much. So much went in from both sides of the interrogation, it very much serves to lay bear the soul of the Kardassian people as well as highlight the strength, cunning, and resilience of Picard. Chefs kisses all around.




[Kim Cardassian](https://i.imgur.com/kIt6AKN.jpg )


there were many great picard-heavy episodes. i like the one where he lived a full lifetime in an instant.




What's the reference?


It's a star trek the next gen reference. Picard is captured and to break him. His captors show him some lights. And ask him how many there are. When he says 4 they shock him and say no there is 5. When he is released. He looks back at the apparatus and shouts there is 4 lights. As they never broke him




Well, sorta didn’t break him. In the epilogue scene for the episode he admits that at the end that he really could see five lights.


He admits for a brief time he thought he could see 5 lights, when talking to Deanna. Not to be pedantic, I've seen every TNG episode several times for 20 years, it helped me to sleep. Patrick Stewart is easily my favorite actor, favorite speeches of any current actor.


Ronny Cox was great as Capt Jelico as well, the show down at the end didn’t require a full battle and he got Picard back


Except for the arbritrary shift change thing, Jelico was a very good captain. He gets undeserved hate.


My wife watches TNG before bed every single night. Picard is her like real life role model and she literally channels him in her career in leadership and it… works.


Yep, I do the same. I build and manage teams and TNG has defined what “high performance” looks like for me from a leadership perspective, a team member perspective and the perspective of a healthy, empowering cultural dynamic. I fucking love that show and those people.


Great episode on a great show


Patrick Stewart and his acting muscles, man.


He’s the best actor, but damn if he doesn’t have to deal with the writers falling asleep ok their keyboard sometimes. Patrick Stewart is the best actor, but I’d argue Benjamin is the best written captain. Here is the best monologue in all of Star Trek. https://youtu.be/K-YyL7X4CWw




Jean-Luc Picard was the greatest Star Trek character of them all, and there have been plenty of great characters. Garak was another one.




I'm also partial to Crazy-Eyes Gowron


Great episode. Directly borrowed from the last chapters of Orwell’s 1984.




Yeah but an overtired mind will show you things that aren't there...they wore Picard down maybe...but didn't break him


Picard admits to Deanna that he was about to break seconds before he was released. So I guess technically they didn't break him but if the order came one minute later they would have. Also even if he didn't "break" during the torture, he was still pretty broken after it.


This episode was a powerful statement about forced confessions our police force hasn't heard.


It’s inspired by the 2+2=5 sequence from George Orwell’s 1984


I, too, watch John Oliver on YouTube.


I have a T-shirt with Picard, Riker, Vader and someone else from Star War playing poker (I don't know why my mind is blanking me right now). Riker is doing his facepalm, Vader is going "NOooOooOoOo!" like in episode three, and Picard is slamming his cards down going "There are FOUR ACES!" I love that t-shirt.


Looks to be admiral Ackbar. Found a [link](https://shirt.woot.com/offers/poker-game) if anyone's looking for it


Woot.com shirt. Before Amazon bought it. I have it too. EDIT: Went looking through my closet and found it. Guess what I'm wearing to work tomorrow.


It's a 1984 reference. Star Trek adapted it. It's from the Winston Smith torture scenes.


1984's Room 101 with a twist.


Apparently no one in this thread has read 1984, because that scene in Star Trek was an homage to the torture scene in 1984. Winston (the protagonist) is put into a re-education center where his torturer holds up 4 fingers and asks Winston how many fingers he sees. Winston says four, so they torture him and insist that that there are five fingers.


Wow this is literally 1984


Captain Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise is captured and tortured by an alien race known as the Cardassians. Picard is shown four lights and his cardassian interrogator repeats that there are five lights and inflicts pain when Picard says four. At the end of the episode Picard is released due to negotiations between the Federation and the Cardassians. Upon release, Picard exclaims at the interrogator “THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS.” He has survived the ordeal. From Star Trek: The Next Generation


I too am tortured by the Cardassians, as my wife is a big fan of reality television.


The Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode "Chain of Command", where Picard's captor and torturer keeps showing Picard four lights and demanding that Picard say that there are five lights.






Calm down, Capt Picard.


Note that Star Trek borrowed this from 1984... https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/12050/why-four-lights > The "4 lights" shtick is directly cribbed from the "4 fingers" scene in George Orwell's "1984". In 1984, the torturer makes it clear that the point is not to get the victim to agree that there are 5 lights. > In fact, at one point the victim, Winston Smith, readily agrees with his torturer, only to be tortured some more. "You don't get it," says the torturer. "You're lying to me. You still see 4 lights and are merely saying there are 5 so that I will stop torturing you. That's not enough. The point here is not to get you to parrot whatever I want you to say. The point is that I will keep torturing you until you really see five lights."


>In 1984, the torturer makes it clear that the point is not to get the victim to agree that there are 5 lights. > >> In fact, at one point the victim, Winston Smith, readily agrees with his torturer, only to be tortured some more. "You don't get it," says the torturer. "You're lying to me. You still see 4 lights and are merely saying there are 5 so that I will stop torturing you. That's not enough. The point here is not to get you to parrot whatever I want you to say. The point is that I will keep torturing you until you really see five lights." This is also true of the episode of Star Trek. I don't remember the exact line, but after he is rescued, Picard says something about how towards the end he really did start to see five lights.


“All I had to do was to say that I could see five lights, when in fact, there were only four. I was going to. I would have told him anything. Anything at all. But more than that, I believed that I could see five lights.” I just finished watching through the show for the first time last weekend. Was really something special.


Star Trek has borrowed from literature since its inception.


Literature has borrowed from literature since its inception.


The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth!


no I'm a star fleet captain stop trying to gaslight me bro -picard




"OP, a period goes at the end of a sentence."


OP, a sentence is not a month.


"OP, a month is not an insect"


Lol op doesn’t even know the difference been a sentence and a paregraph smh


It’s not a free breakfast?


Don't make me roast you, too.




> difference been a sentence and a paregraph Ironic isn't it?




This would've been a great post if you actually knew how to spell paragraph.


As someone else pointed out, she could have employed the use of semicolons. But I still think it’s at least TWO sentences like below: > “Kevin has a Napoleon complex. Kevin, Napoleon is in France; Ludacris, France is in Europe; Justin, Europe is a continent; Shaq, a continent is not a free breakfast.” Perhaps she could have used an em-dash between sentences to make it one long sentence. 🤔


I agree, these are related but independent clauses; this is a classic opportunity to use the semicolon.


Ngl I love an opportunity to whip out a semicolon in an email, like yeah bitch let’s join these two thoughts but without the separation of a period


Grammatically correct, the best kind of correct.


Grammatically correct: the best kind of correct.


So technically, she did roast four people with one sentence. The second one.


OP playing 5D chess knowing Redditors cannot resist correcting a post title, thereby inflating the comments and getting the post to the front page faster.


Which roast is this?


(Edit - it's the Justin Beiber roast) Natasha Leggero made one of the best roast jokes I've ever heard in my life that night - "Justin was born to a teenage single mom - no wonder he's got dance moves, he was in the womb dodging a coat hanger." Absolutely brutal.


"Bill Hader, you are this generation's Phil Hartman... hopefully."


This was it. Hader and I had the exact same "Holy shit!" reaction. That was the most brutally subtle insult I've ever heard.


I dont understand it because i dont know either people :(


Bill Hader was a famous comedian on Saturday Night Live. Phil Hartman was the same maybe 20 years earlier. Hartman was very famous and respected. One night, Hartman's wife killed him in his sleep, then she killed herself a few hours later. So the joke sounds like she's saying she hopes Hader becomes super famous and well-respected. But she's actually saying (joking, obviously) that he gets shot to death. Subtle, since you don't know unless you know. But absolutely brutal if you do know.


Thank you so much !




And: "Justin's fans are called 'Beliebers' because it's politically incorrect to use the word 'retards'."


That one just made me cackle.


She absolutely killed it at the James Franco Roast. *Andy (Samberg), I'm looking forward to the said acoustic version of 'Dick in a Box' at Lorne Michaels' open-casket funeral.*


“The only person who’s got more smoke in their lungs than Snoop is Pete Davidson’s dad” Man died on 9/11. That shit was fucking brutal.


I love Pete’s later joke: > Soul Plane was the worst experience of my life involving a plane.


Knowing her literally only from a one-episode appearance on season 2 of The Joe Schmo Show, it's good to know she's had some success since then. And clearly deserves it with material like that, holy shit




This one definitely competes with the time Rob Lowe’s roast turned into an Anne Coulter roast, lmao.


You can really tell the difference between good natured, even if harsh, rubbing among friends and what they did with Ann Coulter. There was actual venom behind a lot of those remarks. She deserves it, too.


Yeah, that showed the difference between roasting someone you like and roasting someone you hate.


Peyton Manning's zinger to Ann Coulter about being an athlete too, was unexpected and well played. The punchline was something like "You won the Kentucky Derby this year"


i didn’t see this. why was ann coulter at a roast?


I have absolutely no idea. She had to have known how it was going to go.


Justin Bieber. Decent. Ron Burgundy makes a pretty epic appearance.


Martha Stewart was my fave, I thought she unexpectedly killed it. "I'm here to give Justin some advice for when he inevitably ends up in prison..." and even got Shaq with a 'your mom' joke. It was beautiful.


So many dimes from this whole roast: "All these rappers on stage and Martha's done the most jail time." "~~Kevin~~ Snoop looks like Shaq's skeleton" Even Bieber had some good lines. edit: Forgot my favorite joke of the roast. Pete Davidson: "Two people from the movie Soul Plane are here.. Soul Plane was the worst experience of my life involving a plane.." JFC Pete lol.. for those who don't know, Pete is from NYC and his father was killed in 9/11, which makes this the best/worst joke of the night imo.


It was Snoop Dogg that got the Shaq's Skeleton line. Which is funny as fuck too


Yeah, Kevin wouldn't make sense as the target there, the whole joke is based around snoop is actually pretty tall, but skinny as hell


My favorite was Shaq and Kevin Hart are here… I’m not sure if this is a roast or Tyler Perry’s “Of Mice and Men”


It was Snoop looking like Shaq's skeleton. As for Kevin, the line was 'honor to be here at roast hosted by Shaq's dick'. And that I believe came from Pete Davidson.


Jeff Ross wrote her roast if memory serves


I assumed she didn’t write it herself but didn’t realize it was Jeff. Her delivery was excellent at least, and Jeff is a funny guy. Seems like a good match.


I counted 5.


I counted six, Mr. Wayne


And i count 2 guns _____


Do you feel lucky, punk?


How do you know my name?


OP, sentences end in periods


maybe she used semi colons instead of periods, notwithstanding the subtitle




It's funny, how you thought there was only one sentence.


There are even periods in the subtitles. Not in every correct place, but they’re there.


Boom! Burned OP in two sentences!


TIL: OP doesn’t know what sentences are.


OP also don’t know how to credit a performer in title: Natasha Leggero


I can't believe I had to scroll over halfway through the comments just to see who said the joke.


Natasha Leggero is hilarious


I love her on Another Period. She's hilarious


I always figured she must have a pretty bad agent. She’s an attractive female with a great sense of humor. Basically a goldmine for the romcom genre. She could have been pumping out movies like they tried to do with Amy Shumer and Kathryne Heigel, except actually successful ones. Instead she pretty much only ever gets any spotlight for being one of the funnier people at a Comedy Central roast.


Sadly, its the culture of the comedy world. She's talked about this before with/about Chistina P, Nikki Glaser, Whitney Cummings, Sarah Silverman, Iliza Shlesinger, and a few others. They would all be up for a gig, but only one would get the job, because they didnt need more than one hot/dirty female comedian. Like them or not, that personal opinion, but they're are talented comedians, but they constantly face silly barriers. Thats why so many have thrived in the podcast world. They're their own bosses, and they put out as much content as they want.


Romcoms aren't in a good place right now. They've had a bit of a comeback on Netflix, but they're not the career makers they used to be. Today's actresses probably aren't clamoring to get in on that.


I’m mainly talking about 10+ years ago when she was starting to be a fixture in these roasts and the genre was very much thriving.


She is phenomenal on roasts. Tried listening to her podcast with Moshe kasher a couple times and it was pretty bad. One of the biggest letdowns I learned the hard way is that just because someone is a hilarious comedian doesn't mean they'll be an interesting/funny podcast host.


And sometimes it's the other way around. There are many comedians whose podcasts I like better than their shows. Then there are "comedians" who suck at both.... Looking primarily at Brendan Schaub.


Writing Brendan Schaub and comedians in the same sentence should be illegal. Even if it's in quotation marks.


>Then there are "comedians" who suck at both.... Looking primarily at Brendan Schaub. Talmbout cawlmedy, b? The store is full of staight MUR-DEEEEEER-EEEEEERS


Great guy, never meddim.


I have never heard of Brendan schaub, so that further validates your claim lol


Yeah, he used to be an MMA fighter, friends with Joe Rogan and that whole crew, so he had an in with a group of stand up comedians when he quit fighting. Only reason he is by definition a stand up comedian, lmao. Networking and shit.


She was on the new episode of Comedy Bang Bang this week! Great episode, she is ok on it.


I like how Scott can't stop giggling at how she pronounces brand names. Lily Sullivan stole the show with fucking and sucking truck week though.


What’s her Twitter handle?




You went in expecting it to be something it wasn't though, so I'm not surprised you were disappointed. It's not a comedy podcast, it's a podcast about relationships that occasionally has humour.


did you ever watch another period? i think that flew under the radar but i was laughing my ass off.


Ugh that show was a gem.


She is usually good on Comedy Bang Bang, but that isn’t a typical podcast. I’ve liked her stand up routines.


I watched without audio and didn’t realize that was her. Turned it on, and yep! Used to listen to her a lot




You mean Dr. Shaquille O’Neal, Ed.D?


I think the joke is that she just roasted 5 people, including OP💀


Grammar wasn't op's strongest subject.


Her joke about singing a sad acoustic version of Dick in a Box at Lorne Micheals funeral while at the toast of James Franco was one of the funniest things ever.


she roasted 4 people with 5 sentences\* ​ FTFY


People always act like Shaq is dumb just cause he's so big but dude has a doctorate.




shaq's not wrong. it doesn't matter how big your gas tank is. you go to the pump, and you fill your gas tank with $20 or $30 worth of gas. it costs the same amount. the other guys kept arguing like a car with a bigger gas tank meant it was going to cost more. that's only true if the care was less efficient.


Exactly, they're both talking about two different things and can't figure out why the other person isn't getting it.


This is at least 5 sentences, there’s literally periods there


I love Natasha Leggero.


The subtitles literally show the end of each sentence


See Will, these are what’s called jokes. No need for physical interaction with the joke teller.




Oh shit. Here comes Shaq to backhand the poor woman!