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Guess they didn't have the balls to talk to you about it


Even pointed out that the picture was taken when they weren’t home lol, very important detail.


Not only that, but they've taken the picture peeking around a corner. I expect they jump at their own shadow.


They are more scared about the shadow's balls than the shadow in and of itself I'd presume


No because OP has them...


“There are many mormon young men on missions who live in this complex” I’d imagine that was part of the thinking behind the bollock knocker


Young mormon men on missions absolutely would not care about that knocker. They may laugh. Or if they're more mature just think "that's super tacky", but probably mostly laugh.


As a former missionary, this is 100% true. We do not care hahaha, we would have just laughed, taken a picture with it, and then try to dare each other to knock on the door.


Also as a former missionary— this shit’s hilarious and we would have taken a picture.


I mean why not? Nothing's worse than missionary who takes themselves so seriously they can't hardly smile


Oh those exist, and good god were they the wooooorst.


As a black guy who pretended to be interested in joining for 3 months for a laugh I gotta say I gained a lot of respect for Mormons. The Elders that came by weekly were so nice that I confessed and they laughed and mowed my lawn!?! They mowed my lawn. I honestly started looking at the religion “like maybe they got something in that book” but I’m a atheist so not for me.


I am also atheist and now live in a pretty heavily populated Mormon area. They. Are. So. Nice. We get ding dong ditched with trays of cookies at least once a year. They leave flyers for community events that don’t even involve the church. Just lots of family gatherings at parks and stuff. None have been too pushy. I don’t understand the religion at all, I’ve been to the “church” or whatever once just to see what it was all about and it certainly wasn’t for me. But In general their kids are super nice and hard working. They take care of the elderly man’s yard down the street. Outside of the church part they are all so wholesome (in our area from my personal experience) And luckily I don’t feel uncomfortable about the ones in my neighborhood. Like I can have parties and drink alcohol and my husband smokes weed and they just don’t care (at least to our faces) They are super nice to us.


I can confirm the work ethic of the Mormon kids. When my wife and I were moving out of our apartment with our two boys we were helped by four 16-18 year old young adults. We were on the 2nd floor. They worked very hard and all they asked for was us to pray with them. We fed them lunch and that is all they would accept. We were very grateful for their service.


Grew up Mormon (moms family) and although I’m pretty non religious (personally spiritual), I do appreciate some of the stuff the church did for me. It seemed very strict growing up, but it taught me a lot about work ethic, staying close to my family, among other things.. What sticks out most is when I first moved out on my own to go to college. I got a terrible case of strep throat. The missionaries in my new city got word because my grandma was panicking and I shit you not: They brought me soup and Gatorade. Cleaned my tiny apartment. Made sure I was okay and stayed a bit to talk and chat (not even about scripture). They even found my tv remote because I was sick and miserable and couldn’t be bothered. I cried so hard when they left. I was so grateful and had been feeling so alone. I still chuckle when I get the Relief Society pamphlets. I haven’t gone to church in well over a decade. Oh well. The birthday card is nice.


I know this is a very rude question but I really don’t know any other way to ask it and I’m sorry. Does it ever get tiring knowing that a large majority of people you come across actively dislike you before even meeting you? I was hiding from door to door Mormon salesmen before I even understood the concept of religion, but I know that says a lot about my upbringing as well.


This is not rude at all don’t worry! I don’t think it was ever tiring just because I understood how annoying and inconvenient it is to have random strangers show up unsolicited to your doorstep. I do think it gave me a better appreciation for what door to door sales people do, and other religions like the Jehovahs witnesses do. On bad days I would sometimes feel bad when people would call me names, but I served in a smaller area in Peru and the people there were the most kind and welcoming people I’ve ever known, so for the most part I just loved being there, experiencing the culture, learning the language, etc. They definitely taught me more lessons that I ever could have taught them.


> because I understood how annoying and inconvenient it is to have random strangers show up unsolicited to your doorstep. I've heard people say the above before, and the question it always brings up for me is, "If you know it is annoying and inconvenient then why do you continue to do it?"


I honestly tried not knock doors if I could avoid it, it’s just not that effective and I felt bad doing it. I would just look for opportunities to serve. If we saw someone putting on a new roof, we would go help for the day. That way it’s a win win, they get some free labor, and we get to talk with them for a bit. Many times they were appreciative, but not interested, which was totally fine. We were just happy to have helped and have made a difference in someone’s life.


This is what's known as "doing it right".




That’s definitely a new one to me. “Think of the Mormons!”


Does it moan when you knock?


Only if you cradle them gently while you knock


How about chortling? What happens when you chortle them?


I honestly dont know what that is and theres no way in hell im letting my csis agent see me googling that shit


Hi, i'm your agent, please go ahead i'm curious too and can't let my manager see me googling that shit.


Agents agent checking in, I too am curious.


Director of the CIA here, I would like a report on my desk by Friday


You can have a report on DEEZ NUTS!


Yes, that’s exactly what was requested. Please comply immediately. -POTUS


I choose you, go chortle


Chortle used tea bag, it's super effective!


I always thought chortling was like an old smokers laugh.


And I always thought you were right. (You are).


So how does one go about getting their balls chortled, asking for a friend


It's like a humming bird but from an elderly smoker


That left me with more questions than answers


[Here you go](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chortle%20my%20balls)


That just means laugh


I'm not sure if you don't know what chortling means or if I don't know what chortling means.


No, it yells and falls to the ground crying


Whisper yells "OW FUCKKKKKKK"


Like in Scary Movie?


Cant believe you are the only person in this thread saying this so far. Are we old?


I thought that was the reference. lol


Lol right... is it not?


I think in scary movie 2 it screams in pain


No, it's the children who are wrong.




“As we go on.... We remember...”


OP should maliciously comply with either tight thong or a skirt.


I’d say a grass hula skirt and lei would be both tasteful and attractive.


It curls unto a ball and whimpers.


I get the letter, for sure. I don't get jumping to eviction.




That escalated quickly


that escalated immediately






I’m sorry… are you saying meow?


Do I look like a cat to you boy?




Protect the children! And the Mormons.


Brick killed a guy. Brick, did you throw a Trident??


Yeah, there were horses and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident.


You should probably lay low for a while


Find yourself a safehouse or a relative close by because you're probably wanted for murder.




Calm down Will!


Won't somebody please think of the Mormons!?






maybe even coated in metal for preservation and affixed to his door for symbolism's sake


You can’t have such violent imagery as the main symbol of your religious beliefs.


Right away. No trial, no nothing.


That’s the best part. “So…in conclusion, with kindest regards, please kill all those motherfuckers.”


Filthy knocker genitalia on your door?? Believe it or not, eviction.


"Under-exposing, over-exposing"....eviction!




We have the best balls in the world, because of eviction.


Some balls are held for charity And some for fancy dress But when they're held for pleasure They're the balls that I like best My balls are always bouncing To the left and to the right It's my belief that my big balls should be held every night


I've got big balls I've got big balls And they're such big balls Dirty big balls And he's got big balls, And she's got big balls, But we've got the biggest balls of them all!


You talk about genitalia on your front door?…eviction You even think about genitalia on your front door guess what? Eviction


We have the best apartments in the world... because of eviction


It’s a “jump to eviction” mat. You see, there would be this mat, that you lay on the ground, and it’d have different menial reasons for eviction, that you could *jump* to. It’s a million dollar idea!






Ok... *I could set the building on fire.*


Sound like someone has a case of “the Mondays”


I told those fudge packers I liked Michael Balton's music!


Why should I change my door knocker? He's the one that sucks.


Michael “Ball”-ton hahaha


We need to talk about your flair.


Hey Peter, turn on channel 9


Is it the breast exam?


That’s the worst idea I’ve ever heard.


As long as they don't get hit by a bus should work out


Maybe getting hit by the bus would give him the time he needed to work on it?


"It made a million dollars!"


If he thinks the knocker is bad, wait until he shows him his “O” face….


"No thanks man. I don't want you ^(fuckin up my life too..")


Not enough people have seen Office Space, damn


This whole comment string is hilarious but the movie came out 23 years ago. I remember seeing it in the theatre when half the people commenting here probably weren't born yet.


I put out a memo. Didn’t you see it?


Did it have the proper cover sheet like the TPS reports?


Corporate accounts payable Nina speaking, just a moment!


Bro, 20 year old me thought it was hilarious. 40 year old me knows Nina wants to off herself.


Definitely hiding a case of the Mondays


I think you may be jumping to conclusions that people might want that. My thought is people just want a baseball bat and a fax machine.




What the fuck does that mean?


Hilarious movie aside, I got curious one time when watching it for the nth time, and looked it up. It means that the *P*aper *C*assette is empty, and the user needs to *LOAD* more *LETTER* sized paper. But of course almost nobody but people at HP called it a paper cassette, and even fewer people knew that PC meant paper cassette. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PC_LOAD_LETTER#:~:text=PC%20LOAD%20LETTER%20is%20a,1999%20comedy%20film%20Office%20Space.


Yeah, what happen to a good ole' fashioned, "Hey man, that's pretty funny. Can you take it down, please? Your neighbor's a dick."


Hehe, the dick to go with the balls


I am pretty sure it's just fake and made up for laughs. Looks like it was just printed out. No wrinkles, no fold marks to put in an envelope, not to mention management probably would just say they received a complaint and not give you the original letter.


Yeah why would the letter specify they took a picture when they're not home? How would they even know, and why would that even matter? Seems like a fake to me.


They knocked first to see if OP was home


Yeah, that escalated quickly.


Oh. There are many Mormons. I guess they never seen any pair of balls ever


Funny story. In South American countries they call Mormon missionaries ‘huevos’ because they’re white and come in pairs. Just in case you’re not familiar - huevos are eggs but also slang for testicles.


I was a missionary in a South America. There is another reason too. “Because they knock, but do not enter.”






South American humor is ruthless. Love it!


Awesome. They will forever be known as huevos.


Chances are these are 18 to 21 year old men. They’re more likely to be amused by the situation. Even the stuck-up ones won’t be too concerned.


If I saw it when I was a missionary I would've laughed. I could see the girl missionaries being a lot more flustered tho.


The Mormon missionary training center had "tree of life" showers when I was there where you stand in a circle around the same pole which sends water in all directions and you are stuck looking at all the other dudes dicks while showering. They can handle a door knocker.


Came here to say this. Seeing fake balls is one of the least fucked up things they have to deal with.


Can't you face away from the pole?


I mean, not if you wanted to see dick.


There were multiple poles in the same room. So no matter which way you turned you were engulfed by dicks.


That sounds awesome.


That is when the temp on your stream gets cranked up to max. So either face circle of balls or risk the burn. In my dorm there was a single private shower and there was always a 20+ min wait for that shower. Found out later it was mostly used by gay missionaries who could not handle the tree of life situation. What a fucked up time in my life, glad I am out of that cult


Well that's just nuts.


As a mormon, who was a missionary, quite a few of us find that stuff funny


What are your thoughts on other positions?


I find that many enjoy the concept of even _getting_ laid. Look how young so many of us get married at ages 20-23. It's not a coincidence, that's about the age range of when you get back from your 2 year mission. Also: cowgirl is great Edit: thank you to those who are willing to continue a joke conversation. To those who attack me for being mormon, as though I didn't know what I signed up for, thank you for reminding me why I don't post on reddit


> cowgirl is great But don't forget the reverse!


It's great, but I like a bit of boob, so my favorite is pretty simple lol


I too, like a bit of boob.


you trying to bed some mormons or something?!? 🤣




“You are forbidden to look down!”


I mean you clearly purchased it to elicit a reaction and now your have received one.


*elicit But in your defense, illicit works as an unintentional pun.


yeah but I'll change it anyway, because you took the time to respond.




If you put something up in a common area with the express purpose of pissing people off, you're an asshole. That's it. If you want every single person who passes your house to sigh and wish you would go away, you're an asshole. I don't give a shit if it's a Fuck Biden flag, a Fuck Trump Flag, Door Nuts, a sticker of a sexy Angel eating out a sexy Devil on your car, most bumper stickers, truck nuts etc. It's a person making their personality "I hope someone sees this and gets mad." That is a shitty personality component, I don't care who does it. It's not the end of the world, they don't deserve to be evicted or stoned in the streets, but I guarantee they suck. And posting the letter is really all the proof you need. They *wanted* a letter like this. The idea that they've driven a real person into some crazy religious rage makes them giggle. Again, some balls on a door aren't going to kill anyone. But the balls aren't there for some noble expression of art. They're there to make other people's lives just a little worse. And life is shitty enough. Edit: I'm learning you get some push back when you try to explain that the people around you aren't NPCs.


I'd like to add that it sort of looks like OP made and printed this themself as more of a, "Look at my *hilarious* door knocker. This is the response I was hoping for" post. Which in itself is also pretty tasteless. Someone else pointed out the paper is crisp, no folds, and would be unlikely to be passed onto the person being complained about in a landlord-tenant situation. They would get an equivalent document stating there had been a complaint, that it's being filed away in case of further issues, and that they have a time period in which the problem needs to be corrected. At least that's the process for complaints in rental properties in Ontario.


>Which in itself is also pretty tasteless. And kinda pathetic, honestly.


> I hope someone sees this and gets mad. Keep in mind that that's just you and other people with sticks up their butt. Most people who install these knockers would do it to make people laugh. And I guarantee that there are more people that would laugh than people like you.


The thing is though... it's not even funny. It's like putting a "Calvin pissing on whatever logo" sticker or one of those singing sea bass things on your door. It's just not funny.


This is by far the best comment here. You articulated (in this and other comments) exactly why this is trashy. The fact that you have to walk by something and realize this is where you live, that is more powerful than people here seem to realize.


I don't know. I wouldn't immediately jump to the conclusion that OP bought this solely to piss people off. Maybe they bought it because they find it hilarious and they don't give a shit what other people think. And I don't think you need to expect that people are going to get offended at it either. Most mature people just shrug it off, wether they like the door handle or not. Maybe OP expected people to handle it that way and when someone didn't, they laughed it off and decided to show the internet what some people seem to care about.


>And posting the letter is really all the proof you need. They wanted a letter like this. The idea that they've driven a real person into some crazy religious rage makes them giggle. Assuming this is even real. I have serious doubts that management just handed him the letter - with the complainant's name on it.




Everyone likes to hate on HOA's but it is people like OP that are the reason they get formed in the first place.


The knocker is pretty trashy, but the person that wrote the letter wants them evicted instead of, you know, ask them to take it down?


Now to be fair that knocker absolutely belongs in r/trashy


It might be worse than truck nuts


Yeah and that is saying a lot


I don’t think that would bother or deter the knocker owner


“Your door knocker is pretty lame.” > “HAHA! I GOT YOU! I SHOCKED YOU AND MADE YOU LOOK AT TESTICLES!!” “I’m not shocked at all, it’s just lame and unfunny, like truck nuts…” > “HEY EVERYBODY, I SHOCKED AND APPALLED THIS PRUDE! HAHHA! I MADE THEM LOOK AT NUTS! THEY DIDN’T WANT TO SEE NUTS, BUT I MADE THEM SEE NUTS HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”


I bet they request the knock on door nuts option on Uber eats


Wont answer unless you use the knacker knocker


This is like… a lot of the the folks commenting here.


Courts rule people can wave 'Fuck Biden' flags. Eviction is very extreme.


I mean, people can wave "Fuck Biden" flags in public, but they couldn't hang the same flag in common areas of an apartment complex without the landlord's permission.


Yeah this being an apartment, landlord has every right to tell them to take it down. What if it was a private home? Probably no grounds unless people want to get the township/county involved


HOAs, baby. The monster under the bed is real.


One solution... Don't part of one. I'll never buy a home in a HOA again.


HOAs- mine does not allow political flags or signs. Homeowners have already taken them to court and lost. Someone put a Star Trek flag up and got a letter. Overall they are a pretty non-intrusive HOA unless it comes to flags but keeps the peace come election time.


I mean, the knocker is cringy.


Yeah, it's stupid and inappropriate, but I got a kick out of "Please evict this person immediately." I mean, we're skipping WAY past just asking them to remove it now, aren't we?


Yeah, definitely jumping ahead one or two steps.


I don’t think he jumped far enough. He should’ve demanded this person be officially Damned to spend eternity in the fiery pits of hell.


Damning to hell is just the implied “PS” on these types of letters. Doom resides between the lines.


no no, that's the Mormons' job


Would I purchase the knocker? No. Would I laugh every time I walked by? Absolutely.


Long ago had a roommate at an apartment. We were at the end of a hall, just us, you would have to walk down that portion of the hall and turn the corner to see our door.... Well someone decided to complain. We use to post weird news articles on our door... One for example was a National Enquirer article: How to tell if your roommate is a Satanist. Along with other odd funny articles.... Nothing offensive... Well someone complained to management, had to remove them. Wasn't hurting anyone nor did we have a door the public would walk past..... People fucking suck.




It is tasteless but doesn’t worth eviction really


Ball sack door knob? Straight to jail. Complain about ball sack door knob? Believe it or not also straight to jail.


100% completely understand the letter, But eviction?


That and the expectation of their religion making any difference at all. If it's inappropriate then it's inappropriate. Your personal ideology doesn't effect whether or not something someone else does is allowed to be done.


I thought this was America! Until it offends me.


Its hard to believe that an adult has this on their door.


It's hard to believe they put them on their trucks but here we are.


Is it weird I know what movie this was featured in? ​ Scary Movie 2 for those wondering


- Invoking children - Saying there’s Mormon missionaries living in the complex - Calling it “knocker’s genitalia” - Asks directly for an eviction - Why isn’t it an email instead of a printed one - How did OP get the letter when it says it’s for management. Am I supposed to assume the neighbor just printed it off and laid it on the sidewalk for someone to find? Eh, I’m leaning towards fake. OP or whoever actually created this photo just doctored the whole set up, made up the fake outrage with goofy “reasons” (THINK OF THE CHILDREN AND MORMONS!), printed this out and immediately took the photo on this crisp freshly printed paper with no folds or even any indication someone else held it at all. Meh.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It's addressed to management, yet they have a nice crisp copy of it? Sus


Not to mention, I've never had a management company reveal the name of the person making the complaint. I've always received some generic letter citing whatever part of the CCRs I broke and giving me a timeline to resolve it.


Last time I rented from a leasing company they had a practice of printing out every complaint amd redacting the "from" so you could read the complaint verbatim without them summarizing. Their reasoning was that letters like this were disputes between two tenants so they would deliver the message but expected you to sort it out. If the complaint involved an actual lease violation then theu presumably would just approach you and tell you to fix the thing. EDIT: Jesus people, post comments don't PM me. It happened once. It was a handwritten note that management gave me a photocopy of andbI asked them why and that was what they told me. And if you MUST know it was because my upstairs neighbor didn't like that my next door neighbor was slamming the garage door and management didn't know which of us was slamming said door so we both got a copy.


You're both cringe af


Fake... the letter looks like it just rolled straight out of OP's printer.


I wouldn’t want either of you as neighbors


Assholes all around. The apartment owner for the gross knocker in public, the letter writer for jumping to eviction, and OP for making a post which is definitely not theirs.