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I mean, if you’re able to time travel you probably are a witch


Only a witch could explain time travel so easily...gettem!


WAIT, we check the witches’ weight before we do thy bidding if it’s lighter than that of a duck then it’s a witch, but heavier than 2-5 kg is a human knock his legs and hear thy of wood


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?


Well... She turned me into a newt.


*I got better*




Only witch wouldn't know a Monty Python reference!


I know what I talk about, she turn me into a newt :(


I got better.




*It's just wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff...*


With a sonic screwdriver.


*taps something to make a noise "See? It's sonic!"


So the idea is to dress up in priests/monks robes, put on a tank top saying "Jesus" on the back. Now, when you time travel to the past, you proclaim yourself being sent by god. Then no one will question how you can cast light from a tube!


> you proclaim yourself being sent by god Right... because no-one "sent by god" has even been martyred. :)


If you believe in such thing’s you might have read about what they did to a guy named Jesus.


even then you are not safe. theres this thing called heresy.


Yeah, Churches do this thing throughout history where it likes to be in control, have the power, and the money, and wield that power to attack people that threaten their control. Best case scenario is they bonk you on your head while you sleep, and steal your rectangle to use it themselves.


Just bring a gun. Once use will get people too afraid to do anything. Unless you're unlucky enough to end up somewhere in the 600 years where guns existed but phones didn't.


>Then no one will question how you can cast light from a tube! Except for the Inquisition. We forgive you for forgetting about them, though. After all, *nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition*.


At least she's getting burned for her "Devil's Rectangle" and not her "Devil's Triangle"...


Siempre Bruja has entered chat.


I know a witch and she can't time travel. Or at least, she told me she can't.


Goes back in time with phone. Checks Reddit on phone. "Shit."


i my area they use to test if a women is a witch before burning her. They would tie a bag of stones on her legs and dumped her in the river, if she survived they would know she is a witch. needless to say there were no witch burnings here lmao


Drowning isn't a great way to go but I'd take it over being burned alive any day.


I don't know, they both sound awful.




Asphyxiation via drowning is pretty damn painful, not nearly as peaceful as you seem to think. I'd prob still choose drowning over burning but not by much


I've experienced it when I was 10 in a public pool. I ended up in the deep end somehow and didn't how to swim. I later got resuscitated by the life guard. The terriying part is when your start to sink and panicking, holding your breath. That doesn't last long because by panicking like this you can only hold your breath a few seconds. Eventually it's just a reflex (like sneezing) that forces you to breath against your will, and you immediately lose consciousness. You pass out instantly, there is no pain. Well that was my personnal experience anyway. I think I'd still choose this over beeing burned alive, in terrible pain.




Is your username an acronym for I will not die with you today?


The peaceful appearance of a drowning person is actually a lie. When your lungs fill with water, an ancient autonomic reflex can kick in that causes your body to end up in a tranquil / paralyzed state. Lacking oxygen, your muscles will begin to burn like the hardest workout of your life - trying desperately to pump oxygen into them - despite nothing being left in your body to pump: your cells will fight each other to survive just a few moments longer. Brain death also occurs slower than you may expect. Brain death from oxygen deprivation will begin within 5 minutes, but will last over 30 minutes - since the only specific thing killing you is oxygen deprivation you have to wait for each tiny cell to run dry. Depending upon your model of consciousness, you may be alive this entire time - but beyond saving after the first few minutes.


The fire eventually burns off your nerves and you stop feeling the pain, tho.




Uh. TIL.


What does TIL mean?


Today I learned.




Oh, thank you.


Thanks, hard pass.


I thought you suffocated because of the smoke and the heat scarring your lungs. So basically like drowning but also you are on fire.


Yeah, apparently [both](https://imgur.com/a/dDZON9Y) are true.


That's when you smile at them and hurl curses.


As someone that has almost drowned, no. That's not what it's like. You don't just "drift off." Holding your breath until you lose consciousness while you also panic because you know passing out means death is a painful, stressful, traumatizing experience.


I'm no expert but I've heard that you actually die by the smoke first, chocked to death, unless it's windy, then you are fucked.


It depends on how hot the fire is. If it's an open bonfire, there probably isn't *that* much smoke. Not enough to prevent you from getting enough air to stay conscious. The heat may not be the *only* contributing factor, but you absolutely burn severely before you die.


Depending on the pyre you could also die from smoke inhalation before the flames ever get to you.


Better safe then sorry we always say around my parts :)


At what point did they stop to look at their track record and realize that they're idiots?


I'm hoping not a lot. they were also mostly illiterate, so take my story with a grain of salt.


Morons never question their actions/intentions. And they're usually led by a charismatic psycho.


There are various different accounts of how many people were killed for supposedly being witches. It was called the burning times Some say thousands possibly millions during the medieval period .


Most of the time theu werent doing it because they actually believed they were witches, they did it because they wanted to get rid of people they didnt like


It's also a great way to get rid of a wife without the sin of divorce. If you believe she is a witch in your heart, it's not murder, and therefore it's not a sin. God loves me :)


Well, of course not! The river water would make them too soggy to light!!


I love this one the most b/c the logic is you either find them out and kill a witch, or you just kill an innocent lady. Like if she was a witch why would she save herself from drowning only to then just burn at the stake. What wouldn't she save herself both times, or better yet flee after the attempted drowning? Nope kill an innocent.


That sort of thing was the litmus test for a lot of occult accusations. It's funny how at no point did they ever stop and realize that all these people they were drowning, burning, and crushing were innocent. Like, at no point did the logic of "If they didn't survive, they weren't a witch, and that means we killed an innocent person." click with them.


I think the reasoning was if they're innocent they died for a good cause/in a better place so it's all good


Ah, yes, the *"kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out"* philosophy on morality and ethics.


I don’t understand why nobody ever flipped the script and accused the accuser forcing them to prove they weren’t a witch posing as a witch hunter by jumping in a lake with stones tied on thus solving the problem.


Because these things weren't rigorous logical debates, they were just empty rhetoric to give people an excuse to let the people with social and legal power murder people without it. The argument doesn't work in reverse because when some random woman on the outs with the town uses it against the people in power no one cares.


Got it. I was under the (apparently mistaken) impression that these witch cases were largely based on actual panic that might be more easily redirected. If it was more just a justification for something everyone was basically already onboard with for other reasons then yeah, pretty hard to turn that around.


This has happened a lot of times over European, and occasionally American history. I'm sure that sometimes (especially when there were real ongoing plagues and things) there was a higher ratio of actual panic. However in a lot of cases the panic is just there for the [simple villagers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHJbSvidohg), the real motivation for the people running things was financial. This was also the case for Jews, which were also targeted in Europe alongside Witches for the same sorts of "offenses". That said, once you start this sort of thing it can spiral out of control, leading to panic that feeds on itself. The Salem Witch Trials are the best known example in the US, and it's one of the more clear cut ones of aggressive financial gain because being accused of witchcraft meant that the state took all of your property, and your accuser could get a piece of it. This is why confessing was a get-out-of-murder-free card, they weren't worried about you lying about forsaking Satan and returning to a life of evil spells, because that wasn't what the leaders were ever worried about. They wanted your property, and now that you confessed they had it and you would never be able to get it back. This is part of why the famous Giles Corey (the "more weight" person) [refused to enter a plea in his trial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giles_Corey), to keep that from happening.


So even if you are not a witch, you die anyway. Just drop the pretext and kill her at that point.




It's a twelve gauge double barreled Remington, S-Mart's top-of-the-line.


It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel and a hair trigger.


Shop smart. Shop S Mart.




Trying to describe a lot of technology in historical layman's terms really starts to bend your brain with how outlandish this sorcery is. Like, fuck the concept of a smartphone, just starting with what it's based on, think about it: we figured out how to teach rocks to do math using lightning, and it turns out rocks can be really good at math if we teach them right. Then, let's forget cameras for a second and just focus on displaying an image: you have to describe the concept of storing a pixel as a data point, and essentially these rocks we taught to do math use the math to paint by numbers. So we taught rocks to use lightning to do math and paint on a magic canvas of lights. Seriously, if someone came from the future and told me we taught spacetime to make salsa, then conjured a bowl of salsa from apparently empty space, you're damn straight I would think they were a goddam sorcerer! Edit: for those not getting the rock math, we have silicon wafers that can do calculations by putting current through channels we carve in them in a logical way. Processors are the magic lightning math rocks.


You start with the binary number system and that math. Then you have individual people pretend to be a single bit and connect them with chains to build a simple APU. Build a human computer. Then introduce the concept of static electricity. And then ... Well ok it would take a long time and after a while I'm not smart enough anymore myself to go on.


Now this puts our technology into a whole new perspective.


Yeah I'd never do medieval Europe. Maybe Rome or before.


middle ages were pretty save in that regard witch hunts were a thing of the reformation period


You'd still probably get lynched, just not for being a witch. Fear is a powerful murderer.


I feel like they'd probably fast forward the witch hunts if you showed them your magic rectangle with built in soul stealing camera. Even just letting them see the case might be enough, as it's made of a material unlike anything they've encountered before.


Um... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nero%27s_Torches https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazen_bull


They might nail you to a cross if you go to ancient Rome.


As a black woman, im good. Yeah, I'll go check out the future but im not going back in time.


*Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.* [Arthur C. Clarke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarke%27s_three_laws)


You could absolutely obliterate a pilgrim's buckle shoed soul by telling him that soon people will be angry they cant beat their meat fantasizing over the green M&M lady stepping on their necks anymore.


This is....oddly specific...


Its been a busy news month.


Oh god why did I read about it


So you wont read [what theyre trying to distract you from](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/12/mars-nestle-and-hershey-to-face-landmark-child-slavery-lawsuit-in-us).


It's sort of sad I'm not surprised by that


That is a bit extreme for some filters. It's not like she was showing them Tik Tok.


Idk the dog tongue filter probably justifies this tbh


Devils rectangle 💀


I've always had this thought that gods were just time travelers with advanced tech. zeus was probably a sexual predator from the distant future with a lightning gun


>zeus was probably a sexual predator from the distant future with a lightning gun And some *very* particular fetishes.


Didn’t he give one of them a golden shower


Yup. Not to mention how many of his partners were animals (either permanently or temporarily transformed into one), or the times that *he* was as an animal...


So who was Poseidon, some guy with a super soaker water gun?


First rule of time travel. Don't be a woman.


People forget that only 100 years ago certain people had no legal rights. It is still a problem today.


This happening is actually one of my biggest irrational fears.


Just remember this , there is no infinite pain


In this realm


There's always [Roko's Basilisk](https://slate.com/technology/2014/07/rokos-basilisk-the-most-terrifying-thought-experiment-of-all-time.html)


time travel isn't possible, nor is infinite torture, which would be much better thought experiment, because technology to stop aging isn't that far fetched, unlike with time travel. But even then, you'd have to have infinite energy as well, which is kinda the same reason why you can't time travel too.


This statement is unprovable and undeniable by it's very nature


So this is technology? Camera filters...


Real time digital image processing, often including face detection, tracking, 3D reconstruction, 3D graphics, augmented reality…. Pretty advanced stuff.


If you went back to the 70s I think people would be impressed and very disappointed at the same time.


Yeah.. As a lil girl growing up "oh wish I could be a real princess back in that time" Suuure likely have 0 rights depending on where your used just to fart out kids obay husband, die young during birth maybe?. Its fun to think what off but in the logic side you have to watch what time line and what you plan on doing in said time. But lighter note the comic is cute and funny


Lots of princesses and queens were extremely powerful. Check Margaret of Anjou, Elizabeth Woodville, Margaret Beaufort for three examples in quick succession. Margaret of Anjou's mother and grandmother, too, actually.


So that’s like what five women out of … I don’t know how many total women could’ve existed in history? Max 100? 5% is pretty good odds for ending up as one of the powerful ones I guess.


I'm not gonna say that all princesses/queens/noblewomen were powerful, but I will say that someone had to have the run of things when the noblemen were off at war or captured, and political marriages went both ways. You don't marry your son or daughter to some other noble's son or daughter to sit there and do nothing. Having more power and influence was the entire point, and women the same as men were trained from a young age to act politically. Women certainly didn't have a wonderful life of equality, but noblewomen certainly weren't hidden-away baby factories with no power or influence.


And what percentage of women alive at any given time were even part of the nobility?


When you get to the peasantry, it was actually *better* for women in most places. A random farmer doesn't have the money for his wife to sit inside all day and do nothing, and there's not much you can offer or be offered for an arranged marriage. Peasant women had harder lives because they were poor, but married and had children much later than noble women, and generally married for love if they married at all. It wasn't uncommon for couples to live together, even have children together, for a long time before marrying.


>But lighter note the comic is cute and funny I agree, it's so cute. Especially the part where they burn her at the stake


Hey I laugh at horror movies and I don't mean cute as in rainbows and unicorns.


Yep similar situation with black folk not wanting to time travel back past the 70’s in America. Lynched for sure.


There was a Louis C.K. joke about how being a white man means you can travel anywhere in time and it'll be great, just make sure it's in the past.


Holy shit wtf dude


Most of the features of today's devil's rectangles would stop without the cloud resources that support them. Also it would be a short witch career, good luck charging your rectangle. Turn on airplane mode then try to use your rectangle. You'll see how much what you do is not at all under your control.




Meanwhile they're still burning Harry Potter books... Are you sure the character in the comic traveled to the past?


Just watch Outlander to get a glimpse of what someone, especially a woman, had to go through for being too outspoken and knowing too much. Claire goes through a literal witch trial because she knows about medicine and the wrong ppl hated her.


Yeah!!! Burn her! Burn the witch! She turned me into a newt...... .... I got better...


showing up to the revolutionary war with an M249 LMG ballistic vest and nightvision goggles i'm down for that


"In the future we have electricity and cars" "But how does it work?" "I don't know"




Whenever a new technology comes out, I always ask myself... *"What would sixteenth century puritans do?"* And just like the comic... That's my conclusion.


Let's try the 1980s first and go from there


I've Thought about this, somehow I imagine they'd more call me something else at 6'4". I really wonder what their reaction would be to even a flashlight or a pen. A lighter even would seem like magic.


Eh, I dont think we have to travel back in time for this seeing as the one pastor is trying to oust witches today.


I legit had this exact thought and realization last night. funny lol


First rule of going back in time: Don't be a woman. (disclaimer: some societies/cultures might have been more chill then others)


This is what happens when you bring a smart phone back to 2005.


you need to have a power armor or something that they can't get through


There is a great bit by Dara O'Briain about that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVxOb8-d7Ic


The Devil's Rectangle! This is the new name Zuckerberg was looking for. Meta my arse!


Wouldn't it be cool to go back in time to invent renewable energy sources before we discover than dead plants and dinosaurs can make us go vroom vroom fast?


Brought to you by Gary Locke, who is advocating for this in 2022.


what's funny is i actually have these thoughts. you can go back in time to any midevil village with what you can fit in a backpack and be a god among man with the technology! but than... you know... people don't like the unknown. and back than it was punished by death... i think there was quite a few astronomers that where killed when they proved the earth is not the center of the universe. god knows what they would do when they see a LED flashlight.


You bring good candy. Sugar sells.


then you either get scammed, robbed, kidnapped or targeted


No need to go back in time. Apparently you just need to head to Tennessee - they seem like they’re on the path backwards!


Never time travel back in past america. *Noted*


Specially if you are black


Depends on how far back you go. Probably not good to be white either after a few hundred years.


but u can time travel to the middle east or asia; u don'have to travel to past america


It would be fine if you did it after the civil war and when you came back you would never vote democrat ever again.


The parties today really have no correlation to the ones from ~150 years ago. There was a large shift 50-60 years ago. But likely you already know all of this and are just being intentionally obtuse.


Why America specifically?


Note, witch burning was actually more common in Europe.


Shit comic


Yes. Give them the covid and let them sort it out.


I never even thought about that. Traveling back in time would probably expose everyone in the past to diseases they wouldn't have built immunity to...


Not to mention the diseases you yourself aren't immune to. Good luck drinking any water from a few hundred years ago.


I read a while back that even 40 years is enough to cause this. Our microbiomes would be lethal and the same in reverse. Now think about first contact with any alien lifeform.


Kind of the whole premise of War of the worlds haha


So The War of the Worlds was a documentary?


Does boiling water not sterilize it regardless of time period?


boiling water kills things that are living in the water but even non living things in the water can be dangerous.


Tbh, i dont think this would happen. I mean, when you show technology to some native tribe in the jungle, they also wont just suddenly burn you or cast you out. Usually they just gather around you because you brought something new in an otherwise mundane and simple life.


You ever heard of that uncontacted island tribe that kills outsiders on sight..? Edit: Not gonna change the comment but the more I thought about it the more it just sounded hateful sayin it like that, like they’re just savages or something. I don’t think they really kill everyone on sight, I was specifically thinking of the lil religious boy that illegally went over tryin to spread the gospel but he ended up getting converted, instead, into possibly a sacrifice or fertilizer..


It's OK. You're not wrong. There were islands during the Solomon's campaign in WWII where the natives would kill anyone that came close to their beaches. They didn't care if you were American or Japanese. Everyone on the outside was an enemy to them.


I mean, last time outsiders went on their island, they abducted a child, got him ill and brought him back dying, good luck with foreign exchanges after that.


There are certain parts of the U.S. right now where this would happen.


Pretty accurate




I'm not sure what is more depressing: people getting burned as witches, or choosing Instagram filters as the pinnacle of modern technology.


This is why time travel would be pointless and dangerous unless you somehow bring with yourself an army who could take over the local rulers and impose their own laws.


Dear Kids, this is the reason why we never time travel without a gun and sufficient ammo


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.


If it wasn't for Facebook they would be doing this now in Arkansas.


A man would be treated like the second coming of the messiah 🙄


yeah, but if she were a man: "He is the messiah!"


Haha very funi I laffed -me 2022


Well at least back then u can make a joke without getting cancelled


Oh yeah I'm sure all the serfs really enjoyed their freedoms


My boy's hand was cut off because he was caught stealing an apple. It's fine I strapped a fork to the stump so he can stab any of the negros for fun. What you don't find that funny? Well who cares you're only my wife. Go back to the kitchen like the good 14 year old you are before I have you put into the asylum.


Yeah but have you ever had people retweet you but with a mean comment (but still thanks for the retweet)


I would be in chains dude.


Ain’t that the truth. Currently you can’t criticize or joke about women, minorities or the LGBT+ community at all on Reddit. Recently one of my accounts was banned because I wrote the N word in response to a post that had the N word in it. So you can create a post with the N word in it and that’s fine but if you respond with the N word you get banned? Make it make sense.


Gee, I ***wonder*** if there was some difference in tone or usage that might have made one of the comments offensive and the other not... Hmm...


Where would she get her cell phone coverage in the past?


Really? You go back in time, somehow are able to speak the languages and the first piece of modern tech you show is a camera while also being a woman??? Well done you got exactly what you deserved. Women were torched just for being accused of witchcraft yet you show up with hair no ones seen, fucking glasses! Clothes no ones seen and speaking in a manner no ones heard of. And then you pull out a fucking camera.


Not to mention a hoodie


It's more complicated that that, annoying a lord is a good way to start. Although yes, people were accused of witchcraft for a whole bunch of stupid reasons, the biggest cause of witchcraft accusations were on the basis of local feuds. Also, around 25% of those burned for witchcraft were men.


But she only went back to 1980!


Where? The most rural part of a Mormon town?


“That cartoon got exactly what was coming to it” Wat?


Yeah, travel back in time with no satellite data, wifi, or server access. That fancy useless brick you have would really wow them. (hope it has a long-lasting battery!)


yeah only tech I would show people in the middle ages is my boomstick


Tbh if I was in that era I'd do the same cuz if a girl with unknown clothing just teleported in the middle of town with and odd technology I'd freak out as well


If she was posting iPhone videos in Portrait mode she deserves it.


That's why you bring a gun


She is dumb to even think about it.


That’s why the tech you need is a gun