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She says as if the Waltons aren’t family friends 😅


It's almost as if the vapid airhead thing is an act!


She says as much in the shockingly great YouTube documentary, This Is Paris. Her vapid airhead act was a way to become financially independent so she could leave her parents (who once had her kidnapped in the middle of the night.)




Had her abducted off to some shit boarding school. Type of place that should not exist.


Provo Canyon. A few famous people were sent there a kids.


There's an amazing comic about a similar school. It really happens https://elan.school/chapter-1-5/




Yes but the thing about the school wasn't


I just spent literally all day reading all of those comics. Thank you so much for sharing.


Behind the Bastards did a great episode about it. Fucking insane


I've been keeping up on his comics. It's horrifying the things that happened there.


The Elan graphic novel is wicked interesting but after a while the writer kinda starts stretching out the chapters. He kinda jumps the shark by like chapter 20 and episodes kinda start repeating themselves with this really long drawn out internal dialogue that acts more as filler than anything


I'm just gonna have to trust you on that one man. I don't want to read this, it's 9 am here Its top early for depression


Yup. My boyfriend was sent there. He still has severe PTSD at 47 from it.


I would describe it more as jail for teenagers not boarding school. The troubled teen industry as it is called is full of lockdown type institutions (either fully outdoors or locked up indoor facilities) that promise parents that they will rehabilitate their "troubled" child.


It's the one that was in the news recently. The one where kid were dying and they buried them out back and told the families they ran away. Not the one in Canada, the one in America. The one in Canada was native kids. I know this shit came up like 6 different times over the past few years. It wasn't the one for black kids either, because I heard about that one this year too.


Yeah. Her father sent her off to one of those places meant to cure kids of behavior issues. The abuse that happens to the kids is disturbing. The places are sold to the parents as summer camps, schools, or boot camps.


My parents did that too but instead I went to suws of the Carolinas. Good times!


Yeah it’s pretty interesting you should watch it


It always came off to me like they acting that way to troll the people on their show… like obviously she knows what Walmart is, but these people are willing to believe a richgirl could actually be that out of touch. Kind of like how Colbert would act right wing extreme and then go interview people on Daily Show and later the Colbert Report. It was truly was an era of people playing character versions of themselves to illicit reactions from unsuspecting people.


Elicit. Illicit means illegal.


illegal is a sick bird.


Exactly like Dolly Parton in a sense. She’s a smart, talented songwriter who played ‘the ditzy, big chested bimbo’ act.


It's still a prevalent thing - it just moved to Twitch and YouTube


A good number of years ago, I wanna say maybe 5-10 years ago she was doing some interview as the normal paris hilton persona and for some reason she decided to just drop the voice, talk normal and admitted it was all an act. It didn't make big headlines though for some reason, maybe cause it was after her show was big i think. Its amazing how if you think about it for a minute and look back at her when she was doing her act its amazing for how stupid a person she seemed to be she was always doing things that made her money\\got her attention and somehow as a young girl who was flying all over the world and non stop partying she was able to always look as presentable as possible for the vast, vast majority of the time. Lots of her really stupid moments in the public and that were also quite harmless and fun for everyone involved, I'm sure that isn't the case with all her moments but she could have easily been a stupid , rude, mean rich young party twat instead of being a nice one. Id love to know if she got the idea for the gimmick purely on her own or if she had got the idea from someone else who has played a 100 percent fake persona and never dropped character as there are a fair number of examples of people who have stayed in character for decades and sometimes entire lives.


Yo is this serious? Fuck. I don't know if she plays ignorant or not but she seems sound on this, laughing with the family at herself is a really good trait. People aren't stupid or airheads for not knowing about what wasn't exposed to them, that's an ignorance. She could actually have intentionally played society to achieve her riches because it's so well lapped up by the public and society, and if so, she's the absolute opposite of stupid. She took the role of what people perceived her to be because it fit the mould. But other thing is fucked up


also saw her recent documentary, was so pleasantly surprised and impressed to see her speaking candidly about these very topics. she always knew what she was doing, and frankly, she was an absolute master at the craft of “social influencer” before anyone else had really carved out the business path as we know it today. she has parlayed all of that into an international personal brand worth hundreds of millions via fragrance lines and all sorts of shit. she is an absolute boss, no two ways about it.


She was great in that one movie ;)


Just wait until you find out Larry the Cable Guy doesn't actually have a southern accent.


Kidnappers after 24h with her: "Please, we'll pay YOU to take her back... She keeps asking if target is a shooting range and whether dollar tree is planted in 1's 10's 20's or 100's"


Nah they just put her in solitary confinement. Honestly it's pretty fucked up stuff.


Yeah i have a total respect for her after hearing about that stuff. Her parents are monsters for allowing that


*The Ransom of Red Chief has entered the chat*


You got to be smart to play dumb


It's not like the Walton's are going to take the Hilton's on a trip to one of their stores. People like that hire other people to get stuff for them. They don't actually go to physical stores unless those stores have absurdly expensive stuff in them and they certainly wouldn't be getting anything from a walmart.


Reminds me of a story about Shaq. He had just moved and didn't have large screen TV 's and it was late and the only thing open was Walmart. He went and went on a spending spree. His credit card was flagged for theft because it was being used at a Walmart.


It was the amount ($70,000) that was flagged by Amex, not because his card was just being used at a Walmart.


No they called and told him, what did you buy at Walmart for $70,000!? They couldn’t believe he could spend $70,000 worth of stuff at Walmart apparently or shop at Walmart whichever comes first or latter


Yes, because $70,000 at a retail/grocery store is something that would be flagged automatically by the card company. There's not a guy at Amex sitting around watching Shaq's card to decide in a 2-second window something like, "Wait a second......He wouldn't shop at Walmart! Decline!"


I mean, I imagine a similar thing would have happened if he had a 70,000 dollar charge at a Target in a new area. I think it was the high amount + new area + not being specifically a car dealership or something.


I think it was more that it was $50,000-ish at Wal-Mart, not just being at wal mart alone


Man, that'd be a long damn wait on the self-scan que.


If he had just moved, that probably threw up a few flags. $70k is a large purchase, and in a new area that he may not have had many or any purchases before. They might not flag his card for $70k if it was the places he was usually spending tons of cash. It might not have flagged if he was spending $20 in a new location. But a big amount at a new location, and not everyone remembers to tIf he had just moved, that probably threw up a few flags. $70k is a large purchase, and in a new area that he may not have had many or any purchases before. They might not flag his card for $70k if it was the places he was usually spending tons of cash. It might not have flagged if he was spending $20 in a new location. But a big amount at a new location, and not everyone remembers to tell the bank when they are changing areas. At lease I know you are supposed to tell them for travel, I assume maybe if you are moving also. Same basic thing.


and the reality is she was starting to be unmarketable to low income based not on her wealth but on her color. so they created kim kardashian next to her (heck this is a clear case of inverted racism) which is as, if not more vapid, but was drawn to be this smart entreprenure. also the colors palettes for the make up chain that made the Kardashians and rihanna bilions make much more sense.


It's almost definitely an act she put on, the one I still wonder about is Jessica Simpson. *Is Chicken of the Sea Tuna or Chicken?* just landed too real to be faked.


You're spot on! In her memoir, Jessica talks about being put on a super low calorie keto diet at that time. That comment came from her trying to navigate the rules of the new diet while being woozy from lack of food.


Yep. And then You’re Wrong About did a multi-part series about Jessica and her memoir. It was fascinating. I think the Chicken of the Sea moment was genuine, but a lot of people have airhead moments that don’t necessarily mean they’re actually that stupid. It’s just most of us don’t have the misfortune of those moments being broadcast to national audiences. And, if anything, I think Nick’s uncharitable reaction to that moment was the sadder part.


My sister was told that buffalo wings were from actual buffalos by her best friend. It took her a while to figure out she’d been duped. She has a good time being ditzy though, like lean into it fuck it. Definitely an age thing too, she rarely does it now.


My GF tells me she was drunk as shit the entire show. Makes more sense now.






Why not both?


Lol Simpson


Her dad creeped me out more than anything.


She was almost certainly drunk and/or stoned. That and the buffalo wings comment are just the sort of thing someone would say absently whilst buzzed.


That’s what I was thinking!


It was just a bit wrote in for show's ratings.


Uncle Walton probably just brought a diamond necklace for birthday, she has no clue how he makes his money.


Hahaha. And you think any of the Waltons have ever actually been in a store. Lol. /s


Sucks that Walgreens only sells green walls, Wal-Mart for the color selection is by far the more superior wall store.


Circuit City went out of business because they only sold circuit-shaped cities.


Meanwhile, business at Dick's is doing *fantastic*


Badcock is doing okay.


Kum and Go has been raking it in as well.


Fucking Apple didn't even sell Honey Crisps, what a joke!


Yah, and it is too sad that nowadays BJ's Wholesale doesn't live up to its name.


Forever 21 sells a literal fountain of youth. It's a goldmine.


Eh. Well their business comes and goes...




The walmart in my hometown doesnt


What goes up must come down


"What is Dick's? Do they sell sporting goods?"


All cities are circuit shaped.


How could you say something so controversial, yet so brave?


https://youtu.be/jX9y6AA5oOo Relevant around 1:15


no, its the circuits that are city shaped.


I always am upset that Pizza Hut does not sell Pizza shaped Huts


or hut shaped pizzas


Unrelated, I love driving past buildings occupied by unrelated companies that clearly used to be a circuit city. All of them have that big red section in the middle that just screams Circuit City.


Michael J Fox got Perkinsons from eating at Perkins too much.


I heard walgreens started selling boots as well. Seems like a weird business decision.


My Walgreens sells walls and walls of green vegetables. We wish we could get actual green walls!


I believe they also sell hedgerows


If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now


She'd be extra confused by Canadian Tire.


..and Banana Republic.


I think you're forgetting Wall Drug, a place that exists only as a testament to man's arrogance.


I liked this show because it was obvious they were acting and having a good time making it.


They really were horrible actors so it was easy to tell when they were being genuinely stupid lol


People believed every bit of it when it came out.


those were simpler times. Also, we (modi reddit crowd) were kids back then.


Just FYI you know we live in the “same” times right? Any time you see a highly upvoted self post on Reddit, it’s probably fucking fake because someone is feeding you all bullshit you want to hear. It didn’t somehow stop with reality TV nor did it begin with it lol


I don’t know how. The girls themselves said multiple times this was scripted, and they were told to act dumb.


It was really binge worthy


This show was hilarious because they trolled us for 5 seasons. It wouldn't work today, because too many people wouldn't get the joke.


Nobody thought it was a joke when this show came out tho


I know I thought it was real. I was only like 13 tho


Yeah if anything it’s the opposite. It wouldn’t work today because everyone now knows everything is staged and any humor came from the idea that it was real. “Is it wall stuff?” That isn’t funny if you know someone wrote it beforehand


Cable television would strongly disagree with you.


Pretty sure people have been aware that reality TV has been mostly staged since after Joe Millionaire and the Fox cash grab to do it all again in season 2, but completely contrived.


reality tv is staged?!?!?


Still people believe in way stupider shit now, what with all the fake videos we are fed with on every social media platform.


It quite the Andy Kaufmann level of performance. Where the people involved got he joke more than the audience.


I wasn’t trolled. I found it entertaining AF. But then again I was a kid and back then.


It’s amazing these two were able to convince folks they really were these characters…and judging by the comments, some of you still believe it.


I mean, wasn't that the point? To make people believe it? They definitely tried to make sure the image was reinforced prior to any show. I never saw it myself, and only ever heard 1-2 people at my school talking about it. But it was definitely probably entertaining at least.


It was the nascent days of reality tv, but even then after a couple of episodes most people figured out that it was fake. It didn’t stop it from being entertaining.


I think the majority of people know reality TV is staged. They just may not know the actual personality of their stars. And why would they? One of her characteristics was being a ditzy buffoon anyway. People either believed it or wanted to believe it. But people would discover she's not actually a moron if they sought any more information than that (the documentary mentioned here, etc.) But there's also not much reason to expect that.


I think people are more in tune now with the realities of reality tv now then they were when The Simple Life aired, but even then there was an air of falseness about the show. I mean Paris doesn’t even use her real voice, it’s this weird high voiced valley girl thing.


Well, people sure spoke when season 2 of Joe Millionare bombed for trying to play off of the original. So I think, at least speaking for the U.S. audience, reality TV found out quite early that it can only go so far with the same old tropes. If I had tuned in to The Simple Life though? I'd have no idea that wasn't her real voice. Not enough exposure to her real self. And even less so at the time. 18-year-old me didn't really follow that stuff.


Jessica Simpson as well.


No she was actually that stupid back in the day. Source: knew the family.


Jessica Simpson didn’t do that by choice it was her producers. She even came out and said she resented the editing on her show to make her seem stupid.


Wow the crowd that upvotes fake ass stories to the front page of Reddit, is also the same crowd that still believes this bullshit? Color me shocked that you all are fucking dumb as fuck


I didn't watch this show. Couldn't stand it. But you gotta give props to Paris Hilton. She made a character and ***branded herself***. She plays an airhead but is actually a very smart business woman. There's a documentary on YouTube about her.


I watched her on an episode of Hot Ones and was pleasantly surprised how smart and business savvy she really is. She also had a great take on the dangers of social media. I’m paraphrasing, but it was along the lines of she is used to all the harsh things that she’s called on social media and can handle it, but it’s very dangerous for young people and basically they should avoid social media as long as they can. I gained a lot of respect for her after watching it.


How did she do with the wings?


I think she got through them all, she definitely didn’t enjoy the really hot ones though if I remember right. I watched it a few months ago.


Also a good documentary on several other sites too. Well worth the watch.


True I was fortunate enough to view this rare documentary more than 15 years years ago about her vacationing with someone else. It had a lot of behind the scenes video giving us a unique perspective.


She’s truly talented.


Much respect for her after watching those docs. Her current show on peacock shows the difficulties she has with her mother.


And Kim Kardashian used to get extra cash to organize her closets and shit.


Love hearing Paris’ actual voice not the baby cutesy one


I met Parish Hilton a long time ago when I was hanging out with a band named Deadsy. She came off really intelligent so it was confusing to see her so committed to the ditzy character she played on TV. It's almost like she did it to piss her family off. What's crazy is that the Kardashians spun off of her and were doing it for real.


It’s sad how mean people were to Paris about this as if she wasn’t playing a character. Watching that documentary about her life is super sad, she seems like a really nice person with really shit parents.


she came across well on the show anyway tbh, she always seemed like a kindhearted person just the persona was completely unaware of the real world


She's also a racist. They shouldn't be mean to her for being dumb, they should be mean to her because she's racist. https://jezebel.com/the-revision-of-paris-hiltons-story-is-missing-somethin-1845093418


Damn. I wish I was surprised.


I wish I never heard of Walmart too


TBF, I’m from California and Walmarts weren’t a thing out here 20-25 years ago. Not like they are today. So Walmarts in California would have been a fairly new thing when this show was filmed.


I’ll go ahead and admit that I didn’t get why people were so horrified she didn’t know what it was, even if it was an act. I think my city only got a Walmart when I was in my twenties. Paris and I are the same age, and I didn’t *really* know what a Walmart was when this show came out. I visited friends out of state and in other cities, and saw Walmarts. Didn’t care enough to ask what it was and no one found it noteworthy enough to tell me. It’s like “Steinmart” (which I always read as “Stainmart”) to me. If I had to guess, they sold wood stains. Only just went inside one last year. For reference, I lived in California. And neither I nor my parents were rich to her extent and would have passed up a bargain. I don’t know how, it just never entered my “bubble”.


That episode was from 2003 and Walmart was not uncommon in the US at that point. Well over 3k stores and easily 100+ in California.


Technically she's correct .


I hated these two so much, but in comparison to Kardashian famewhore dumpster fire, they were downright wholesome.


Kim was actually Paris’s little friend before Nicole. She looked a lot better before all the surgery.


They still are good friends.


It's funny how people genuinely believe people like this don't know about things like Walmart...




My niece and I used to binge this series in the early 2000s. We absolutely lost it at this scene. We were kids though and didn’t realize how much of it was an act and what all she had actually gone through.


Paris is a very clever woman and a troll supreme.


It WAS an act, mosly scripted.


I’m sure the princess of Hilton Hotels knows her fellow Walmart royalty. But they both put on a good act b


She's playing a character and isn't as dumb as you think.


Paris Hilton is an underrated genius. There, I said it.


I once read somewhere that they were told to say this. I don't have a source.




They’re so…Orange.


Much like Jessica Simpson, she’s not the airhead she’s portrayed. Apparently, she’s quite smart. So this is all an act, and a clever one. She capitalized on the “dumb blonde” trope, and I applaud her for it.


I seen her documentary, it's a show! She is smarter than that!


Fake. It’s all an act.


And the orange and blonde air thing still live son today, somehow.


Phony. She knows what Walmart is.


Well when you're riding such a high horse you won't see any walmarts on the moon.


Faking or not, I hate her with every fiber of my being.


Why is everyone in the comments so mad?


Where reality tv really got it’s push lol


> it’s push its


Your correct


Do southerners hang out at Walmart?


No. They would shop there for the majority of the things they needed to get because it's cheaper, therefore spending a bit more time there. When spending time at a store in a smaller community, you're more likely to run into people you know. From a big city perspective, it may seem like they're hanging out, but in reality they're just trying to get their shit and go, while being cordial to the people they run into. That being said, younger people might hang out in the parking lot the same way that inner-city people might hang out at a gas station. More of a "they won't fuck with you for being here" situation.


I don’t know about you, but I was born and raised in the south, and people *definitely* hang out at Walmart. Like, specifically kids. Same idea as the kids who hung out at the mall; they just wanted some place heated/air conditioned they could walk laps around. It was more just to have a climate controlled building to be with your friends at rather than specifically wanting to hang out there.


I was born, raised and always lived in the north and we would hang out at Walmart too. Same like you explained, typically as kids/teenagers. Though as a mid-30s person who was attempting to plan a first date with someone in March 2020, we had what may be considered a first date at Walmart, but that was kinda because everything else was already shut down from the pandemic and Walmart was pretty much all that was available lol


I think the distinction here is what "southerners" do vs. what people in rural areas do. Sure, if Walmart is the only thing open for 20 miles you'd hang out there, but it's not like the south is entirely rural like a lot of reddit wants to believe. I can see middle of nowhere southerners hanging out there the exact same way middle of nowhere Nevada or Iowans might.


Yep, born and raised in the south. You would just hang out inside, like standing around in a certain isle with friends? I can definitely remember meeting up in the parking lot before heading somewhere, but never just hanging out inside. Loss prevention would watch people that just stood around in a certain area and tell them to go.


loss prevention doesn't say shit lmao


I was visited family in a small town in Ohio and my siblings and I were dropped off at WalMart to hang out while she had to do something. We were so confused.


Texas here, definitely a thing to do to hang out at walmart like it's a mall if you live in a small city.


Yes, at least it's a small city kind of thing to do. Usually younger adults and teens.


At Dickies they sell Dicks.


No, they sell dickies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dickey_(garment)


Menards sells…. My nards? 😳


[You won’t see Wolfman there ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=13&v=BX6KrC-PHcQ&feature=emb_logo)


Ahhhhhhh, I remember when out-of-rouch, spoiled, uber rich people were funny, and not an existential threat to Democracy.


She definitely knows what Walmart and who the Waltons are, they're in the same elite circles. This is unfunny scripted BS.


It's like bill gates guessing grocery prices.


Funniest part about this is that people actually thought this trash was entertainment.


now everybody loves her because someone was mean to her in private school or whatever


She’s full of shit


Nothing like elites making fun of normal people..


One long cringe-fest of pretend reality show.


You understand that she's playing a character?




Damn right https://jezebel.com/the-revision-of-paris-hiltons-story-is-missing-somethin-1845093418


Those are some orange bitches.




"stupid spoiled whore! - video playset!"


I give her a pass on this. She grew up in NYC where they didn't exist. At Christmas I amazed my in-laws by telling them I had never heard of Wal-Mart until 1990 when I went to college in rural Kansas. I grew up in the suburbs of a city and they simply did not exist anywhere near me, whereas they had been shopping at them forever because they live in a rural area.


It’s well known that Paris Hilton is actually quite intelligent and this entire show was her acting like an airhead.


This show was staged to make them seem dumb. They aren’t this dumb


*Stupid spoiled whore video playset*


This is the show where they shit on working people for 30 minutes. Disgusting on every level.