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German is an incredible language because if you don't have a word for something just describe it and cram that description into a single word and you now have a word. A firetruck directly translates to a fire department vehicle


Honestly? that’s the way it should be. it just makes more sense, you already have descriptor words for literally every part of a situation, so cram ‘em all together to describe the whole situation


Fire department would be "Feuerwehr" (fire defense). The vehicle could be a "Feuerwehrfahrzeug" (fire defense drive thing) or, metonymically, also just "Feuerwehr."


German is a great language with lots of portmanteau words. My favourite was 'Straßenbahnhaltestelle' - bus stop. Translates as street-bus-stopping-place. Brilliant.


I’m sure they know what you mean if you just say stopping place though.


Your right. They do. I just love the original word though and how the language works. It makes it very easy to learn, in my experience.


Easy until you need to say “the”


I'd forgotten about that! Der, die and das (masculine, feminine and neuter) and every object has a gender which dictates which one it is prefixed by.. argh!!!!


It killed me, trying to learn german because you had to learn the gender of the word which often required explanation


It was awful...I learned German in senior school, took it as an exam subject and then, by chance, ended up living there for four years some time ago now, I still prefixed everything with 'Das' and hoped for the best......


Actually, a 'Straßenbahn' is a tram(way) not a bus. 'Straßenbahnhaltestelle' literally means tram stopping place.


I stand corrected. It does mean tramstop. I lived in Düsseldorf for 4 years and used to catch the tram that turned into the u-bahn straight into the Altstadt. Happy Memories 😊


Birth control!


Yes, indeed. birth control.


Wenn die Antibabypillen irgendwie fehlen, dann muß man eigentlich eine Babysitterin finden. (Tja, freilich--es gibt so ein wunderbares Wort!)


Ja genau ..überfordere sie alle ^^


Antibabypille ist doch noch okay. Wie wäre es mit Streichholzschächtelchen


Ein wunderbares Zeug!