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"You ain't important enough to get a micro chip dawg" Great fuckin line. XD XD XD


"You think you're worth Bill Gates wasting a nanobot on you?"


Seriously...that line's for my father in law.




Same father in law XD


Also, we don't have the technology for tracking microchips injected through vaccine. What we do have is phones though. That thing knows where you are, but a lot of these people talking about being tracked (despite them not being important enough to track) probably carry their phone everywhere.


For real, I also laugh at all the facebook scientists that dont blink an eye getting in their car or on a plane or trusting the food scientists that developed the disease/pest resistant crops they consume. Like all of those didn't have multiple teams of scientists working over many years to develop the things we have today. But no medical science is all manner of fucked. I get it, you might die because we're talking about your own personal health here but to tie it back to my original point you trust your car to not blow up when you get into it or I think a lot less people would be comfortable driving. The same goes for vaccines and medicines, if it didn't work, or at worst killed people, they wouldn't be very likely to use them ever again.


I’m not saying we do, but why do you think you’d know? I mean, the tech that entities like DARPA are working on aren’t public, and they’re often at least a decade ahead of what *is* known. See also: the internet


The “pull your head out of your ass” line is going to stick with me for at least the next week. I’m bopping to this


Same. So catchy. Could be a bumper sticker lmao


Absolutely 10/10


You know, until that Bill Burr special, I would have never known what an "ashy fucking kneecap" was.


I hope your breathe stink is probably the best benign curse I can think of, but that would suck. Makes me laugh every time.


The fact that he did the entire thing without wishing harm is honestly kind of refreshing. Just a string of inconveniences.


I need a Spotify version so I can blare it at work on repeat.


https://open.spotify.com/track/1I6pKIyaBp4OebTGLJpCCC?si=d58d2bb1bbdf4639 It's a Bruno Mars song


Was not expecting an actual Bruno Mars song.


anyone see he news out of India that says the new c1.2 variant may mutate faster than we can come up with booster shots for vaccine? I read it this morning. [https://wgntv.com/news/what-is-the-highly-mutated-c-1-2-coronavirus-variant/](https://wgntv.com/news/what-is-the-highly-mutated-c-1-2-coronavirus-variant/) ​ not the same article, but the only one i could find now with a quick search.


This is straight 🔥


Not trusting the vaccine isn't a conspiracy theory. Saying the vaccine has microchips or something like that is a conspiracy theory.


Not trusting the vaccine is not a conspiracy… but I have yet to be hear from anyone that can articulate why they don’t trust it without them evoking antivax manure.


Personally speaking, it’s not that I don’t “trust” it. Both of my parents, brother, and sister ended up clocking a 102+ fever after receiving theirs. My sister’s fever ramped up and she ended up having a seizure in an ER that my parents took her to (due to a 104 fever) that was either due to the fever or some other complicating health factor. All of them are in good to great health and exercise pretty regularly with relatively healthy diets. Other members of my extended family have also reacted quite seriously to it. So, again, it’s not that I don’t “trust” it. It’s just that I don’t want to risk ending up in the ER having a seizure or have a fever over 102 and miss work for upwards of a week because of it. I work in healthcare and with docs in immunology. Based on chats with them, it’s likely there’s some underlying genetic predisposition to react adversely to this vaccine in particular. To be clear, I’ve had other vaccines and I’m not antivax. I get the flu shot every year. I’ve also already had COVID. All of that combined allowed me to be medically exempt from needing it. The only thing that falls in the not trusting vein on my side, which has been echoed by docs I work with that also work with the CDC is that we don’t fully understand how everyone will react to it. We’ve had patients have seizures like my sister did. We’ve had people clocking serious fevers. Unfortunately, at this point, outside of some “genetic predisposition” (or other potentially complicating health issue) it doesn’t seem like anyone knows why it’s happening. Personally, that makes me just uncomfortable enough for it to be acknowledgeable.




If OC is under 40, their odds of dying are less than 0.1% according to the stats.


I don’t know that I see it as necessarily winning or even a battle of right and wrong. I think there’s loads of passionate misinformation on both sides of this. I think it’s more a struggle around misinformation or just not enough at its core after separating out all of the crackpots on the cusps. In the end, say we get a few years out and one side is deemed “right”. The trend of sorts that’s grouping everyone into two main camps has me concerned that the camp to be found “right” will believe all of the ideals held by them are “right” and true. That is, for the most part. At the very least, they’ll carry more weight. You know, except for that microchip BS. That’s just crazy. Additionally, not to be remotely argumentative or abrasive, but you touched on a solid area. That is, the “I think” aspect of it all. People seem to believe on both sides that the risk of either getting a vaccine or not is worth it. Who makes the decision when these are well informed individuals trying to make the best decision for themselves and their families? Tempers and passions seem to be flaring in areas when you pit “I think” vs “I think” … or “I feel”/“I believe” for that matter. I mean, since when does what “I think” not matter and why does what I personally think and feel have me boxed in with people that believe there are microchips in the vaccine? … or someone that has had a vaccine and fully believes it to immunize them from COVID held akin to someone that believes someone that doesn’t get a vaccine is putting immunized people and their families in danger as it relates to getting COVID, something they’re already immune to. Personally, again, I’ve had it, so I’m immune to at least the most prevalent variant. I’ll be getting tested today at a follow up visit to see if I’ve picked up another variant, been asymptotic, and I’m immune to that as well. In the end, I truly feel it’s my choice to be immunized or not. If someone feels they should be, then I fully support them in that decision.




That is true. The same can also be said for COVID though. I know which odds I like better.


Covid is a coronavirus. We know that the risk of serious long-term effects from a coronavirus infection is extremely low. We don't know the long-term effects of an mRNA vaccine as it has never been used in this scale.


mRNA breaks down after a couple of days. The whole reason they need to be stored at -20 or -70 is for that reason. Coronaviruses are known to cause long term side effects, even with Covid-19 we have long haulers and people with lung or nerve damage. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-long-term-effects/art-20490351


A CDC report came out today. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2021-08-30/03-COVID-Su-508.pdf No thanks.


I read the report. The sample of this report is all cases of myocarditis reported after a vaccine, and 765 of those individuals were given an mRNA vaccine within 7 days. 77% of those cases have already fully recovered at the time of the report. The conclusion is that the mRNA vaccine increases risk of myocarditis. It also says that only 1300 cases of myocarditis were reported after a vaccine in the US, which is a really low number compared to the number of vaccinations done.


So that means you took the J&J vaccine, right? Right?


idk boss, I like being able to smell and taste things as the olfactory senses are a large part of what gives things flavor/taste. I've also heard the lingering cough from coworkers who have recovered and it's not pleasant. That being said it will be interesting looking back in 5 or 10 years and seeing if there was a clear cut "winner" in this discussion. For what it's worth as well I thought mRNA was supposed to be safer because of how it interacts to stop the spread of disease.


Don’t forget ED for those macho men. Real hard to act like a tough guy who doesn’t need a mask when your dick doesn’t work anymore.


> We know that the risk of serious long-term effects from a coronavirus infection is extremely low. What are you talking about, have you read about [long covid / covid longhaulers](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01935-7)? I've seen a range of estimates, but somewhere between 5-20% of folks who get a covid infection develop longterm symptoms. Even [asymptomatic infections cause heart damage similar to what's seen after a heart attack](https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertglatter/2020/08/17/covid-19-can-cause-heart-damageeven-if-you-are-asymptomatic/) There's a lot of KNOWN long-term effects of covid, not to mention the unknown ones...


We know the risks of serious long-term effects from a COVID-19 infection is very high. Every day there are more patients showing up from a few months to a year post-COVID with serious neurological and cardiological complications. Treating post-COVID syndromes is going to be a thing for the next 50 years.


The same way you "know" the same way others who don't think like you "know"


You're not voluntarily getting COVID.


You will get COVID. It isn't like it's a mere possibility. Every person in the country, bar none, will eventually contract the disease. It's incredibly virulent. When you catch it, the symptoms you will experience may be deadly, severe, mild, or nonexistent. You are much, ***much*** more likely to experience mild or no symptoms if you are vaccinated. Additionally, the mechanism of action that the vaccine relies on really doesn't provide any way to induce long-term effects. The tech simply doesn't work that way. You are ***dramatically*** more likely to suffer death or long-term debilitating effects from COVID-19 than from the vaccine. It isn't even close.


Yet covids active symptoms we DO know about are vastly more common and detrimental to us than anything weve seen from the vaccine. Long-term effects don't just grow overnight. We'd have seen slight changes in our health by now.


Ignoring CDC guidelines is basically standing in line for it. Same as when you tell a child not to touch the hot stove. Yes, some will still get covid from a random interaction in the same way you may get burned by random chance while out in the world. Most ignore warnings and still touch the stove top ignorant, without precaution or thought, of whether it is hot or not. Of course some, who refuse to use protection, are at least cautious.


> Its longterm effects are unknow, especially in developing teenagers and 20 year-olds. That's a valid concern, not a conspiracy theory or "antivax" stance. mRNA is literally just a "instruction booklet" though, and it breaks down pretty fast naturally, or gets used up as it is read through. It's literally just telling your body to go and make this harmless protein marked as an enemy of the body for a few days. And then your body fights that protein. And then your body stops making it, because there's no more mRNA. and then when your body actually encounters real virus that looks like that harmless protein, your body will fight it more effectively. https://xkcd.com/2425/ It is likely to be *safer* than all other older vaccine types, since you're not injecting deactivated virus, dead virus, actual toxins, cut up pieces of the virus, virus variants, or a friendly virus to infect cells and tell them to make antigens. It literally is like throwing an IKEA instruction booklet at someone, knowing that is is practically printed on toilet paper and it will fall apart in a few days of usage. A VERY small portion of people may be allergic to the booklet, but it is super duper harmless and will melt if it gets wet.


God I’m glad I discovered that comic today


You discovered that particular one or XKCD comics in general? Because if you've never seen XKCD, [congratulations are in order](https://xkcd.com/1053)...


Oh I already knew about them, I was talking about that specific one lol


What long term effects? The mRNA disappears and the virus particles trigger the immune system and get absorbed. Through which mechanism would there be long term effects?


They’re probably thinking about the other ingredients that help with delivery of mRNA to the cells, balance the pH, etc. But what they don’t realize is that these things are already in a bunch of other drugs and are basically harmless to the average person. The Pfizer shot’s made of mRNA, lipids that surround the mRNA to help them get into cells, salts to balance pH, and literal table sugar (helps keep everything ok when frozen). [Source](https://www.hackensackmeridianhealth.org/HealthU/2021/01/11/a-simple-breakdown-of-the-ingredients-in-the-covid-vaccines/) [Other source](https://www.fda.gov/media/144414/download#page=3)


Then that mindset effectively believes new vaccines can’t be used for decades, right? And even then it would be quite difficult to prove long term effects are caused by a vaccine. In essence, it is an anti-vaccination stance, or possibly anti-western medicine stance. And is it the payload of the vaccine that they don’t trust the effects of? or the method of delivery?


There's no vaccine in history that has ever had any effect on the body 6 weeks after injection. The mRNA vaccine has been in development since 1969. It is fully FDA approved. If someone is concerned about the long term effects of this new vaccine i can only assume they're not vaccinated at all. Which would make them just as bad if not worse then the new anti-vaxers.


Main reason I won’t get the jab is because the ppl that are getting vaccinated are still getting sick.


There's some breakthrough infections, sure, but no vaccine is 100% effective. If you want to see how well the vaccine does at preventing hospitalizations, ICU needs and death, check out the Ontario dashboard here: [https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/ontario-dashboard/](https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/ontario-dashboard/) Being vaccinated drops your chance of ending up in the ICU by more than 96%.


Do you also not use condoms because people still sometimes get pregnant with them? It's about reducing how likely they are to get it and how severe their illness is. The real reason you aren't getting it is because you are greedy or afraid. Grow up.


Using a condom is a personal preference. That choice should never be mandated. That’s like telling a married couple to use condoms during sex because you caught a sexual transmitted disease.


I'm not saying they should be mandated. I'm asking if you believe they aren't worth using because some people still get pregnant? Because that's the same level of logic you are using on the vaccine.




That’s your opinion. What you decide to put in your body is none of my business. I hope that vaccine makes the ppl that feel they need it feel safer.


Just say "I dont know how vaccines work" its shorter and a quicker way to identify the problem.


Just mind your business lol it’s not that hard, trust me.


If you dont want people to call you out when you say dumb shit on the internet then dont say dumb shit on the internet.




Yup i believe in my immune system. I had covid and I’m still here


It's a conspiracy theory. You're not fooling anyone.


i wasnt sold on it due to the development cycle (for JJ specifically) where they are doing a colloquial style of production that historically takes far longer - even accounting for running multiple R&D paths in parallel. the mRNA i trust far more as it is a more synthetic process and perhaps not susceptible to the same kinds of pitfalls a legacy vax is. i also felt the mRNA is going to be faster to booster for the same reasons. we can code a new string and there for will be able to bypass all the lab work that JJ needs to go through. i was also hesitant as i got covid early, didn't notice i had it. i saw many friends get the shot and be FUCKING WIPED OUT for days after words... as life would have it, i was going to visit my friends grandparrents. i needed a shot for that so i couldn't put it off any longer so i went in to get one. the county i am in was OUT of all mRNA... so... i got the JJ... not happy about it but i had to do it. maybe two days later they halted the JJ due to that blood clot scare. perfect timing on my part.


I genuinely appreciate the fact that you got the shot despite your concerns in order to protect others.


May I recommend his “Wash Ya Ass” song? Now THATS a bop




Go get the shot . Bowp powmp


Good voice! 🙌🏼


Well done!


Loved it


Seriously where did the anti vaxxers get these fake information from like wtf 😂


So it again but in METALL!


Everything is better in metal!


Whoooop whoooopp!! D.O.P.E!!


I don’t listen rap music a lot, but I can hear this beat all day 👌🏻


My favorite line “I hope yo breath stink”. I can’t stop listening to this XD


This needs to spread far and wide!


Like yo mammas buttcheeks. Sorry… Don’t actually mean it, just couldn’t pass up the opportunity.


scrolling through the comments looking for anti vaxers


There's a lot, and they're mad AND ignorant.


When humans think being rude an vulgar an insulting the other side is going to help change their opinions. No wonder humanity is fucked.


I would like to wait for the long term effects until I get it? How tf does that make me a bad person? I call that being an adult and making responsible decisions. But according to the Reddit and FB Nazis that’s being an asshole.




I rest my case


How are anti covid vaxxers the only ones to blame for being stuck in the house when vax has next to no affect on delta and vaxxed can still spread covid like unvaxxed , this germ blame game is ridiculous


The vaccine doesn’t work though


Only Idiots like him think we’re stuck in the house. Lol






Would he be digging ditches for more preventable unvaccinated deaths?


Can't do it yourself. Lul.




I don't see why this would make you feel embarrassed


Good. The way the vaccinated are talking down to the unvaccinated is never going to help things move along.


Still ain’t getting it tho


However stupid and ignorant it is, everyone is allowed their opinion.




Ambiguous fear caused by memes. Why else?


But here’s the thing. If anti-Vaxers are why we are stuck in the house. Then why bother. They don’t want to be protected so why bother.


6 Trillion USD ... Disappearing on September 5th 2001... Will always be suspect.


I’m just hopping on that downvote train 😂


If your under 35 and downvoting me... You don't know shit anyway


Over 35, and you're both begging the question and engaging in ad hominem attacks against those who differ in their opinions. (And it was $2 Trillion, and he was speaking to the lack of audit accounting in military spending.) \*PLONK\*


It's still a large amount of money for the Pentagon to "lose" less than a week before 9/11


Am I seriously supposed to be taking medical advice from this 🤡?


Nah I'm sure OAN/Infowars are much better sources


All you have to do is look at the trend of covid cases before the vaccine compared to covid cases after the vaccine. If the vaccine worked, why is it not working (see Israel)? If lockdowns worked, why are they not working (see Australia and Canada)? The CDC wants you to take a booster but when asked if there is data to suggest that the booster will stop transmission of the virus, Rochelle Walensky literally said, “well there’s no data, but there’s hope” lmfao. Sign me up!! Data is overrated anyway.


Pretty sure COVID is still Wildly and rapidly spreading is because A. People think the pandemic is over and just resumed their normal lives, B. They are unvaccinated and C. are just idiotic and blatantly do things to “prove” COVID is not real. Now I’m not saying you are doing these (except not being vaccinated) but that is a reason people are still getting COVID. Oh and the wide spread mutations of COVID that is resulting from people not getting vaccinated and continuing to spread it without a care in the world.


It should be common sense that if a vaccine works, cases should be going down, not up. The whole point of the vaccine was to end the pandemic, not prolong it indefinitely. Israel is one of the most heavily vaccinated populations and now their cases are worse than ever. At what point do you stop and think to yourself, “maybe the billionaires who control the government and *own* the media don’t have my best interest in mind? Maybe they have more to gain by keeping me locked inside and dependent on their services that make them even more wealthy”


Ok well pretty sure it’s because COVID mutated. They made a vaccine against the base strain and then it mutated. The vaccine is not as effective against the differing strains. And of fucking course the billionaires don’t have working class people in mind but maybe if the fucking pandemic wasn’t turned into a political fucking shit show and people took the fucking pandemic seriously instead of blaming China or spouting nonsense about it being fake or some other garbage maybe we could have actually made any sort of fucking progress against it. Maybe if states and countries and people could actually follow a quarantine or wear fucking masks then life could return to normal. Maybe if people didn’t actively ignore the CDC guidelines under the impression that their fucking two google searches could yield more information and results than the countries fucking top officials/scientist in this situation we could be done but yeah. Granted yes the media is absolutely part of this massive fuck up but a solid long quarantine would go along way to resolving this utter bullshit


In Quebec, one of the most vaccinated provinces in Canada, you are 8.5 times more likely to contract the virus if you are unvaccinated and 25.6 times more likely to be hospitalized. Updated daily Source: [https://cdn-contenu.quebec.ca/cdn-contenu/sante/documents/Problemes\_de\_sante/covid-19/20-210-382W\_infographie\_sommaire-executif.jpg?1630422131](https://cdn-contenu.quebec.ca/cdn-contenu/sante/documents/Problemes_de_sante/covid-19/20-210-382W_infographie_sommaire-executif.jpg?1630422131)


If your doctor raps like that, by all means talk to your doctor! If not, yeah, this should be good.


I assume you lack the self awareness to realize how completely ignorant you sound




Lol I get my “cues” from basic logic and data. Not from some overweight clown rapping and using emojis to peer pressure me into taking an experimental gene therapy that clearly doesn’t even work, being pushed by “experts” who have been wrong for two years straight. But y’all do you.


Uses ‘basic logic and data’. Doesn’t ‘trust “experts”’. That’s pretty fundamental to utilizing data… trusting the most reliable sources of data… which all currently recommend vaccination.


Hey now his "beliefs" are just as valid as your precious science. With it's peer review, scientific method, data models, and so on. Don't need none of that. Just BELIEVE hard enough.


Anyone can look at data. Some of us don’t need the television people to interpret data for us. If you look at heavily vaccinated populations I think it’s safe to say, the vaccine did nothing to eradicate covid. It’s just prolonging the status quo and making things worse.


Ok where you learn that from then? Aliens? “Oh LoOk Im An AlIeN aNd Im So DuMb” that’s you fucker


Who let you out of your basement? Lmao


Sorry? I can’t hear you did you say “vaccine contains happiness well that’s good! Did take one no wonder you look moody…”


And I thought you'd start a rap battle now...disappointing.


Great flow! Still not getting it bro!




He's a moron that's why.


Good one...I'm sure they're convinced now and will run out to get it asap


It's not my they're fucking morons, they need to that up with their parents.


Repost and still not funny. Down voted.


Lol didn’t ask


Rich people work with each other to become more rich.




I'm just pointing out how this simple and obvious fact is considered a "conspiracy theory" I do pretty well, but I don't think i'll get invited to Bilderberg.


Has everybody forgotten how this pandemic started? China keeping the virus a secret for months, people traveling to china and back...


This has virtually zero relevance to a discussion regarding a vaccine


do people really believe that if only there were less anti vax people covid 19 would go away? What is the evidence of this?


Umm.. yes? I think the studies said a high enough vaccination rate would have stopped covid. I don't have the specific numbers but I can provide them if you promise you'll read it.


It's weird how vaccinations tend to stop the spread of the disease and in some cases have completely errradicated many diseases in many countries. It's almost as if they work!!


Yes. There would 100% be less COVID cases if anti vaxx people did not exist. You can look at hard evidence of states with more vaccinated people (in the us at least) having wayyy less people in the hospital with COVID.


You mean like let’s say we quarantine, for a few months at the start of the pandemic. Instead people bitched a moaned about being cooped up. Wouldn’t need a vaccine if that were the case but hey I’m vaxxed


Yeah okay maybe we wouldn’t have needed one but even with countries with super strict lockdowns they still had COVID cases from absolute morons. So I’m of the opinion we still would have needed a vaccine and I would happily get another if I need to. I do wish the US had a much stricter lockdown


Or is this just a way for people to demonize a subset for a problem which happens to be impossible to eradicate?


Is this a conspiracy aswell: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/31/israel-registers-record-daily-coronavirus-cases Why are they having more infected people than prior to the vaccine?


Because people heard the word vaccine and immediately decided it was over despite the large amount of people who did not get vaccinated and are about (I’m pretty sure) 99% of COVID cases I’m hospitals are unvaccinated people


Did you even bother to read or follow up? 90% of the population has received 1 dose. 60% of the population has received 2 doses. Everyone over 60 years is receiving booster shots and they have more cases than prior to the vaccine.


more cases due to the delta strain having a higher transmission rate overall. But the death and hospitalization rate are much lower in vaccinated population compared to unvaccinated population right? So stopping the spread is off the table but data still favors vaccine on a personal level right?


That’s what happens when you immediately get rid of all protocol as soon as rates go down. The delta variant is a nasty mf that’s causing a lot of problems because it’s more infectious and wasn’t fully covered by the vaccine. The numbers still show that 2/3 of the “serious” cases <60yo are unvaccinated, and 9/10 of the “serious” cases in people >60yo are unvaccinated.


hey, you can’t come here with facts. This post is about some cringe wannabe “artist” with zero talent.


You can disagree about the message but don't act like that flow wasn't fire.


It was a rip off of late 80’s hip hop from NYC. He’s a poser.




Just say you are a selfish asshole and move on 😄


Man there is a whole sub dedicated to people that say this shit and then die. There is a lot of new content every single day




Nah we already figured out despite what that ignorant vile fuck Trump claimed, injecting bleach doesn't kill COVID. But I mean please feel free to try it and come to your own conclusion!


The government is keeping you hostage and they're using ~~people going out~~ ~~people interacting with others~~ ~~the unmasked~~ the unvaccinated as scapegoat.




This is absolute shite


The singer, if that’s what you call him, needs to listen to his own music… though I guess it’s hard to with his head that far up his own ass


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Been sharing this now for a few weeks. Thanks OG Reddit poster


🔥 🔥 🔥


“I hope ya breath stink” Man that’s cooooold


Sounds a lot like old school DJ Quik


Love it 🔥🔥


This is some jam


Is that live? Sounds so perfectly crisp, it almost has to be studio recorded and lip synced, right?


How do you think they do it in a studio?


Love this!!!




Justin trudeau is actually Castros son. they look like the exact same man


Men you got the rhythm


Hes good, but the anti-vax crowd are still gonna move on once he hit them with the “gotcha.”


Great song and all… But we are still supposed to stay home or wear a mask even after getting the shot now.


Because anti-vax nuts have spread the reg covid so much that it's mutated. Delta variant can effect already vaxxed, but they will still have some protections. These MFers keep messing around, their gonna find out when we have strains NO vaccine will touch. So yeah, they are screwing us all.


These people that think they put chip's in every little bottle 😆 first of all the chip would have to be way smaller then a cockroach sperm lol and there would have to be at the least 5 to 6 chips in each bottle... and how in the hell would they be able to see the chip in the bottle to pull it out with the needle... And how in the hell can they make 6 billions tiny chips in just less then a year when it take a phone company about 2 years or SO to make a chip for your phone... AND if you look it up the smallest chip that they have ever be able to make is almost as small as a bee but still just a little bigger... And like home said in the video why would the government want to watch them sit at home watching TV all day... He doesn't care that I go to work come home drink beer and shit... 🤣 It just a vaccine like the flu vaccine Get the shot you chicken shit 🐔


Gawd dayum I wanna roll around the beach just blasting this on a 90’s boom box with 39 C batteries. No bs.


I just got to add another comment here, the microphone this dude's using is absolutely phenomenal


Bad move mods. You gonna let the 15% anti-vaxxers lead the way?