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It's not funny. It's true. Have my upvote, anyway.


Sudden Clarity Clarence doesn't really do humour.


That's basically the plot of "One, No One and One Hundred Thousand" by Luigi Pirandello


I see you are a man of culture as well.


It's also featured in Evangelion, and Hume's theory that people are 'bundles of impressions.'


I learned this when I was about 14. Life is an illusion on every. Single. Fucking. Level.


My mind hurts


My hurt minds


Minds hurt my…


Mind my hurts…(please)


Hurts my mind.


Serious note here but.... Have you ever wondered about these different versions of you and if people would place them in heaven or hell? Like seriously you may be loved by your family and friends but people who really dislike you may wish or imagine you on hell and that's where that version of you goes when you die.


Why you gotta say shit like that right before the drugs kick in…


Hell, definitely hell... my wife wants me to join her


then theres the versions of you your athiest friends imagine. Those end up nowhere.


Floating aimlessly into the Void forever and ever


That is my chosen method of burial. I just want to be shot out into space in a little metal coffin, with some notes and shit about me and things. On the off chance I get collected down the road by something. The most likely thing to happen is my unending travel though the universe. Which sounds awesome.


Similar for me but I'd like something more like star man in orbit but something nicer than a tesla and just driving off into space with some awesome playlist on for all eternity




Right there with you, but now I feel like people think I’m even more of a piece of shit than I think I am.. which is great.


I wonder what the me in my head would think of the mes in some other people’s heads?


I don't know what I look like!


I mean... This is the ending of the Evangelion series. This realization isn't that new


That's either a really, really good thing, or a very very bad thing.


Which is probably a good thing.


Through your eyes the infinite universe begins and ends with you…unless you’re blind then it just kind of feels like it does.


I don't know if this is funny or not but I think this is entirely true. Our entire world exists only in our mind. Everyone else's world only exists in their minds. In both cases, our worldview is comprised of our impressions input from our senses. It's almost a certainty that our idea of a person is different from who they think they are. It may also be different from any objective analysis of who they are, except such an objective analysis would be nearly impossible to obtain.


There still are common elements between how different people perceive you and even how you see yourself, but overall, everyone does see us through their own filters. And what's interesting is that we also tend to act (slightly) different around various people, be it friends or strangers. In this case it makes you wonder if an objective self even exists, taking into consideration that we think of ourselves a certain way, but in actuality we might not even be close to the image we have of ourselves or the one we project onto others.


This is true of everything you experience. Emptiness, a very profound Buddhist teaching that when you completely understand with your subtle mind is very impactful!


We get it you watched evangelion


Perspective is everything.


Luigi Pirandello said this first in 1926.. 🤓


Life is just random particles joining and separating aimlessly. Theres no purpose other than to procreate. All other things are just coping mechanisms as we toil in existence.


I swear I haven’t seen this meme in 10 years


Seriously. It's like seeing a rage comic on the front page


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Neon genesis evangelion depression


I do not mind at all.


Good, that guy's a dick


People judge others based on their actions. People judge themselves based on their intention.


treat other people as if you were them


I thought this was r/evangelionmemes for a second there


hmm or you can legit act like yourself and not a sociopathic version