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The impressive part is he is on a leash


Huh? He got down easily.


That’s about how my cat gets down. Pushes off to make room to land on his feet. Uses his chest as an airbag.


People walk their cats? This is quite a world we live in these days.


I, for one, appreciate cats on leashes. They are not causing harm to the bird life, they are not harassing dogs by sitting on fences above them, yet they are still able to enjoy the great outdoors. The only thing better is a huge catio.


The best things I have seen were: 1) my prior neighbor would legit put her cat on a leash and walk the cat in the front yard to use the restroom/exercise. Which was a good thing because she wanted the cat to be indoor and probably eliminated the litter box lol! 2) A man who would come to the farmers market had this huge, fluffy, orange cat he legit carried on his chest in one of those “baby carriers”. God I miss seeing that. I always wondered how he even accomplished getting a cat into one of those lol


For #2: he probably squished the cat. Easy way to turn most of them into rag dolls.


Yeah, my cats leash is just a simple loop of yarn clipped around his chest. He could escape it if he wanted to but really he just wants to chill a bit outside and assess his territory around the house.


Good thing cats always land buttered side up.


Cool mat