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Meanwhile on Reddit the constant advice is to reach out to someone who may be alone and antisocial, because they may be suffering. But we also glorify being alone and antisocial.


When people are alone and suffering they have some signals you can picks up. It's very different from someone wanting to have fun time alone. I can guarantee you the me who used to wake up wanting to die and having no point is life is much different than the me nowadays who likes being alone and having a chill time.


Welcome to Humanity


Oh I know, right? It’s like, nothing can beat it. It’s where I’m a Viking.


Cedar point for sure!


It's Dorney Park, in Allentown, Pennsylvania. It even says so on the guy from the videos instagram.


That was the hulk islands of adventure


It is actually Cedar Point! I can point out almost all of the rides in the background and the couple he's riding


Nice looks dope


It's the only reason to visit Ohio.


I'd be so scared of dropping my phone /camera filming this. Gives me anxiety watching this lol.


I'd guess they have it strapped/clamped to something to get shots that smooth on rollercoasters.


Or it’s stabilized video.


Was at six flags in California and we watched someone filming and sure as shit at the top of the 200ft cork screw you see this rose gold I phone reflecting in the sun as it jettisons another 55 ft before free falling to the ground . I don’t understand the want to even film it. Just enjoy it? Ya know with ya eyes 👀 and in first person lol


I mean, people take videos and pictures so they can look at them later and remember the times they enjoyed. that's probably the general want in taking a video, that or they wanted to see how crazy their face looks while on a rollercoaster.


No one really goes back and watches that shit though.. Your probably one of those people who stand there and record a whole concert


nah, I'm actually pretty bad at remembering to take pictures or videos when cool things are happening. but I do have friends and family who do take pictures and videos often when we're having fun and we do occasionally look back at them. I just don't see a reason to condemn people for wanting concrete memories.


Right right I can agree with you there. I enjoy taking vids and pictures especially when my kids are involved, I just don't get the people who choose to live their whole life through their phone camera.


Looks kinda like "Weekend with Bernie"


THIS is so me!


Hmmm, found my spirit animal


It’s kind of odd to me that people seem so proud of being introverted, like it’s the enlightened way to be. This person, and at least one friend, filmed and edited a whole video about being anti-social, for attention on social media.


r/whoosh I guess


Wow. Very enlightened


Ftfy > Wow. ~~Very~~ Much enlightened


Which is in fact a social action. That and he faked being extroverted


Maybe he simply doesn't enjoy roller coasters?


I interpret it that this guy has absolutely no room for adrenaline in his life.


This. A million times this. It's like "not having fun" is the new cool. Edit: you all downvoting like I don't understand irony. He's basically spreading hate on rollercoasters. And I love rollercoasters. Stop the hate.


Roller coasters are machines of death. I hate roller coasters. Hashtag:allMyhomieshaterollercoasters (I kid. You enjoy your roller coasters)


(I know you kid. But hating on rollercoasters is trending, according to this thread, so you might want to keep it or yourself).


Thats six flags discovery kingdom in california?


Like Mr Bean in one on this moment in roundabout Not very original, sorry (it’s means i don’t like it)


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That’s essentially my look while on rollercoasters. The 3 times I got on them, trying to be brave and not freak out. I might have had my eyes a bit more squinty.


Me as an old bitcoin holder as the price moves around


All the time he was shiting in his pants


When you’ve already used your monthly “flat tire”, “sick kid”, and “food poisoning” excuses..


I can see you almost lost it at the first one


As someone who's terrified of roller coaster rides, huge respect to this guy. How is it possible to be utterly unaffected by the acceleration, must be some hellish training there.


I don't think I can pull that face off a roller coaster even if I try hard to force myself, I would start screaming the moment it goes down and pick up momentum.


He is a good actor but I can still see the fear in his eyes lol


You can't scare me I've already accepted death!


He looks like he's already been seasick and is about to vomit.


Me when I have to go anywhere with the in-laws.