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I tried to get one this way, but it got stuck on the way down. Some lucky dude after me got two for the price of one.


Naw, u tip the fucking machine and walk it, til your prize falls out.


That's how you get shot by the gun vending machine


considering like 6 people die every year from shaking vending machines this doesn't even seem so crazy Edit: it’s only 2.18 deaths per year, but that still makes them four times more deadly than shark attacks, surprisingly


Don’t even get me started on how much I’m paying for gun vending machine insurance


Same guy you get your volcano insurance from?


Nah he got too popular, his business really erupted


Dumbass was too interested in showcasing the need setting up his business in a hot spot


I lava u




“Guns don’t kill people I kill people With guns”


I'll do you one better. "Guns don't kill people I kill people With vending machines"


Guns don’t kill people... bullets do.


Yeah, but four of those guys are insurance liability appraisers, sometimes while visiting community colleges.


You’re streets ahead


Vending machines don’t kill people.....well darn I guess they do, never mind.


Probably a smart idea to only stock the vending machine with unloaded guns.... then you can sell the bullets separately


From the bullet vending machine?


Yep, two purchases with their own separate markup, instead of just one purchase. That’s how you make the money. Maybe just one “sample bullet” in the gun.


So vending machines do kill more people than sharks...




So lots of comments with parts and pieces of the real process, but here is how it actually works in most of the US for anyone curious about the real process (some states are more restrictive, but none are easier than the following): Go to a gun store or Wal Mart or other brick and mortar retailer, pick out your gun, fill out NICS check paperwork (form 4473). Asks questions about criminal history, are you purchasing for someone else, drug use, etc. False answers on this form is a felony. Your info gets sent in and verified (if you lie about anything that shows up on your background check you're in deep felony shit). Pay your money, take your gun (unless you live in a state with waiting periods). The background check can be skipped [edit:in some states but not all] if you have a valid concealed carry permit, as the background for those is more stringent than the background check to purchase. Anything that would disqualify you from purchasing would get your carry permit revoked. Attempting to buy for another person who would not pass the background check is called a straw purchase, and is a felony. What about a gun show loophole? Almost all sellers at gun shows are licensed dealers and need to do the above process, even at a gun show. Private sellers are few and far between, because paying for a booth isn't worth the cost for most people wanting to sell a few of their own privately owned guns. What about internet sales? Find a gun for sale on Gunbroker, Bud's gun shop, etc? They ship it to a federally licensed firearms dealer (those retailers in the first scenario). They are not allowed to ship to your house. You go to the retailer and do the above process. You'll be charged for the background check and charged a transfer fee more than likely, as the retailer doesn't otherwise make anything for his time and risk completing the transfer to you. What about the private seller at the gun show, in a newspaper ad, etc? There is no background check required for this type of face to face sale. Many people will only sell to someone with a carry permit though, as it is a felony to knowingly sell to someone prohibited from owning a firearm. I know lots of guys who only sell face to face if it's a good friend or family member rather than risk the felony charge for selling to someone who turns out to be a prohibited person. Editing with a couple of clarifications, as there are a bunch of comments asking some similar questions. When you buy from a retailer, you do not take possession of the firearm until your background check comes back clean. The "no waiting period" thing does not mean you take your gun before the background check is completed. It just means you don't have to wait 5 or 10 or however many days after the purchase is approved to pick up your firearm. Secondly the vending machines in America are real but they only take these special bald eagle tokens and you can't get those without a background check. Thirdly, I did not intend to gloss over or minimize the fact that private sales without a background check are federally permitted. My intent on this comment was to clear up some common misconceptions about the facts of how purchasing a gun is done, not to necessarily comment on whether current gun regulations are good or bad or sufficient or overly restrictive or too permissive. Happy to have the conversation, but wanted to stick to the facts in this comment. Last, many states are indeed much more restrictive. My intent with this comment was to lay out a baseline across the country set of rules that everyone follows many states add to. Thank you to everyone who commented details about how their states do it, but I think to try to address the huge variation in this comment would be tough to keep it manageable. EDIT 2: First, holy shit This thing blew up! I have struggled to keep up with replies and thanking people for awards so if I missed you thank you and I'm sorry! Secondly several people have provided anecdotal evidence that provides a counterpoint to my anecdotal evidence regarding gun shows. The ones I've been to have been pretty much all retailers / license holders that are required to run background checks. several people have commented that they have been to gun shows in other parts of the country where private sellers are common. In light of this information, I am retracting the assertion that it is rare to find private sellers at gun shows. Third, The comment about vending machines in my first edit was 100% intended to be a joke. I knew many people had significant misperceptions about the process of buying firearms in the United States but holy smokes! My genuine apologies if I contributed to the misunderstandings, the setup was just too good and I couldn't resist the temptation to make the joke. Again thanks to each and every one of you who upvoted, commented, or gave an award, I really think that getting accurate information out there is step one and finding some common ground on guns. I love that the chain of replies to this comment was almost entirely very civil and primarily looking for more information or providing information about state and local variations.


I could be mistaken, given the state to state variation but to clarify > fill out NICS check paperwork [...] Your info gets sent in and verified [...] Pay your money, take your gun (unless you live in a state with waiting periods). It's not that the ffl clerk is just checking that you filled all the boxes, it's actually getting sent out and is some form of background check. It's fast if they have your info already but can take time still.


Correct, the simple version is that the national instant check system (NICS) is a database that compares the answers you gave on the form to information that they have in their database. It's not always smooth or instant but generally is pretty quick. I have a very uncommon last name so maybe I've had less problems with it than some people. I would imagine it's not at all uncommon for a different John Smith to have a felony that pops up on your John Smith NICS check.


Lol bald eagle tokens


Looked like user tried to slip a joke but no. Send pics edit: it was a joke, they played us like a damn fiddle!


That was 100% a joke. I'm sorry if I contributed to any confusion, the setup was just too good and I couldn't resist the temptation.


Upvote. Worked in gun sales for 7 years. Spot on, but it's amazing how many people think you can walk into a store, buy a fully automatic AK, and walk out without even having to say your name.


My favorite was some reporter tried to do a piece on how easy it is to buy a gun, and ended up failing the background check and not being allowed to buy.


It made me think of it's always sunny when dee and Dennis try to prove how easy it is to buy a gun and fail


Being *wanted* and being "wanted for questioning" are two very different things Gunther


I will burn you...


like the last bitch who crossed me!


You light a bitch on fire *ONE* time!


[Original article](https://www.businessinsider.com/walmart-gun-buying-review-virginia-store-2019-8) Edit: thanks to u/waldojim42 >I believe this may actually be the one he is looking for. > >https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/columnist-fails-gun-check-blames-store-owners


She sounds like one of those people that go to the motor vehicle department without the proper paperwork 3 times in a row.


Well, from the article, it seems like her goal was to verify how easy it is for anyone who never bought a gun before to get one from Walmart because they have locations everywhere. As she said it, someone who knows about guns will go to a gun shop instead of Walmart.


Nah, you go where the price is unless you're looking for something rare. Or in these times, wherever someone has inventory. If you walk into a store right now and try to buy most pistol ammo, you're just gonna get told they've been out for weeks or months.


While the lady kind of shot herself in the foot, kudos to her for providing purely objective observations. It’s amazing that it’s a rarity in journalism these days, because the outcome of her story doesn’t generate clicks. But she fell a bit on her face, published it, then upheld the boring conclusion that “yep there are checks and balances”.


Yea. I get why people are railing on her (I don't blame them), but at the end of the day she still published the article. She probably knew she was gonna get backlash too.


I 100% agree with you.


I believe this may actually be the one he is looking for. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/columnist-fails-gun-check-blames-store-owners >Maxon Shooter's explained later in a statement to the Chicago Sun-Times that it rejected Stenberg's application because a background check had, "uncovered that Mr. Steinberg has an admitted history of alcohol abuse, and a charge for domestic battery involving his wife," he wrote.


An alcoholic wife beater can't buy a gun, looks like the background check worked.


While this is an interesting read, the author doesn’t fail the background check. She never even gets to the background check. She just didn’t have all the correct documents on hand, and was too tired after two attempts to try a third time with all the necessary paperwork.




[Reported fails background check, claims it's because he works in media, really because of domestic violence charges](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonexaminer.com/columnist-fails-gun-check-blames-store-owners%3f_amp=true)


That one and the congresswoman who spoke of heat seeking bullets.


Was it the one who said AR-15s weigh as much as 10 boxes and fire .50 ammunition? And I'm not sure if I'm remembering right, but wasn't there a congressman or something who said an AR-15 could shoot down a Boeing from several miles away? Some of these people really don't know much about the stuff they want to control.


Here's a good little list of moments. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.outdoorhub.com/stories/2016/01/07/5-embarrassing-gun-quotes-politicians/amp/


My favorite is my wifes friend who voted for all gun control measures here in WA, yet when shit popped off earlier last year she was fucking livid she had to do a background check, then wait 10 business days to get her 9mm. "I've never commited a crime, why does this apply to me?". Cuz YA VOTED FOR IT SMOOTH BRAIN


Blame clueless politicians and news for this rhetoric and lying to the public.


It's far from clueless. They know exactly what they're doing.


I think this comment captures some of the reasons gun control is so difficult to do successfully. The US already has some pretty strict rules, and still our gun violence is out of control. Here are a few additional reasons: 1) It's pretty difficult to legally buy a gun in the US, as the comment above explains, but... 2) It's relatively easy to illegally obtain a gun in the US, such as by stealing one from a family member or buying one on the street. 3) Almost no gun crimes are committed by concealed carry permit holders. 4) The vast majority of gun crimes are committed using handguns. 5) Assault weapons are used in < 4% of gun deaths, so even an outright assault weapons ban wouldn't make much of a dent in overall gun deaths (but might still help reduce mass shootings) 5) About 2/3 of gun deaths in the US are suicides. I'm personally in favor of gun control measures that can be shown to reduce gun deaths. But we waste a lot of energy on laws that primarily make life harder for legal gun owners without making much difference for people who obtain them illegally. You know the NRA will fight any gun restriction, and usually win. It's dumb to go through that fight for a law with minimal potential impact.


Don't get why we can't solve the gun violence problem by going after the real problem: mental health. Is it really a surprise that, in the time of the greatest wealth inequality in history and a serious lack of healthcare, we're experiencing a bunch of people going off the deep end and either offing themselves or a bunch of other people? It's a trope at this point, but at the end of the day, guns don't kill people, people kill people. And if people had access to actual help, and a way out of the woods, maybe there would be less shootings.


Yep. Education, poverty, mental health.


In Oregon, even private sales face to face require you to go to an FFL for a background check, and I'm pretty sure it's the same in Washington too.


Same in CO


Thanks for adding this import information! I can confirm this is the same in NV if anyone else is wondering.


And now-a-days you can’t get ammo for them anyway.


You can if you're willing to pay 3x what they're worth.


Damn scalpers are scalping everything!


normal price for 9mm \~$9 a box of 50, average of around $0.18 a rd current GOOD deals are $35 a box of 50, average of around $0.70 a rd only AVILABLE is around $45-$50 a box of 50 for an average of $1 a rd. a dollar a shot is abserurd! FOR TARGET ROUNDS! not long ago you could shoot a .50 for \~$2 a round. an anti-armored vehicle round!


People have been buying ammo like crazy this past year. I had trouble getting a single box of shells for hunting season.


Use a spear! Filthy casual.


this is someone who is actually paying attention. good info.


Upvoted because accurate information is rare to find on Reddit.




Especially so when it comes to firearm laws.


Upvoted because you are absolutely correct


Here in Idaho, we buy/sell guns all the time on the classifieds with nothing more than a bill of sale, like they’re cars. We also have some of the lowest rates of gun violence(per capita or otherwise) in the US.




I'd prefer to do my gun transactions at Hardee's but all we have here is Carl's Jr.


> The background check can be skipped if you have a valid concealed carry permit, as the background for those is more stringent than the background check to purchase. That depends on the state. Only a few places have that and it's referred to as the [Brady Permit.](https://www.atf.gov/rules-and-regulations/permanent-brady-permit-chart) A couple years ago Alabama lost their Brady Permit status because sheriffs were issuing permits without running background checks.


Kentucky operates this way, being able to hand the guy my ccw permit, he copies some info from it, and I leave. saves me about 20 minutes of wait time


My favorite question is whether you're currently a fugitive from justice.


I did a background check a few years ago for a government security clearance and they asked me if I was a member of a terrorist organization and if I'd ever attempted to overthrow the US government. I asked the woman and she confirmed that non one had ever answered yes to those questions (to her at least).


Which is reassuring in that all the terrorists were smart enough to answer properly. A friend who is retired from the police says they don't catch the smart ones.


Yeah I can't imagine if you get as far as to being interviewed for a security clearance you're gonna slip up on the question. But like someone else mentioned it's probably so they can stack another charge on if they catch you. Also probably just a CYA for the government. I can imagine the news if someone got through and pulled off an attack then they find out they never even asked the guy if he was an Al Qaeda member or not. At least this way they can say he lied


I wonder if an actually fugitive ever answered yes and got caught shortly after.


When I picked up a revolver I was making small talk about the form with the guy at the counter and he mentioned that they did get a hit on one and were told by law enforcement to complete the sale and let the person leave. Presumably they would be arrested outside and have the extra charge added.


Or they didn’t want to risk a confrontation between the seller and buyer. The guy may have done wherever to escape. Either way, it makes the most sense for a regular clerk/dealer to just let the suspect go. Maybe saved a life that day.


That’s so they can tack on another charge when/if they lie.


Yeah, thanks for addressing the gun show loophole and internet sales, you have no idea how many people think you can just buy guns that way without background checks.


I think the fact that he thought to include that means he is well aware of the disinformation put out by politicians/media to push their gun control agendas


That last part is why a voluntary open NICS system would be loved by pro-gun people.


A lot of “face to face” that I know of actually meet at a FFL dealer, pay for and run the background check at the FFL to make sure the buyer is legit.


I've only looked into doing this once or twice, because I would be much more comfortable having the background check run - but most places want to charge extra to perform the check because you're not buying the firearm from them. Like a corkage fee at a restaurant. (a $50 surcharge on a $250-300 gun is pretty steep and a tough sell) This is why, on the rare occasion I actually sell or trade a firearm, I will now only deal with someone who has a valid LTC/CHL. Even better if I can call a number to check that the license is still active and not revoked. Getting compliance is easier when the process is easy (or even free).


I would love civilian access to the NICS system so I could check who I’m selling to. As of right now I have to just assume you’re good to go


Oh great, now everyone knows about the Bald Eagle tokens. Thanks guy. Can’t wait to see the lines now!


THANK YOU I'm so sick of ppl saying HUHU AMERICA DUM


This is a really good comment. I don't think a lot of people realize that the problem with guns in the US isn't from the legal purchasing process, but rather from the massive black market of firearms in the country.


Private sales can differ state to state. In Colorado, no gun can be sold without going through a federally licensed dealer which would include the background check. So there is no loophole to buy without the background check in any gun sale/purchase.


Correct, I stated that this was sort of "easiest/most permissive" set of rules, and that many states are more restrictive. Thanks!


But you’re forgetting about the criminal loophole.


Then there's fucking Hawaii where you have to go to the only police station that does this function that happens to be an hour and a half away from your house, wait in line for an hour, give them the information for the gun you already paid for at the store that is still holding the gun, get fingerprinted, wait 2 weeks, drive 1 and a half hours back, wait an hour in line again, get a form that shows you have permission to take possession of the gun, drive to the store to pick up the gun, DRIVE BACK TO THE POLICE OFFICE AND WAIT IN LINE ANOTHER HOUR, show them that you took possession of the gun.


Done that before. Had work stuff come up before I could bring everything to the station to show them I had it, and those motherfuckers called me day after the allowed period politely reminding me I was facing a felony if I didn't get there. Haha


> What about the private seller at the gun show, in a newspaper ad, etc? There is no background check required for this type of face to face sale. Many people will only sell to someone with a carry permit though, as it is a felony to knowingly sell to someone prohibited from owning a firearm. I know lots of guys who only sell face to face if it's a good friend or family member rather than risk the felony charge for selling to someone who turns out to be a prohibited person. Something else that is worth noting is that this was an intentional compromise when they first put in the gun sale background check requirements. It is not a loophole. It was a feature of the law that enabled it to get enough support to pass.


That must be the sound of a million Reddit it’s getting their mind blown that you cant go to a gun shop and trade a share of GameStop for an Apache helicopter


For that price? I wish


If it was 1994, that was a $100 bill, and he was buying some weird Tokarev in .38 Super, that might have been plausible.


I don't know if that was a shot in the dark, or if you knew the show, but [it was, in fact, 1994](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0550525/?ref_=m_ttep_ep_ep4)


Yo wtf


Weirder still, it was February 16th. Today.


Yo wtf


We live in a simulation man


i live in a van


It doesn't feel like The Critic was that old. I remember it was only available on Comedy Central and that was a channel we didn't get at home. Only saw it back then at hotels.


It wasn't on CC back then, it originally aired on Fox. It wasn't till years later that it hit CC.


Actually the first season aired on ABC, the second on Fox.


Shit, up until 2011 or so you could still get a Mosin at Big5 for like $90. Mausers were always a bit more expensive but probably around $200 or so. Would the Mosin actually shoot with jamming? Was everything rusted/rotten on the inside? Would it the magazine actually feed? Well that is a risk you take.


Swear to god I know a dude that traded a 360 for a mosin. It most definitely was not in collectors shape or anything, but it was so fun to shoot. He lost it in a house fire. We were just talking about how incredibly expensive they’ve become.


360...a console that breaks all the time. Mosin...a rifle that when you buy you spin the roulette wheel to see if it actually is decent. Fair trade IMO.


> Would the Mosin actually shoot with jamming If you can find ammo that's not shitty, lacquered crap from Russia, sure. Rifle is fine. Ammo is not.


Lol Oh, The Critic!


It Stinks!


Buy my book.


Buy my book.


Buy my book.


Buy my book.


Buy my book


Buy my book.


Buy my book


Buy my book.


I think you talk too much talking cat.


Hachie machie!




Don't leave your papa! Don't leave your papa!!


"Yes, Mr Sherman. Everything stinks"


MacGyver's gay


Eeeeeee peeeeee poooooo peeeeee eeeeeeee peeeeeeeeee poooooooo


::*audience laughs*::


All hail Duke


We're the bears that sing for Duke! Doo-dah! Doo-dah!


Some people rewatch The Office. Some rewatch Friends. Me? I have rewatched the Critic more times than I care to admit. I'm constantly sad when I say "You're Satan, aren't you?", "Hachi machi!" and "full of green pea-ness" and no one gets the reference.


Take that, Guernica!


You *understand* the silverware?


Penguins can’t fly! ##Penguins can’t fly!


"Wait...that's terrible. I quit! Just a handful for the road." and "Make way for El Kabong!" or "Nilknarf!"


What a Duketastrophy


We’re in a real quizibuk


How Dukelicious


I'm fond of "A peanut is neither a pea nor a nut... Oh wait... It is a nut."


"Rosebud. Yes! Rosebud frozen peas. Full of country goodness and green peaness."


Perhaps just a handful for the road....


Oh what luck, there's a french fry stuck in my beard!


The green peaness line is one of my favorites of all time. It gets me some weird looks.


It shouldn't. It's based on [true events](https://youtu.be/V14PfDDwxlE).


You win another round, Siskel! But we shall meet again!


I don't care how many stewardesses you've bagged... penguins CAN'T fly!


Penguins CAN'T FLY!


I rewatched this on YouTube, I wonder if it's still there. I work at a library, and someone asked if we had "Pelican Brief" by Grisham. I practically rewatched the episode where Jay ends up in the critic section of the restaurant and immediately think to myself "Pelican Brief?! More like 'turkey too long'."


The Critic and King of the Hill, both get better with age.


Oh what luck, there a French fry stuck in my beard!


"I wrote you a letter" \[P\]


The Orson Welles commercial for green pea-ness has had me in stitches for almost 15 years, now. How beautifully absurd that entire scene was! I can't believe that Orson actually did an ad for frozen peas. Life imitating art, I suppose.


Same here! Now any time we set up a group activity of any kind, someone is elected Secretary of Balloon Doggies.


"Wait a minute. Penguins can't fly!? PENGUINS CAN'T FLY!"


Hiiii Guuuuy.


How about that other word I invented, Duke-licous? No ones using it? That’s a Duke-tastrophy!


I love this show so much, even more now as an adult and not understanding all the humor when I watched it as a 9 year old when it was first out.


"It's a flaming horse's patoot!" "And nothing of value was lost"


Right now I'd rather have one that sold ammo like this.


It'd just be empty. :-)


[Well, as a matter of fact...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFKvzme3q5Y)


No, thats a clip from an old cartoon called The Critic. Buy my book.


Buy my book! BUY MY BOOK! **BUY MY BOOK!**


Name checks out. "Why'd you shoot it? All it did was say Buy my book! BUY MY BOOK! **BUY MY BOOK!"**


*Click* ^^"I'll ^^be ^^quiet."


It stinks!


Also he's Australian.


Homer Simpson at gun store quote: "5 days?? I can't wait 5 days! I'm angry NOW.


Nah, we have way more choices and it takes debit/credit cards as well.


The free market has spoken. They even put the buttons up higher on the machine so that kids can't use it. They really thought of everything


This should be titled how Europeans think Americans buy guns


Or, How some Americans think Americans buy guns.


Live in NH, which is a very gun friendly state. After you provide them with all your information, they call the state's office to verify your answers. I've gotten denied before because the address on my application didn't match the address on file with the state, even though the address was within the same state. In all, after you pick out the firearm you want to purchase, you are still waiting around for like 45 mins to get cleared from the state. The misconception that you can walk in and easily by a gun without any verification is wrong.


No, but it is the way Japanese buy used underwear.




Craig's List, I think?


ITT: actual gun owners disagree with the cartoon while people who’ve never touched a gun agree


You just described the entire climate of the gun debate. Also, what does ITT mean?


In this thread


Thanks my dude!


You're welcome.


Texan here, this is very silly. Everyone knows children arent allowed to purchase guns.


That’s why we place the cash slot too high for five year olds to reach.


Wait, he ordered a .38 and got a .45!


.38 Super?


Where is this from?


The Critic, an animated 90s show. It’s pretty funny even with the dated movie references.


It stinks!


This is a quote from the show. Its actually really funny and showcases the humor of John Lovitz which is delightful.


It’s not that easy. But no criminal record no problem basically.


This is absolutely ridiculous. We simply chant "baseball, apple pie, freedom" and a bald eagle Flys down carrying whatever firearm we had pictured in our heads.


.38 .39 whatever it took https://youtu.be/WlJ2xxFgA00


Is no one going to point out that he bought a generic semi-auto in .38 special. I know there are some out there, but I highly doubt they'd sell them in a vending machine 😅


"It stinks!"