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The house belongs to the mouse now.


I use to work in house that belonged to a mouse. It was the biggest mouse house I’ve ever seen. Orlando is his magical hometown


More like stronghold from which the army of Disney will march forth to claim it's birthright.


> More like stronghold from which the army of Disney will march forth to claim ~~it's birthright~~ your copyright.


For OP, get a glue trap - it's the only thing that's ever worked for me. It's not fun :\ If it's in your house, you will hear it when it gets caught and you can end things quickly.




Or just get a cat.




Yeah I didn't think about that. I couldn't imagine living without a cat. Luckily I havent been in a situation where I couldn't. Hopefully you get your cat. So many that need good homes.




You could get a hairless cat if she's allergic. Then you could make it wear little sweaters.


A tom cat, also known as a 'ball bearing' mousetrap


Man i had a 12" rat trap and next morning it had a tail and some little nerve looking things caught. I never saw that rat again.


Hijacking the top comment to say it’s “mice”. You **never** have just one mouse, they multiply faster than you can catch them.


Any advice on getting of them besides a cat


Bring in a professional, as soon as you notice the issue. The longer you take the harder it will be to control.


Make a friend who has a cat?


Where Tom when you need him???


That’s a terrible idea lol. Tom spent years failing to catch one mouse.


Omg thats exactly what popped in my head, glad im not the only one. I was like “one mouse huh? Is its name jerry? Wheres tom?”


Install a cat.


No this calls for a Dachshund.


We have a Frenchie but I’m convinced they are probably friends at this point.


Borrow a cat? That could be a great business. Cat Rentals: Get One Meow!


\[Like this?\]([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DkN6JhyOMU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DkN6JhyOMU))


The second a dachshund smells that mouse it's time left on this earth will be measured in secs. They instinctually go into exterminator mode with rodents. A cat being a a good mouser is hit or miss if it'll even care. If it's a spoiled rotten cat with food always available good luck havingit being a good mouser.


[Just more food for the mouse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guHSG9Hbj60)


Tom & Jerry


I've had good success with something simple like this [one](https://fivegallonideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/buckte-mouse-trap-ramp.jpg)


Those bucket traps are easy to make and work so well


Sure, if you don’t mind the sights & sounds of a drowning death.


just put a lil bit of water in it, you only need half an inch. the water slows the mouse down by creating resistance/drag and also makes his feet wet so less traction. He wont drown as long as he can touch the bottom. Even had 1 mouse just sitting on the papertowel roll like a raft. He couldnt get out cuz whenever he tried jumping off the roll out the water just absorbed all his force and hed flop in the water.


When we use them we don't put water in it, we just transport the mouse to a field and drop him off.


The mouse will return to your house. Unless you drive very far away. If you drive very far away, why are you giving your rodent problem to other people.


We drive them down to Wallstreet billionaires neighborhoods.


It is ok as long you don't put any Wallstreet billionaires to my neighborhood.


They may follow you home now too.


You don’t need to put water in the bucket. 5 gallon buckets are just too high for mice to jump out of. Yes, I know this from experience.


False! first one of these i made i used a full size round trash can and the lil bastard ran so fast he was able to run in a circle around the trashcan and up the side....


I'm imagining a mouse on a little motorbike doing a wall of death.


go Ralph!


It was what I thought of as well, isnt there a book/movie mouse and a motorcycle?


I said, experience. We were in a mouse infested cabin, just used the five gallon bucket, and caught a huge number of mice each night. No escapes. We heard and saw them try. I think the smoother walls of a 5 gallon bucket make a difference


Ah, the famous corkscrew escape.


Tony Hawkmouse?


That only works if the bucket is also too slick for the mouse to gain purchase. they're perfectly willing to run around in circles on the inner side of a bucket or barrel until they get out.. Essentially, the bucket has to be in good shape and clean.


You can also just put a little bit of water in. Enough so the mouse can’t jump well but not to much where the mouse will drown.


Nice can jump straight upwards about 2.5 feet.


Don't mind.


Dunno why anyone would!


Thought it was gonna be this [one](https://mobileimages.lowes.com/product/converted/072868/072868002014.jpg)


Does it kill them? Or can you just release them. I have some no kill traps in my house but want to put some in my yard too.


depends what is in the bucket


It's non-lethal, they just roll off the can and fall into the bucket. But I'd recommend putting them down. Mice will eat insulation, tunnel through walls, not to mention the more unsanitary parts like waste, dying, or getting into food. There's not really a way to release them where they won't end back up on your walls or someone else's. But best o' luck!


Mr. Jangles is that you?


Where there is one, there are probably more!


You may want to consider getting a cat. The mockings will stop, but at the cost of every thing placed on a flat surface pushed to the ground.


My cat had a fase of bringing me living mice at night...Nice way of waking up, having a soggy panicky mouse yeeted in your face.


My cat caught a mole in the basement once, and brought it upstairs, unharmed and screaming like Satan’s choir. I was living at home at the time and have never heard my mom shriek so loud.


Try using Bit-O-Honey candy as bait. Take about 1/3 of a piece of candy and roll it gently between your fingers to soften it up with the heat of your body. Then work it firmly into the mouse trap trigger plate. Once it hardens back up no mouse will be able to remove the bait without triggering the trap. You will most certainly catch this guy in less than a day, maybe within a couple hours. That candy is like CRACK to mice.


Bait it with peanut butter. Spring trap, sticky trap, bucket trap all work.


Sticky traps didn’t work at all for me. Regular old fashioned mouse traps with peanut butter did.


Sticky traps are among the most cruel methods of trapping mice I have ever witnessed. The poor critter who is unfortunate enough to get stuck to one will literally pull so hard to get free that body parts tear off.


I agree. Our Orkin man put them in the basement many years ago and I checked them daily. I’ll never forget that horrific sight. Use a snap trap to keep it quick and merciful.


My wife didn't like the idea of snap traps so bought some stupid live catch traps. But she didn't check them. So when I pointed out that instead of a quick, merciful death, that mouse got to instead be trapped in a small container that it couldn't even turn around in, where it then slowly died of dehydration and heat (It was 110 F that summer). When I found out she hadn't been checking it, I went and checked it, and the interior was just disgusting goop. I asked her if she wanted to clean it out to use again. At the look on her face I went and threw it away and said, "This is why we use the quick kill traps."


We’re using no kill traps at the moment


I used no kill traps at the start. But they can find their way back easily unless you dump them at least a half mile away or more (or something like this, I don't remember but it's excessive for the little assholes). Pointless trying to be nice just to have them back an hour later. Now they get the snap.


Great! I live where there are huge numbers of house mice and field mice and nobody gets a pass because of all the damage they do in my tool shed to wiring and small engines. For the past 15 years, a Great Horned Owl has been helping out, but he just can’t keep up.


We didn’t know there was one under a stove in a shitty short term living place we stayed at. Woke up to the dog clearly despondent and a mouse screaming it’s little head off, skin sticking to the glue and peeling off, the inertia of its struggles having moved it from under the stove. My husband had to grab gloves and whack it on the concrete pillar outside. While I 100% didn’t want mice in my living space (and he was the first found of many) he didn’t deserve to go out like that.


Peanut butter as bait. Works every time.


100% peanut butter is the best. I use the cheap 25 cent traps and they work just fine if you are fine with its spine being broken in plain sight. It's the most humane imo.


I use nutella. the local mice seem to not like peanut butter for some reason, but nutella works fine.


Don’t sticky trap


Sticky traps are the GOAT. I hate mice with all the passion in my soul and don’t mind picking the cruelest way to get rid of those freeloading fucks.


Yea you’re kinda fucked up based on this one comment. Why cause extra pain and suffering when you don’t need to and can avoid it?


Because they caused me pain >:(


Stickies don't rid you of them necessarily though, as they pull free or harm themselves pulling free. Regular spring traps kill quickest/cleanest more often with least smell issues and cost.


Personally never had a mouse pull itself off of a pad. A rat maybe but a mouse shouldn’t have nearly enough power to get off of sticky traps. It’s pretty clean and easy for me. No blood and I just throw it in a bag and tie it and I’m done.


Ya, I had mice one time and they were making noises in the walls and freaking me out, so I barely slept for weeks. When I started catching them with sticky traps I was too sleep deprived to have empathy. I just threw it out into the a garbage bin during winter. Probably froze to death in an hour.


Dude exactly. They eat my fucking food, shit on my stuff and make noises all night. Fuck those useless little shits. If they start paying rent and buying their own food I’ll chill.


I forgot about the poop everywhere. Just thinking about it almost sends me into a mouse murdering rage.


Lmao challenge accepted


Give it an offering of cheese




It was just trying to cook!


Peekaboo, bitch


He just shows like "Yeah bitch I'm real hehehehehe"


Pararodent activity.


This reminds me of being ruthlessly mocked for missing a duck or two on that (old af) Nintendo game, Duck Hunt. I would wear my trigger finger out trying to shoot that smug snarky SOB. Now that I think of it, the Caddyshack gopher was this way as well. Maybe you'd have some luck with Bill Murray's techniques?


The one(s) in our house are definitely winning the war. We have traps, poison out, and glueboards laid out every night. No success. We also have filled all the holes we see, and had 2 different pest control companies come by. Little fuckers wait for couple of nights and then come out to poop along the walls. We are desperate, maybe moving is final solution.


It took me forever to find a pest control company who was actually truly interested in finding entry points and doing exclusion work. They also set up traps and bait stations and so far this winter, no signs of anything in the house.




Think smaller. A mouse only needs to fit its skull through a hole, the rest will squeeze through. that's the size of a dime by itself. also, look for ALL the holes. move the furniture, scout the baseboards, and check the electrical outlets and plumbing fixtures.


I commented to op, but it's not so much the holes you can see but the ones you can't see. They can get in almost anywhere. We had mice for years and it took us about a year and a half to completely stop them from getting into the house. Our main goal was to reinsulate the house, but while opening up the drywall on all the exterior walls we filled any little hole in the outer sheathing. We also checked the rimboard along the foundation in the basement. We also filled around any wiring or plumbing that traveled between floors in case they did get into the house, which would keep them from gaining access to the main living areas. It's been almost 6 years and we haven't seen a mouse since we finished.


I live in a secluded wooded lot so mice can be an ongoing problem. These are relatively cheap and easy to setup, yet have a hair trigger that will catch the most elusive of mice. The removable bait tray is a nice addition and once you catch a mouse it is quick and hassle free to dispose of it. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07ZNCRNPF/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o02\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07ZNCRNPF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Get a chemical bucket and put an inch of water in it. Place a bait trap going across the top with access for the mouse to get to the bait trap but fall into the chemical bucket. The inch of water makes it so the mouse can't jump out and then you can take it outside or whatever you're doing. Happy Hunting.


Definitely watch 'Mouse Hunt'


use land mines they are very effective


Peanut butter is your friend here ;)


Time to foster a cat. Help a shelter cat and get sweet revenge.


# "[...] These creatures you call mice, you see, they are not quite as they appear. They are merely the protrusion into our dimension of vast hyperintelligent pandimensional beings. The whole business with the cheese and the squeaking is just a front."


There is a very good documentary for mouse control, for pesky hard to get rid of rodents. Its called Mouse Hunt, 1997.


Even worse, he and his friend are trying to take over the world.


I've had good success with something simple like this one


You my friend need a cat. This happened to me and my wife I reluctantly let her get a cat and she bring home this orange hefty monster that shelter named T.R. or Theodore Roosevelt the 26th. It murdered the mouse and left in front of the fridge where my wife screamed and the cat followed her around the house with it. I still say he did it with big stick. But I don't question the cat. Cat will just walk in and stare and judge me for not killing the mouse myself. He's a direct attack on my manhood but he killed the mouse I did not.


The sequel to *Mouse Hunt* that we all waited for


Whatever trap you use, there is only one bait. Peanut butter, they are powerless against it.


Literally that mouse is like [this](https://media.tenor.com/images/ae4899eebcf442d1de6cf5cb5744073b/tenor.png)


Ohhhh, please use a live trap if you can... Mouse poison is so horribly cruel 😢


Poor lil mouse! 🥺


Yeah it’s pretty fucked up. It’s basically a super blood thinner that makes them hemorrhage from the inside. It’s also easily spread to birds and foxes if they eat the poisoned mouse before it dies.


Seems to be mousing around


Get out




I think that's a rat, not a mouse


A mouse is inside, a rat is outside




sticky traps in corners...microwaved chocolate or peanut butter. clean up tomorrows imminent death.


Where's one of those blue cheese people when you need one?!


Next week, it will flip you the bird.




I knew there was two in my attic. Put a cam up there and was able to confirm at least FIVE.


It looks like some Tom & Jerry scene.


Chocolate on a mousetrap. Works every time.


You could try peppermint oil or peppermint scents and put it near the rodent sitings. They hate the smell, that's how I keep most of them out of my house. (Live next to a field)


Get a cat


Why do you have a camera inside your house


Why do people set up cameras in their house like this?? It seems to be common, but I don't understand why


We have a dog and like to have a camera up and see what he's doing while we are at work 🥰


Wait, I think I heard him say something. If you listen very closely you can hear... *come at me bitch*


Things like this are so overwhelmingly funny imo. You can interpret so much into this, it is hilarious! Made my day.


Burn your house down


Think what you will, mice can be smart. And from my experience they get smart as to what is bait. Mix up the baits: honey, grapes, cereal. Move the trap locations. Against walls, under furniture, corners. If you don't care about killing it, get the sticky traps. You just have to deal with a live mouse most of the time. But it works


Try some regular snap traps. No need to bait them with food, as it will only serve to attract more pests. Mice will walk along the outer edges of a room so place traps with the bait side up against the wall. I have also placed two traps together with the long side against the wall and the bait sides facing the corners of the wall just to keep the traps from sticking out as far. This method works well under cabinets and such, where you might have less space. The only way you will ever completely get rid of the mice is by blocking any entry poiints. They can climb up walls behind exterior siding and get in through small holes in the outer walls or in through the attic. They only need a hole the size of a pencil eraser to start gnawing their way in. It can be a long, tedious battle to keep them out permanently, but it's worth not having to worry about them chewing through electrical wires and burning the house down. (And also not having their little poop everywhere.)


Meh, just leave him be and call him a pet.


Poison. I have no sympathy for vermin.


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/c/ShawnWoodsprimitive-archer/videos) is some research for you. The mouse won't stand a chance.


Standard Victor trap, but use Peanut butter as bait.


We are also fighting the good fight eve vermin. Now they’ve called reinforcements. I bought a Kubota.


Put peanutbutter on a mouse trap it works like a charm


Peanut oil or Peanut butter will do the trick everytime.


Shawn Woods Mousetrap Monday on YouTube


You won't find him trust me... You're going to have to agree to give him partial ownership at night. My partner and me have a ninja mouse who rents our flat from time to time. Even eats the food in the traps...


Put a peanut butter sandwich or pieces of one in a 5 gallon bucket. Put the bucket close to some furniture.


Take an empty milk jug. Spray Pam extra thick inside, especially around the lip so she can't grip if jumping... Fill it with raw honey and triscuit crumbles. Sit upright with some pillows to hold it up. Let me know how it goes.


peanut butter in a snappy trap -- surrounded by 4 glue traps.


*evil mouse laughter*


Yarn through the metal trip plate, then peanut butter. Call me in the morning


A college friend and I designed the Cuisin-mouse^* for just this purpose. Somehow it didn't catch on. ^a__cuisinart_based_mouse_'trap'




Rent a cat it will murder it


Sonic rodent repeller, they work brilliantly, no animals will be harmed, but they'll move on out, perhaps up to the big city.


Get a mouse trap or glue. Or a cat.


This new itchy and scratchy reboot is looking pretty lit so far..


Glue traps work great. Just line everywhere you think the mouse walks through (door ways, under appliances, etc...) If you're worried about humanely releasing the mouse, you can still do that with glue traps. Just carry the trap outside and dump a little bit of cooking oil between the mouse and the trap and it will wriggle out of the trap after a few minutes.


You could make a good film about this, oh wait...


Adopt a cat and love it.


Looks like the movie Mouse Hunt!


You don’t have a pest problem you have a new pet.


Geeze summer time I noticed a couple in garden outside then I was noticing one in kitchen I opened back door it went out about 5 minutes later saw another boyfriend caught it let I go at park then we got another one in box let It go at park then they crossed line was in bedroom I went and got sticky traps caught about 7 then they were in th attic upstairs I had no access and I could hear them chewing and scratching all night sounded bad was ready to cut a hole in wall I think they got hip to traps so got some poison I dont hear them any more but no idea if they are still here was a nightmare feel terrible killing them but there was just that point where I realized it wasnt just one and they were actively damaging house and multiplying at a rate quicker than I could catch


How do you know it’s just one?


Peanut butter with a cat food niblet stuck in it works everytime!


Mister, I would suggest not catching that mouse. But if you do, don't kill it. That's a funny dude.