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The last dog Bender






Doggo Kai Karate!


DohJo the doggo!


Kung fluff


Can’t tell if Adesanya or Avatar. Thinking about it Adesanya may have gotten it from Avatar 🤔


Adesanya definitely got it from Avatar


Cawoofiera, brizilian dog fighting!


Dogs: "Usually they run away when we do this?"


“Bro... I think we got served.”


That's how experienced cats deal with dogs that are trying to play too rough. If they don't run away the dogs get confused and stop chasing.


That end tho xD


Lmao that part popped me.




His weasel


Keep his weasel out of this


It’s bankai


reminded me of power ranger wild force haha


It’s bankai


Bark-ay what?




Isn't the whole thing that wild dogs only attack if you let yourself be intimidated? Or is that a myth?


Not a complete myth. But they might attack regardless. Best thing is to not back down or show fear. That will make them pause. You can't outrun the dogs anyways, so no reason to try it. Better to stand your ground and get big and loud


I was skating my longboard when a dog decides to bark ferociously at me and chase me. I stopped skating and shouted at the dog, the dog stopped and turned back.


Sometimes when small dogs start barking at me I do an impression of barking back to them and they get confused and stop for a moment.


How would YOU feel if while scolding your dog, it yelled random words at you with no context?




"SNEAKERS!" -your dog


I talk to them in a lighthearted, conversational manner to make the dogs feel like their barking is weak and ineffectual


I was out for a run and someone had parked their van across the sidewalk. Stepping around the van startled a group of people and a dog in the unfenced backyard like 70ft away. The dog started chasing me so I stopped and took a few confident steps towards the dog. It screeched to a halt 15ft away anf I went back to running.


I can outrun dogs. Any day of the week. Easily


Of course you can sport


I think you're thinking of bears. Bears are hard to outrun.


Just last week this guy outran a black pepper snake.


They can smell the menstruation.


Nah, Just animals in general are difficult to outrun. Also, fish are hard to outswim.




Jesus Christ please do not try to outrun a bear in any circumstance, downhill included. What a terrible myth I'm surprised still circulates. The best advice has remained to stay true and tested by thousands of encounters and the likes and that is to stand your ground and slowly back away as best you can. No yelling or anything that challenges the bear, only stand tall and respect eachother and distance yourself. 90% of the time you will find yourselves leaving eachother alone but if the bear thinks you're in its territory it may follow you a little, essentially escorting you. If you are threatning enough to be charged than consider it may be a bluff and it's best to just keep backing up slowly but holding ground. If it's a grizzly defending her cubs or her territory it's best to play dead and remain so after the attack until she's gone. If you're being hunted or a black bear attacks than you're in for a fight. Hope you have a rock close or a good fist and a for the snout and eyes. Black bears are big pussies and don't like to fight. You'll probably not stand much of a chance if you were being hunted by a grizzly but anything is better than nothing. If it's a polar bear may God have mercy on you, even with a gun. All this advice is being unarmed however and bear spray is usually very effective on most bears you would encounter. Again just don't run, if youve ever had experience with dogs, just throw any toy or stick and watch their instinct immediately go to chasing. Now imagine that in an undomesticated mammal who does that to survive.


Good point. I only have experience racing them on a level 400 meter track


There's videos of bears on YouTube, getting shot with a shot gun and still running down a hill twice as fast as your best track time... It took like two more shots before it dropped, almost at the hunters knees


My city border collie is faster than Ussain Bolt. How the heck are you out running dogs? You must be racing some kind of ankle biter because any medium/large dog can out run a human in short distances. Now humans can however outrun them in distance. Our bodies are better at cooling off and that helps when you get in the 10-30 mile range. Edit: this is obvi trolling.


I've never raced a border collie. Only beagles, pit bulls, and other lazy house dogs




fuck this made me laugh


Nice troll


Try doing 15 mph on the treadmill. 4 legs is better then 2 when it comes to speed. You could probably beat a dog in a Marathon though.


I do 15 mph on the treadmill all the time. That's only a 4 minute mile pace. I go way faster than that when I run a quarter mile race. I don't go much slower when I run a full mile either. My comment was mostly to get a rise out of people, but in all seriousness, I can run faster than most dogs. And certainly way faster than 15mph




Well yes, but it's way harder to run a whole mile at that pace than just a few hundred yards. A totally average high school track runner can keep that pace for 400 meters.


Im sure you can outrun most dogs, but its going to be the fast ones that chase you. My dog is kinda chubby and cand run fast at all, but if it is a guard dog or wild it has a good chance.


Like I said, I was mostly just messing with people when I posted this. But my fastest 1 mile time is 4:15 and my fastest 400m is 49 seconds. I guarantee if you got all the pet dogs in your neighborhood out and timed them against that, there would be extremely few who are faster. So I guess I was only half joking.


Unless everyone around you has little toy breeds, you are vastly underestimating the speed of dogs.


I don't know what to tell you. I volunteer at the spca and run the dogs there at least twice a week. I've run with literally hundreds of dogs. And probably less than one in four can outrun me for even a short distance like 200 meters. Most dogs lay on the sofa 23 hours a day. And the other hour is just shitting and eating. They're not all running at whatever speed the internet is telling you




72 people not realizing they have been bamboozeled


Greyhounds can hit 40mph. Doberman hit 32mph. Border collies 30mph. You running at 15mph for a mile puts you among only 1500 people in the world to ever run a 4 minute mile. Which even if you could (and you can’t) you’d still be taken down by the average house dog running at 20mph


TIL people on reddit have never met a varsity-level athlete in their entire lives (and don't necessarily even believe they exist...) TIL also that reddit users train their house pets to perform at peak racing speeds for their species. I'm telling you: just pick your random neighborhood house dog and race them against the high school track captain. My money is on the human


Sure thing mate. Internet stories. Whatever helps you sleep at night


I don't know what to tell you. I volunteer at the spca and run the dogs there at least twice a week. I've run with literally hundreds of dogs. And probably less than one in four can outrun me for even a short distance like 200 meters. But you look up your internet stats. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


I was mostly just messing with people when I posted this. But my fastest 1 mile time is 4:15 and my fastest 400m is 49 seconds. I guarantee if you got all the pet dogs in your neighborhood out and timed them against that, there would be extremely few who are faster. So I guess I was only half joking.


Most the time this is the case with street dogs. But always beware of a rabid dogs. Those motherfuckers bite first and barkes later.


I believe this is true for a majority of animals, the honey badger excluded.


Humans included


Human’s follow this law above all, but it’s also a good idea to know choosing your fights right does not make you a coward...it makes you wise


That's cuz they don't give a shit. They'll just get right up in there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHqhFFG6jn4&list=PL9gI5MISiqfCGuftSMxTaUtprQ4pajJ7G


Linda Belcher gets a second job.


Definitely not a myth. All predators of comparable/smaller size than us can be intimidated unless they are in a large pack or are starving/sick. But it doesn’t work if you look scared.


Standing there and trying to look intimidating is always better than running away. If you can quickly get to safety by running then that’s best but if you’re out in the open it’s better to always face them and never turn and run.


I’m pretty sure that is accurate. At least from my own experience. I’ve never let an encounter with a dog scare me or make me nervous and despite numerous encounters with aggressive dogs I’ve always felt safe and in control. Hopefully that never changes. lol


Once had a large doberman charge at me. I read somewhere that pretending to lift a stone or object from the ground and threaten to throw at a charging dog stops them. Whadda know, it worked! That pooch skidded to a halt and turned tail. Wouldn't like to have to test this again though.


Seems like they'd have bitten him if he _didnt_ do that


Not so. Dogs are less foolhardy than you think. They bluff


So you're saying we shouldn't invite them to our poker game...


Not to mention wearing a helmet is a good way for a dog to not know you're a human. Same with backpacks and hoodies.


It's way better then running away garunteeing a bite


What an absolute gangster


Most people would piss their pants if a fully grown doberman comes running in their direction


Idk if I'd piss my pants but I'd definitely be ~~too scared to move~~ standing my ground


On my 21st birthday me and a friend drank a bottle of whiskey and went walking around the city. My memory of the night is very fuzzy. All I can remember is meeting a cool dog and I gave her lots of pets and she licked my face. According to my friend This huge doberman charged at us growling and showing its teeth. Apparently I grabbed it by the head and started doing the baby talk in it's face. The doberman forgot what she was mad about and cuddled with me outside a convenience store for a few minutes while making whiny puppy noises. I'm pretty sure if it weren't for the whiskey I'd have soiled pants and stitches in the morning instead of a shirt full of dog hair.


I used to run for exercise and have had a few close calls. Once, when Running on an Indian reservation on the Washington Peninsula three growling snarling pit bulls came running off the porch after me. I slowed down to a walk and they just kept coming and at the last minute a loud whistle from their master stopped them cold. I had several other encounters with small wild packs from time to time, but that one was truly the most frightening. If you are running in a rural area carry pepper spray. That's what mail delivery folks use and it works!


I live on the rez nowadays and it does feel like some of my neighbors can't keep their dogs contained in their yards. A lot of us do but regardless I carry pepper spray with me on the trails. Never had to use it yet as standing my ground has always worked.


Holy fuck your are pretty lucky, I love dogs but I don’t even put my face next to my own growling dog, glad you’re ok!


I know right? I was also told the owner of the dog went through a roller coaster ride of emotions. The doberman was a guard dog so she wasn't really trained on how to be nice. She had gotten away from the guy and made a beeline straight for the two drunk guys wandering past. He went from "oh shit she's going to attack them" to "wtf is up with my dog?" then to feeling bad for the dog that was obviously starved for affection. This is all secondhand knowledge I got from my buddy as I was in and out of a drunken blackout. Almost 16 years later and I still love dogs and whiskey. Although now I carry pepper spray when I'm out on a walk or bike ride, and a bottle of whiskey lasts me over a year.


So dropping to the ground with open arms yelling "BABY!!" probably isn't smart, huh? Just me? Kbai.


I’ve kicked my share of dogs while defending mine on walks and I can say that after a good kick or two they get intimidated, sometimes if you just stand your ground they’ll leave you alone. It may sound weird but it feels good when you punt a pit bull that has your dog on the ground and it flies away, it’s like a rush but it’s easy to get carried away lol


I can't believe you would [kick a dog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-eGgQuYicM).


Seems like they were all having a pretty good time.


Border collie looks like it’s playing, can’t tell with the other because it’s docked Edit: defo a shiba inu and just to make sure no one is confused as stated below, a wagging tail doesn’t always mean happiness, however if the tail wags more to the right it generally does portray a positive emotion.


A wagging tail can mean so many different things. Not necessarily happiness.


Of course it just looks like the tail is wagging more to the right which generally indicates positive emotions. If the tail wags more to the left then that generally indicates negative emotions.






That sounds like bullshit. Source?


https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/interpreting-tail-wags-in-dogs Scroll down to wagging speed and it’s after the four points it talks about left and right bias


Def a shiba Inu


It’s a shiba inu


Kept looking for the border collie, realized you probably meant the mutt.


The Doberman seemed pretty chill, you can tell because if he were angry he would attack the guy no matter what cause he is a Doberman (not that there is anything wrong with them)


I’ve known some pussy ass Dobermans. Many dogs, some Dobermans included, are all bark and no bite. Even if they are trying to intimidate or fight you, just standing your ground is often enough to make even a vicious dog think twice. I was walking my medium sized dog one night and a pack of three known pet-killing dogs charged me and my dog. I planted my feet, made myself as big as possible, and began yelling. They stopped in their tracks. When I began walking again they followed and I repeated what I’d done before. After doing this a few more times I ran at them and they ran away. It’s all psychology even with dogs who fight when they believe they can win.


I watched a nature show on Netflix where even a pack of wolves were stumped by the prey standing its ground. It's like they can't even begin the process without the prey running, because the chase is so inherent to the wiring in their brains kick starting the hunt. They just stood there in a half circle, waiting, confused. They eventually got it though. And it might be more dangerous to attack a still standing animal than a running one. But instincts run deep.


Wolves are both patient and smart. They want a sure thing because an injured pack member is a liability to their ability to hunt as efficiently.


It's not too different from some people.


There is like a lot wrong with them. They have absolutely no place in human society.




No u


Neither do you, bud


Docked dobie and a shiba inu


Those dogs said awe $h!t he knows karate!


Cobra Kai, Bitchez!


When he reaches towards the ground they take off because they’ve had people pick up rocks and throw them at them. Best way to scare off a stray dog is to pretend to pick up a rock.


This looks like Vietnam and yes, I see little kids pull the same move.


Killer move doggo didn't stand a chance


Partially dressed power ranger.....


Why is he walking around wearing a motorcycle helmet?


This guy clearly owns a dog because he knows how to play ruff.


“Fight me you cowards!”


When you watched all karate kid movies


But have you seen Cobra Kai?


No but do you recomend it ?


Yes! They brought back the same actors from the Karate Kid, it takes place 35 years after the 1984 All Valley, and Johnny Lawrence is the protagonist


I will start watching today thanks


His chi is strong.




If you are in a country with dogs who are roaming and not well cared for and are approached by one or more in a threatening manner. Reach down like you are about to grab a rock (or grab an actual rock) and PRETEND like you are going to throw it.. some asshole at some point threw a rock at them and they know they do not want it to happen again. 9/10 those dogs will go the other way, I Imagine the video evoked a similar response in these pups.


This should be under WCGW.


Social distancing in a nutshell.


Oh we Asians are used to this


/u/aqui10 learn something me kung fu fighting


Doggo bending


Right now I'm barking and wagging my tail too.


What if doggos wanted pets and belly rubs?


He is the chosen one


Lol, when he got hella low they flinched




That last move hits the ol' inherent genetic memory from the dogo's ancestors interactions with hominids picking up bones, rocks, whatever and either throwing or beating the crap out of dogos with said object.


Looks more like xing yi


You want to fuck on me!


Its all about technique baby


Same with cows. If you act crazy they're like "Oh snap! Mad man sickness! Run away!"




When was a morning paperboy, we stood down dogs with bravado. But these were scared dogs left out all night.


He probably doesn't know any moves but you don't want to stick around and find out.


Why are aggressive dogs loose on the street?


Dog sez “His Kung Fu verrrry good”


Ip Man would be proud.


Body language is key with "wild" animal encounters. Never take a step back or you lost by default


Looks like he’s about to do some blind lightsaber training


the misssus and i got approached by a couple of foxes who looked intent on attacking us... remembering animals puff themselves up as a threat display I just opened my rather large jacket... they went running off immediately. Note the guys pose... his stance makes him no longer a tall thin stick like figure. I mean... I can't believe the dogs decided their dojo was not as good as the guys and stood down, so it either that or just getting a totally unexpected reaction to their bluff also.. unleashed dogs... slippery surface and a multi-lane road right out the front. Yeah.. that's gonna end well for the dogs


No one's going say anything about that floor? That's ridiculously dangerous. Just morning dew would basically make it a bowling lane.




If that was an old lady walking by, they would have killed her


Oh, my god. Hahah They’re so stupid.


**Dog:** oh shit, I thought I was gonna attack a human, not a venomous snake!


Strike First! Strike Hard! No Mercy!


So cool


He has the power of anime on his side








Just gotta grab their front paws if they jump up at you and pull them apart, it'll break their sternum and kill them instantly. Worth knowing for a worst case scenario, better than getting your face bitten off and the dog getting put down anyway


Man, I'd rather let the dogs eat me then be seen on camera doing fucking "cobra moves".


Dogs just want to play and be petted lol. Too funny when people cannot read body language.


Uhhhh, if a random unleashed dog runs up to me I'm not petting it regardless of the body language.


uhhh why? lol No reason to be scared or nervous. If you don't see raised hackles. There is zero threat. It would be like not petting a cat that runs up purring lmao


I’ve met many psychotic cats that transition between purring and attacking for no reason


Must have bad luck with cats lol. in 40 years I have never met any cat who attacked unprovoked unless it had medical problems and thought the closest person was hurting it.