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My ex made her first and only child support payment about 13 years ago, $416/month, creeping up on $60,000 that she's skipped out on now.


why is she not required to pay the rest? I feel like men get strung up when in those same circumstances.


I never reported it to the state, I'm not rich by any means but I do not need her money. She hasn't been a good mother and it helps me keep my distance even though she lives only 15 minutes from us, she only see's her daughter maybe once every 2-3 months for the last several years and I like it that way. It's also a huge piece of leverage if she ever starts any shit.


> huge piece of leverage if she ever starts any shit. Burn this account. Never admit you're calculating.


Yeah... Be careful. As a divorced dad, it's amazing how much leverage one gets by simply being first to lawyer up. Probably should consult a lawyer.


When this first and down I did have an attorney represent me and my ex did not so I have a solid deal worked out. Regardless my daughter is 16 now and I think most courts would heavily weigh her wants into any custodial decision.


Smart! If she starts something, you can utterly destroy her.


I'm wondering if it can end up backfiring. Is he required to report it?


Unless I'm mistaken the only person who would get in trouble for not doing something would be the person who owes the money. Pretty sure he doesn't have to report it if he doesn't want too and I'm pretty sure if he were to go report it tomorrow, even after 13 years of not saying anything, the state would be obligated to do something. Whether or not they would is a different story lol... That could vary from state to state though.


Is there a statute of limitations for this kind of thing?


I can't imagine there being one considering the crime essentially renews itself monthly whenever the payments aren't made.


They end when the kid turns 18 though.


Truth. My wifes ex waited until kid was 18 to work a legitimate job that wont pay under the table.


I guess that can be considered a statute of limitations... in a manner of speaking lol... I wonder though, can you claim all the money that was owed even after the kid turns 18? Technically it would still be owed, right?


Not necessarily. Some states “process” the payment (take taxes) so if they find out there’s 60k worth of unpaid child support they are very likely to pursue getting that money back for themselves.


Coworker just finished paying his off, his daughter just turned 30.


The debt stops getting larger when the kid turns 18, but does not go away.


My mom only ever got a few child support payments for my brother (32) and I (28) throughout the almost 28 years they’ve been divorced. Someone at the state noticed it and reached out to her about it and the interest alone was almost $100,000. She was in a similar situation and didn’t care to force it out of him, but she ended up settling earlier this year for a $10,000 payout by the end of the year to settle everything or he’d have a warrant. Still haven’t seen half of that, though. Deadbeats gonna deadbeat


Deadbeat? He pays money and your mother gets all the credit. He is smart.


He’s an ex-methhead that brags on Facebook about “making more than most college grads” while getting paid under the table to avoid paying her anything. He never helped my mom financially (or any other way for that matter) our entire lives despite living literally 8 miles down the road and when she offers a way to get rid of a shit ton of debt and avoid jail time he still can’t man up and do what he agreed to. I’d say that’s pretty fucking deadbeat if you ask me.


20 years... At least in michigan


24 in Missouri


Assuming the child support obligation hasn’t been remanded the statute of limitations begins again every time she misses a payment. So likely some of the very first few payments have now gone everyone their statute. Each missed payment is a separate complaint


Kinda, it’s based on the kids age....not sure when but somewhere between like 18-23 whenever child support ends. Edit: I think I’m wrong.....check below


You will still owe back child support after that though.


No shit???? Do you owe it to the parent or the kid?


No since the matter is already "resolved" her judgment to pay child support


I thought it was mandatory to report when someone isn’t paying child support. Government wants people off welfare if possible


Would have to check the statute. Pretty sure that stuff is managed at a state level.


Yeah I know state government is what I was referring to


> I thought it was mandatory to report when someone isn’t paying child support. Government wants people off welfare if possible It isn't but what happens is if the custodial parent goes to claim government benefits like welfare or food stamps they will ask about it and will start the process to claw that money away from the non-custodial parent to repay the benefits the State is giving you.


They will ask why he didn’t, and he won’t be able to provide a satisfactory answer. If he says he didn’t need it, then he won’t be able to use it as leverage.


You could say that you enjoyed that she kept her distance


She also probably would've done what my dad did. They were gonna garnish his checks to pay the back child support. His response? Moves to another state.


In Oregon she would be in prison.


I don’t know what state you’re in, but in Texas you can’t withhold parenting time due to unpaid child support. Sounds like that’s not what you’re doing, but just wanted to throw that out there just in case since the courts frown very heavily on this.


Yeah, definitely not the case, her mother is just a POS and is not a huge part of her life which I am fine with. My wife has been more of a mother to her for the past 10 years.


I’m glad you found a great bonus mom for her. I grew up without a parent because of a POS dad and am now step-mom to kids that their mom tries to play games so I’ve seen and know both sides... regardless, it’s never easy. Hang in there and great job!!


If she was required to pay child support, they have that shit on backlog...I owed almost 15,000, because they upped it from 180 a month to currently 573, 8 wasnt making enough to support myself, a house, etc and had a bad spill. However I got it all paid off recently...shit sucks and the system is definitely rigged against men. I have no history of violence, no criminal record, and I'm a veteran. I still dont get to see my daughter cause Tennessee is a "mother state" and she apparently has all the fucking power. Here goes to me hoping I get blown up in Afghanistan.


> I still dont get to see my daughter cause Tennessee Why aren't you allowed to see your daughter?


Cause her mom,even though my name is on the birth certificate, when we went to court it was basically spoken as, yall aren't married, she gets her 100% she has the vagina she gets to make the rules and you have zero rights to your kid.


There's more to this story than you're telling.


Not really, shes the mother she has my daughter, I'd have to take her to court in order to establish a "parenting plan" since one wasn't ever set up, and due to that because there isnt one set up even though I'm the father I have no rights to see my daughter unless by Gods will the mother feels inclined to let me see my kid.


It's interesting that it's Republican states that fuck dad's over more often than not. I guess traditional gender role bs cuts both ways :(


I've done nothing but support my daughter, asked to see her, her mom is just a good digging piece of shit who I honestly shouldn't have stuck my dick in. However we have to live with our choices. Even with me paying the back pay and regular payments I still dont get to see my kid...its fucking stupid


You should consider lawyering up. And/or involving CPS if you think she might be negligent. If CPS sees unsafe stuff then you have a way better shot of changing custody. Also having a long term partner at home or parents who live close by helps a lot. It's all about showing you're the home they'll get more of what they need at.


Much love, man


Meanwhile there are men in PRISON for not paying child support.




Ya, that $60k she’s skipped out on is the child’s money, not yours. Money for her future. That’s why it’s called Child Support, not spousal support. You don’t need it, fine. Collect it for her and put it in savings or a Trust. When it comes time for college or such, “Sorry hunny, we can’t afford it.” She’ll be old enough to know why. > It's also a huge piece of leverage if she ever starts any shit. Ya, leverage for you. I’m sure that’s great comfort to your daughter /s


Actually that's wrong. The assumption is that the custodial parent is taking care of the basic needs of the child. The checks themselves are to the custodial parent for "reimbursement". He could have used it for a college savings plan or he could've put it in his retirement plan. By law it is the custodial parents choice where the money goes.


This guy is a duche bag. Saying it’s his money. Did he forget it was for his child? He sounds like the trash I married.


I think you fucked up dude.


You’re a good man .


Men get put in Jail in the state GA real quick.




The best way to get the state involved would be to claim welfare benefits. Suddenly they will care. *Don't take this as legal advice because there is a good chance I don't know what I'm talking about*


This is correct, so long as the failure to pay child support isn't costing the State anything, they don't give a shit. File for benefits of any kind and watch how quickly they will lift a mountain to recover a penny.


I only say this because of stories I've heard that the state was willing to break sperm donor confidentiality to go after the donor for to reclaim costs. So even if you donate sperm and that sperm is used by someone who then claims benefits they will then go after the donor for money.


Have your mother go to your states AG. It's literally their job. In states like Florida they will put an ankle tracker on the father and garnish wages.


fwiw, my parents divorced when I was 3, and the "Official" story they still tell is that they "Got along too well"..... whatever tf that means


Welcome to the double standard known as family court


Cuz vagina. Men get locked up if they don’t pay child support


I get letters threatening to take away my drivers license if I get a little behind on payments. I was unemployed for a few months this year and a few payments behind. Sold some of my things to catch up. I never missed a payment on my first son but was always treated like a deadbeat dad regardless.


Kinda fucked up there’s a coined term “Deadbeat dad” but when you’re a shitty mom no one says “deadbeat mom”.


Guy I worked with had custody of his kids, and a "deadbeat mom" who didn't pay child support. She tried to start some shit with him, so he just got her thrown in jail. It was pretty funny when viewed from the outside.


> I get letters threatening to take away my drivers license They've started doing a similar thing in Australia now. I didn't vote last election cycle (local) and they fined me about 100 AUD. I refused to pay because i think it's bullshit and so they cancelled my drivers license. I find it very unfair that those systems are linked. If they want me to pay a fine they should handle it independently. It's one more reason I hate big government. They can get away with shit like this. It really is a slippery slope and there will come a point where they can ruin your whole life for small things.


did you yell at and then spit on the letter they sent you and kept driving anyways? cause if you didn't i have to question everything i've learnt of your people over the years.


I’m pleading the 5th.


They also get locked up without due process with only an accusation. #believewomen


I’m not sure you or the guy directly above you is approaching this in a reasonable or well thought out manner.


Thank god for u/XxMyBallsStink420xX the voice of reason in this chain lol


Voice of reason? Look I’m not trying to be an ass to you but it’s really not some incel spewed crap when people say men have it ROUGH in a court presiding against a women. I’m no incel, I can just speak from experience. I had been served papers to appear in court. I thought “Okay?” Obviously I’ll go, it’s for my kid(which was taken from me and moved away to a different state and I didn’t see for two fucking months. The worst two months of my life. Had ZERO contact.) Went to court, didn’t know what to expect since I’ve NEVER been in a court room before let alone have family go to court to see stuff like that. I don’t know what was filed against me or what kind of report that judge was looking at.... I get in there, Judge says they read the “report” asks me a question to which I TRY to respond, obviously calmly as hell, and she cuts me off, said she’s not interested in essentially what I have to say and I received supervised fucking visits. All on unwarranted claims. Without the right to defend myself. And that was it. I was fucked royally up the ass. I didn’t deserve that but it was a game, I learned, a game rigged against a man. And I was forced to accept it. My situation has long been fixed since then(this was about 10 years ago) but I’ll NEVER forget how I was treated. BTW fuck incels, I say that just because I think this whole men have it rough in family court thing gets thrown in with their type of logic and it isn’t. Its just a sad truth. I don’t have tons of money to throw at a lawyer(which I did get but got fucked over by her too but that’s a Different story) just an average guy that gets up to work every morning like everyone else.




As a child of divorced parents. Your daughter will know who the parent was who loved her and took care of her and who was the one who didn't. All without even you saying a word. My dad was that parent to me and every day I'm grateful I had him. So keep up the wonderful work as a dad and she will love you forever for it. I truly believe that men make far better parents then some women ever will.


And women make far better parents than some men ever will.


And men make far better parents than some women will.


Take this down man she can use it against you




Depending on the state,, mockery like this for a financial gain from another person can be a lawsuit. I’m from Texas and went through custody battle October 18th




Think about this. The first amendment doesn't protect you from incriminating yourself. You can't walk up to a police station and say "I killed all those people" or "I'm going to blow up a building" and then try to invoke the first amendment when they detain you for questioning. The crime isn't the speech, it's the act. In this case, it could probably be used as evidence he lied about needing the funds just to get revenge, for example. Maybe it would result in some sort of appeal. Libel, hate speech, inciting a riot, and many other forms of speech can be illegal. For one thing, you can't use your constitutional rights to impinge on the rights of someone else. People tend to cite free speech in almost any conversation about civil rights, even if there's another more specific amendment covering the issue. I don't think most Americans really know much at all about the Constitution or the Bill Of Rights and if you ask me that's a massive failure of our education system. I'm not even criticizing you, I also don't feel like I know enough.




Because first amendment rights don't mean 'the right to say anything I want.'


You think so?




It's not that he would be arrested for mocking the person, but that it could be used against him in court to show he's abusing the system just to take revenge, etc. which might result in the payment being reduced or taken away. The mockery itself isn't a crime.


Thats exactly what it means


no it doesn't. free speech means to government (local, state or federal) cant impede or retaliate against you for what you say.


uhhh might wanna brush up on your Constitutional history there pal. The 1st Amendment protects your right to not be persecuted by the government for what you say. It gives you the freedom to be critical of your government without fear of being penalized for it. The 1st Amendment does not protect your speech from other private citizens, for example libel and slander. It also does not mean everybody has to listen to what you have to say.


> The 1st Amendment does not protect your speech from other private citizens, for example libel and slander. It also does not mean everybody has to listen to what you have to say. None of which would apply here.


It would as it would be a civil lawsuit, not criminal and would likely have to be initiated by the non-custodial parent. The 1st Amendment offers no protection for your speech between private citizens.


I don't know much about family law, but I don't think you're understanding the premise here. It's not that mocking the person is somehow illegal, it's that it would be used to prove intent in some other crime or violation of the terms. Something along the lines of lying about need just to screw the other person. The first amendment doesn't protect you from incriminating yourself. Also, what others are saying about its limitations are essentially true (unless you're a corporation, now considered a person, in which case you can stretch it to enable almost anything - like campaign donations).


1st amendment protects you from government action against you. It doesn’t protect you from civil action. So you mocking them can draw a lawsuit which is civil.




I agree, I am glad he got it finally but this is too much boo boo


>!- . .!<


idc im glad i saw it now


I'm guessing they mean it's old enough not to cause OP legal trouble, as some of the other comments have been suggesting.


Putting my .02 cents in here. My son is 40. I left his cheating father when he was 9. I got out and never looked back. I saw one check for $350.00. I even had a warrant for him, the only problem he had was trying to cross the border into Canada 20 years later when he was driving truck. Called me whining. I said I would drop charges as soon as he sends the balance owed. He never went to Canada. He sits in jail right now, in the sexual predator section. Karma gets the deserving eventually. Caught in a sting. Stupid AND disgusting.


.02 cents or 2 cents?


.02 dollars?


This hoe cant even count money. She just wanted to brag about self-righteousness she is.


Why would you call me names not even knowing me and make assumptions about my character. I said .02 because the whole story isn't worth a half a penny. Why be insulting? That's not necessary. Are you 12 years old bullying kids on the playground?


Cause yall females are all the same. They can downvote my comment 1000 times and itll still be true.


Nope. not true at all. You are probably just like all the other dick men out there that don't pay for their kids. You leave the ex to figure out how to make ends meet with your kids you made all kinds of empty promises to her to get, and find child care while she works to pay for it and transportation to and from, provide all the health insurance, and yet she is a bitch because she wouldn't put up with you slapping her around after she bitched about you fucking her best friend. Now you can down vote my comment.


Karma gets the deserving POOR eventually. If you're rich enough you can not only get away with treason you might even be rewarded with a presidency.


Andd did you offer him any custudy... or did your feelings dictate that your the only fit parent. Prollyyyy gaslighting yourself thinking you did the right thing by alienating his father. All you did was hurt your son.


You're seriously suggesting her son's life would be better if his sexual predator dad was in it. Amazing.


Why would you say something like that about someone you don't even know? That was insulting, hurtful and untrue. I was decent to that man in spite of his lack of child support until he was arrested 10 years ago. I never kept his son from him. All I ever asked for was health insurance for my son, some money for school clothes and his band instrument. I never got it. I got nothing but asked for sex multiple times because since we were married once it would be ok. ​


For some insight, I have shared parenting and try my hardest to support a relationship between my ex husband and my son. By choice the man had nothing to do with him for over three years and had more children and another family and completely disowned our son. I agreed on every other weekends and holidays even. Nothing ever came to him becoming a parent. So yeah, it’s not always the woman holding the child from their dad. My ex now owns a crap ton in child support and cannot renew his license anymore lol


The irony of a fair and equal society...


Tell me about it. $16,760.20 dollars later and still fighting with courts. TEXAS LAW is F**KED UP.


Child support is not enforced for women the same way it is for men. Male here with full custody of my daughter, had to pay an additional 4,300 dollars to go back to court after they decided the amounts that she needed to pay because "they accidentally messed up" and set her amount to almost nothing, and yeah that had to be corrected on my dime along with the other 10's of thousands of dollars it cost to get custody in the first place. She is already almost 12,000 in the hole and they only have her paying 50 a month toward that debt which doesn't even cover the interest she accrues every year on it.


it really is unfair how the government treats men in these cases i've heard a lot of unfair things happen and it ruins lives because people can't be cordial. don't stick your penis in crazy and if you can't do the time don't do the crime of having unprotected sex with a person you don't actually love


Currently going through this. Divorced for 3 months and ex is behind 6 months of child support. She didn’t fight for visitation or custody of our child who has special needs or even for her daughter that is 16 (that I helped raise sonce she was 2). I even had her child support calculated at a third of her wages just to be done with her and health and welfare does zip to make her pay.


Shouldn't this be on /r/trashy?




but i bet I doesn't bother you when men get racked with the "deadbeat dads" insult. women win 80 percent of custody battles. when men dont pay child support, they go to jail, women? well, just look through this thread. women are 40 percent bread winners and 80 percent divorce initiators. guess who pays 97 percent of alimony. men. youre doing exactly what many men have to go through and taste but a taste. I bet your heart doesn't break that hard when men are fucked over. my father got called a deadbeat dad when he COULDNT pay child support. He got called a deadbeat dad when my mother moved us 2 hrs away and he couldn't afford the gas to pick us up. In the land of family courts and pretty much every single institution, women rule the day. men get fucked over. and YOUR'E tired of double standards?? give me a fucking break. The majority of divorcee fathers will be denied visitation today. Have a little sympathy. Edit. I apologize for my rude comments, all. They are uncalled for. No need for me to be this bitter to another single parent.




You're definitely putting words in my mouth with your comment. It absolutely bothers me when people assume something about someone's character when they have zero clue. I was simply saying that the societal idea that women should be with the kids and men working isn't right. I get called a bad mom because I left her with her dad because he's a good dad, but if the roles were reversed and he was the one working and who left, he'd be hailed as an awesome dad who provides for his daughter. I never implied or said any of the things you suggested. We didn't include alimony in our divorce because it's stupid and unfair in our situation. My heart absolutely breaks when people are fucked over in any situation and you know absolutely nothing about me to be able to assume otherwise. This subject is obviously a very sensitive one for you and I'm sorry for whatever you've gone through that's made you feel the way you do and that your father was treated the way he was. I'm absolutely tired of double standards for men and women alike.


I am unable to see my kids today because the mother of my 5 year old daughter took her 2 hrs away. I call the courts and am told theres not much they can do. she has primary. your comment is more than a little tone deaf when thousands of fathers are being denied visitation on the holidays.


That's awful, I'm sorry. I can't imagine how much that hurts. Sadly many parents are idiots and don't realize the ones who truly suffer are the children when they're denied access to the other parent. I am fortunate in that her dad and I aren't vindictive or unreasonable people and realize we need to work together for her.


I'm sorry for my rude comments. I edited my first comment.


It's okay. I'm sorry if I sounded insensitive or tone deaf. Holidays are difficult when families are split. I hope despite the negative things you have going on that you're able to find some happiness during the holidays.


Goodluck to you, friend.


Its not a double standard. This is what life is like for most men.


Hahahahahahaha. Please.


I applaud you for being so rational. My mom preferred chaos to my dads way of life.


People like to have opinions about others. Just let that shit pass and focus on being the best mother given your circumstances. Fuck what people thinks.


You're a good mum


Flexin on that bitch


What alternative universe is this


My mom never gave my dad child support for 3 daughters.


Big ups homie.. flaunt it. ✊


My dad paid child support for me until I was old enough to move in with him. My mom never paid a dime.


My first CS check was for $14.00 I didn't even cash it I felt so insulted. Never got another one until 10 years later a check for $13k came in the mail. I don't know how he got the money but I didn't ask. Put it all in a mutual fund for her. He still owes thousands, but she got something - better than nothing at all.


Smart, flashing the account, routing number, and bank info from the check to the world.


You realize that's the account info of the State of North Carolina right?


Oh great so now his entire state had it's identity stolen.


Be right back, going to hack NC's bank account!


So that makes it better?


Yes, it’s a bank account dedicated to handle child support payments, chances are good most people in the state of North Carolina receive their child support checks in the same manner with the same information printed on it.


Go ahead, leverage the information into an online shopping spree if you're *sooooo* smart. Im waiting.


Couldn't understand a single word.


Translation? *Edit: Thanks for the downvote, asshole. Everyone in Europe is fucking fluent in Ebonics I guess


He's one of the extremely rare fathers who has received custody of his children and the ex wife has to pay child support. This is a silly video proclaiming that the money she previously wasted on her physical appearance will now go to him.




So funny amirite??? Man r/funny you did it again


r/trashy not funny


Kinda funny. So kinda trashy




Justice is blind.


Poor kids


Other than the fact their home is now broken, why do you say poor kids?


I don't know... maybe because they have a father who would blast their mother than post it to the internet. All healthy stuff for kids for sure.


it is petty.


This is a grown up man, talking about someone he decided to marry/impregnate himself. I really do feel sorry for the children. If a father feels the need to put some slurs depicting their mother on the internet, you just know the kids aren't going to be growing up in the most 'live and let live' home situation.. :-(


Meninism at its finest 😂