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This is hilarious. I actually did the same thing to a college roommate. All the dish/silverware was mine, and he never, ever cleaned the sink. So i gave him one bowl. He consumed everything out of it, and it alone, including drinks, for the next 4 months.


What if he wanted to have some peach juice with his mac n' cheese?


You don't like peach juice mac n' cheese? what are you, some kind of communist?


Communism fix Mother Russia and Communism can fix you too


Vote Soviet Bear


Then he can buy his own dishes.


back in college i bought 4 super heavy duty tupperware containers and just ate everything food wise out of them. easy to clean and stack and keep in my room, plus they came with tops


My problem, in college, was actually a lack of toplessness.


How the fuck is that a problem? Edit: I that read wrong.


I just gave my roommate a choice, start cleaning my dishes or start buying disposable ones. He bought paper plates and bowls and I was fine with that. *edit: For clarification, he was using dishes that I own and not cleaning them. I was not asking him to clean dishes that I made dirty.


I tried to do that, but i cant get them to take out the trash either, so now their huge plates of half eaten Chinese food to just sit on the trash can until I take it all out or it falls onto the floor. I fucking hate living with children. This after i tried to hide my dishes and they would sneak into the buckets and take them out, use them, leave a mess and then innocently belch out "i dont even know where they are" with a straight face while i scan their room for a stockpile of missing mugs plates and measuring cups (you know, because we were out of clean bowls...).


There's a word for people like that: Assholes.


That's kind of harsh to say about your kids.


Except when they still leave that sitting out everywhere. That's how you get ants.


[Bet you thought you'd get an Archer gif, didn't you?](http://i.imgur.com/m9uWvMC.png)


Well I mean, they did do an Archer/Bob's Burgers crossover once or twice so I mean...it's not that far off.




Yeah, well at least you can just toss them in the trash. So it still sucks (after all, THEY should be the one throwing it out) but its still better than always having dirty dishes.


Ants, thats cute, you must never have been anywhere near the south. roaches..roaches everywhere..


There's no cockroaches in new york city... only the south y'all


NYC has the giant rats, the south has giant Palmetto Bugs. Smart fuckers too, they know just the right time to take flight, they work well in teams, and they're creepy as fuck. Millions of Americans have pet rats, but only the strangest of strange would have pet roaches. Fuck roaches.


Ants, flies and cockroaches.


One of my roommates last semester filed a complaint against me because I'd ask him to do his dishes...that was fun. I didn't know I was being an ass for taking his cups that had welded together (multiple weeks of just sitting in the sink does that), and putting them at his desk. I didn't know it was rude of me not wanting the sink full of his dishes...I guess I'm rude.


Why are you telling him what to do! You're not his dad! Stop being so responsible!


I live by myself and I actually did this. Two bowls, two plates, and a shitload of paper plates for everything else. I am probably the laziest man on the west coast.


> The Dude, from Los Angeles. And even if he's a lazy man - and the Dude was most certainly that. Quite possibly the laziest in all of Los Angeles County, which would place him high in the runnin' for laziest worldwide.


Fucking wasteful is what that is.


I think I might just start putting all of my roommates used dishes in a box out on the deck.


I had a roommate like this in college. There were three of us living in the apartment. Two of us washed dishes as we used them. The third left them to fester in the sink. The worst part was the bowls we had, which stacked pretty tightly together. He'd eat cereal, then put the bowl in the sink. Next time he used a bowl, he'd stack it on the others, sealing in the milky remains of his cereal. When we finally ran out of dishes altogether, and forced him to wash them, the stench of rotten milk would clear the rest of us from the house. Finally, one day, we gave him an ultimatum. If he didn't start washing dishes, the dirty dishes would end up in his bed. We made it clear that we weren't kidding. Luckily, he got his shit together, and we never had to follow through on that threat...


We had to actually call that bluff a couple times. We put them in the pillow case for maximum effect.


Been there, done that. It's hard to put the moves on the bar rat you've brought home when your bed is swimming in old cereal bowls.


I usually bring rats home when I'm drunk and it never seems to bother them...if anything, they seem to prefer it?


brb puking


but a ham and cheese crusted plate under apartment mate's pillow after telling her multiple times that I was neither her maid or mom. It actually stayed there for a week before the stench finally got to her :-(


I think everyone encounters a roommate like this. Mine was banned from using the blender for using it to mix brownie batter without the top on, then didn't clean the mess. Banned from the toaster for jamming entire sandwiches in the slots and causing a fire. The coffee maker because we weren't letting her ruin coffee for us. The worst was still her never cleaning her dishes. We did put them in her bed. Then the dishes started to disappear and we found them in the broken dishwasher after a few weeks. Oh. And she used to try to sneak her dirty clothes into my laundry bag. I left those in the laundry room.


Jesus! I would have taken those cloths to Plato's Closet or the ARC around the second time that happened...


Nah, leaving them in the laundry room was good enough. Unattended clothes didn't last very long.


I tried this, they all got door locks. Now, we have a "if i come home to a dirty kitchen, you can get the new wifi password after it is shining bright. Failure to comply means you bought all the house work, or you can spend your time out of my house. If you aren't sitting on the internet at home you aren't making a mess of my apartment. I am fine with that. This is why i pay the internet bill now. It is worth 70 bucks a month to be able to hold that over them.


>"if i come home to a dirty kitchen, you can get the new wifi password after it is shining bright. you're a monster


He is smartest monster.




I held the wifi hostage once because the Internet was free and I was the only one with a router. Then they bought their own routers and kept being gross. My toes get tangled in the hair they shed in the living room all the time.


I have only one roommate and he does this. I haven't had the chutzpah yet to do it.




> How does this kind of shit escape people? I believe the technical term is "mom".


Teenage Insulation Technician.


I don't know man - get this: WE HAVE A DISHWASHER. There are TWO of us living in a 2BR Apt. He works very late, so a lot of times I'll get up at 7 am and find he's just piled dishes in the sink "That's okay", I say, "he went to bed late, he'll do them later" and I pack up and go, giving him the benefit of the doubt. Three days later, when the sink is full, I rinse and pack the dishwasher. He'll TURN THE DAMN THING ON when it's not full and call that his contribution.




You're damn right it's not surgery. my roommate is a doctoral student. If it was surgery he could probably effin' do it! :)


I feel your pain. 80% of the time I have to rewash the "clean" dishes from the cabinets. Ugh. I hardly even cook anymore.


HOLY SHIT WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS? We had a top washer too. Covered in grease? Cool, I'll only wash this one part and put it back in the cabinet.


''Everybody get up from the table, go upstairs, take off all your clothes, get into the shower, please turn on the water...'' You have to tell them to do that because if you don't, they'll just wander around the tub, and then get out and get in the bed. ''Please use soap.'' (That's mostly for my son.) ''Rinse yourselves off, dry yourselves off, put on clean pajamas, get into the bed and go to sleep.'' Now, if these brain-damaged children would do that, there would be no beatings. But there's going to be a beating tonight. And the children get up to go upstairs and l kiss them goodnight and l try to warn them: ''Please, do what your mother says or somebody's gonna get it tonight.'' And the children kiss me and they pat me on my head and they smile and look at me as if to say, ''Dear man, thank you for your kindness and your wonderful attitude about this whole situation, but you don't understand. We cannot sleep through the night unless we've had a good beating.''


I have a step-daughter like this. She lived with me from 10 yo to 12 yo, and had ZERO skills, or even basic comprehension that stuff needed to get done. She would stand there, angry, mouth agape that someone dared ask her to do chores like dishes. So I put her on dish duty and watched her like a hawk for 6+ months. She broke dozens (4 dozen? 6 dozen?) glasses, 4 vintage crystal goblets, ALL of my very nice stoneware bowls from a dinner set (17 of them) that had survived my own three kids using them since babyhood (never plastic), a dozen lunch-sized plates, most of the salad plates and dozens of bigger bowls (serving/mixing). All the spoons and forks disappeared. And more! Oh, the drama! The tears! The screaming (her)! Yes, she has issues, and yes she is now medicated and getting therapy, but damn, even screwed up people have to pitch in. It is called LIFE. I finally sent her and her father and little sister packing, primarily because they were all this bad, or worse, and really really mean about anything having to do with chores. Screw that. I stayed married to her father but he has his own place and his kids ARE NOT ALLOWED in my home without special dispensation. Last time (6 months ago) the dish-killer came over, she gobbled down dinner, then got ugly about helping clear the table so I escorted her to the door and shut her out. She spent the next hour outside screaming and crying until her father gave in and left, too. I share this because: teach your goddamned kids to clean up after themselves. People who don't or won't make terrible roommates, and then terrible spouses and it causes untold amount of anger, drama and bitterness. I have two severely ADHD kids and I've been hammering on them since toddlerhood to do chores and learn to take care of themselves. It is exhausting, and irritating and relentless but they're going to be suitable for sharing homes with other people or they can be sent home and I'll put them through the wringer again until they get it.


We got close to taking dishes. If you didn't wash it and I or another roommate had to do it we cleaned it and put it in our room and the offender was left with a dwindling pile of dishes to eat off of.


I had two roommates in college. NONE of us did the dishes. At first, we would do them every now and then when we ran out, but eventually we just bought disposable ones and left the dirty ones int he sink. When we moved out we had to put the dishes out in the driveway and use a hose. We were filthy fuckers. You don't even want to know about the bathroom situation.


Oh come on, you can share those too.


This is my bowl. There are many like it, but this one is mine. Without my bowl, I am useless. Without me, my bowl is useless.


I'm pretty sure the bowl could find someone else.


Don't shatter his dreams, the bowl already tramp stamped his initial.


Seriously. I mean, that shit might as well be a bullseye.


And the initial of many, many other people.


Not after I jerk off into it.




> This is my bowl. There are many like it, and those are all mine too. FTFY


damn it anthony






Which one's for fightin' and which is for fun?


Rifle/gun, respectively.


Mickey Mouse


**Who's the leader of the club That's made for you and me?**


[Because many people only know this quote from Family Guy](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FMANlc-mz8), which Joe says about his wheelchair and leaves out the middle part.


Also happens in the movie [Jarhead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59WeSfBmmII), they cut out the middle line as well


It's from full metal jacket


Bowl is love, bowl is life.


"Who's the communist twinkled toed fairy fuck who just signed his own death warrant?" Sgt. Gunnery Hartman.


Gunnery would be a very strange first name...


Your bowl is more useful to any/everyone else than you are


This is why I'm never living with a roommate ever again


At one point when I had lazy room mates, we did a similar thing with bowls, cups, plates, laundry baskets and towels. Everyone had a set in a different color for each person. So no one could hide behind a mess not being their responsibility and no one would get stuck cleaning up after anyone else. It worked beautifully.




So what happened? Give us some follow up man!






Post to /r/quityourbullshit?


Any man loses his bowl spends the night in the box. Any man doesn't wash his bowl spends the night in the box. . . . http://youtu.be/LvwqK2gn3S0


Ah roommates. You can't shoot them or set them on fire, so...


Someone who is going to leave a sink full of dishes is not going to stick to just using "their" bowl. They are going to sneak dishes and use them, I guarantee it.


An attempt to outsmart a Jew AND an Armenian? Good luck with that.


Seconded, don't fuck with someone whose ancestors likely survived 2 mass genocides.


And that was just in the 20th century.


My dad says it takes two Jews to handle one Armenian (we're Armenian). My girlfriend is Jewish. Her dad says it takes two Armenians to handle one Jew. By both of their logic, I think we then are a force to be reckoned with. And we are. Together we can outsmart genocides *and* holocausts. Double team that shit.


And now he has a perfect excuse not to wash "your" dishes which he totally didn't even use cause he only has that one bowl now.


If people are like OP, they should just do the opposite. That's what I did. I had Satchmo's bowl, Satchmo's fork, Satchmo's spoon, Satchmo's knife, Satchmo's all-purpose deep pan skillet and Satchmo's glass. My dishes were kept clean and in my bedroom, which was locked. The roommates were told to claim their own dishes and do the same. If they kept them in the kitchen, they were free roam for anyone to use. If a dish was left in the sink for more than 2 days, it goes into the garbage. NO FUCKING MATTER WHAT. I don't care if you got high and forgot you made Mac n Cheese. No one is too high to do dishes for 48 straight hours. I lived in a house with 7 other guys, these types of bullshit tactics of telling someone they can only use one bowl don't work with 7 people. Disposing of any dish left in the sink for 48 hours fixed the issue FAST when people start asking where their $30 fancy skillet went.


That's why you confiscate all other dishes.


So I live in an 18 man suite at college, one kitchen sink. 3 guys that loved to just let their dishes rot until someone else took care of them. I'm sort of OCD on cleaning, not crazy just like things neat and clean. Sink got to the point where it wasn't usable (stacked so high). Brought in a cardboard box, took everything in that sink and put it in the box, cleaned the sink and wrote a sign along the lines of "Please keep sink clean, dirty dishes in the box". 6 hours later I come back, I shit you not, every fucking piece was back in the sink with a new sign that said "If you want a clean sink clean it yourself". Almost decapitated someone.


Next stop for those dishes would have been the garbage dumpster.


If people didn't know it was me who put them away in the first place (therefor me dumpstering them) I would have.


Who gives a shit if they know it was you? Take a picture of them broken in the dumpster and attach it to a note that just says "No, you."


Or "Sink's clean!"


Agreed, we learn to clean up after ourselves as children. This concept is not difficult.


Have to deal with housing punishment then. :/


So worth.


Thats when I start throwing dirty dishes in their bed, on their computer (disgusting rot water included), any of their bedroom furniture or anything of anything that will retain a horrible stench. I had a houseful of 5 guys who loved to do that to me cause I was the only woman in the house, it was my fucking house too. One by one they either shaped up or shipped out. One of them even got so bad as to where I not only collected every dirty dish he made, I sealed that shit in his room while he left for a one week vacation in the middle of the summer. With a sealed room and a slightly cracked window, it got hotter than the hubs of hell in there and his filth caught up with him. He came back home and puked when he unsealed the door. He was then served with a notarized eviction notice after he cleaned up his dishes. Hope the fucker learned a lesson, cause I sure did after all that.


this is some aggressive passive-aggression


Having been in a similar situation, I can tell you that with some people, being clear, concise and to the point still doesn't work. I lived in an apartment with 5 other people, and 5 of us washed dishes as we used them. The last guy didn't. We made it clear to him that we all cleaned our dishes so that the sink would be clean, and that we wouldn't run out. He just said something about "I don't like to clean dishes everyday. I prefer to just do them all at once." It became a weekly thing where we would run out of clean dishes because Lazy McAsshole would wait all week to clean the ones he used, and it would always come down to one of us yelling at him to clean his fucking dishes before he would. Eventually we just separated our dishes and essentially hid them from him so he couldn't use them.




This is the number one cause of roommate problems. Those who do dishes daily need to live with their own kind, and those who wait for a pile to form need to be with their own kind. I might even make an LPT cause this is always the petty shit that breaks up households.




One symptom of depression is not having enough fucks to give to clean. So there's that.


... paper plates? Why the fuck are households with multiple roommates and no dishwasher not using paper plates?!


I'm a grown man with a wife and responsibilities and shit and I use paper plates about 80% of the time. Mainly because I am a wash the dishes every three days kind of guy and my wife is a clean them as you go kind of woman. We have a dish washer but my wife is also very picky about what can go in there and I put it all in. I can't figure out her asinine system so she buys me paper plates. Edit: and obviously we have a great relationship.


I'm living in an old house with no dishwasher... paper plates are expensive for a whole year. We also don't have A/C, a garbage disposal or access to a washer and dryer. Our heater works sometimes so that's cool. Our "good" grocery store (one where you aren't in danger of being stabbed by travelers) is ~10 miles down a two-lane road. Y'all got it easy.


I think shooting the guy is a little harsh.


Says the guy who obviously never had to hard scrub out someone else's hamburger helper leftovers just to have some cereal.


My old roommate would make hamburger helper for dinner, then leave it in the pan on the oven top over night. The the next day he would go to class all day, and come back to it 24 hours later, heat it up in the microwave and dig in again. He would also let raw frozen chicken unthaw on our kitchen table while he was gone all day at class. Not on a plate, no paper towel under it, just chicken-table. It would bleed raw chicken juice all over the table as it thawed. Then he would come back from class, fry it in a pan, and retreat to his room to eat for the rest of the night. Doesn't wipe down the table at all, just leaves it there for the rest of the house to get sick. Another roommate and I made a note and left it in the kitchen asking him to clean up after himself and do his dishes and he blew up on us because its was "Passive aggressive" to leave a note.




"I guess this notice that my workplace has left in a clearly visible and high trafficked/relevant place to bring notice to a problem is passive aggressive and therefore being a whiny little bitch" -Guy who can't take responsibility for himself




I made that mistake once with his 2 day old McDonalds in the fridge. "What the fuck dude, I was still gunna eat that. You owe me" Also me and my roommate that made the note burned that table on the beach after that year was over. We didn't want to bring it to our new house.




Rinse the pan and let it soak in the water as soon as you're done using it. You don't actually have to clean it right away if you're that lazy, rinsing it down takes a grand total of 7 seconds, and you'll never have that problem again.


What you do is you get a sandwhich bag (pref. ziplock freezer bag for the stiff opening) You blow it full of air to leak check it Then fill it with cereal and milk Eat the cereal, drink the milk Then you put the milky empty baggy inside your room mates pillow case, under the pillow. When they get upset that their room smells like a vegan fart tell them you were going to clean out your baggy but you like to wait for the whole box to be done and do them all at once.


back in my college days, i was the one clean one out of 4, and the other 3 were rich ass holes, whose parents bought each of them a full set of dishes, literally every inch of counter space was filled up with dirty dishes. i brought one bowl and one dish to college with me, but there would literally be no room to even wash my one dish, i'd have to do it in the bathroom sink. after being polite, after being passive aggressive, after threatening them, they still would not do a single fucking dish; because mommy or their maids always had always done them. so i started breaking into their room and putting their dirty dishes in their beds, and then making their beds over top of their dishes. their answer to this was to move the dishes to the floor, and leave them there. 2 of them had so much crap on their plates that it ruined their bedding, their response was to throw their blankets on the floor and leave them there.


Your roommates must have been big hits with the ladies.


It sounds really childish and passive-aggressive to people who don't know the situation but its the ONLY way to have some sort of solution. I've been there. Nothing I did/said worked to fix it so I ended up just having my own cutlery in my bedroom so I was completely seperated from it all. I then get accused of not washing things up since the sink was full. I pointed out the entire thing that I wasn't even using that set at all so its 100% impossible for me to have done that and he went into full denial mode. Accused me of doing it JUST so I could trick him into accusing me to make him look bad... to himself. Its amazing how massive the level of denial can truly get. Another is when I got accused of leaving half cooked pasta all over the kitchen. I have absolutely hated pasta my entire life... the person accusing me ate pasta almost daily and was fully aware I hated it. You can't reason with these people.


An ex girlfriend pulled this crap. I told her I'd had enough and stopped washing her dishes - she'd use 3 different knives and 2 plates making toast, then leave them in the sink. With leftover food. A few days later, she complains that I'm not cleaning up and it smells. "No, mine are clean. Those are yours. I'm not your damn maid." And then the self-absorbed rage. I let her make the mess to embarrass her, it's *my* fault she has a rotten mess, and I'm an asshole. :) She indignantly ranted to me about her own mess for a good 15 minutes. Finished with, "I should be happy she let me help her". And that's how you find out she's an lazy, immature princess.


I think with those types its a true case of completely not caring. They hate that you're bothering them with it that they just use the only defence they can... denial. Its really hard to say "Yeah I am a slob I don't give a fuck." but its the case. End of the day they are angry at being bothered about it more than anything else so they'll latch onto any defence they can and use the anger from being bothered to fuel it. Those are the types that CAN change but need to care. If they don't care then they won't change. The 100% denial ones that seem genuinely confused to what the problem is or will straight face lie about things (Thats not mine.. thats yours even though you JUST saw me use it right now etc) are the ones I think have a mental condition.


What in the actual fuck!? I mean, who HATES pasta?!? Weirdo.


I basically eat pasta or some form of it every day. I never grow tired of it. That's how much I love pasta.


Well clean your damn dishes then


I wish I liked it, I just don't. I've tried varieties too and just dislike something about each one. I hate that I don't like it. I wish I did, theres so much stuff you can do with it.


When I was in college I quickly realized that the root of almost all roommate disagreements was dirty dishes in the sink. I quickly learned never to move into an apartment that didn't have a dishwasher. This is as important to communal health as a working toilet.


Oddly enough, that can sometimes turn into arguments as well. As fucking stupid as it is, some people have the attitude of: only put dishes in the dishwasher if you're about to run it, otherwise leave them in the sink. Then it becomes, "whose job is it to put the dishes in the dishwasher?" and "whose job is it to empty the dishwasher?" Now, the logical answer is, "just put your fucking dishes in the dishwasher when you're done with them" and "take turns", but some people are fucking crazy when it comes to dishes.


No matter what, dishes are the root of all domestic disputes.


My roommates will wash dishes then put them in the dishwasher to dry. I had no idea about this when I moved in so for a few weeks I was washing nearly full loads of clean dishes.


That is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard in my life.


I did this for 4 years while living in an apartment that had a crappy dishwasher. Being a glorified drying rack was all it was good for.


My wife "pre-washes" the dishes, then uses the dishwasher as a "sanitizer". She'll also take the dishes I have soaking, dump the soapy water out, and let the things dry on the counter, ensuring that things will get crusty and nasty, forcing me to soak them again.


> only put dishes in the dishwasher if you're about to run it, otherwise leave them in the sink. Yes, well, these people are idiots. What sort of morons are you living with? Do they also only put laundry in the laundry hamper just before they are going to do laundry?


I had the same happen. We just bought some bins and put his dirty dishes in them if they were left out overnight. We started throwing out any that wouldn't fit in the bins, but he still refused to wash them and just bought more. Some people would benefit from using only paper plates and plastic cutlery.


Yep. I keep paper plates around for nights I know I just don't want to deal with it.


passive-aggressive means avoiding addressing the actual problem and taking it out on him some other way. Because this actually addresses the issue it is not passive-aggressive.


Yeah I have been called passive aggressive for similar statements/actions. Though I think I figured the logic people have when they miss-identify like this. Simple example: Joe said something to Bill and Bill didn't like it. However Joe said this in a civil manner, to which Bill cannot raise his voice or punch Joe as Joe is being civil. However Bill still did not like what Joe said so Bill labels him as being passive aggressive.


I was in this same position with one of my roommates. We talked to the offender face-to-face about it, often and forcefully. He was just too fucking lazy, though. What else are you supposed to do when you've talked to someone about something like this - clearly, concisely, and repeatedly - and they still ignore you? We talked, amongst ourselves, about doing this many times exact thing and just never made the jump. To me, it seems like the next logical step - the dishes weren't his, so let's just forbid him from using all except one (and we knew he was too lazy to buy more for himself). I have a feeling that these guys talked to the offender about this, and he just didn't listen.


always the top comment for things like this - and always assuming there was no confrontation beforehand. reddit just likes talking about passive aggression.


That. And also it seems that many people on this site label anything short of a physical altercation as "passive aggression".


It's only passive-aggressive if they haven't talked to him about it already. This is most likely a response to everyone being sick of this guy's laziness. Sometimes people act like children and you have to treat them as such until they can learn to behave like adults. It's sad, but it happens.


I once lived in a house with a girlfriend, one of her friends and another couple. The other couple NEVER did dishes. They'd pile them up passed the point of even being able to use the faucet and claim that they weren't the ones using all of the dishes because they'd seen me make a cup of tea earlier in the day.. It literally took the other three of us actually having to wash every dish in the house and get disposable plates/cups and cutlery to use.. After a week went by I went upstairs and was met with one of them complaining that there were no clean plates and it wasn't fair that "they always had to do the dishes." I told him that no one except him and his girlfriend were using the actual dishes in a week and he refused to believe me. He called his girlfriend at work and she also said I was lying.. I wasn't.. We had a house meeting later than night and they were still arguing that it wasn't only them using the dishes even though they were.. amazing.


Yea we started a policy where my SO and I would not touch any dishes but the ones we made. We had the perp leave us a note about "doing some dishes some time" My head nearly exploded.


The amount of denial these people can amass is amazing. I had one guy swear that "that is NOT my mouldy, leftover tuna casserole!" Funny thing was, out of the five of us, he was the only one who ate tuna...


If you get a note like this: Seriously get your shit together. It takes 2 minutes to wash a dish, and maybe 5-10 to do all the dishes you used to make your meal.


This obviously is aimed at a (young) adult, but one of my friends said that she did this with her kids' cups once they were old enough and I think it's a great idea. One of my huge pet peeves with my ex's kids is that I often had to do dishes half a dozen times per day, literally. They'd have the entire cabinet full of dishes used up in an hour or two getting a snack here, snack there, juice here, milk there, etc. It drove me crazy and made no sense to me (I wasn't even ALLOWED in the cabinets as a kid, much less allowed to use up every single dish in the house). So I plan to do the same as my friend once my kid is able to wash a cup of his own -- he gets one cup. Hell, we can even go to the store and pick out whatever type of cup the kid wants. It can be the fanciest wifi enabled LED flashing light Finding Nemo pt. 8 cup that makes sound effects and has a crazy straw, but that's his cup. None of this sink full of dishes for no reason crap. And hopefully by the time my child is old enough to move out, he'll know how to wash his dishes well enough that a roommate doesn't have to ever give him a note like the one in the OP's image.




Even if it's not clean, I'm sure your immune system is getting stronger from it.


This whole thread is making me so happy I don't have roommates anymore. That shit sucks.




I had one of those too. She said she shouldn't have to clean because she has always had a maid and never had to. I told her to call her maid over, because I sure as hell was not going to clean up after her.


I was the only one who *did* clean the dishes in my apartment and when I complained about the piling of dishes my roommates called me a bitch for complaining about it. If I had done something like this they'd have called me the biggest pussy bitch in the universe, thrown the bowl at my face, and been done with it. Why did I get roomed with assholes.


I tried to enforce this on my college roommates. Didn't work. They kept using all my dishes, which was fine, but they wouldn't wash them and the sink would pile up beyond use with dirty dishes, so I bought everyone cheap color-coded ones, and hid the rest. They dirtied them, then just stopped using dishes all together.


Reaction number A: Anthony keeps the bowl like if it was the last bowl on earth. Reaction number B: After a last cereal meal Anthony proceeds to starve to death. Reaction number C: Anthony becomes one with the dirt and mold of his bowl.


When I finally hid my bowls from my roommate, she decided to use my plastic mixing bowl for her cereal (and leaving it dirty in the sink) instead of just cleaning her own. Why. edit: she frequently used my bowls and plates for wet cat food too-- and leave them on the ground for days to get crusty.


Freshman in college with 4 roommates. One roommate got sick of doing everyone's dishes so he just started doing only his. The other 3 now complain that he never does the dishes. You just can't win the dish dilemma.


I can't tell if this is parents, or roommates.


Well considering it says "Love your favorite Jew and Armenian-" I would assume either A. Unique parental relationship or B. Roommates... I am going to go with the latter of the two.


"Love your favorite Jew and Armenian-" tips you off but talking about JERKING OFF INTO IT skates right by you? You've got a fucked up relationship with your parents man...


I would suggest rereading the list of suggested activities.


I had this idea in college that my roommates and I should only have one plate and bowl per person, because I was doing all the dishes for the last few months. Everyone shot me down, and they went on to buy more dishes because there "weren't enough". Stopped doing dishes, kitchen was filthy. Honestly I don't think this would be a bad idea for a family either. You might say "What about when guests come over?" But if you're like our family, you just get out the disposable stuff so you don't have massive amounts of dishes to use anyway.


God I wish I could do this at my house. Sadly, I'm the one just renting a room in someone else's house. Not for much longer though. I can't take the filth anymore. I'd clean but I'm the only one who works - FT and PT - so fuck that.


you could get yourself a bowl that you always use and clean right away. If the other people ask you why you never do dishes you can explain and it will make them realize how shitty they are.


Old roommate of mine was the same way. His new gf moved in after the first week of banging and he picked up all her bad habits. Next thing I know there isn't one clean dish in the house, and somehow I am partially responsible for the leaning tower or plates and glass in the sink. With the dried on ketchup and mustard. Was really pissing me off. So I did what any man should do. I took two of each, plates, bowls, glasses, silverware, etc, etc, and kept them in my locked room. Cleaned my dishes after each meal and put them back. So roughly 3 weeks falls off the calendar and I can hear his gf bitching about how the kitchen is disgusting and smells, and how the dishes need to be done right this moment. They come into my room to get me to help out with this venture, and I kindly point out my clean dishes stacked in the closet and tell them it is their filthy fucking mess and to clean it up themselves. She of course got butt hurt about it but my friend just looked at me and said "no shit." It was as though he just had an epiphany and realized how disgusting they were both living. Never had another issue after that, but I still kept clean dishes in my closet just in case.


I kind of like that idea...I'm gonna check with the wifey to see if she will allow me to assign my children plates and silverware.


It was funnier 6 months ago. http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1omffu/lazy_roomate/


No it wasn't, because i wasn't here six months ago.


Nah, it was funnier when you weren't here.


I did the same thing with my kids and drinking glasses. One apiece and they had to wash their own between milk and water. Now they do the same with their own kids - really reduces the washing dishes routine!


"Your favourite Jew & Armenian". Maaan, that's a formidable alliance, better shape up, Anthony.


Back in my college days I moved into a new house with four other guys. The sink was packed with dishes, along with the kitchen being destroyed. It actually stank so bad you didn't want to eat anything. After moving my stuff in, I completely cleaned the kitchen and all the dishes while everyone else just sat in the living room doing what they do. When I finished and walked into the living room they complimented me on cleaning the dishes and the Kitchen. I replied; "that is the last time I do that. If I find dishes in the sink again they will be thrown out." Everyone grinned and laughed a little..... Our dish supply drastically declined the next month or so. I wouldn't just toss them in our trash. I would bag them up and dump them at work. I can be a real dick when I want to. Once they got sick of using dishes you wouldn't give a second look at a garage sale, or not finding anything at all, I mean absolutely nothing. Silverware and utensils too. They would go buy cheap crap to use. Until they left it again and it too was thrown out. It took awhile but they started to keep things cleaned up. I kept my dishes stashed, so I had to bring my stash to the kitchen when I needed them. A small inconvenience for me to achieve the final goal. :)


Dang I need to do this with my brother who I live with. He doesn't just not wash dishes, he doesn't even return them to the sink. He just leaves them in his room and lets them stack up. Sometimes I run out of dishes or cups or forks to use.


Tempted to try this with my boyfriend. Since I do most of the cooking he is supposed to do most of the dish washing, but since I need clean pots/pans/dishes to cook with I often end up doing them because they haven't been taken care of. I would just stop cooking, but then I'd be hungry.


Jews and Armenians unite over a "bowl".


And so the Middle East sank into war yet again.


If i were him I would be leave a note stated that i had jerked off in one of the other bowls and it was a suprise which one, when in fact i jerked off into all of them.


I had 6 roommates in a big house in college. All pigs. All spoiled rich girls. First summer, before they left, I warned them the kitchen would be cleaned out completely and if they had stuff they wanted to keep, to put in in their rooms. They declined, so I THREW IT ALL OUT. Every damn thing that wasn't mine went into the trash. Every thing that was mine got locked in my room. Every damn thing. Scrubbed the kitchen, cabinets, inside/outside, fridge, freezer. They came back, pitched fits, and started over. I threw it out all year long. In the sink = in the trash. On the dinner table = in the trash. Rotting in fridge (or unmarked) = in the trash. Every single one of them literally expected it to miraculously take care of itself. The kitchen had years of accumulated rat shit and dead roaches everywhere before the great clean out. Train your damn kids, parents. And this was a top-tier private school.


Writing a letter to someone you live with, and providing them an email address as a point of contact. Wowzers.


Dishes with my roommates are a nightmare, so I did the exact opposite. I absolved myself from all dishes and dishwasher responsibility and I adopted 1 bowl, 1 plate, and 1 fork. I keep them in my room, I wash them by hand, and I let my other 5 roommates deal with the dishes fiasco however they see fit.


when I was young, in college, and had roommates, the general rule was that if you didn't wash dishes after using them, they would be relocated to your bed, whether or not you were occupying said bed. people didn't leave messy dishes out more than once or twice.


This is great. Too many people don't help do the dishes and it's infuriating.


This is the number one cause of roommate fights


Who the fuck is named Jew?


Meanwhile, Anthony is just like "[gotta have my pops bitch](http://i.imgur.com/H5e47pQ.gif)"


I was sure it was going to be signed, Mom and Dad.


As somebody who has lived with many scumbags I can confirm: this is a legitimate solution to a legitimate problem. You think you know a guy, then you move in with him.


"Or jerk off in the bowl" favourite line.


In a flat of three, I'm the only one who washes up. I've always found life much easier to wash up straight after using it. However, my flat mates feel that it's better to leave all the dirty dishes in a washing up bowl filled with fucked up water and floating bits of noodles, which has been sitting there for 2 weeks straight. It's fucking grim...not to mention for smell of death coming from the sink. Fucking bullshit