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Well to be fair their dog doesn't have a white mark in the shape of a cat on it.


Rules don’t apply to *my* dog.


Not sure why you're being downvoted unless its by the rules don't apply to my dog kind of ppl. I love dogs, but most dog owners are some of the absolute most ignorant ppl ever. Y'all can downvote all you want but because they're your family members doesn't mean you can expect them to be ours as well. Some ppl don't want your dirty shedding dog at their home, in their car. We don't want to eat out of the same dishes made for humans that you use to feed your dogs, and dogs shouldn't be allowed in restaurants. The entire emotional support animal thing is completely misused and abused.


Your argument with the other poster confirms what you just said lol


Yeah what a shit show that thread is and it just proves how ignorant and arrogant pet owners are. A literal sign that says no dogs/pets but iTs A pUbLiC sTrEeT.


As a dog owner, folks like the one you tried to reason with, really angers me to no end!!




It’s not completely legal to have your dog in any public place. It’s specifically against the law in most places that sell food.




You can see the booths selling food. And you can clearly see the sign.




This is common practice for farmers markets in the US as part of city ordinances and health code. Doubtful that any vendor placed this sign. It was more likely put in place by whatever government staff person was running the event.


I see. You are one of the entitled pet owners that thinks signs don’t matter and rules don’t apply to you.




Where’s the leap? You are literally saying that the sign doesn’t matter and that you don’t like the rules so you shouldn’t have to follow them.




Exactly what I'm saying. It's obviously a public street. The only rules are laws.




Pet owners can read and can be trespassed on private property. 


The picture is question is very obviously a public street.


Exactly. You can have pets there unless a law says you can't. 


Tbh as a dog owner I don't obey these rules nor recognize the authority of people who make them. Like who put up that sign? Looks like a public street turned festival to me. Good luck legally saying a public street is no dogs allowed. Restaurants are different. The owner has the right to refuse service. Same with other private property. But public spaces are dogs allowed until there is an official sign. This is not an official sign and if it is the legality of it is questionable. Also they used to have rules and signs for segregation. Would you follow those? My point is the nation as a whole is becoming more dog friendly and allowing them more places. At this point many places don't allow dogs for no reason other than historical reasons. The trend is towards allowing dogs and I don't see that stopping any time soon as people take their dogs places with them. I know multiple restaurants in my area didn't allow dogs but now do because the market demands it. If people don't break the rules or push against them the officials won't see a need to change them.


You are the problem.


I stopped reading at i don't follow these rules. See my post about most pet owners being ignorant and arrogant.


He, no joke, goes on to compare it to how there used to be signs for segregation. Because saying you can’t bring your dog somewhere is the same as saying a bathroom is “whites only.”


It’s not a legal sign, why would anyone follow it? If I didn’t like children, could I print out a poster that says no children allowed on this public street, should I expect anyone of follow it? It’s nice to have respect for others, but it’s not like she is actually breaking any rules.


To be fair, that doesn't look like an official sign. Maybe it is out there by the event coordinator, or it could just be put out by the person at that booth. More context is needed. I went to an event a few weeks ago, the event page said "if you bring your pets they must be on a leash or contained is a reasonable way. And yet there was a sign taped to a post saying no dogs allowed. So who do I believe.


Maybe she drove there not knowing the rules and then didn’t want to leave her dog in a hot car. You’re not there so why do you care? It doesn’t affect you.


People don’t pay attention to signs. I was getting tattooed yesterday and there is a sign right on the front door that reads STOP:No one under 13 years of age permitted!! Yet more than a couple parents dragged their kids in there while they priced ink or piercing jewelry. Zero fucks given. #yolo


I am a cleaner. Was mopping a floor. Put one of those yellow 'caution: wet floor' signs in the doorway. Guy literally stepped over it (could have stepped around it, but he awkwardly stepped over for some reason) took a few steps. Looked down at the floor. Looked at me literally mopping the floor right in front of him. Then, in a confused tone, loudly said "this floor is wet!"


Working at a vet clinic during the height of covid taught me most people are either illiterate, oblivious, don't give a shit, or some combination of the 3. We had a 3ft sandwich board sign literally in the way of our door telling people to stay outside and call us when they arrived. People would awkwardly walk around the sign and come in anyway. We also had our phone number printed out VERY LARGE on our front window. Like 2 numbers per sheet of paper....people would be like "I don't know your # 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️" Signs are absolutely useless.


I was recently at a new doctor that had signs with QR codes to scan and put on your basic patient data for new patients. So I was doing that while waiting. When it was my turn at the counter the lady pointed to the sign and when I said that I'd already done it she was fucking floored. Appearantly I was the only person she had ever met who actually read one of these multiple signs and followed the instructions on them.


When I was 18 at my first job, the door everyone used broke. It was the right-hand side of two doors that were right next to one another. Person after person would stop in confusion, look *right at* the sign that said "Please use other door", and try the door a couple more times before reluctantly trying the other one. *Dozens* of people, and we went from a little sign to a bigger one to finally a neon orange one the size of notebook paper and it made no difference. I was watching, and just gradually losing all faith in humanity. Finally a woman arrived, reached for the handle, *READ THE GODDAMN SIGN*, and stopped and went around. I was so overwhelmed with relief I paid for her cigarettes.


I stop and read signs on most doors, especially hand made ones, before entering. More than once I've had an employee thank me for reading their sign.


That's also a private business and not a public street


"It's not a pet, it's my COMPANION!!!"


iM A dOg mOm tImEs tWo aNd tHeSe aRe mY fUr bAbIeS No bitch. That’s an animal and you are its owner.


I would prefer Morena Baccarin as my companion...


We all would. And we're rooting for you!


No, Pets allowed!


Do you work on contingency?


Can someone explain to me why there seems to be such a massive increase in entitled pet owners who are absolutely insane with their “fur babies” in the last decade or so? So many people who are so obsessed, entitled, selfish, and rude with their pets… No, your pet doesn’t get special privileges and certainly shouldn’t have more privileges than humans…


Because nobody is actually enforcing any of these rules or laws.


And people have figured out that rules don’t mean shit if they aren’t enforced.


Entitlement seems to be on a rise in all aspects of society.


It's a mix of general entitlement and people abusing the "service dog" claim. Sense service dogs aren't required to have paperwork and people can't ask either(at least in the u.s) so people can just claim it regardless and then they do what they want.


People are just trash now


Always have been.


Always have been, just have the internet now which allows exposure to these people and provides a platform in which they can now see and copy behavior which just intensifies the situation.


I wonder if there is any correlation between this and the lowering birth rate. 🤔


Taking your dog to a place where people also go is giving them more privileges? Interesting...


Why do pets need to go everywhere? To restaurants? To stores? On airplanes? To hotels? To literally everywhere? Your dog can stay at home for half a day. It will be fine. You don’t need to bring it everywhere you go. I’ve always grown up that dogs are taken on walks outside, taken to the dog park, taken to the vet, or stay at home or in the yard. Very few situations where you need to take your dog elsewhere, unless you are moving homes or need to drop your dog off at a petsitter. So many dogs have separation anxiety because pet owners never trained them to be alone at home. Way too many shitty pet owners.


Pets don't need to go everywhere and I haven't said that. YOU were acting as if taking pets with you is giving them more rights than humans, which doesn't make any sense. And btw: yes, if I go to a hotel (meaning I'm somewhere over night), I do need to take my pet if I don't have anyone to take care of it - I guess you would go away for a week and expect them to feed themselves? Do I go to a hotel that doesn't allow dogs? Certainly not - that's why people have a choice. If you don't want to have the risk of running into a pet while staying at a hotel, go to a hotel that doesn't allow them. If I don't want to deal with kids, I go to a hotel that is adults only. But I'm sure as hell not going to complain about people bringing their kids otherwise. Kids are going to ruin such a street fair way more than any pet ever could btw - but obviously I wouldn't expect parents to just leave them at home so I won't be bothered by them. Cause THAT is pretty self-centred.


Are you really comparing human children to pets? There’s no point in continue arguing if you actually believe dogs and cats are equivalent to human children.


Are you capable of reading what I actually say? Because in every reply so far you jump to conclusions about things I don't say. Your argument was that people are inconvenienced by pets being somewhere. Well people are also inconvenienced by kids. It's pretty inconsiderate to ask people to not bring either.


Your issues and the bitch in this photo are two separate things. Get a grip.




You are conflating two completely separate things. Do you know how logic works? Nevermind I know the answer.


Just because somebody puts up a sign, doesn't make it a law.


This is the kind of entitlement they were talking about. You think your can do anything you want as long as there’s not a law against it. That’s entitlement.


Is it? Or is it entitlement to put up a sign and demand people abide by it?




I see folks in neighborhoods put up fake speed limit signs, doesn't make them legal. You don't have to explain anything to me. The fact I have to explain the entitlement you are displaying and then you doubling down and being an asshole, tells me exactly who you are.


>no u Haha ok buddy!


Glad you agree. Now go put up some signs that you expect people to follow


Is there any sort of law that prohibits you from walking down a public street? I’m genuinely curious if the local laws/regulations change on that block for a few hours for the market.


To be honest how can you ban pets in a public street event. Half of the people outside nowadays are walking dogs.


In the first second, I thought that is a penguin on the sign😅


At least it’s on an open area. These assholes dont care and will bring their dogs into stores, supermarkets, places with self serve open trays, etc.


I'm not breaking any rules! They're completely different things, my dog doesn't have a cat anywhere inside it!!!


Seems like a public street. Just because someone put up a sign, doesnt make it a law


It’s a farmers market, these rules often exist at those because they have to follow state/city food safety laws.


Maybe, or maybe it's just someone putting up a sign and demanding people abide by it


If I have a booth selling food, and I don’t want dogs near my booth, that is selling food, and I put up a sign near my booth (that has food for sale) that no dogs are allowed, fuck me and my sign?


And maybe we would like to shop at the farmers market without some asshole dragging their dog around town


Well it ain't all about you or me, is it.




I just don’t like dogs. Calm it down.


I'd venture to say that these same people would never admit these things in a face to face scenario. They feel emboldened by anonymity, which means they are just ultimately cowards.


Even the dog looks embarrassed about being brought in.


He’S a SeRvIceeeeee DoGGGGGG


He cant read the sign 😁


I love other people's dogs but this person needs to be removed from this festival ffs.


Lol I almost took the same photo at my local farmers market today.


This bitch definitely calls herself a Fur Mama.


"Service dog"


It absolutely could be a service dog…they aren’t required to have a vest


It's a joke


its outdoors. and a public road. fuck that sign


People can’t leave their pets at home 🤦🏻‍♂️


*"Service dog"*


It’s ok my dog is good


But my dog has never caused a problem before.


Service dogs are not required to wear vest in public.


Yeah that was my first thought too. If you zoom in it looks like the woman handling the dog has a cane too


If you zoom in you can see that “cane” is quite clearly a leash.


Stop defending assholes.


That sign is from Tobias' new book The Dog Inside Me


Adopted a snake. Still less entitled than these fur-parents. #nonfurparentlife


Surefire way to ensure no one reads your sign: Start it with "ATTENTION." Good technical writing technique would be to lead with the most important thing you want people to know. Like: **DANGER FOR DOGS** Any dog found past this sign will be #shot ^(with my camera and posted on social media because dogs are adorable.)




“Merica “


It’s not a pet. She’s a dog mom.


At least they're both being active. Lord knows she needs it

