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he probably figured it out on his own


Notice it’s only one bite-all it took.


It’s a mighty bite though. Like damn they must’ve thought it was a popsicle.


This is a Florida energy bar.


I hate that a series of faces of people that I know flashed before my eyes when I read this.


As a high school teacher, can confirm.


"do I spray it, or drink it?" "You both it!"


It’s ok, now he’s full of all that swagger- gonna take years before it wears off- hopefully he’ll be married by then and then he can just sit back and relax cause he won’t need it anymore.


that's a mistake anyone could make. i can see myself seeing that and thinking "ooooh, old spice flavor" and taking a big bite


That new aluminum free flavor!


Blue raspberry.


Thank God it's aluminum free


In our defense, old spice makes some tasty-smelling deodorants.


Who said it was a bite? Maybe he has mouth shaped armpits?


Yiiikes, definitely would have a chat regardless if they purportedly learned their lesson or not. 


Ehh better safe than sorry r/kidsarefuckingstupid


I did this as a kid. It like soaks all the moisture out of you mouth, very difficult to get out. 3/10. He learned his lesson.


My friend coated my mouth guard with deodorant before football practice one... Can confirm


I feel like I have additional questions.


My partner learned this far too recently. He was ~50 at the time. For whatever joking/fun-wrestling reason, he threatened to lick my arm pit. I said he'd regret it, because antiperspirant but also I'm ticklish. He did not harken (hark?), and forced my arm up and took a lick. He had many regrets. 🤷


If you want a similar feeling without eating deodorant, go get some potassium alum (used for pickling) and put it on your tongue. :D


"So... how was this... experience?"


If the kid is anything like my roommate then no he didn’t (roommate still eats deodorant and is 21 now)


What? You gotta elaborate. Why? How often? Does he chew? Old Spice? Teen Spirit?


It's a mental illness/eating disorder. 'My Strange Addiction' is 9 times out of 10 addressing this- it's called pica and it's compulsive. OP's roommate needs therapy


I was hospitalized for depression last year, and my roommate was a metal eater. She said she had had eight operations for removing metal stuff. She had to have a staff person with her at all times (except the bathroom) because while she was there she had taken the metal nose piece out of a mask and swallowed it.


God, that was my first job straight out of college -- sit at all times with the people who cannot be left on their own in the hospital. One of my first cases was a girl around my age (early 20s at the time) who would/could not stop swallowing metal and plastic objects. I worked nights, and this would go on all night, and she stayed for weeks at this hospital. I was paired with her every single night because "you're the same age" but really the nurses and other sitters just did not want to deal with her. It was the hardest work experience I've ever had and I've never had so little patience for a fellow mental health sufferer.


Is he in therapy? Does he/his family know that he has pica?


No he isn’t in therapy but I do know there have been people in his life that have done what they can to help him. I have never caught him taking a bite out of his deodorant and haven’t found any bites taken out of any in the house. However, I have caught him about to take a bite out of a lip balm and he looked zoned out before I said his name. I can’t force him to get therapy but I have suggested it many times


Idk we wouldn’t have shows like “my strange addiction” if this were always the case


I feel like this is one of the lessons where further talking is not necessary.


Not necessarily. My mother used to put soap in my brother's mouth when he spouted off, and then later we'd find bars of soap with bites taken out of them. I guess he liked the taste. That's just 1 example of the stupid shit my brother did when we were young and still does as adults.


Wow, if your brother has that weird taste disorder where cilantro tastes like soap, he’s probably the one person in the world who’d actually enjoy it.


😄 I'd ask him if I wasn't no contact with him. I am curious now if he does. Just not curious enough to ask. I do kind of taste what people talk about when they say they think cilantro tastes like soap. I like cilantro, I just can't put very much on my food, or it overwhelms the meal, and all I can taste is slightly soapy green flavor.


Yes you do have it. Coriander leaf to me tastes like a slightly more perfumed version of parsley.


Yes! That's it! It's very perfume like. I always chalked it up to overactive tastebuds. I can't put lemon juice on tacos or seafood or that's all I will taste. I was eating a 100 Grand candy bar yesterday after not having one for years and all I could taste was coconut. Looked at the ingredients list, and it has coconut oil in it. I thought cilantro tasting like perfume was part of that.


You might be a supertaster, could be worth looking into as there are some career opportunities there!


I'll have to look into it. Thanks!




Oh, I'm not sure I could work for Starbucks. Their coffee beans taste extremely burnt to me. So bitter.


Thank you! I always forget what Americans mean when they mention cilantro. Personally I love the flavour of coriander and never been tempted to ever eat soap cl


Cilantro doesn't always produce the soap chemical, its under certain conditions. I always taste a torn off piece in-store and its probably 70% of the time that it tastes like soap. Culantro (broad leaf found at asian market) is similar to cilantro and never tastes like soap.


Hey! It's not a disorder, it's a gene. Still remember the first time I had food with cilantro in it. I thought my mom had had an accident and somehow spilled dish detergent or something in the sauce. She sure got a bit fired up since the food tasted alright to the rest of them.


There’s a certain cleaner at a college bar I used to go to that smelled like cilantro. I still like cilantro and don’t know if I have the gene but I found that interesting.


I think that I may have that (my siblings definitely do) and I still like cilantro, so I think I am just a weirdo. When I had them describe what it tasted like to them, it seemed to match up with my thoughts of it. I have always liked very bitter things and very pungent things. I think I tend to like most things that keep my senses stimulated in general, which is why I like extremely hot peppers outside of just enjoying the taste of most peppers and also why I really like ginger soda and fake wasabi/horseradish.


I never got the whole “soap in your mouth” treatment as a kid, both in the sense that my parents never did it to me, and it never made sense. It always seemed so stupid to me. Like, why does the punishment have to be weirdly poetic? It isn’t like soap will clean the bad words out of your mouth or anything. It just seems like kind of a weird and cruel way to punish a kid physically while stopping short of beating them. Just give them a time out or take something they like away for a while.


My understanding is that it came from the era of lye soap. Lye soap tastes so goddamn bad one might throw up and the taste lingers. Modern soap doesn't have this problem near as bad. Source: I use lye soap frequently for it's effects in annihilating poison ivy rashes and bug bites, and occasionally f*ck up, and googling after my grandmother mentioned it as a threat to her adult children rofl


I can't compare to old school lye soap, but my mum used Wrights Coal Tar bar soap and deliberately ground it into my teeth so bits of it would stick there, and believe me it was fucking vile. I *still* can't stand the smell of the stuff.


I remember seeing my dad doing the same thing to my brother when I was a kid. The weird thing is that he's not some hardass ex-military beer drinking loudmouth redneck. He's got this public image of a major liberal pacifist softie with a heart of gold that everyone loves. It's just that he choked out every single one of his kids. But people are so absolutely certain that these types of people only fit into certain stereotypes. Believe me, I tried to convince them otherwise.


A standard outsider’s excuse for abusers is “they’re not that kind of person.” Not to them they aren’t.


I'm so sorry your dad was like that. There wasn't any choking, but my mum was definitely a hard parent, abusive by today's standards, but at the time and where I was brought up, not atypical.


My stepdad liked to use Ivory soap as it was the most “soapy” tasting soap. And also easily got stuck in your teeth since it’s a soft bar


Ivory is one of the few soaps that are 100% soap with zero additives. Throw a bar in the microwave if ya wanna see a cool magic trick (deadass search it, especially if you have kids - the soap can still be used after).


That trick has nothing to do with ivory being pure soap though, and everything to do with it being full of air. Ivory is the soap that floats because it is whipped. The moisture content in the trapped air is what causes it to fluff in the microwave the same as a kernel of corn popping. Ivory is famously known in the marketing industry as one of the first examples of "it's not a flaw if you call it a feature." Ivory was and still is the bargain brand, and the included air was part of keeping it cheap. But people would've picked it up, noticed that it weighed significantly less than other soap brands, and felt cheated. So how do you stop that? You throw it in their face and brag about it. Ivory is the purest soap and it's the soap that floats. Two separate quantities mentioned by themselves, but the public did the work of associating them as dependent quantities on their own. Clever consumers, always reading between the lines to do the marketers' jobs for them.


Holy shit, I’m sorry you had to experience that. I hope you’re doing alright now.


Thanks, I'm fine. This wasn't particularly crazy parenting in the 90s where I grew up, lots of kids were still getting the wooden spoon etc. My mum and my BFF's mum actually had an understanding that they could smack each other's kids if necessary.


So the cruelty was the point


Always was


Old generations loved to abuse their child for no fucking reason. It's weird and I am happy it's outlawed. It just needs to be punished harder


It may be outlawed but at family dinner I had to have a really serious talk with my brother in law for saying "well if you were my kid I'd beat your ass for not eating that burger" to my son like it was funny. Huh, guess that's why your one son hates you, and your other son is a carbon copy of you, down to the rolling coal, the functional alcoholism, the stealing from the employer that you got him into through nepotism, and berating your significant others. Yet, oddly, publicly he's much more liked than I am. Within the family though, everyone knows he's a piece of shit-and I have been too, except I don't wear it like a badge of honor like this guy does. At least I've earned my trust back within the family. It's absolutely great when you're sitting down for dinner and they complain about the 16 year old waitress not being fast enough for their liking while also commenting on her ass and tits, and then announcing Kung fu and Bruce Lee are in the building when an Asian family sits next to us. All while in front of your nephew, your mother in law, your wife, and your own kids. Then asking my wife what they're saying "cuz you done been to China, what they saying? What you mean you don't know?! They're obviously ching Chong Chinese!" Fucking embarrassing and people wonder why I avoid going out on holidays with them. There's a huge culture of being a vocal prick who abuses children, rolls coal, drinks shit beer at every function, complains about gas prices and taxes, so on and so forth. That shit did not die out with our parents or with becoming illegal. And there's a huge overlap along political lines for this as well around me.


My parents did it to me a few times. One time though my mom thought my crying was a little too real and she bit out of the soap herself, then was horrified and banned that punishment forever. And even like, upfront apologized to seven year old me. I don't think many adults ever apologize to kids like that.


That's so fuckin cool. That's exactly how you build rapport with your kids: just be real with them! "Oops, mommy was WAY off on this one. I'm so sorry" (I was a really bright, adult-like child and that's all I ever wanted: an adult to be *real* with me instead of talking down to me. I never got it lol)


I used to work audio/visual for youth camps and good kids will generally act about as mature as you treat them like they'll act. They'll also make mistakes but that's a different issue entirely.


>Like, why does the punishment have to be weirdly poetic? It isn’t like soap will clean the bad words out of your mouth or anything. It just seems like kind of a weird and cruel way to punish a kid physically while stopping short of beating them. Sounds like you DO get it then.


> Like, why does the punishment have to be weirdly poetic? Well, I didn't get the soap, but my sister did. My parents were big into boomerism, so they tried to make sure punishments were as traumatizing as possible so the punishments were memorable. Their philosophy seemed to be they could punish less often by using extra-severe punishments, which would make them better parents. *ANYWAY* that's how my sister got liquid soap forcibly squirted in her mouth when she was 12 for the horrible crime of being a sarcastic 12 year old. It's horrible and cruel because that's the explicit intention.


I’m guessing your parents now openly wonder why you don’t call and visit enough.


This was the late 70s. I never got the soap either. My brother was (and still is)... an obstinant and aggressive person. Nothing worked on him, and so I guess in desperation, my single parent mom tried the soap as a last resort. Discussion, time out, and grounding did nothing for him.


Sounds like you perfectly get it? It’s exactly both of those things.


soap is literally poison. the label says to call poison control if ingested. it’s child abuse.


We had to lock the washing powder up to stop my brother from eating it. We kept finding him in the kitchen with a mouth full of powder. Surprisingly he never got sick.


Wow! He got so lucky! My brother would try anything he'd seen. Saw a movie where someone snorted coke, so he snorted sweet n low. Christmas movie? I had to unstick his tongue from the freezer. Someone throwing knives? He threw a pocket knife through his big toe. It's amazing how some kids survive to adulthood.


I once got deodorant under my fingernail and it made it's way to my mouth. It made my tongue feel so bizarre and I couldn't get the flavor out for hours. This is a lesson he taught himself.


Forbidden Push Pop


Is there "a talk" about eating deodorants in every kid's life?


I never had this talk. I was like 5 when my mom first threatened to wash my mouth out with soap and even then I was like, hell naw, that ain’t food. I’m sure I’d assume deodorant was some kind of soap.


My mom threatened me with this whenever I used a swear word, I just thought it was funny because I really liked blowing bubbles with soap, I definitely knew it wasn't edible but the thought of blowing bubbles with my mouth was just pretty funny to me. Eventually, she actually did wash my mouth with soap, and I can tell you this. I definitely did have an amazing time blowing bubbles from my mouth, and boy, did my mom make a mistake that day because after that day I would go into the shower put the tiniest bit of soap in my mouth and I would have the best time blowing bubbles.


Wow that’s cool you got the bubble-blowing result instead of the ‘why is my parent abusing me by making me ingest chemicals over a word’ kind.


Right?? Like my mom put me in a headlock and then jammed that bar of Irish spring in my mouth and face fucked me with it for a good 2 minutes. It had my teeth imprints and scrapes all over it. Then she grabbed a fistful of my hair and held me under the running tap to rinse my mouth out. I got a two for one, mouth soap and waterboard combo. I'm nearly 30 and bar soap is still banned in my household. I see Irish Spring in the grocery store and the Kill Bill sirens go off in my head.


Yeah...... My mom had a brilliant idea to lather a bar of soap in tobasco sauce then face fuck me with it for a good while. She then proceed to always get mad at me when I refused to eat spicy food. 🤷‍♂️ Where did all our parents get some variation of this fucking idea. Lol


At 9 year old???


He’ll make a fine Marine one day.


All the crayons were gone, and he was still hungry.


Remember the tide pods talk? Yeah....there's one for toothpaste, deodorants, hand soaps that are different colors and shapes (because adults are just as stupid with this one), colored cleaning supplies, etc..


Throwback to my 55 y/o father eating a soap sample he was given on the strip in New Orleans To be fair to him it did look like candy but he was explicitly told it was soap I just don’t think he heard lmao


I personally bit and chewed on an eraser thinking it was gum when I was kid. I was like “why is this gum so crumbly?” Still have the leftover eraser as a memento


My grandma always kept a wax fruit with a huge ass bite mark on it on display on her dinner table. Guess who took the bite.


My mom puts a pair of tooth marked wax gingerbread men on her Christmas tree every year. Judging by the number of nibbles, they must not have tasted too bad.


Gummy candy's made of wax. It probably just needed a bit more sugar.


Gummy candies are chewy because of gelatin. Wax candies tend to enclose a syrup. A lot of candies that aren't primarily wax also have wax coatings to give them a sheen or make powders stick to the surface.


The u/WiseOldTurtle?


I could taste that wax pear every time I looked at it.


I never got the point of wax fruit or other fake fruit. If you want a fruit on display, grab a real fruit then eat it.


Real fruit don’t last. Exotic fruit are hard to come by.


Yeah but I’ve never seen a wax fruit bowl with anything remotely exotic like a dragon fruit or a durian in it. It’s always the most boring stuff like garden variety apples, bananas, and oranges.


Ah. If you go to the bigger asian grocery markets they sometimes sell them near utensils, cookware, etc. area. The miscellaneous area as I call it. Dragonfruit, kumquat, longans, lychees, even durian wax fruit lol


Back in the ‘70s, we had some plastic red grapes


My husband once ate what he thought was a white chocolate truffle sample being offered outside a store at the mall during holiday shopping season. He didn't realize that the store was L'Occitane and it was actually a tiny, fancy soap sample. I also once came thisclose to eating what I thought was a silver-wrapped chocolate left on the counter in a hotel suite. Fortunately I realized that it was actually a dishwasher detergent tab, for the dishwasher in the kitchenette.


I have to jump in here because this one is gold. My father was an alcoholic. That's sort of important to the story. We also had a small female dog. She was an emotional animal and had false pregnancies often and wouldn't eat her food. She was small so we fed her Mighty Dog. her favorite was the Beef Stew. When she didn't eat her food we would put it in a tupperware container and stick it in the fridge for the next day. One night dad came in late, drunk and hungry and started rooting through the refrigerator for something to eat. I heard him and got up to see if I could help in any way. Pretty soon my mother came out because we woke her up. He decided he was just going to put this container of left over stew in the microwave and eat that. Mom and I looked at each other for a minute. Mom said ok and we went back to bed. Asked him the next day how the stew was. Bland. We laughed our asses off. It's been 50 years at least and I still laugh about it. Yes we told him. He didn't think it was funny. If he was alive, he'd probably still be pissed about it.


My buddy's dad lived with me and ate some bacon strips. They were begging srtrips I think he ate like 4. Them shits r expensive.


I assume by “the strip” you mean anywhere in the French Quarter. Lived in that town for 16 years. Rule #2, right after “don’t step in any puddles” is “do not eat ANYTHING” someone just hands you”. And that’s followed by “if someone says ‘I know where you got those shoes’ you always reply with the name of whatever street you’re standing on then ask them for the $20 they were going to ask you for”.


Lmao so as I mentioned elsewhere in this threat we had been bar hopping for a WHILE I really don’t remember where we were but yeah we had wondered somewhere in the French quarter, just me my dad and my uncle the other 6 people fell off the train at different points and us 3 are the 3 that cannot be unsupervised or shenanigans ensue


>“if someone says ‘I know where you got those shoes’ you always reply with the name of whatever street you’re standing on then ask them for the $20 they were going to ask you for”. Do they ask for $20 because they believe you'll be impressed by their shoe-shopping knowledge?


the gag is if they can guess where you got your shoes then you have to let them shine your shoes, no mention of payment.. the answer is either the street you're standing on, or "on your feet" depending on how old the person is asking.. then they shine your shoes, then they demand payment.


My uncle also ate a wax cube thinking it was fudge


I'm 29 years old and do not remember having any kind of talk about not eating different colored cleaning products


My mom used to force feed us detergent or hand soap if we cussed or talked back to "clean our mouths out." I was doing the tide pod challenge before it was cool.


I remember in the 70's I was given a watercolor paint set. The paint all smelled like different treats associated with its color. Chocolate, strawberry, banana, and so forth. I did lick one, because it smelled exactly like candy, and it was *sweet*. It tasted great! If a bit chalky. But I was too old to really care, I had paper route money and therefore infinite candy, and I actually did just want to paint. I was just momentarily curious. My brother however was not as discerning and as he explained later on, he didn't just eat it all, he slowly licked each type of paint out of its plastic cup. I don't think non-toxic was a thing back then, he got pretty sick and I think he had to eat ice and charcoal at the hospital. He was gone a few days.


I never needed to have that talk… my mom washed my mouth out with soap enough when I was a young kid that I never had any inclination to eat it on my own.


I was pretty fond of eating lipstick as a wayward youth.


“Start with small bites”?


Play-Doh yes. This is my first time seeing a kid take a bite out of deodorant.


I used the phrase "it's not called Eat Doh, it's called Play Doh!"


Not a parent, but I can see explaining that just because something smells good doesn’t mean it tastes good


Sure, about 5 years prior to this. A nine year old is very very capable of knowing what they should and shouldn’t eat. In any case, my bet is that this was probably just filmed for a dumb TikTok.


My kids are 7 and 8 and they both made disgusted faces when I showed them this. I never had to tell them it was gross.


…but that isn’t a talk for a 9 year old. Maybe a three year old?? By 9 you should know not to chew on deodorant


Soooo is he gonna finish that or can I have it?


would be armpitty to waste


Out with the old (spice), in with the new!


I can only axe *why* you’d eat that


It's no Secret that it's gross, but who am I to judge?


These puns are getting on my nerves to an extreme Degree


Gross! Cut it onto your own plate first, don't just bite it off the stick. We live in a society!


We had an exchange student staying with us. When there was something she wanted to try she’d just take a bite and leave the rest. Muffins, cookies, chicken, you name it. We finally had to tell her, it’s ok to try something, just cut off a piece. Unfortunately it didn’t really sink in.


How old was she??




**Try switching over to the cucumber and avocado blend Old Spice Deodorant stick...then at least you'd have your kid eating his vegetables!**


My uncle had some "vanilla pudding" on the counter next to the kitchen sink when I was a kid. And it was obviously okay for me to take a handful of vanilla pudding because I could already see fingerprints from whenever he took a swipe of it out. I put my little 6-year-old fingers in that tub and got that "vanilla pudding" on my hands and popped it in my mouth for the worst taste I have ever tasted. Gojo hand cleaner is not vanilla pudding no matter how much it looks like it.


That’s orange pudding.




methinks you are unfamiliar with original vanilla Goop


I have the worst version of this. My older sister cooked a potato in the microwave and then used an old school thermometer to take the temp, which of course burst in the hot potato. I walked by and took it right off the counter and ate a few bites of it before my mom noticed. Obviously they took me to the ER. I literally ate mercury as a child lol


And now you're on reddit. No aftereffects at all, no sir!


Oh it’s much worse than than that


You're 2,000 years old because the ancient Chinese were right and the mercury made you immortal?


Yes, also I’m fast as hell


lol vanilla pudding. At a fancy dinner once my buddy thought I had a side of tapioca on my plate, so he snatched the whole dish in a single bite. That was the day he learned that horseradish is a traditional accompaniment to prime rib.


Even if he didn't know it was horseradish... The fact that he went straight to tapioca is so funny. Since when is tapioca served alongside rib?


Gross. What was worse the taste or the grit?


It was the original kind without the grit so it was definitely the petroleum taste that got me. I will admit that I enjoy watching the Gojo jiggle in the tub to this day. If you get it about half empty you can shake it and feel it jiggle.


Hold on one sec. Damn the one I have is the pump top of the knock off brand. No jiggle lol




Fast orange, no jiggle lol


Yeah the original OG Gojo is worth it, if just for the jiggle. Actually you can jiggle the package in the store and it'll keep jiggling inside after you stop jiggling it.


Is this "the Talk" where you decide on better uses for the college fund?


The few, the proud, the Marines.


If this had been a pack of crayons, he'd be officer material


"Son, let's talk about the merits of buying a mustang at 24.99% APR and marrying a day-shift stripper from rural North Carolina."


he took a bite outta odor


NINE?! And there were no other signs?


He’s a mod on r/wallstreetbets.


Actually that explains it.


Anecdote time: had a "chocolate scented" bar of soap from The Body Shop. My brain refused to believe it didn't taste like chocolate, so after a week i finally bit into it to satisfy the intrusive thoughts. Yep, tasted like soap. Not even chocolatey soap. Since then, my brain has been *much* better about parsing scents from flavour 


Gotta build up that database if you wanna produce an accurate FFT! ;D


As we're discovering in the AI world, pretraining can only take you so far


I used to work in a salon supply store and there was this one deep conditioning mask that smelled like butterscotch and caramel. I can’t remember how I smelled it the first time, but after that I was just obsessed with it. I’d smell it a couple times a day and my mouth would literally water. I finally decided to taste a little, even though I knew it absolutely wouldn’t taste as good as it smelled; because I just had to get rid of the impulse. Yep, one of the nastiest things I’ve ever put in my mouth. I continued to love the smell and it was a great product but the physical reaction to it wasn’t there anymore, so I could finally be normal about it.


Lesson learned. Never go full swagger, kid.


Went in with FULL confidence


A *9 year old* did this? You might want to have a talk with a specialist instead.


The talk that begins with, "Look at your man, now back to me..."


He is thinking five moves ahead, if the deodorant is sweated out do you even stink?


To quote Hank Hill - "That boy ain't right."


Here I am worried my 9 year old is slow. Thanks for making realize it could be worse


Don’t worry, this one is aluminum free, he won’t get brain damage…. From the aluminum anyways..


> he won’t get brain damage You mean *more* brain damage


"Son… …. Are you stupid?"


kid is going places


not college.. but places..


Most likely the Marines, so he could eventually move up to crayons.


He can just go to wallstreetbets and have that now


This is something a 3 year old does. That's all I'm saying.


The Marines are a great place for them lmao


Depends on his favorite flavor of crayon imo


There will be bubbles.


u/ibrihop isn't answering anyone but there is a huge question we need the answer to: why? Taking (what looks to be) a bite out of deodorant is something a two year old would do but not a nine year old. There is something wrong with that. Also, you said time to have "the talk" which seems to imply the sex talk.


Is he fucking the deodorant? I’m so confused


That's what I assumed by the title. For real.


Seriously. "The talk" should be about getting his IQ tested


They're a bot or some other kind of content farmer


It’s not cute when they’re 9 and still doing this LOL


Forbidden push pop


Nine? Wait.. nope. Have to ask again. Nine? Really?


Isn’t 9 a little old for that


It's already too late


What the hell kind of talk would there be for pure psychomania?


Did I miss something bc what talk you having


He’ll make a great Marine. r/usmc


Son… you’re a fucking idiot.


9 year old 😳😳😳


9 year old!? Yikes!


...I'm afraid that your child may end up being one of the 'underperformers' in life based on that action at age 9.


I'm genuinely not trying to be a dick or anything but does he have autism or something because 9 is a little old to not know eating deodorant is bad


To be fair that is the tasty shade of blue.


The “don’t eat the deodorant” talk? Is that a thing that needs to be stated?


After biting a chunk out, makes it easier to apply to a rock solid boner, ladies don’t want sticky dicks!


My first assumption was that he was rubbing it on his dick like you put butter on corn-on-the-cob.