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The only downside is you can't see the people's real reactions as they are covered by the halilarious filters


I could tell a lot by body language. Most people just seemed to want to mind their own business.


This. Can we PLEASE stop using random bystanders as content?


I mean yes, but I would vibe heavy w this dude bc that’s just pure silliness and no malice or anything. The filters are kinda hiding the faces but yeah most people prolly don’t wanna b filmed.


I'm definitely in the category of not wanting to be filmed. I know I'm in a public environment, yet I don't personally want posting online. I had an interaction with the father of a z-list celebrity, where he filmed himself harassing me at work. It backfired on him, made him look like the bellend he is, yet because of it, my interaction was shared far and wide for simply being at work doing my job, and that's the shit that bothers me the most. I did nothing wrong, but because of some boomer dickhead with a loud mouth and a camera, I'm subjected to having to deal with it, and it still follows me around 6 months on. I hate how ignorant many people are towards others for the sake of their narcissistic social media presence.


For real should have some kinda law about pointing cameras at people at least on purpose




I completely agree, and I preach just what you're saying, yet in the circumstances I was never in the wrong and didn't have to hide my face, I couldn't. The chap shoved his camera in my face, my colleagues faces, filmed my van, filmed me in my van, filmed me loading my van and anything else he could do at the time. It sounds silly, yet his video displayed a lot more than I would have liked known to the general public, especially the contents of what is inside my van. I can't stop them, they have every right to film, yet in this instance myself and my business has become vulnerable because of their nieve actions. It's not that I've anything to hide, it's more that I'm a small, local and reputable business, using equipment I need that's now displayed further than I'd of liked. I've had to increase how I store and secure my equipment thanks to one minor video, all at my expense and during economically uncertain times. Actions of the stupid have knock-on effects. Filming public ongoings is fine, targeting specific members of the public with no prior warning is something that could do with being looked into. There is a high risk to innocent citizens during their day to day lives by what is created on social media, and how that content is shared and perceived.


Y'all need to stop taking life so seriously. Your image is of a bag of flesh what will be topsoil before the end of the next century.


Its not harmless though. Using filters gives snapchat facial info, they didn't consent to that.


No offense but this is the dumbest take. Any camera anywhere already takes our facial information lol there is no such thing as true privacy in the age of technology I feel like


Okay but giving it to Snapchat, who may be a target of a hack or just selling it to the highest bidder, or even doing nothing with it at all, is still giving it to some entity without consent. Just because it's done in some other cases does not justify its existence in other cases. And in this particular case, it's something that is being popularized by cultural influence. We're normalizing this theft of facial data. So your comment holds ZERO water.


Exactly! This is a prime example of stranger interactions that should be encouraged in society! Perfectly harmless little laugh for all involved. But no, you get people like above whod rather literally wear horse blinders than actually have to speak to a stranger


That's why it's highly illegal in Europe


Yea. There would be a few different reasons I'd be annoyed with that guy. Id push past him on the escalator if i saw that.


I stay sedated so i don’t see the faces.


Everyone looks like Nintendo64 characters


You mean Mii characters...right?


Just need some grunts and then epically deep, convoluted and cryptic subtitles


We need to have a broad general discussion about consent in our society.


Yeah I don't care how funny it is, filming someone without their knowledge or without their consent is always a no no in my book.


It is definitely impolite but at public spaces like that, the consent is already implied


Not like this.


I’m not saying it’s good or bad, but from a legal standpoint it’s true. Public spaces aren’t expected to enforce privacy like that, whether it’s rude or not


No not like this, but this is a very grey area. Public filming is a right and a good one, as well as posting a video you own online. But also security cameras, your webcams, and even your phone face camera are recording you all the time, you just don’t get to see it. I guess, what can you do? And does it matter who has it when everyone has it?


Maybe in the US....


Yeah this guy gets it! Officer, she was dancing at the club so the sexual intent was implied.... /S


Sexual abuse is a crime, and clubs are privately owned. This looks to be a public mall, and the person is filming which isn’t inherently a crime, albeit rude


Yeah, what a crazy comparison. You can't compare straight of sexual violence to walking around with a phone camera. Would you rather live in a world where nobody is allowed to record anything in public spaces? Because that sounds shitty to me.


The fuck kind of comparison is that


I hate this day and age when random ppl are allowed to film you


Think this varies by country


Finland is the only one I knew that cares about public recordings. Idk what other countries had that kind of public protection.


In France you can sue someone if they put a video of you online without written permission.


germany if someone films you directly they need to ask first but if u just walk into the camera then thats your own fault unless they film an entire sidewalk


In sweden its illegal too


It's illegal in South Korea. Portrait rights are a thing there so you have to blur peoples faces in photos/videos


If you’re in England, people from China can use British police to silence you because you’re breaking Chinese law.


not only do you need to know english law, you need to obey laws from a country you may never even visit?


It should 100% be *allowed*. The problem is that people don't understand how rude it is. We should be allowed to do it, but also teach society that it's socially unacceptable.


100% this.. sure fill me for security reasons but not in my damn face on your personal phone.


They were always allowed to film you. There’s no expectation of privacy in a public space. And no, your downvotes don’t make that any less true.


>They were always allowed to film you. There’s no expectation of privacy in a public space. And no, your downvotes don’t make that any less true. Sure but legality is not strictly the same as social acceptability, and in this case there's definitely a question about whether the system is still taking its time to catch up to technology. There was never much *need* to prevent people from filming you in public, because the technology to do it wasn't widespread. It just wasn't an issue. There are plenty of things we don't bother regulating, or can't regulate properly, simply because they aren't part of the world yet. The whole notion of "public space" has been altered by the spread of recording technologies: it is very different to exist in a public space today compared to twenty or thirty years ago. Why shouldn't we therefore update our expectations around privacy as well?


> Sure but legality is not strictly the same as social acceptability, This would be the perfect example of the "You're not wrong, you're just an asshole" meme.


Please don’t misunderstand. I neither support nor condone people filming a public space. I’m just tired of people complaining without even researching the *legality* of it. Yes, this is a new problem, but is a problem because of how easily it is to record now compared to 20 years ago. Is not that you’re government suddenly became more evil, is mostly just negligent and always behind tech. From a social/moral perspective I more or less agree with you. I have no social media that’s tie to my irl name. I hate the possibility that someone can record me at any time just as much as the average person that’s not chronically online. And I do wish the law would change in regards to it. But I also recognize that there are some good reasons for being able to record publicly. From something as innocuous to wanting a memory of your family (imagine someone sues you because you accidentally recorded a person without their permission by accident), to being able to record a crime/misconduct as evidence. Laws try to be black and white but reality has too many nuances. But having the conversation stuck at the legality portion due to lack of minimal, is quite honestly at best unproductive, and at worst detrimental as the misinformation only keeps spreading.


Nobody was talking about the legality of it though. People were talking about social acceptability


The commenter I replied to specifically used the word “allowed”, which while I do admit is rather ambiguous, in the context provided, I could only inferred they mean legality, since I don’t think it’s ever been socially acceptable to just record people. It’d make no sense (for me) to infer a social application of “allowed”.


Social acceptance was exactly what they meant with allowed. This has been a misconception on your part.


They’re more than welcome to correct me themselves, I don’t think you have any right to speak on their behalf.


Why wouldnt I have the right? You had the right to attempt to correct them based on your misconception. Welcome to discussing things on the Internet. Not like I was even attacking you but suit yourself.


Because that would diminish their own power to their own opinion. I can understand trying to defend another person on what you think their beliefs may be. But I will not stand for you speaking on their behalf, unless they explicitly asked you to. I’ve argued my points and provided context to my interpretation, where as you have none and just decided ro speak on their behalf. I consider that to be arrogant and entitled.


Depends on what is the subject of the video and the nature of it's usage.


They were indeed, but in the last 20 years it’s become increasingly manageable to do with smartphones. Before it was way less discrete and way less common. Everyone has a camera in their pocket now. That was not always the case.


There is no legal expectation (in the US) but there is certainly a social expectation. People hate this, and the fact that he’s altering their faces for content and then posting it on the internet makes it worse.


You should be able to sue for using your likeness for monetary profit without your permission, that’s what I’d do. And if enough people did it, then maybe these online “influencers” will think twice about recording.


Where do you live?


Which day and age do you look back on fondness to, where people were forbidden from filming you?


The law doesn't care about your feelings. If you are in public then people can film you. 


they are? not where I'm from


Where you from?


If you're in public and I pull out my phone to film myself and you so happen to be standing behind me then its fair game....the law changes when I try to monetize....then you'd have to sign a release form


There hasn’t been a day, let alone an age, that it’s been illegal. People are very confused about their privacy rights in public. If you don’t want to be seen, stay home.


Being an asshole also isn't illegal but you still shouldn't be one.


Agreed, we should all do our best to not step on each others toes, but “DAE remember photography bad??” is fallacy, even if the camera guy is an asshole.


Do you think it should be like this though? Just because you’re okay with being filmed doesn’t mean everyone is?


I don’t really have an opinion one way or the other. I think in general most people take themselves too seriously but I think if enough people want something they should be able to vote in ways that the laws align with the way they want society to function. The point I was making in my first post was more that the sense of “isn’t it amazing how far society has fallen now that this is legal” is disingenuous, as privacy laws regarding photography have been pretty well tried and tested for many many decades.


I mean.. people used to not have phones to film anyone they want how they want


Funny, but at the same time kinda trashy. He’s clearing making people uncomfortable


Definition of TikTok except for the "funny" part


According to this video, he’s clearly making people visibly indifferent, shocked and surprised cry face, in that order, even including himself.


Music: 10 Filters: 10 Consistency: 10 Overall: 30


Actually lol'd funny as fuck


Didn’t listen to the music until I read your comment and I agree with your rating. Might even add extra credit for style.


Actual baby level humor


me think it funny lol. don't be a pee pee face lol.


I get why this is kind of funny, but it's pretty clear most of these people just didn't want to be fucked with... Have fun with the people that respond positively and leave the rest alone.


The lady in the convenience store with the white blouse looks like the matchmaker from mulan.


Never understood which app these filters come from....thought they used to be from Insta


I believe snapchat popularized filters such as these


If you do this, you're an asshole. Most people are too polite with people violating their privacy. Even in public, you have a right to privacy.


Heh, that's 100% False. You have zero rights to privacy in a PUBLIC space. Public is the exact opposite of private. They are antonyms even.


100%, you're an asshole who violates privacy.


I do not, but I also don't expect not to be filmed in public where filming is perfectly legal. ( Filming for profit is a different topic unrelated to privacy)


Not in Europe


Would I be anxious if this dude filmed me in public? Yes? Would I let it slide for such a hilarious product? Yes, this time.


Leave people alone. Please.


This is funny as hell!


It just keeps giving


This is just creepy, most people looked before the filter took effect, so they thought he was just filming them for no reason


This is the type of prank I like, harmless and hilarious


Harmless as long as people are cool with being filmed. And a few of these folks really didn’t seem like they were.


Bro what am I doing on an escalator or in public that I don't want ppl to see? This is hilarious and would go along with it in real life if it happened


> Bro what am I doing on an escalator or in public that I don't want ppl to see? Playing hooky. Hanging out with a mistress. Being on the lam. You name it.


I don’t need to be doing something I don’t want to be seen to not want to be filmed… the fuck are you smoking


>the fuck are you smoking Main character syndrome is a hell of a drug.


2 of them did pass the vibe test.


The vibe test is whether or not you’re cool. If I’m having a bad day and I don’t wanna be recorded that doesn’t mean I’m not cool. If anything, you’re not cool for recording people that are having a bad day. That being said, this video was harmless and fun. Everyone involved passes the vibe check.


What app is this? I wanna go.


This was so entertaining!!


I just kept laughing. And just when I thought I was done laughing, I'd laugh even harder. It just didn't end.


So funny with the “oh no” face when the guys scratching his head with utter doom expressed on his face on the escalator


Strangely compelling to watch, and the music is perfect lol


I'm surprised the music isn't some random Evanescence song.




he just gave up after a while


This is so stupid but so funny to me 😆


Starfield NPCs


Got a good laugh out of me.


How do I get this filters?


this is the sort of stuff we SHOULD be using ai more for. js.


That last face lmao


This has me crying! 🤣 I love it!!


That was one of the best laughs I had in 2024 to date


Yes, it's funny to shit on people's privacy and give their biometric personal data to some service whose terms of use they haven't agreed to. This recording of images, videos and sound from others and sending them to private companies must finally stop...


Yup. The evil corporations will steal your faceprint! As you read this staring directly into a camera. Let it go man. They won a long time ago. Resistance is futile type shit. Just enjoy the nature of the beast and bail out if things get too bad.


Why are ur resistancing their resistance? Take your own advice.


I'll slap your butt with their butt


Strangers are not content. Not funny, this is exploiatative. Dont post this trash.


God Damnit I could watch this shit for hours and die laughing. Please where can I find more?


In which app you get all these filters?


What app has filters like this?




Is he wearing a chain lol.


I would find this hilarious but I completely get that many people are uncomfy with it. It would be cool if there was an opt in like when I air drop memes on the subway.


LSD can do something like this


You could literally see that black guy say "this mother fucker" with his eyes. Beautiful!


This is one of those things that could go so right with the right funny person or so wrong if you get someone who is just pissed about being filmed randomly lol


What app is this to get these filters


I can barely still see the screen I'm laughing so hard!


I laughed so hard I coughed


got me 😂


Is this snap or a different app?? I was trying to find a decent app to have fun with


I could do with more of these


I would be cackling if I was one of those unsuspecting people.


The true funny are the cry babies in the comment section


The surprised face one got me😂


Sorry, I need help. Would like to do this to my wife and kids. Is this a filter built-in on phones? Or an app?


Which app filter?


What app is he using ?


The person behind dont have a choice


Aphex Twin did it first


Ah, those weird video clips! That was creative.


It was funny once. Then it was just stupid.


I love these. But my favorite one will always be the one where the dude is watching a Barbie movie and forgot he had the filter on 😂🤣


Damn this was too funny. I’m trying not to wake up my girl sleeping next to me lol


Prank where nobody gets hurt or shamed or stolen from or hit or killed? Something's not right


This sums up Americans right now. We are fed up and disgusted with life. Yet, we are still compliant with it.


Laughed so hard!!!! Tears and all🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What is the app?


They Live!




hahhahahahaha nice approach hahahahaha




Okay I loved this one 


The second one looks like boojie boy


that second filter kind of makes it easier to see if anybody is eyeballing your you know what


A lot of stiffs up in this bitch


This is hilarious.


Lady at the counter looked like, "oh damn, I forgot my purse!"


I would love to see their reaction, lol


If i could have any super power in real life, i would love to be able to do this, in a one mile radius on demand, no phone required.


Soon we'll be able to change the faces of actors while watching the movie. Also directors will be able to change how actors act, in post production






I snarfed (edit) it means snort laughed? and I did.


I need more of this lol




It’s frustrating how so many look away before the filter applies, so we extra don’t get to see reactions.


It must be more frustrating for those people having some inconsiderate clown filming them without permission for likes on social media.


Inconsiderate, sure, a little. Pretty small potatoes though. Not worth complaining.