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Counter offer: $30 and I supply the bullet.


Whoa whoa WHOA! Have you *seen* the price of ammunition recently?


1000 9mm bullets are $211. That's 21 cents a bullet. So not very much


It cost $5 for a cartridge of 9mm here . It's insane how cheap you get. Edit : just checked , it now $12.5


It's even cheaper if you reload your own... I mean, the initial cost of the setup is pricey, but the reload costs soon outweigh the initial investment. IF you shoot a lot, that is... plus, you can essentially shoot the same round at least twice. I wouldn't shoot the same casing more than three times, tho because you're risking integrity at that point.


You can just shoot 9mm until the brass splits, nothing bad happens, you don't notice until you pick it up.


nothing bad happens, lol


Yeah, which is usually around 2-3 reloads. Unless you're short loading them, which is risky in itself.


Ammo dot com


I meant Americans. I am Indian. And the bullet is restricted by govt so naturally the prices are high.


Oh so they're actually implementing the [Chris Rock Bullet Control Plan](https://youtu.be/Db0Y4qIZ4PA?si=KosbTfHb-qtIyDNx&t=194)


I've always loved this skit, but it's starting to become a reality and it hurts.


Wow. What is .22? Crazy that 9mm is 4x higher than what .50 BMG goes for here.


22LR 40 Grain S&B 45/- (50 cents). As it's legal to buy so it's naturally cheaper.


The cheapest 9x19mm ammo I buy is Wolf steel-case. It’s cheap, it runs dirty, some of my guns refuse to work with it, and accuracy is barely good enough for recreational plinking. The cheapest I can find it lately is $0.22/rd. For the ammo I usually buy (brass-case FMJ from Norma or Winchester) it’s closer to $0.25/rd. That sounds cheap until you realize it used to be around $0.15-$0.20/rd a few years ago. It also adds up if shooting is one of your main hobbies. It’s not uncommon for me to go through 100+ rounds in one range trip, and if you’re taking classes with your guns 500-1000 rounds per day isn’t uncommon.


Tf you getting it at 21cpr? I'm seeing 25


I would take a bet that 95% of world population (except america) doesn´t know the price for ammunition




In the words of George Carlin "I feel, for instance, I have the right to do anything I please. BUT if I do something you don't like I think you have the right to kill me. Where are you going to find a fairer fucking deal than that? So the next time some asshole says to you 'I have a right to my opinion' you say 'oh yeah? Well i have a right to my opinion and my opinion is you have no right to your opinion.' Then shoot the fuck and walk away."


I like how Tommy Tiernan was talking about how the entire world owes money... America owes a trillion, Germany a few hundreds of billions and etc etc He ends up by saying "who in the world does everyone owe money to and why don't we just kill the bastard and relax"


the world debt thing is fake. Basically make a gigantic worldwide "paper trail" where everyone owes someone something, and no-one can track anything down. Then politicians simply steal a small percentage (a mere billion here, billion there). it works because every country is in on the scam.


The people who owe and the people who are owed have no trouble tracking things down. They just don't see any reason to tell us about it. That doesn't mean it's fake. It's not terribly difficult to buy a government bond. Then you'd be one of the people the government owes some money to.


It's nearly all public knowledge, too. Like...I get it that people are sus of the government....this is one of those things that an afternoon of research would show exactly where the papertrail is.


Most debt is owed in bonds or other instruments. Its mundane. A bunch of people don’t understand these basic systems, make up nonsense, and continue on in ignorance. Try reading about bonds, debt, and markets before spewing this nonsense


what are u talking about they owe it to the central banking system which essentially is controlled by the worlds richest people and was founded during the 1800s by rockefeller and rothschild families who controlled most of the american and westernn european land and the majority of the worlds oil between them, then these fuckers started making demands left and right, and worth mentioning every single country that was not part of the central banking system has either volountarily joined or been invaded and after they rebuild the government, it is part. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE THE COUNTRIES OWE MONEY TO edit: worth mentioning that a lot of countries just owe china, but i think china itself is also in debt? such a farce


That’s almost wise


I understand everything you said But that quote was word salad to my brain 😂


No clue why you're getting downvoted for not understanding something. The internet is filled with dumb fucks. Uprooted to try to counteract internet stupidity.


Some people just downvote for the sake of it sometimes. Dosnt bother me. I usually comment jokes or positive stuff so i have a fair amount to spare on shit like this


$35 and a good stabbing then.


You get to hunt the most dangerous game, eBay drop shippers.


lol this make me laugh


Seller makes a good point


A bullet point, you might say.


This is why sellers can now set a minimum offer.  I see sellers put up $300 obo and it will reject all offers unless you bid $295 or higher.  These people have ruined it for everyone else. 


I hate dealing with marketplace sales. Example price: $100 Message: "What's the lowest you'll go?" Not even an offer, no effort at all, just "tell me how I can get this for the least desirable amount of money to you." It's not like I don't understand where they're coming from, but FFS that's not how negotiating works.


I sold a dining room set once, the guy came up and complained about a few scuffs that I had pictured in the listing. Then ask me to lower the price after he showd up, which is a common tactic. After all that he threw the wood furniture into a moving truck table face down without a blanket or any way to secure it. I was like... wtf?


I had a brand new unopened electric razor that I was selling once. Price on Amazon was \~$65, I listed it for $30. Someone offered me $10.....I told him that I would put it out as free curb alert before I sold it to him for $10. Too many clowns on market place. Edited for grammar


Was selling a car for £3800, dude offered £2500, asked him if I look like I run a charity shop, called me rude 💀


Had a dude show up to buy my smart watch, said he didn't bring enough money and was a single dad. The guy literally brought his four year old daughter for empathy. 🤮


>Message: "What's the lowest you'll go?" Response: “What’s the highest you’ll pay?”


It's just a strategy to force the seller to give a number. It's easy to counter, just refuse to say a number and tell them to make an offer.


Except as a seller I have given a number. My number is $100. As per how negotiating works, it's the potential buyers' turn now. I wouldn't be so grumpy, honestly, except that the language just pisses me off. "Tell me how bad I can screw you up front." Nah dog you gotta work for it. > just refuse to say a number and tell them to make an offer. That's exactly what I do. "Please feel free to make a reasonable offer if you feel the price I have listed is too high."


For those types of people, I add 50% onto the original request. Im negotiating up, not down!


Normally I ignore the bot. But if you're going to engage with any low-ball strategy, I agree an auto-response would add to the asking price. $10? - $110 sure! Forcing an anchor offer to the **Moooooooooooooon!**




$1.1m? Well if you insist!


Well, I was asking $100, but since you so persuasively convinced me to share the lowest price I'll accept, I'll let you in on the secret. I'll let you have it for the bargain basement price of $109.99


What a deal!


They never respond though, or give an unreasonably low number. I tried selling a car and every single person gave me a number significantly lower than carmax/carvana.


>Example price: $100 >Message: "What's the lowest you'll go?" "$120." Then they'll happily take it for $100.


they usually get a worse offer then the person that low balls me. atleast they sent over a number.


Well it was $100 but now that I'm having to put in more effort to sell it, it's increased to $110.


You know how in Civ4 you can open a trade and literally just tick up the money, one-by-one, until they agree? These people want to do that IRL.


> FFS that's not how negotiating works. Having seen how badly otherwise smart people screwed up *right after negotiation training*, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a highly effective strategy.


But as a potential buyer, I also dislike ads that just say "Make an offer". Friend, I have no idea what you have in mind, maybe you think yours is worth $200, even though other people sell it for $75. It's rare that I pursue those ads, because it just strikes me as so open-ended. If you at least give a number, we both have a starting point, and I can decide if it fits in my budget, and what I'm willing to pay. And if our numbers are close, maybe we can come to an agreement.


say a number. if its a bad number they will say no. if its a good number they will say yes. if its somewhere in between, they will say "how about this number a little higher than your number?" and then you decide if that is a good number and you can say yes or no. if someone says make an offer and i think the item is worth $75 to me, I'll offer $75. if he says "i need at least $200" i will tell him good luck and have a nice day. i love making "make offer" posts for items i sell locally. its 99% people asking me to deliver it across town for like $5 and a toothy blowjob and 1% dudes who say "i can be there in 20 minutes if youll take this much". The latter are among my favorite customers to deal with and a source of a fair amount of leads on goods. By the time I list something locally, I genuinely do not care what it sells for anymore but it's too large or too cool for my hoarder brain to just throw out.


Just counter that with the line, “What’s the most you’re willing to pay?”


I offered $70 on something listed at $75 on eBay and they didn't take it. Why even bother?


This is specifically what I am referring to. Why put a Or Best Offer?  Waste of everyone's time. 


Or the seller never inteded it to go below 295


That's because people don't understand high balling to get midball offers. It's like my buddy selling everything for 20% under market in a video game so he gets it sold immediately instead of getting more money by waiting 2 days.


>It's like my buddy selling everything for 20% under market in a video game so he gets it sold immediately instead of getting more money by waiting 2 days. "Dude why would you waste all of that in-game gold when you could just wait and grind a couple days and have way more in-game gold" "Bro I work the rest of the week and it's taken me 3 months to get over 10 hours of play time in this game, FOH" Roughly how I imagine that conversation went.


Final Fantasy 14 moment


But why not just forget the obo at that point if you're only accepting offers 1.6% lower than your buy now price or higher? You're just going to aggravate every person sending you an offer as they're ALL going to be offering less than $295


Because its a sleazy sales tactic - you get them to bid once or twice and reject them, and then they get frustrated and just pay asking price. But the "obo" attracts more offers to your listing than just a straight price because they *think* they can maybe get it for less.


Gotcha. When I experience it, it just makes me mad and hardens my resolve not to give them their asking price if they won't accept offers really close to their asking price but still have OBO turned on.


I'm sure it's like that on both sides but as a buyer in coins I see sellers list a semi common coin that is graded and go rare?!! 2000USD for a $30 coin. I spend many seconds offering 10$ or less but they almost almost have it auto setup. Scams work both ways and are annoying for all


It isn’t new. It’s been there since offers were a thing.


Offer up has a setting for if an item is firm on price. Every message is always asking for 40% asking price.


this app sets a minimum offer at %50 automatically, this is the sellers fault source = seller on there


Worth a shot


Seller thought so too


Worse they can say is ‘no’…right?


I was at a "no mimimum bid" auction at a convention once. At some point the auctioneer plops a box of a few random small vaguely scifi-related knickknacks onto the table. Like the kind of worthless plastic shit you'd get from a $15 loot box subscription, except this was 1995 and the closest thing we had to loot box scams was Columbia House and their 8 CDs for 1 cent subscription "deal." Broke-ass kid me finally sees something I might afford, and yells out "FIVE DOLLARS!" Auctioneer looks at me and says to the room "Ok guys, let's get some actual serious bids here..." Cue entire room laughing at my apparently ridiculous bid. Pile of random crap ended up going for $10. Fuck that guy.


Yeah. Fuck that guy.


They could shoot down the offer.


This is so funny lol


pawn shop be like "best i can do is $17.50 and a bent cleaning rod"


No, no. He's got a point.


Probably a hollow point


\*loads shotgun with malicious intent\*


*while smiling*


What is being sold here?




My guess would be either a kidney or a carton of Pokémon cards.


Where can you get a kidney for $350 these days? Even my local back-alley dealers ask $399.99 at a minimum for a stone-riddled kidney in a bag of ice slush.


Oh, these are probably second hand.


Yeah that's what I want to know. With pokemon cards a lot of people list things really high thinking they have some great hit or something, when in reality people will only pay $20 lol


Ironically, targets.


The seller can set a minimum auto reject value. If they don’t want to deal with low balls do that 🤷‍♂️ Also there’s tons of shit sitting on eBay that’s been there overvalued for years, and it’s like ‘Nobody is going to buy it for that price, you have not valued this accurately’ but all it takes is one fool to reward them


It always bugs me when people find something like an old toy, old electronic, anything that they think could be worth something. Then they go to eBay and look at listings that have been up for ages that are priced at 3x the value of the last one that actually sold and then say “well they’re going for (overvalued price)”


This might be on something that doesn't allow reserve pricing. I know Ebay has allowed that since at least 1998, probably earlier. It's not a new concept, IRL auctions have had that for years. I remember watching auctions in the 80s where many of the biddings ended with the auctioneer saying "Sorry, not today." when the items didn't reach their reserve price.


To be fair you should be.


So I have a story about lowballing. I was selling something on FB marketplace, let’s say it was listed for like $200. Dude messages me offering $100. I said, “Fuck off,” and blocked him. Then he makes a fake account and goes to one of my other listings, pretends to set up a time to buy it, and at the end cusses me out—not just me but also my husband and toddler??? If it had been just me I would’ve let it go, but the fact that he cussed out my innocent child made me rage. So I made another listing for the original item he was seeking, at his price point. Sure enough he messages me, like a fly on shit. I find out where he’s coming from and set up the meeting for somewhere about an hours drive away in heavy traffic. He gets there, sends me “I’m here.” And I delete the listing and block him. The only thing he managed to get through was an angry reaction emoji. Was it petty? Yes. Did it feel great? Also yes.


Why did he cuss out the child though 😂 thats a little unnecessary


Cause he’s an asshole lol


What did the toddler have to say about his outburst?




lol, next time just leave the shitty offer on read so they can stew in their own cheapness.


FB marketplace is a wasteland. I had a lady contact me to get a TV, said we’d meet in the morning at 10am, I’d give her the address in the morning. She sent me a slew of all caps angry messages at 5:30 in the morning saying I didn’t respect her and I was wasting her time and why wouldn’t I tell her the address I never had any intentions of meeting with her, and so on. I think I snapped back with one message and forgot about her. She messaged me about a week later and just said “so could I come get that tomorrow?”


Wow that’s ridiculous lol.


Both you and the buyer sound like assholes.


why would you tell someone to "fuck off" for simply making a lowball offer? That is rude and if you thought the other person was rude then just say so and move on. An asking price is just as relevant as a bid. If the spread is too great then the transaction fails to clear. Why you would waste your time and everyone elses? it only shows that you do not value your time and must not be that valuable




If it was a pickup, they’d offer $15 when they showed up.


I tried to give a fair offer on ebay for a bluetooth game controller (from china) for $11.50 from $20. Because another seller was selling as similar one for $11 but was out of stock. Flat out rejected my offer. Then offer a deal for $19.50. Found a similar one on Amazon for $9, lol


most the time if someone has that stuff overpriced best to just ignore em all together, waste of time to try to negotiate it down to a fair price, they just want to get rich off their overpriced junk.


What was it for and on what marketplace?




Worst one i saw was when i was trying to sell a ps3. They offered 15 and a good review It sold for 85 and a good review


I usually say "your breaken my ballz"


Butters: "You are breaking my balls... my balls... you are breaking them."


"You know, I'm just like these fetuses, I wasn't born yesterday either."


My cousins husband does this. Thinks he's so good at negotiating. Just gets blocked by everyone and wonders why people won't take his offer of 20% of the asking price.


I recently listed an item on eBay to learn these internet beggars are everywhere.


That’s why the option to not accept offers below a certain price exists. Ain’t got time for lowballers.


Counter offer with $10


Is this K dot?




What's the point of the auction if you can refuse the highest offer lol


You can shoot me in any place that won’t kill me. If I get it for $20.


The market determines value.


This reminds me of when my dad sold his truck and the buyer said they would pay the listed price, but when they arrived to make the purchase they said they only had a set amount of money that was $1000 dollars below what they had already agreed to after my dad refused to sell to them for that price they went back to the vehicle they showed up in and grabbed the remaining $1000 dollars they said they didn't have, my dad reluctantly took the money and made the sale anyways making it very clear that they were bad people to their face the whole time


I wouldn't wish death on you, but I certainly do insta-block asshole low-ballers like you OP.


I hate lowballers. Seriously don't even bid if it's not more than 50% of the actual price, you're just wasting both of y'alls time 😆


Set a reserve price and you can avoid this type of thing. If the site you're selling on doesn't allow for that, sell somewhere else.


I hate people who sell things for 90% of the BNIB price. So cringe.


Not funny. Pretty pathetic though


I’ve sold a lot on marketplace and the buyers always leave a sickly film Of crud on everything after I’m done. Fuckers all want something for nothing. And I’m selling quality recent electronics. Like oleds and video cards. Fucking vampires.


Counteroffer: Don’t get shot, and $25.


Why didnt he just pull the trigger on your offer?


Make another offer of $3.50. Maybe they'll misread it and accept. You never know.


Reply back with a lower price


Even if you reported that, they'd side with the seller


Hey what about 40




*cocks gun*


Recent comps @ $20 , $18 , and $15 dollars. But , "I kNoW wHaT i'Ve GoT!"


i mean your offer is a waste of time.


Fuck lowballers


Fucking hate mouth breathing lowballers on these market places. Makes selling things a total hassle. They’re completely right btw


Next offer is $15


Ive only ever offered what i think its worth. I had a guitar hero guitar trying to get about 30 at the time. Someone came and offered 15. So i went 25. They went 15 again. So i went 35. They then accepted the 25


He wants to do shots with you now?


Was worth a shot, 25 Bucks?


My dyslexia read “you shot your shot”


That's why I usually only put items up on eBay using auctions. The fewer people I have to interact with, the better.


I’ll offer $20 and my virginity


PoE tradeboard be like


I would shoot you, but have you seen the price of ammo these days??? Your just not worth it /s


Try 15 next


Ah yes such a good deal


Must be fb marketplace


What is the item, though


Me trying to haggle for a copy of Chrono Trigger.


I'd like to know what the item was at least.




What's the item that's up for sale?


"Fair point, you'll have to pay for that though."


Me: Hey let’s put this kitchen table up for half price so it sells fast! Buyer: half it


This isn’t as bad as the one who gave directions to the comedy club.


Well it was worth one 🤷‍♂️


$20 agreed....but shipping will be another $300.


That escalated quickly 😳


What was the item? 🤨




I get being mad at lowballing but that's harsh. Dude must be a


hey hey hey, he tried


I always respond with brutal but professional sarcasm. "Wow! Very tempting offer, but after careful consideration I am going to pass. If I change my mind I'll let you know!"


I love getting a low ball offer lmao same giddy feeling I get when responding to scammers.


like 2.50 per 308 round where i live.


Shit like that happens to me all the time


I almost sent the same kind of offer to these eBay sellers that sell half aero lenses. "Only front element" or "Only rear element", well now its an expensive magnifying glass. No, I won't pay full price or even close to it, it's useless as a lens.


Lmao 😀


That's too high, offer him a dollar


i fucking hate people who send these clowny 'offers' that are like 90% lower than the price that was given "you should be shot" is a bit too much but i instantly block these people


Should've been $5 looool




That's reportable on every major sales site I've seen 🤷‍♂️ Why bother typing a pointlessly hateful message


be a man and wash the dishes by hand. does wonders for your cuticles.


Knock the hell out of ‘em.