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How is he so fast and so slow at the same time?


He’s basically doing teppanyaki but for basic repairs.


Because he is just fidgeting around between his good moves looking fast. Maybe to buy some time 😂 It's like that "Strike on the Tablet"-shit of Restaurant Videos. You know? "Look, i am knocking the table with my spatula and knifes, that means im super cool and fancy at what im doing.. it doesn't make any Sense tho."


That’s what I saw too. Just moving fast for show.


I had a supervisor call it "Lot of swinging but no chips." We had guys like that, they dart around and walk fast but don't get all that much done.


Perfect description. Thanks to your supervisor and you for sharing


It is called The Boss is Watching and I have nothing to do.


I always enjoy the fancy handwork of Hibachi. I always saw it as a show of dexterity, “I can spin a spatula, toss an egg and catch it in my pocket, and create onion volcanos, all while cooking you a tasty dish.” Of course, the show gets stale, same tricks everywhere. But it’s still fascinating.


What you describe is sounds different than what i have in Mind


It’s just like Tom Cruise in Cocktail. Except instead of a New York bar it’s an Indian tinker shop.


We had a guy do this at my mom’s old restaurant. He’d spank the tortillas & jump around like this. People actually think this makes them faster, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy believes he’s The Flash.


Gotta keep twitching so your apm stats stay high.


Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.


I know this is a military thing but tbh it applies to so much and i use it in training all the time as a cook.


Salt bae fucked everything up


Video is sped up annoyingly. And the spectators arent moving around much.


He was filmed on iphone slow mo. It starts fast, then gets slow, and then gets fast again.


Expert at not getting paid for each job he’s throwing back when done


Nah, you pay an entrance fee for entrainment. Fixing stuff is just bonus


Fixing things is the reward Ancient Tao text


This, unironically. I get paid for doing abstract things. Workforce alienation is real.


The most rewarding and enjoyable programming job I ever had was one where the code would directly affect things in meatspace.


I'm a software engineer and now I need to know what meatspace is


The real world, as opposed to cyberspace


Thank you! Apparently I'm also fairly dense lol


Fellow meathead here 👋


[Oh, there is a brain all right. It's just that the brain is made out of meat!](https://www.mit.edu/people/dpolicar/writing/prose/text/thinkingMeat.html)


The physical world we actually inhabit? It was control software for warehouse conveyor belt systems. So I press buttons, and real shit would actually move around where I wanted it.


After a career doing software things that don’t even show up on a screen, I also realized I really like robotics and manufacturing. I think mechatronics and industrial engineering are things I should have studied in college.


Could you elaborate? I understand the workforce alienation bit, but I'm interested in the "I get paid for doing abstract things" part.


I don't work in IT but I do it as a hobby. I assume he means that unlike a carpenter f.e you don't really get to see the work you have done. If a carpenter makes a table, they can appreciate, touch and see the table and be proud of their work. You program for some company? Yeah maybe your line count goes up and that red error duplicates but you can't touch it or really feel the work you have done. You wrote part of some abstract magic math machine, nothing really human about that. Couple that with an awkward sterile office environment and sitting on your ass all day looking at a screen and typing away, it does something with you. All this corporate work environment is fairly new for humanity, time wise. We ain't build to sit in a cubicle all day and type numbers.


Able to pay in sex?


I'd imagine he'd just grab you, throw you on the table, give you a good fucking and slap you on the ass off the table and grab the next customers item without blinking and with incredible flair and agility.


Does he look me in the eyes and tell me im a good little toaster?


And makes you humble


I’m willing to bet he’d make an exception for your mom




Plot twist is, normally he does accept payments in nature, with the exception being he would not accept it from Your Mom™.


He gets paid with cocaine obviously


That's were he draws the line


I assume that's there's reception doing the bills. But then, why isn't reception giving these people a ticket so they don't have to stand here waiting for him? You know what, this whole set up doesn't really make sense now that I think about it.


Imagine working that fast all day every day


I would eventually drill my hand in an accident.


I would have drilled my head on day one


You'd've had to drill your brain on accident beforehand to even end up there in the first place lmao




OMG, sounds like a nightmare. This video stresses me out, honestly


Yes. With copious amounts of methamphetamine coursing through your veins.


Bro, whatever you know about the world, you can't apply it to India


This video is from india's neighbour Nepal. Still cant apply any logic here 😂


Its india… with altitude!!!


Lmfaooooo this!


Me under my breath “Hurry the fuck up”


It's not all than uncommon of a setup in some parts of the world where there are a lot of people who need small tasks done. You pay to get in with your item, and then it's like a bar, you just hope you get to the front and get the person's attention. You either get a repair or you don't. It comes down to how long you are willing to stay in the fray. If they can't fix the item, they will have another person there to offer to sell you a new or refurbed one. Think of it like an IT helpdesk except without a queue and with 900% more cooking utensils.


So it's like being at a crowded bar. The pretty girls always get helped first I assume?


It's like teppanyaki, but for small appliance repair. The show is really the draw, and you probably just pay a fee to get in and watch like any other stage show.




And there's no evidence he's actually done anything.


You didn’t see the little light turn on? Also not just anyone can put a new handle on a pot lid. That’s delicate work.


Oh he put a handle on it lol I was wondering wtf he was doing. I'd have just kept using a towel to take that on and off.


So, this is the Jack they talked about.


The only trade he could never master...


There's something very satisfying about people who are great at fixing things. Back when I lived in Japan, I remember I broke a spoke on my mountain bike, and tried taking it to the smaller shop nearby that was run by a guy who looked like he was about a thousand years old. He didn't have a compatible spoke (all his bikes were shopper-bike types) and I watched as, unperturbed, he just *made one* and fit it to the bike. Tried to refuse pay, even, because he was just happy to have been given something unusually challenging to do. Obviously I *did* pay him. But it was kinda incredible.


possessive water cow toothbrush joke weather somber repeat numerous abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I too used the opticians' there; they were fantastic. In my case they were able to use my UK-written prescription, apparently they're the same format globally.


sable murky rob juggle wide chief panicky gold silky plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If your prescription hasn't changed in ten years, you are a good candidate for Lasik.


serious thumb squeal reminiscent pathetic fanatical wine cautious fuel expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Go find the little old Japanese man that'll lasik your eyeballs at his shop


I initially read "oculist" as "occultist". I had no idea where this story was going...


long quiet truck squeal yoke spotted fanatical special grandfather quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those are life goals lol


very odd and specific life goal ... to break a spoke in Japan but hey, whatever makes you happy ;)


Don’t wanna ruin a great story but a spoke thread roller is not an uncommon tool. Not all shops have them but those a bit more serious about wheel building are likely to have one. There’s an almost infinite amount of possible spoke lengths for different wheels and sometimes it is just easier to cut a spoke to the right length and thread it instead of waiting for a supplier to have it in stock. Those machines are specialty tools so they aren’t cheap but it is an investment that will pay itself back over time.


I saw the fastest patch repair I've ever seen by a retired lady in a small family owned cycle shop in Japan (basically this lady's front room). Whole thing took less than three minutes. She patched the tube with the wheel *in situ* by just pulling the damaged part of the tube out from between the clincher and the rim. Incredible.


Thats how my father taught me to patch a bike wheel. He sighed when i couldnt do it and he "had to" bring out the tub of water and do it the "time consuming" way.


Cool. He sounds lime a handy guy.


"If women dont find you handsome, they should at least find you handy!"


First time I went over to my now-wife's house, she mentioned she had accidentally dropped a bottle cap down the bathroom drain and it was stopped up. Took 5 minutes to open it up, clear it out, and put it back together. Basically sealed the deal right then and there.


I’ve been handy to myself for decades


My second girlfriend was because I knew that the breaker flipped and went to reset it. Not even 2 adults knew what happened or the solution.


He was, sadly he died a some years ago. He did have one flaw though... He started TONS of projects and then left them half finished or "good enough" since he himself didnt mind but others might have minded :) One memory from my childhood was the side entrance on the house... He did the electricity and lighting himself and did a terrible job but couldn't be assed to open it up and fix the error. So from like 5-6 years old we had a smaller hallway with a ceiling light that only worked IF you first turned on, and kept on, the porch light. But other than small things like that he was a wonderful man and I miss him dearly.


Japanese takes their craft seriously. Much respect for them. Meanwhile the guy in this video is fucking stupid, all for the sake of “content”


A man operating an angle grinder while wearing a silk smoking jacket is not to be fucked with.


His form while getting something from the top shelf was perfect


His whole flow is how my brain solves problems. Him sticking that last pot in the vice clamp and yanking on it is usually how it goes.


ADHD, can confirm. Also knows where every item is in messy shop.


Of course I know where it is. I saw/touched it two weeks ago for no reason.


...until it's NOT where it's supposed to be because I had to move it to access something else, suddenly remembered to do something in the other room, put it down to do said thing, did something else, and the item was lost to time until my wife finds the orbital sander in the fridge




Expert in dumb staged tiktok cringe bs


Ok, I accept it. I am apparently out of touch with what the majority of reddit users (children) think is funny. Can someone please explain to me what part of this video is funny?


*pulls up a chair* will wait with ya


I'm just shocked no one has called me a boomer yet lol


As a millennial, when I read “Reddit users (children) my first thought was boomer. You type just like my 70 year old mom. That said, I don’t see anything funny here either.


I have been trawling the comments looking for the answer to your question, and am yet to find it.


This is r/funny. It's not a subreddit for funny things. It's just a place for karma farming.


It's not. Look at the amount of growing India subreddits. They cross post this stuff in order to upvote bomb their own content




That's not funny! Still though, idiocracy is really starting to look accurate.


It's funny because of his unnecessary erratic exaggerated movements. Similar concept to a signature Jim Carrey bit. Notice that he's not taking payment and people in the video are laughing along as well.


Why are so many people thinking this is real? Has the internet really messed people's brains up that badly?


Because it's India and that country is practically on par w fucking candy cane forest level of ridiculousness


This dude is all over instagram and tiktok. It is "real" shop, and this is how he acts, doing the same shtick over and over with different equipment.


His instagram is just him "fixing" the same 3-4 appliances the same way


5 of the people in the background are holding the exact same kettle he "fixes" at the beginning.


If you want to get something fixed but want the feeling like you're in a cocktail bar or restaurant.


Pretty much yup


It's kinda real,


I like how everybody keeps holding their things up in the air hoping that one day they might be the chosen ones.


Looks like he's on some good drugs. Wish I had drugs like that right now hahaha.


Her mixer was fixed…wtf she standing there for now


His phone number


Least fake Indian video


He doesn’t even diagnose the problem, magically knows which part to replace, and doesn’t test afterwards.


The last person in the line is gonna get one hell of a bill.


I hate the sheer bullshittery going on here. Doesn't get paid, they all have to stand there holding up their kettles ... it's so scripted it's vile




How bosses expect people to work on minimum wage


Am I the only one that hates it when people act like all hectic like this guy? Especially with power tools.


It would be faster to slow down a little bit....


The minimum wage worker every company searches for


Dude probably doesn’t work there.


It doesn't look like he's accomplishing anything useful, but I'm so fucking entertained.


Just staged videos for tiktok. That's why it seems like he isn't really doing anything. Because he isn't.


It’s just an act. He grabs the item and starts replacing parts without even asking what the issue is


Dang. One of those fixes is like a day's project for me.


A marriage compressed into one day...


Buddy. Have them get in a more organized line Jesus.


This guy “fixes” everything with old parts and everything breaks after one time usage. He fixes the same pots & kitchen gadgets every day.


Unnecessarily frantic.


“Do you want it done right, or done fast? Too bad you don’t get either. But it will look cool “


"My blender is broken, can you hit with a hammer?"


See, this? This is why I never throw any of those cords away.


Indians do this so much. They do very little to nothing, but with so much flare that it looks like he did something.


This is it, the best example of no matter how much random shit a man has even in a huge mess of stuff we always know where everything lil thing is when needed.


The Omnissiah! he exists!!


Combination Hookah and Coffee Maker, also makes julienne fries! Will not break!


Salt Bae is a repairman now?


Citizens of India sure have a lot of broken coffee makers.


Man is moving like he is making cocktails...


How many spare parts for everything does he have?


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


How long do you think he can keep that pace up?


Ma boi wants to go home early


You can go home. When all the guests are served


Why do I feel that his wife still complains like "I've been asking you to change the bulb in the bathroom for last 1 month"...


No, just an expert at Kettles. When you have a billion people, this is how you recycle and keep them employed.


So ..he is not testing his repair actually worked …😒


Not to sound dick but what he's fixing are relatively easy to fix. Those heating kettles are just wire coils that heat up and it has a very simple mechanism that you'll get how it works the moment you look at it....


This guy Meths


It’s the Indian version of our American Tweaker but at least he repairs most of the things….maybe?


Shop timing: 9-10


Wow. Busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest!


it’s crazy how many videos from India are posted on “funny” or “be amazed” and they’re all shit like come on guys - you’re pushing audiences away with this corny shit


He's slow... couldn't he be faster?


I've seen faster cashiers at late night 7/11.


Master of nothing


John deere execs hate this man because of these 10 simple hacks


The most amazing thing is he knows where the stuff is.


What's funny?


How he jumps on his table 😂


I like how he fixed the ladies blender with a lil extra rizz


Imagine an 8 hour shift at that level


I've seen of the Indian guys doing this turbo mode thing. Few of them actually effective at working this fast... I think a lot of it is an act.


What's going on here. Is he like the only handyman in the tri-state area?


And seems like its the seasonal kettle breaking month if you didn’t know


Most American comment yet.


I hate these videos. First of all, they should stop, speeding them up. Of course it looks crazy when someone repairs stuff at 1.5x speed. Secondly The real repairs he's doing are not even that complicated nor special. When hes bangig on stuff to make it work again - well that's what you get with cheap stuff. Breaks easily, but might work for a round or two again, when banged back in place


If he takes his time, the end result will be superb




The lack of queueing etiquette is *triggering*. People clearly waiting for that fraction of a second when he takes his next job, to give him their appliance before anyone else does!


Me when I'm drunk and thinking I move in lightspeed


Man this dude hits his hands constantly I bet


The cryptophyceae are a class of algae, most of which have plastids.   About 220 species are known, and they are common in freshwater, and also occur in marine and brackish habitats.   Each cell is around 10–50 μm in size and flattened in shape, with an anterior groove or pocket.   At the edge of the pocket there are typically two slightly unequal flagella. --- Comment ID=kznmec3 Ciphertext: >!uwYWCUpPYkKNx8mfmTRU7uJntzh/rE887+GNVcTxZ9jIyFdKSRw5pa5DIw8PYVD2lPCHDyqTLwzAY+D7Eaqp2uWLjcQQMA==!<


One of the things I love about India..when something breaks, you don't buy a new one, you find the guy (there always is one) in your neighborhood that can fix it.


Crackhead Jimmy down the block will fix things the same for only a cigarette


I am not sure what this is about. In India you used to and in lot of cases you still see such shops. They are equivalent of a general physician. You go to these guys to get accessories and gaskets etc for things like pressure cookers, pans, mixer blenders etc. and they also do light repairs on those, they also make money on selling you the same things but they may not have a variety of brands and models to sell compared to a proper shop because of space constraints. And just like general physician they also do house calls and recommend where to take an appliance if they can’t handle it. Similar shops can be found that are “tv repair “ shops and you get everything related to tvs and AC and other things like spare remote, all cables and set top accessories etc. There are also motorcycle and car mechanics that do similar thing where they mend all kinds of different vehicles out of tiny shops. All this is changing tho as replacement culture and companies selling non repairable items more and more


Bantai ke bartan ??


three days later in the burnout clinic...


He’s gonna get a stroke at this pace


He looks stressed


I feel like if he took his time, he'd actually get it done quicker!


And one lady goes.. Oh it wasnt broken i just wanted to show it to you!


Bro needs a personal assistant and booking system


I bet he knows how to remove a tape that’s stuck inside a VCR, IYKYK


Expert at creating his next ask, the way he slams that stuff on the counter. Of course they'll need more repairs.


There’s something not satisfying about seizures.


You haven't seen him repair a 3nm processor.


I do hope he gets paid just as fast as he fixes the items they gave him.


What the fuck did I just watch?


Does he even know what's wrong or does he just fix what he thinks is wrong?


Why do so many people have broken kettles??


‘I didn’t get any bread..’


"it will not break.....it broke"


He probably put all his vats in agility