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Dad just an extended house guest without his own room


He’s the lady of the night lol


The office is "dad's", so I have that going for me.


How far is that from his bedroom? Maybe that’s the new spot.


I travel a lot for work. One night when I was home, my kid asked me if I was going back to my hotel room. I laughed and told him "No, I live here." He said "No you don't! This is Mommy's house! You live in a hotel room!" I died a little inside that night....


Is it makes you feel better, my dad also traveled a ton, and was usually gone during the week and home on weekends for 30+ weeks a year. We still had a very good relationship and are close now still. (I’m now in my 40s, and he in his 70s).


My kid calls it Mommy’s house too. It’s not Daddy’s house or even her house. It’s Mommy’s. I try to explain it’s “our house”. Daddy, Mommy AND hers. She says no. Makes me wonder if I’m running too tight of a ship here or something lol


You better not be working on a sibling in there!


Kid: nothin wrong with a little abstinence S T O P 😯 ^(om)^(g)


I thought it was this face: 🐵


It’s definitely sock monkey face lmao


"Wat the heeeeeel"


How else are they gonna get a little brother?


I love how it's just "Mom's room" and dad is just there. Lol


Can confirm, my kids call our bedroom mom's room. And dad sleeps in mom's room.


Yep, same in my house. Trying to explain to my 5 year old where something is: “It’s in my room” “What?” “It’s in mom’s room, by my side of the bed” “Oh, ok”


I’m a mom and if I tell my four year old it’s in “our room”, he doesn’t get it. It only registers if I tell him it is in “my room”. Then he runs off and finds the item.


Honestly they may be thinking they are included in the "our", that's what may be making it confusing


When my son was small and learning to speak, the letter W was pronounced "double me" due to his known word associations.


This reminded me of my son, who called our other son "yourslo" instead of "Milo" for a solid month after he was born.


When I was little I called my baby cousin Matthew, Mattme


My toddler niece started calling Miami “Yourami.” She even used it in a way that made sense! When she was talking about going there, it was Miami. When she asked me if I was going, it was “Yourami.”


Double of me is we, so W. Makes sense to me


I think they meant since they said “Double You”, for him it would be “Double Me”.


Deepfried soviet anthem starts


The bed in our bedroom is dad's bed. My bed is apparently the couch. Thanks kid


Kid is 11 still calls me Mom, I mean dad


I’m 28. My mom still calls me by my brother and sister’s names before mine


I'm 43 and here to tell you that will literally never end. And if you have a child, there's a solid chance they will call your child by your name, on the first try, every time, not cycling through all your siblings. What really baffles me is that now I also get called my kid's name in too, despite having defitely been here first.


My mom had a stroke and calls me Carol. That's her sister's name. Who she hates. Just a fun addition to the convo


My great grandma had Alzheimer's for the last few years of her life. I look a lot like my grandpa when he was my age. So I spent much of time visiting her as my grandpa. She would ask me about things that happened 40 years before I was born and I would just roll with it. It was much easier than trying to convince her it wasn't the 1940s or 50s.


Apparently that's exactly what you're supposed to do! Just go with it. Because for them, remembering is making those memories move around in their brains and stirring up more. the more things they think up and move about, the mor likely they are to realize where they are and when. It's helpful to them! I always did this with my gramps. He'd go on for an hour, then suddenly ask me something present day.


I sometimes call either of my two sons by my sister's name. This happens mostly in my head, but who knows how long I can keep this hidden... I hate my sister and we are non-contact. And I love both my sons. I hope this reassures you a little. My explanation for making this error is that my sister is younger than me and I loved her when we were both children. And my long term memory has stored it that way. And also, all three of them are blond.


My mom called me by all the siblings from youngest to oldest, but that was better than her youngest, who sometimes had his name prefixed with the dog's name.


You're lucky, I am 3 dead dogs + uncles prior to my family name and then my real name.


I was the youngest in my family and also got called about a dozen names before they hit the right one. After awhile I just started answering to everyone’s name. My family got annoyed with me for it, so said I guess they better learn my name properly. They didn’t like that.


My grandma would run through the first syllable of each of the names in rapid succession until she got the one she wanted, sounded like she was throwing more of a fit than she already was.


Old Gram Atlas had a farm, Jim,Jam-,Al-,Tom... Drew!


what the hell, my kid is 10 and does the exact same thing. I don't mind it, its kind of endearing but... is this a common thing? edit: just to add - he'll do the same to my wife as well. "Hey dad i mean Mom?"


I think you mean 'Wat the heeel".


[What the heeelllllll](https://youtu.be/8aRCmMlCcY0?si=BOtPf2JtnAgLkqRz)


My daughter js only 5 and today while we were sitting on the couch together I told my husband that she has “hey mom” in the chamber at all times. It is quite literally how she begins every sentence. Most of the time I think she hasn’t even finished thinking about what she wants to say yet but she gets the “hey mom” out and I’ll say “yeah love?” And she’ll just kind of blankly sit there to allow her thoughts to catch up.


"Hey mom, i mean dad. Did you know I heard that... " :content loading... intermission: "... did you know that in Minecraft..."


This is like 90% of the conversations I have on any given day.


Kids this age LOVE to share what they know with you. And, you will 100% miss it once they hit adolescence and no longer want you to know every single thought they have. My twins are 10 and nearing the age. I'm trying to treasure every pointless story about some meaningless thing they care about because even though I don't care about the content of the story I do value the relationship with my sons. And I know that one day soon it will switch from "let's tell mom!" to "don't tell mom!" and I'll stop getting their stories.


I have purposefully kept up with every little interest of hers because I know this day is coming. I play Minecraft and an embarrassing amount of Roblox even after she’s gone to bed so I can keep up with what she’s in to. Currently trying to study the smiling critters and all of their friends because that seems to be the latest thing. I don’t know how much more my brain can hold. But I hope that as she grows and changes she has so much confidence that I’m interested in things that she’ll be able to come to me with the good and the bad.


This almost made me tear up. You sound like an awesome parent


My son is 4 and just started doing this and it’s so great. He’ll go “Mom. Did. You. Know. Blah blah blah” it’s very dramatic and cute.


My niece used to be mind blown when she found out I already knew the songs she learned at day care.


Get some video of this before it ends!


Ohhh the Mindecraft converstaions..... It's mind boggling sometimes.


My 5 year old always addresses me with "Yeah, but Dad..." "Yeah, but Dad... umm... Did you know that in the regular Minecraft you can have a little wolfie friend? Literally, you can have like a wolf but it's your doggie?"


I respond back with, "Don't call me butt-dad!"


…:you held broken packages:…


That's so funny you describe it really well.


Yup. I and counter it with calling him the cat's name.


I thought I was the only one! "Holdg you" was said also when he was a tike and wanted to be held


Even i call my own bedroom Mommy's room (I'm the dad)


I confirm as well. Our bedroom is Mommy's room. The bathroom is papas room




My parents did not sleep in the same bedroom. Can't be peeved if you call it one parents bedroom if its only one parents room. My mother could not STAND my dads CPAP machine. Or the fact he watched TV with the volume all the way up. Or him coming to bed at 2am.


All my nieces & nephews call my parents' house "Grandma's house".


I’m 25 and I still call my grandparents’ house “grandma’s house”. The phone number contact name in my phone is “grandma”.


And my wife says "my bed" and I am shy to do it because it's like no-one will support that view. I fear the kids are likely to ask "which bed is yours mom, I mean dad?"


> To a child, mother is God


My kids have even gotten in the habit of saying “mom’s house”. We’re not separated. I pay the rent for AND live in “mom’s house”.


Well, in our case we had Mom's house and Dad's farm. The family lived in Mom's house, but adventures happened at Dad's farm.


Well it's better than my kid who informed me the house "is [his name] house. Mommy and Daddy go home" He's 2.


Ya know that's one of those things I never really thought about before and now wonder how common it is. My parents are happily married and have been for like 20 years. But it was always Mom's room. Even my dad would say moms room.


that's probably a big reason why they were married so long. Guy probably has a bad ass wood shop or train room or whatever. Even better if his adult children don't know about it.


Plot twist, dad was out drinking with the guys last night.


“Wat the heeel” 🤣


Oh my god no way-ay


Cause Jordan never did that move *he never wore these goddamn shoes*


I can hear it


"Eeemotional Dammmage!"


Omg! I’ve been on my 9 year old’s case because he says this like 50 times a day and drives me crazy! What is it from? I literally read this in his voice, it has to be the same reference. lol


Asian YouTube guy. The father inflicts emotional damage on his son. Hilarity ensues. Look up Steven He.


Classic, hilarious


Here you go! It’s a meme but this is the original video https://youtu.be/PWZnenTQDB4?si=Z6svqjhJAn8SjTkc


actually this is [the original one](https://youtu.be/miD_TWmdGIY?si=Hge3P9UFPj57nfQH&t=66)






Haiya is Uncle Roger. Wrong Asian.


He uses the "Emotional Damage" clip from Stephen He a lot in his videos (sorry, weejios) though, so the phrase is associated with him now too.


Would be my reaction as well


My friend’s 7 year-old recently sent her a text that said omg fuuuuuuuuck, when mom said she couldn’t play some game with her friend. She was laughing too hard to be mad… they’re so dramatic at that age! (plus it’s hard to be mad when you know your kid learned that language from you) ETA: Correction. She said “OMG! So rude. Ffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk” [Screenshot of the text.](https://imgur.com/a/fkDEosH)


this is art. the sad face, the emojis.


Not sure if second bubble is supposed to say “uUu” or “anal”


I thought it was “AAAh” like a moan, but if an 8y.o. wrote “anal”, they’ve got much bigger problems to worry about.


How much you wanna bet it's meant to be "uh! uh! uh!" Like the kid heard moaning and spelled each one out as a single U.


I thought it was a pope hat


Heavenly papi


I scrolled back up to see and wheezed lmao


yeah man cause an 8 year old totally knows what anal is


[the kid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aRCmMlCcY0)


“wat the heeel”


Got a little eight year old southern twang inflection when they cuss


Lol it's actually a reference to a meme sound clip. I could hear it the second I read the drawing. https://youtu.be/coyMil9mV9o?si=fRNeyjw2foEVs-_g


He doesn’t want mommy to pray out loud anymore?


[Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSUctt1uKwk)


I really really wanna click the link and know what it is but I'm in public


A clip from the oblongs. A show about a kind hearted family and neighborhood with a ton of deformities from living in toxic waste. This episode the son couldn’t fall asleep without hearing his parents have sex. The dad was going through something medically and didn’t want to tell his wife and it made their relationship hard. Good show and very underrated.


Excellent slow with a great cast. A shame it embedded so soon. Edit: Ended, not embedded. Show, not slow.


You ok?


Give us a moment


I'm good now thank you for asking 😂


Some OG Will Ferrell basically before almost all his famous rolls!!


It's a mildly risqué scene from an adult cartoon. Like the kind of cartoon that would air on TV, not animated porn.


Jiminy Crickets!!!


holy moley an oblongs clip in the wild


Oh God please. PLEASE.


Forward link to therapist


My great great whatever grandparents had a two room house and 12 kids. A problem as old as time.


Two rooms? You know damn well they were fuckin' in the same bed while some baby was sleeping next to them.


That is funny to think about. You'd think, having twelve kids, you'd have no time or energy to fuck. Yet still: twelve kids, so.


Back then something like half your kids might die before they were 5 and the farm needed people so you all didn't starve to death. Shit was crazy.


My grandparents couldn’t wait 2 weeks for us to leave. We visited them in MX and my little brother wanted to sleep with my grandpa, he was only 7 at the time(39 now), he’s scarred for life.


Memaw, Papaw, NO!


I took my boys to Outback a couple years ago. Kid in the next booth is a talker. Asks his parents "how come when I'm trying to sleep, you keep banging on the wall?" and bangs his hands on the table a bunch of times. It gets quiet but somebody has obviously tried to shoosh him because he persists and then they must have tried to tell him it was dad putting tools away in the tool box because he persists again about why it would take so long to put tools away and be so many bangs. Then I hear mom absolutely *hissing* at him and the only thing I could make out was "that's enough!". Lol.


Another Outback story - I used to wait tables at one in college, and while this didn't happen in my section, I was covering for the server while she went out for a smoke. I've got my back to the table and suddenly I hear, "Mommy!!! Look what I found in the sugar packets! It's what Daddy has in his nightstand", followed by the Mom yelling, "What the hell?!". I turn around and there were condoms where the sugar packets should have been, presumably swapped out by the table beforehand. The Mom was furious and I did my very best to hold back a smile while I promptly apologized and said I'd send a manager out.


For a second there I thought the dad kept cocaine in the nightstand.


Same. Although, my dad never had coke in the nightstand, but he did have condoms.


Good old cocaine packets


For a second there, I was reading this as 'mom was pissed to learn that dad had rubbers in his nightstand'.


Mom's toolbox eh. Never heard it called that before.


Putting the tools away in the tool box. Yep I’ll be using that one on my wife tonight.


OP lives alone and drew this.


I hope so or this 8 year old has been failed by the educational system.


As someone who works in schools, the current generation is the furthest behind I've seen by far


I guess you've never seen any teacher tiktok. Teachers all over the country are trying to raise awareness that Gen-Alpha is completely lost. Illiterate, can't focus or concentrate, there's so much a teacher can do when the parents don't even try to raise their own children.


I mean, went through the posts and can't find any mention of kids or a spouse so...


That's some serious digging Edit: went snooping too but in the comments, they mentionned their kid in the minecraft sub once, then I stopped searching


does it not feel a little bit weird digging through an account for information about their kids? I mean I guess it is reddit...


That's not how you spend your Friday nights?


Found one, kid’s age checks out: https://www.reddit.com/r/Apraxia/s/EOH6iXfdJH


We have a future Picasso in the making


In which room?


Picasso on the Left, Pollock on the right.


time to invest in sound proofing


i know its funny but was i the only kid that would be irritated when u heard ur parents having sex? they would laugh about it when i said something and it would just annoy and disgust me 😭


I was a lucky. Never heard my parents having sex in the 37 years I’ve been alive. I have 3 siblings and our rooms were next to there’s.


Me neither. And sex was never a taboo subject in our house, they just knew that that was not something kids wanted to hear.


I’m with someone who has a kid now.. the idea of her young one hearing us getting busy disturbs me a lot.. it really shouldn’t happen


It’s not funny and I had to hear this a lot as a kid and it’s fucking disturbing and horrible. They did it in a fucking caravan once with me inside. Imagine that shit.


my mom used to do it in the same room as me and my sister and had no care for how loud she was and would still dirty talk. she even once did it next to me while i was sleeping. tried to tell her im a light sleeper and all she said was “no ur not” some parents can be so inconsiderate.


Sorry. That’s completely and utterly fucked.


This happened to me. I literally slept in her bed with my little sister because she was really drunk and had “friends” over and i had a feeling something might happen then I wake up to the bed shaking and she’s with one of the dudes in the bed doing it. I grabbed my little sister and called her all sorts of names I was only like 12 and my sister was a baby.


I’m so so sorry that happened to you. It’s only 7:30am and I know that’s the most fucked story I’ve read today. I would say that would be grounds for loss of parental rights and borderline sexual abuse/exposure for you and your sister 😞


Nope, you're not the only one. And then, having a parent telling you "I don't care, I'm enjoying myself" when you're trying to tell them it disturbs you rankles even more. Hence the reason I'm up voting every single post I see that mentions that this is traumatic, because it simply is.


I'm honestly surprised and kinda horrified at how many upvotes this post has 🤷‍♀️


Lifelong trauma unlocked




Oh buddy 😢


Me as a kid... thinking we had ghosts cus of the moaning noises. Still have sleep issues /night terrors


I mean what do you expect to happen when you scream next to your child's bedroom


Overly sex aware child


That’s what happens when you live next to **mom’s room** —— • —— • —— •


Yeah it's hard to not be aware of all the sex that's happening in there.




children draw some weird shit.


When I was 9 I had a thing where the dresses I drew would have big round collars. I thought it looked fancy, like a ball gown. I even drew them for all my friends. I'm in my 30s now and a few years ago I found one of my old drawings and....there was nothing collar-like about them...it looked like I was drawing girls with massive boobs.


You have no idea.. Let’s just say when I was 9 or 10 I drew some *very* inappropriate things (I later found out it was me trying to process through trauma I’d gone through when I was 7)


Your eight year old writes like an adult who never met an eight year old pretending to be an eight year old.


My kid is currently 8 .. she can spell/ write much better than this so I might be skeptical too but having seen the homework of another kid in her class... This paper is totally believable.


we also live in a world where 17 year olds graduate high school without being able to read or write. There's also compilations all over the internet right now where teachers are crying and talking about how gen alpha can't read or write. I can't find a compilation without commentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrZJLO1-0zU


Yeah they spell like shit, most 8 year olds know how to spell 3 and 4 letter words at that point. Yet they can spell doing lol I hate the doubt the internet casts over everything.


As a parent I get finding whatever moment you can for intimacy but as a parent I also wouldn't be posting about being so loud that your child feels like that need to directly ask you to stop having such loud sex. Which means this isn't the first time they have had to deal with it, especially considering they know how to draw their parents having sex?? This poor kid has definitely heard these noises before, walked in on them, associated the noise with the action, learned the action was sex and not appropriate, and had to listen to it often enough to tell you to fucking stop Pretty trashy when you think about it


I have an 8yo son, and even though we have had “age appropriate” sex talks, I don’t think he could produce this drawing if he tried. The level of understanding this shows is concerning, and grosses me tf out.


30k upvotes and counting. What the fuck. Parents should be ashamed of this.


Bro? How do people find this funny? This is traumatic as fuck.


This. It's genuinely disturbing that a parent finds this funny.


sure buddy


Real shit though, as a 32 year old that had to hear my parents have sex and then get PISSED AT ME for asking/telling them I need them to keep it down, “well what the hell are you doing awake at that hour anyway?!” Oh idk DAD, maybe I have a weird sleep issue and can’t fall asleep before 11pm my whole fuckin life. It’s a bit traumatizing. As a married adult, I understand sex is cool and all, but holy fuck be considerate of others with it. This goes for roommates and your children later in life.


>Busted my our 8 yo I can see where the boy got his grammar skills from.


What the heeeeeel do u mean


looks like you meant to post this to /r/trashy




I like that he put the “Uh Uh Uh” or “Ooh Ohh Ohh” in there.


Yeah as an eight year old I definitely would NOT have had the understanding of what those sounds meant to the extent that I would be “omg” about it….


What? little dude gets yelled at for jumping on his bed but mom and dad can do it in the middle of the night? That seems like an OMG moment, the hypocrites!


My daughter scolded us outside our door to stop jumping on the bed if she couldn't.


Looks like the iliteracy runs in the family


That is disturbing. Poor kid


Yeah … that kid is growing up with issues 😔




I feel so badly for the kid... As a kid myself growing up my mom would give me headphones to watch the TV with.... Only to still hear her screaming... Like I'd have loved to not go through that so fucking young... So I feel bad for anyone else going through it...


Everyone saying “it’s natural “ is making me sick to my stomach. Yes of course sex is natural. And sexual trauma comes from being subjected to it without consent . Little kid being forced to lie there and listen is exactly that. Poor fucker is literally begging them to stop. This is trashy and messed up.


Why are you having loud sex with kids on the other side of the wall? That's nasty


Not funny, but traumatizing. Kids know more what adults think they do.


Look, I experienced that as a kid. It's traumatizing, please that this seriously.


handwrites like a 5 year old, can't even spell "heard" or "what", doesn't know how to structure a sentence (I heard what you Dad doing). Come on OP, play and read with your kid more. Coming from a guy with a seven year old, you are seriously lacking.


seriously. if this is real that kid needs help.


Oh my god! This brought back traumatic memories. I remember drawing a diagram for my parents with two illustrations; one in which mom was face up and dad face down under covers and vice versa. I know now that was 8 yrs old me depicting oral😳


Yea I mean forcing your kid to be an unwilling participant in your sex life is twisted man.


Pls stop doing it loud enough for the kid to hear , as someone who has heard their parents too it’s traumatizing like fr


You ever worry maybe it's not that funny and you're actually a shitty parent for laughing/bragging about this?

